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Experts in Scientific Domains and Computation

The Science Engagement section partners NCCS users with experts in scientific domains and computation to obtain optimal scientific results from the center’s computational resources and systems. The members of this section include experts in the chemical and materials sciences; in nuclear physics, such as nuclear structure and quantum chromodynamics; in high energy physics, such as particle physics; in astrophysics, such as stellar evolution and cosmology; and in climate science, geophysics, biology, biomedical sciences, and engineering. Additionally, this section works to improve algorithms and application performance.

Vision: To become the thought leaders of science in the evolving high-performance computing landscape.

Mission: In partnership with our users, we accelerate scientific discovery using our extensive domain and computing expertise.

Section Head

Tom Beck

Section Head, Science Engagement

    Science Engagement Groups

    Advanced Computing for Chemistry & Materials

    Explore Group

    Advanced Computing for Nuclear, Particle, & Astrophysics

    Explore Group

    Advanced Computing for Life Sciences & Engineering

    Explore Group

    Algorithms & Performance Analysis

    Explore Group

    Quantum HPC

    Explore Group

    Latest Highlights


    Study Seeks to Unite High-Performance Computing, Quantum Computing for Science

    A study by more than a dozen scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory examines potential strategies…
    Matt LakinMatt LakinAugust 28, 20246 min
    Researcher Giuseppe Barca looks at a molecular dynamics simulation on a computer screen.

    Game-Changing Quantum Chemistry Calculations Push New Boundaries of Exascale Frontier

    The world’s most powerful supercomputer has raised the bar for calculating the number of atoms in a molecular dynamics simulation…
    Jeremy RumseyJeremy RumseyJuly 17, 20248 min

    New Clues to Improving Fusion Confinement

    Nuclear fusion — when two nuclei combine to form a new nucleus, thereby releasing energy — may be the clean,…
    Coury TurczynCoury TurczynJune 24, 20247 min