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Data Science with R and pbdR at ORNL: From the CADES cloud to the OLCF

Data Science with R and pbdR at ORNL: From the CADES cloud to the OLCF
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (on-site)
June 18, 2018
Building 5100, RM 128 (JICS Auditorium)
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM (please see additional details below)
Instructors: Drew Schmidt and George Ostrouchov

About the Event

R is an exceedingly popular data science package. In fact, by some measures, R is the most popular software package for the analysis of data.

This tutorial will help attendees leverage ORNL’s unique resources with R. It is separated into two modules. The first is dedicated to using the CADES birthright cloud OpenStack resource. We will discuss different ways to connect to and manage R sessions, including using RStudio server and the Shiny framework. We will also briefly discuss some performance optimization strategies. The second module will focus on how to effectively achieve distributed parallelism on machines like Titan and Summit with R and the pbdR packages.

We will hold the first module from 10:00-12:00, have a 1 hour break for lunch and/or Q&A, and then hold the second module from 1:00-3:00. The second module will be lecture style, but the first will be highly interactive. Attendees are encouraged to bring their laptop and to sign up for a birthright cloud allocation in advance:

More information, including the slides and software pre-requisites, will be made available before the tutorial at
(Please note, this material has been updated since the event took place.)

The content is suitable for researchers and students alike, and all are welcome to attend.​

NOTE: On-site participation will be limited to attendees with current ORNL badges, but remote participation will be available to anyone who would like to attend (badged and non-badged). Please register by filling out the form below.

If you have any questions, please contact George Ostrouchov ([email protected]), Drew Schmidt ([email protected]), or Tom Papatheodore ([email protected]).

[tw-tabs tab1=”Registration” tab2=”Remote Participation Details” tab3=”Presentations & Code Repository“] [tw-tab] [/tw-tab] [tw-tab]

Please use the BlueJeans info below for remote participation.

Also, please make sure to register by filling out the form on the “Registration” tab.

To join the Meeting:

To join via Room System:
Video Conferencing System: -or-
Meeting ID : 359967393

To join via phone:
1) Dial:
+1.408.740.7256 (United States)
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
+1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
(see all numbers –
2) Enter Conference ID : 359967393

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Below are the slides and recordings from the workshop

  • Part 1 (Drew Schmidt): slides, recording
  • Part 2 (George Ostrouchov & Drew Schmidt): slides, recording
  • You can clone the repository, including all presentation and code examples/exercises, here (using git clone):
    Please note, this material has been updated since the event took place

  • [/tw-tab] [/tw-tabs]


    Jun 18 2018


    10:00 am - 3:00 pm
    QR Code