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The OLCF to Mentor Interns Competing at SC19

This year, the Department of Energy (DOE)’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) will be hosting a team at the 13th Student Cluster Competition (SCC) in Denver, CO. Developed in 2007 and integrated within the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC Conference), the SCC gives undergraduate…
Will Wells
November 13, 2019
Four of the seven featured ADW interns (left to right): Shuto Araki, Emily Costa, Yuya Kawakami, and Sajal Dash.People

Summer Interns Gain Hands-On Experience at Massive Scale

Each year, the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) welcomes a new group of summer interns from a wide range of backgrounds. Through opportunities offered by the lab and Oak Ridge Associated Universities, these interns are given a unique educational and professional opportunity that introduces them…
Will Wells
August 29, 2019

Augmented Reality Technology Shows Promise for Summit Surveillance

Researchers are taking 3D holograms beyond science fiction theatrics with recent advances in augmented reality (AR) techniques. During their summer internships at the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Cooper Colglazier and Jesse Vomfell investigated how AR could be effectively applied to study various aspects of…
Elizabeth Rosenthal
November 5, 2018

Summer Internships Offer Students Hands-On Experience, Mentorship

OLCF interns are serving in programming, communications, and operations positions, and more. Since 1946, Oak Ridge Associated Universities and the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have partnered to provide internships in subject areas ranging from climate research to nuclear nonproliferation policy. In these 71 years,…
Josh Cunningham
August 9, 2017