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OLCF Staff to Win Big at Awards Night

By November 1, 2013People2 min read

OLCF’s Hack and Barker acknowledged for leadership

Jim Hack

Jim Hack

The Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility’s (OLCF’s) James Hack and Ashley Barker will be honored at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL’s) annual Awards Night in November.

The awards recognize laboratory personnel whose leadership efforts have positively impacted ORNL and contractor UT-Battelle.

Hack, the director of the National Center for Computational Sciences, won the “R&D Leadership: Director Level” award.

“Jim has done an outstanding job keeping ORNL at the forefront of breakthrough computational science,” according to the nomination document. “His leadership has been instrumental in the deployment of Titan, which was the fastest science-dedicated supercomputer in the world last year.”

Hack is also the founding director of the Climate Change Science Institute, which integrates scientific projects in modeling, observations, and experimentation with ORNL’s powerful computational and informatics capabilities. He manages a diverse staff of more than 70 computational scientists and communications experts.

He is also a noteworthy scientist who is currently the lead investigator on three Department of Energy–funded projects.

Ashley Barker

Ashley Barker

Barker, the group leader for the OLCF’s User Assistance and Outreach (UAO) group, is to receive the “Administrative and Operations Leadership: Group Level” award.

“Ashley has developed into a highly effective leader and innovative manager,” according to the nomination document. “She deploys technical resources in the support and education of our broad community of users and stakeholders.”

Barker is involved with the OLCF web presence, which highlights science, technology and people. Her group also offers users an evolving and robust knowledge base with support information and an innovative series of training workshops. —Jennifer Brouner