For the second straight year, the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility’s (OLCF’s) Annual Report has been selected as an award winner by Graphic Design USA and the Volunteer Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).
Forge, a combination of the Allinea DDT and MAP software tools, will continue to provide users at the OLCF with the debugging capability of DDT while adding the MAP software.
Jack Wells, OLCF Director of Science, will serve as one of three instructors at the 2015 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit to be held Nov. 29 in Boston, Mass.
John Campbell, CSP, the safety professional assigned to the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility , will be recognized this week by the National Safety Council as one of its Rising Stars of Safety. Campbell is being named to the 2015 “40 Under 40” class.
Tiny Titan was featured prominently this spring at the US Department of Energy National Science Bowl at the National 4-H Conference Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland.
OLCF team members Fernanda Foertter, Oscar Hernandez, and Markus Eisenbach served as hosts for the OpenACC meeting at DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
The OLCF's recent CUDA upgrade fosters unified memory function that improves memory management between the CPUs and GPUs and also provides the benefit of globally shared data. The upgrade is a true win–win for the OLCF and its users.
OLCF's Tjerk Straatsma, recently announced the 13 projects selected for OLCF’s Center for Accelerated Application Readiness (CAAR) Program during the International Data Corporation’s (IDC’s) High-Performance Computing (HPC) User Forum in Norfolk, Virginia lat month.
A new data quality assurance tool developed by the Technology Integration Group at the OLCF will help protect that data by validating the integrity of the High Performance Storage System (HPSS) archive.