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SLAC LINACTechnology

ORNL and SLAC Team Up for Breakthrough Biology Projects

Plans to unite the capabilities of two cutting-edge technological facilities funded by the Department of Energy’s Office of Science promise to usher in a new era of dynamic structural biology. Through DOE’s Integrated Research Infrastructure, or IRI, initiative, the facilities will complement each other’s technologies in the pursuit of science…
Coury Turczyn
May 6, 2024
bradykinin ORNLScience

Lab Experiments Support the COVID-19 Bradykinin Storm Theory

A new paper published in Nature Communications adds further evidence to the bradykinin storm theory of COVID-19’s viral pathogenesis—a theory that was posited 2 years ago by a team of researchers led by Systems Biologist Dan Jacobson at the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). At…
Coury Turczyn
September 14, 2022