The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science announced 59 projects for 2014, sharing nearly 6 billion core hours on two of America’s fastest supercomputers dedicated to open science.
Researchers simulating high-temperature superconductors has topped 15 petaflops on ORNL’s Titan supercomputer. More importantly, they did it with an algorithm that substantially overcomes two major roadblocks to realistic superconductor modeling.
Scientists from Germany’s HZDR–Dresden used Titan, the most powerful supercomputer in the United States located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, to simulate billions of particles in two passing plasma jet streams.
The OLCF delivered more than 374 million supercomputer core hours to 17 projects through the Department of Energy's ALCC program—76 million hours more than expected.
A simulation of the internal workings of cells has reached a sustained performance of 20,000 trillion calculations per second, or 20 petaflops, on the Titan supercomputer at ORNL.
The OLCF recently relocated the center’s archive tape library to a centralized location with a more controlled environment, resulting in better overall availability and uptime for OLCF system users and better resiliency of the media.
Researchers are using DOE’s most powerful computing systems, including the nation’s top-ranked machine, ORNL's Titan, to simulate the evolution of the universe as it expands across billions of years.