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TFIIH protein complexScience

New Insights Into a Shapeshifting Protein Complex

Transcription factor IIH, or TFIIH, pronounced “TF two H,” is a veritable workhorse among the protein complexes that control human cell activity. It plays critical roles both in transcription — the highly regulated enzymatic synthesis of RNA from a DNA template — and in the repair of damaged DNA. But…
Coury Turczyn
July 7, 2023

Summit Charts a Course to Uncover the Origins of Genetic Diseases A visualization of a new structure of the human PIC. The spheres correspond to the positions of patient-derived mutations color-coded by disease phenotype. Video credit: Ivaylo Ivanov, Georgia State University. Environmental conditions, lifestyle choices, chemical exposure, and foodborne and airborne pathogens are among the external factors that can cause…