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The OLCF’s 2024 in Review

High-performance computing pushed the boundaries of what’s possible in 2024, driving advancements across a range of disciplines. Partnerships with top academic, industrial and government institutions led to major contributions in fields such as quantum molecular mechanics and aviation. The year also saw groundbreaking research honored at leading conferences, underscoring the…
Angela Gosnell
December 19, 2024
Three men stand in front of the Frontier supercomputer with the Frontier logo in the backgroundTechnology

LLNL, ORNL Unite for UnifyFS

A multi-institution team is celebrating the latest software release that supports the use of distributed node-local storage devices for high-performance computing (HPC) applications. The software is an important piece of the hierarchical storage system required on modern, large-scale HPC systems and offers a unified shared namespace over distributed storage resources…
Betsy Sonewald
November 1, 2022
Simulation of a planeIndustryScienceTechnology

Speeding up simulations

Artificial intelligence has transformed industrial research and development in recent decades during what scientists call "the AI revolution." The technology enables detailed simulations and high-speed modeling that can streamline the journey from drawing board to production line by speeding up or cutting out costly, time-consuming steps to a practical working…
Matt Lakin
June 13, 2022

Protecting Big Data

The OLCF recently relocated the center’s archive tape library to a centralized location with a more controlled environment, resulting in better overall availability and uptime for OLCF system users and better resiliency of the media.
OLCF Staff Writer
November 6, 2013

MADNESS Named R&D 100 Winner

OLCF researchers a part of team recognized for work on software package A team led by ORNL’s Robert Harrison has been awarded an R&D 100 Award by R&D Magazine. The team’s award stems from the development of the Multiresolution Adaptive Numerical Environment for Scientific Simulations, or MADNESS, submitted and developed…
Scott Jones
June 29, 2011

The Flight of the Electrons

Purdue researchers break petaflop barrier with study of electrons in computer chips A team led by Gerhard Klimeck of Purdue University has broken the petascale barrier while addressing a relatively old problem in the very young field of computer chip design. Using Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Jaguar supercomputer, Klimeck and…
Leo Williams
February 1, 2011