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Gravitational Waves

core-collapse supernovaScience

Reaching a New Summit for Supernova Simulations

As a result of largescale 3D supernova simulations conducted on the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility’s Summit supercomputer by researchers from the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, astrophysicists now have the most complete picture yet of what gravitational waves from exploding stars look like. This is critical…
Coury Turczyn
June 27, 2023

DOE and NCSA Supercomputing Speed Studies into Black Hole Origins

Five years ago this month, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, or LIGO, made its first detection of gravitational waves, marking a historic event in the astrophysics community. Since then, LIGO has reported more than 50 gravitational wave observations. Often generated by collisions of compact astrophysical objects—such as black holes or…
Katie Bethea
September 23, 2020