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ECP Software TechnologyTechnology

Exascale’s New Frontier: ADIOS

PI: Scott Klasky, Oak Ridge National Laboratory In 2016, the Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP) set out to develop advanced software for the arrival of exascale-class supercomputers capable of a quintillion (1018) or more calculations per second. That leap meant rethinking, reinventing, and optimizing dozens of scientific applications…
Coury Turczyn
May 20, 2024
ADIOS team ORNLTechnology

Adaptable IO System Delivers the Data

Amid the challenges that the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility faced in assembling and launching the world’s first exascale-class (more than a quintillion calculations per second) supercomputer, Frontier, one key component was hitch-free. Integral to Frontier’s functionality is its ability to store the vast amounts of data…
Coury Turczyn
April 29, 2024

UnifyFS Team Wins IPDPS Award for Open-Source Software

A research team from the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories won the first Best Open-Source Contribution Award for its paper at the 37th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, or IPDPS, which was held in St. Petersburg, Florida, on May 15-19. The paper, “UnifyFS:…
Betsy Sonewald
June 30, 2023
Three men stand in front of the Frontier supercomputer with the Frontier logo in the backgroundTechnology

LLNL, ORNL Unite for UnifyFS

A multi-institution team is celebrating the latest software release that supports the use of distributed node-local storage devices for high-performance computing (HPC) applications. The software is an important piece of the hierarchical storage system required on modern, large-scale HPC systems and offers a unified shared namespace over distributed storage resources…
Betsy Sonewald
November 1, 2022

ATS Seminar Series: Anthony Kougkas

The Advanced Technologies Section (ATS) of the National Center for Computational Sciences at ORNL is a world leader in developing and deploying scientific and technical solutions for leadership-class computing environments. The R&D activities of ATS are organized around designing and deploying leadership class systems, developing artificial intelligence solutions for science…
Katie Bethea
July 6, 2021

OLCF Announces Storage Specifications for Frontier Exascale System

A newly enhanced I/O subsystem will support the nation’s first exascale supercomputer and the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF), a US Department of Energy high-performance computing user facility. The OLCF announced storage specifications for their pioneering HPE Cray Frontier supercomputer, an exascale-class system set to power up by year’s…
Matt Lakin
May 20, 2021

OLCF-Fermilab Collaboration Gives ADIOS a Boost

Researchers at US Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories frequently transfer files between experimental and observational facilities, their home institutions, and computational facilities like the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF), a DOE Office of Science User Facility located at DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Moving large files between…
Rachel McDowell
September 28, 2016

A Helping Hand

For many researchers, Titan is only part of the picture; managing and understanding data are quickly becoming as important as the simulations that create it.
Scott Jones
November 11, 2014

Investigating the Earth’s Inner Workings

Princeton's Jeroen Tromp is part of a team using Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL’s) Titan supercomputer, to reveal the Earth’s inner workings via adjoint tomography simulations, or monitoring the interaction of a forward wavefield, in which the waves travel from the source to the receivers, and an “adjoint” wavefield in…
Scott Jones
November 11, 2014