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OLCF Brings Petascale Computing to 2017 APS March Meeting

National Center for Computational Sciences Director of Science Jack Wells co-organized a focus session called “Computational Physics at the Petascale and Beyond” at the APS March Meeting 2017 to bring high-performance computing topics to the largest gathering of physicists in the world. For staff at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing…
Rachel McDowell
May 9, 2017

ORNL/UTK Team Maps the Nuclear Landscape

An ORNL and University of Tennessee team has used the Department of Energy's Jaguar supercomputer to calculate the number of isotopes allowed by the laws of physics. The team’s results are presented in the June 28 issue of the journal Nature.
Leo Williams
June 27, 2012

ORNL Supercomputers Help Studies of Supernovas, Space

Image showing the asymmetric and turbulent flame that has consumed a white dwarf star in a type Ia supernova explosion. (Image credit: Daniel Kasen, UCSC) Researchers use Jaguar to simulate ignition in type Ia supernova explosions. Type Ia supernovas are the largest thermonuclear explosions in nature, expelling mass greater than…
OLCF Staff Writer
September 28, 2009