The Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, a Department of Energy Office of Science user facility at DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is pleased to announce a new allocation program for computing time on the IBM AC922 Summit supercomputer.
The program, called SummitPLUS, will provide allocations to computationally ready projects and run from January to October 2024. Applications for SummitPLUS are open and will run through Oct. 30, 2023. Subject matter experts in computational and computer sciences will review the applications, and awardees will be notified in November 2023.
Summit debuted in 2018 at No.1 on the TOP500 list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers with a peak performance of 200 petaflops. Since then, nearly 5,000 users have used Summit to conduct research on climate, energy, public health and national security. The system is still the second fastest supercomputer in the U.S. and remains a powerful and reliable instrument for scientific discovery. SummitPLUS offers an opportunity for research to continue on one of the world’s leading AI-enabled open science supercomputing platforms.

The IBM AC922 Summit supercomputer debuted at No. 1 on the TOP500 list in 2018 and has been used to conduct research on climate, energy, public health, and national security.
“Summit has been an invaluable resource for our users and the broader HPC community for the past four years,” said Gina Tourassi, director of the National Center for Computational Sciences at ORNL. “We are excited at the opportunity to extend Summit’s life and impact for another year and look forward to the insights from future projects.”
“SummitPLUS is all about the science community wringing the last bit of scientific impact out of what has been a remarkably successful supercomputer,” said Bronson Messer, director of science for the OLCF. “We are very excited about the possibilities this short-term access to Summit will present to researchers.”
For SummitPLUS, the OLCF is soliciting large-scale scientific computing proposals from projects that are computationally ready to leverage Summit. In addition to traditional simulation-based projects, the call for proposals is open to projects in data science, such as data-intensive computing, and in AI, such as machine learning, neural networks and reduced models for scientific data. Crosscutting proposals that target the convergence of simulation, data and learning are also encouraged. Typical project sizes are expected to range from 100,000 to 250,000 node hours. SummitPLUS is open to researchers from academia, industry and government agencies.
Allocations for DOE leadership computing facilities have been traditionally awarded through three mechanisms: the Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment, the Advanced Scientific Computing Research Leadership Computing Challenge, and the OLCF Director’s Discretionary program. All current projects with allocations on Summit will have until Dec. 18, 2023, to complete their work and remove data from the Alpine file system, which will be decommissioned and destroyed at the end of 2023. New projects will have access to Summit and the new Alpine 2 file system in January of 2024.
For more information on SummitPLUS and a list of important deadlines for current projects, visit
UT-Battelle manages ORNL for DOE’s Office of Science, the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States. DOE’s Office of Science is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, visit