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OpenMP Offload Part 1: Basics of Offload 2023

Introduction to OpenMP Offload Part 1 : Basics of Offload

September 29, 2023
12:00 – 1:45 PM (EDT)
Virtual via Zoom
Contact: Suzanne Parete-Koon ([email protected]).

This session, offered by OLCF and NERSC, is part of the Performance Portability Training Series.


The OpenMP API is a scalable model that gives parallel programmers a simple and flexible interface for developing portable parallel applications in C/C++ and Fortran. In its inception it was targeted for shared memory parallelism, however current versions of OpenMP also enable data and program execution to offload from the host CPU to target GPUS and their associated memory on the same node.

This is part 1 of a four-part OpenMP Offload training that will enable application teams and developers to accelerate their code with the use of GPUs, as well as exploiting the latest OpenMP functionality to program multi-core platforms like Frontier and Perlmutter.

For part 1 we will give a general overview of the OpenMP programming model and cover the basics of using OpenMP directives to offload work to GPUs. The hands-on sessions will be performed on OLCF Frontier and NERSC Perlmutter. Participants without existing accounts will be provided training accounts on Perlmutter.

For upcoming parts of this series, and other portability trainings, please see the Performance Portability Series page.

Target Audience
The target audience for this event are NERSC Perlmutter users and current OLCF Frontier users. The hands-on sessions will be performed on OLCF Frontier and NERSC Perlmutter. Participants without existing accounts will be provided training a

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Time EDTTopic Speakers
12:00 pmWelcome and Overview Suzanne Parete-Koon, HPC Engineer, OLCF, ORNL.
12:05 pmIntroduction to OpenMP OffloadSwaroop Pophale, Computer Scientist, CSMD, ORNL
1:00 pmOpenMP Offload Compilers Frontier and Hands-on Overview for Frontier Wael Elwasif, Computer Scientist, ORNL
1:15 pmOpenMP Offload Compilers Perlmutter and Hands-on Overview for Perlmutter Helen He, High Performance Computing Consultant, NERSC, Rahul Gayatri, Application Performance Specialist, NERSC, Paul Lin Application Performance Specialist NERSC


[tw-toggle title=”Slides Questions and Recording”]

The Q&A sheet has been emailed to all registered participants.


Basics of OpenMP Offload

Exercise and Compiler Instructions for Frontier 

Exercise and Compiler Instructions for Perlmutter


Recording: recording  part1


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Sep 29 2023


12:00 pm - 1:45 pm
QR Code