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neutron scattering

configurational ensemble (a collection of 3D structures) of an intrinsically disordered proteinScience

Titan Supercomputer and Spallation Neutron Source Unite to Probe the Inner Workings of c-Src kinase

Proteins are the workhorses of our body’s cells, performing vital functions we can’t live without—everything from helping form antibodies to transporting nutrients to providing structure for the cells themselves. The individual role of each protein can be determined by studying its unique three-dimensional structure. However, one particular class of protein…
Coury Turczyn
October 3, 2019

OLCF Postdoc Fuses the Gap Between Experiment and Computation

Ada Sedova, a postdoctoral research associate at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF), develops computational calculations for supercomputing codes. In front of the OLCF’s Titan supercomputer, Sedova displays a spectrum from her experimental work, measuring the vibrational frequency of nucleobases (bases of DNA and RNA) at the Spallation Neutron…
Katie Elyce Jones
October 31, 2017