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Jaguar Pounces on Child Predators

To accelerate the acquisition of information needed to arrest child predators, law enforcement officers have teamed with data analytics experts at ORNL for a project that will use Jaguar to speedily analyze the activities on file-sharing networks that pinpoint porn producers.
Dawn Levy
November 19, 2010

ORNL Supercomputers Help Studies of Supernovas, Space

Image showing the asymmetric and turbulent flame that has consumed a white dwarf star in a type Ia supernova explosion. (Image credit: Daniel Kasen, UCSC) Researchers use Jaguar to simulate ignition in type Ia supernova explosions. Type Ia supernovas are the largest thermonuclear explosions in nature, expelling mass greater than…
OLCF Staff Writer
September 28, 2009

Quantum Spin Doctors Dissect Exotic States of Matter

When German physicist Max Planck created quantum theory in 1900, he was not trying to revolutionize the world. He was just trying to provide a theoretical foundation for the way a heated object radiates energy and, thereby, to improve the efficiency of light bulbs. Modern scientists, too, cannot know which…
Leo Williams
May 14, 2008