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artificial intelligence


Protein Design on Demand

Researchers used the world’s fastest supercomputer to train an artificial intelligence model to draw up blueprints for the building blocks of life. The study earned the multi-institutional team a finalist nomination for the Association for Computing Machinery’s Gordon Bell Prize, which honors innovation in applying high-performance computing to applications in science,…
Matt Lakin
November 14, 2024
The Frontier HPE-Cray EX SupercomputerScienceTechnology

Visionary Report Unveils Ambitious Roadmap to Harness the Power of AI in Scientific Discovery

Innovations in artificial intelligence are rapidly shaping our world, from virtual assistants and chatbots to self-driving cars and automated manufacturing. Seizing on the potential of AI to transform science, the nation’s leading experts in science and technology have released a blueprint for the United States to accelerate progress by expanding its capabilities…
Scott Jones
June 13, 2023
ORNL Gremlin teamTechnology

ORNL Researchers Earn R&D 100 Award for AI Technology

Gremlin, software developed by researchers at the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to identify weaknesses in neural networks, has been recognized with a 2022 R&D 100 Award in the Software/Services category. Neural networks are algorithms used to recognize patterns in datasets of text, images, or…
Coury Turczyn
September 28, 2022

ATS Seminar Series: Martin Foltin and Rangan Sukumar

The Advanced Technologies Section (ATS) of the National Center for Computational Sciences at ORNL is a world leader in developing and deploying scientific and technical solutions for leadership-class computing environments. The R&D activities of ATS are organized around designing and deploying leadership class systems, developing artificial intelligence solutions for science…
Betsy Sonewald
July 6, 2022
Simulation of a planeIndustryScienceTechnology

Speeding up simulations

Artificial intelligence has transformed industrial research and development in recent decades during what scientists call "the AI revolution." The technology enables detailed simulations and high-speed modeling that can streamline the journey from drawing board to production line by speeding up or cutting out costly, time-consuming steps to a practical working…
Matt Lakin
June 13, 2022

Supercomputing Exposes Potential Pathways for Inhibiting COVID-19

To explore the inner workings of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2, researchers from the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory developed a novel technique. The team — including computational scientists Debsindhu Bhowmik, Serena Chen and John Gounley — ran molecular dynamics simulations of the novel virus…
Elizabeth Rosenthal
January 25, 2022

Thinking outside the Black Box

A study led by scientists at the US Department of Energy's (DOE's) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) plumbs the depths of deep learning and could connect the digital synapses toward better, more reliable artificial-intelligence (AI) models. The research team from ORNL and the National Energy Technology Laboratory used Summit, the…
Matt Lakin
January 6, 2022

OLCF’s Advanced Technologies Section Hosts Seminar Series

The Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility’s (OLCF’s) Advanced Technologies Section (ATS) is hosting a series of seminars on topics relevant to its section groups and beyond. On the second and fourth Mondays of each month, speakers from various research disciplines across the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Oak Ridge National Laboratory…
Rachel McDowell
August 31, 2021

ATS Seminar Series: David Womble

The Advanced Technologies Section (ATS) of the National Center for Computational Sciences at ORNL is a world leader in developing and deploying scientific and technical solutions for leadership-class computing environments. The R&D activities of ATS are organized around designing and deploying leadership class systems, developing artificial intelligence solutions for science…
Katie Bethea
August 18, 2021
ORNL’s Sergei Kalinin and Rama Vasudevan (foreground) use scanning probe microscopy to study bulk ferroelectricity and surface electrochemistry -- and generate a lot of data. Credit: Jason Richards/ORNL, U.S. Dept. of EnergyScience

ORNL’s Superb Materials Expertise, Data and AI Tools Propel Progress

At the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, scientists use artificial intelligence, or AI, to accelerate the discovery and development of materials for energy and information technologies. “AI gives scientists the ability to extract insights from an ever-expanding volume of data,” said David Womble, ORNL’s AI program director. “New AI…
Dawn Levy
May 5, 2021
Image Credit: iStockScience

From Simulation to Automation in a Data-Rich World

In a farewell nod to Titan, scheduled to be decommissioned in August 2019, we present a short series of features highlighting some of Titan’s impactful contributions to scientific research. Long before the first computers were invented, intelligent robots appeared in myths, stories, and other works of fiction. In recent years,…
Rachel McDowell
August 29, 2019

ORNL Staff Plug into Tech Day

Last month, the US Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) Tech Day 2019 put federal agencies’ emerging technologies on display for the public, highlighting developments in 3D printing, cybersecurity, virtual reality, and more. Researchers from the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) were among the participants in the…
Rachel McDowell
June 12, 2019

Summit by the Numbers

Download the high-resolution file. The US Department of Energy’s Summit supercomputer located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory enables scientists to simulate complex physical systems and make predictions critical to advancing research and development. Summit’s “smart” architecture merges GPU acceleration and dense local memory to support expanding applications in data science…
Katie Elyce Jones
June 8, 2018

Infographic: Summit will be the world’s smartest supercomputer for open science

Download the high-resolution file. Summit provides unprecedented opportunities for the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and scientific discovery. Here’s why: GPU Brawn: Summit links more than 27,000 deep-learning optimized NVIDIA GPUs with the potential to deliver exascale-level performance (a billion billion calculations per second) for AI applications. High-speed Data Movement:…
Jonathan Hines
March 26, 2018