There are three pathways to apply for time on ORNL’s supercomputing resources:
1. Director’s Discretionary Allocation: Allocations (up to 20,000 node hours of compute time) for high impact science and engineering problems that exceed a company’s internal computing capabilities; scaling, and application performance to maximize productivity on OLCF resources; preparation for ALCC and INCITE applications (see below). Apply year-round.
Director’s Discretionary Application
2. ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge (ALCC): Larger high-risk, high-payoff simulations that are directly related to the DOE mission (such as advancing energy efficiency), and for broadening the community of researchers capable of using leadership computing resources. Annual call for proposals.
ALCC Information and Application
3. INCITE: Computationally intensive, large-scale research projects pursuing transformational advances in science and engineering through the use of a substantial allocation of computer time and data storage or that require the unique leadership-class architectural infrastructure. Applicants must present evidence that their proposed production simulations can make effective use of a significant fraction, in most cases 20 percent or more, of the high-performance computing (HPC) systems offered for allocation. Annual call for proposals.
INCITE Website
Additional information about these programs can be found on our “Getting Started” page.