OLCF Users Conference Call: Tips for New OLCF Users
The OLCF hosts monthly User Conference Call. These calls are your opportunity to speak with center personnel to get the latest updates, express any concerns you may have, etc.
Monthly Topic: Tips for New and Seasoned OLCF users, aimed to help them get the most out of their allocations.
This call we will cover:
Physical Cores vs. Core Hours (Titan)
Aprun options you must know for running parallel jobs
Cross Compiling
Data Storage and Purge Policy
User Guides
In the next two User meetings we will have more tips for new users and a scroe-P profiler tutorial.
Slides: New User Tips
WebEx Instructions:
Go to: olcf.webex.com
Click on today’s meeting to “Join”
Enter real name and email address
Password: ornl
You can either call in or use your computer microphone. If you need additional assistance regarding WebEx, please click on this link: https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/kb_articles/using-cisco-webex-at-olcf/.