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Summit Study Fathoms Troubled Waters of Ocean Turbulence

Simulations performed on the Summit supercomputer at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory revealed new insights into the role of turbulence in mixing fluids and could open new possibilities for projecting climate change and studying fluid dynamics. The study, published in the Journal of Turbulence, used Summit to…
Matt Lakin
June 13, 2023

Learning With the Flow

The bigger the swirl, the bigger the problem — and the bigger the computing power needed to solve it. Computational fluid dynamics researchers have spent decades studying how liquids and gases flow in and around such machinery as airplane wings, propeller blades and jet engines in search of faster speeds…
Matt Lakin
May 19, 2023

A New Parallel Strategy for Tackling Turbulence on Summit

Turbulence, the state of disorderly fluid motion, is a scientific puzzle of great complexity. Turbulence permeates many applications in science and engineering, including combustion, pollutant transport, weather forecasting, astrophysics, and more. One of the challenges facing scientists who simulate turbulence lies in the wide range of scales they must capture…
OLCF Staff Writer
November 13, 2019