What is the requested allocation amount for the current calendar year?
Will an allocation be needed in a future calendar year? If so, please provide a best estimate for each additional year.
Please provide a brief abstract that describes your proposal research, including your objectives, milestones, and significance of research.
For each of the major application codes you intend to use for this project, describe the computational techniques that you will use. Include:
- * Application code name.
- * Programming languages, libraries, and other software used
- * Description of the underlying mathematical formulation (e.g., ODE, PDE).
- * Algorithms and numerical techniques employed (e.g.,finite element, iterative solver).
- * Parallel programming system used (e.g., MPI, OpenMP, "embarrassingly" parallel).
- * Description of the role collaborative analysis/visualization plays in your discovery process; Identify any current bottlenecks in your analysis
- * Job Characterization
How large of simulations have you achieved? How large of simulations do you plan to achieve in the future?
Describe your I/O requirements for checkpoint/restart.
Describe your I/O requirements for analysis. Include a list of the types of files you write out for analysis, i.e. HDF5, NetCDF, PHDF5, PnetCDF; size of analysis dump; amount and type of data read into your analysis program, etc.
What portion of your data do you anticipate transferring to your home institution?
What portion of your data will you archive at the OLCF?
Provide Software Package Names and URLs for each application software program proposed for use in your project. Information regarding instructions on obtaining source code for each program, restrictions and/or license requirements, if any,
export control classification numbers (ECCN), and literature citations describing the application are appreciated.