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Lessons and Tips from OLCF’s Crusher Hackathons

Lessons & Tips from OLCF’s Crusher Hackathons
December 1, 2022
2:00 – 3:00 PM (EST)
Virtual via Zoom

Contact: Tom Papatheodore ([email protected]).

This session is part of the OLCF’s Preparing for Frontier training series. Please click this link to visit the main page to see other sessions in the series.

Crusher is the OLCF’s 192-node test-and-development system with identical node architecture as Frontier. It serves as the main development platform for the Frontier Center for Accelerated Application Readiness (CAAR) and Exascale Computing Project (ECP) teams as they prepare their applications and software for Frontier. As part of the training program for these early-access users, the OLCF, HPE, AMD, and ECP held Crusher hackathons to help these teams with porting, profiling, optimizing, and debugging along the way. In this session, we will cover some of the lessons learned and tips from our experiences at these hackathons.

All participants must register to attend this event. Please do so by clicking the dropdown below and submit the registration form.

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[tw-toggle title=”Presentations”] (slides | recording)


Dec 01 2022


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Tom Papatheodore
[email protected]
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