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Schematic diagrams showing possible quark propagation channels in pion-pion scattering relevant for the sigma meson.Science

Researchers Seek Sigma Meson on the Path to Heavier Hadrons

Schematic diagrams showing possible quark propagation channels in pion-pion scattering relevant for the sigma meson. Often, researchers aim for a distant horizon with respect to their research goals. When they get there, they plot their course for the next far-off landmark. Throughout the 20th century, researchers tried to understand the…
Eric Gedenk
June 5, 2017

The Ins and Outs of QCD

Robert Edwards, a researcher and senior staff member at JLab is the principal investigator for a group researching particle physics at the OLCF. The team’s ALCC project focused on running quarks through the gluon field and analyzing how their position in space–time is affected by the different configurations.
Christie Thiessen
July 7, 2015