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Compiler Directives Weekly Lunch Webinars

June 9th Webinar:  Programming GPUs with PGI Accelerator Compilers

This  training event will be delivered via a weekly webinar and is designed to cover compiler directives.

WebEx Instructions:

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Topic: Compiler Directives Weekly Lunch Webinars: PGI
Date: Monday, June 9, 2014
Time: 12:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
Meeting Number: 629 076 810
Meeting Password: ornl

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Please direct questions or comments to [email protected]

[tab: Agenda]

Week 1: Introduction to Accelerated Computing Using Compiler Directives
OpenACC and OpenMP 4.0 provides directives-based approaches to rapidly accelerating application for GPUs and other parallel architectures. This tutorial serves as an introduction to programming with OpenACC 2.0 and OpenMP 4.0. Participants will learn how to apply compiler directives to an existing application to parallelize the application for accelerated architectures. No prior GPU experience is required for this tutorial.

Week 2: Advanced Accelerated Computing Using Directives
This tutorial will expand upon the participants’ experience with accelerator directives (OpenACC and OpenMP) by focusing on performance optimization and interoperability with other programming models. Participants will learn about the multiple levels of parallelism that can be expressed in OpenACC and OpenMP and how to apply them to their application code. They will also learn how asynchronous execution improves application performance. Finally, they will learn how compiler directives interoperate with other accelerated computing technologies such as CUDA C, CUDA Fortran, and libraries.

Week 3-5: Compiler Vendors: TBD

May 12 – Cancelled
May 19 – Cancelled
June 2 – Cancelled
June 9 – PGI
Compiler vendors will cover specifics of their compiler and how to squeeze the best performance.

[tab:  Registration] [tab: Files] Materials will be posted soon.


Apr 28 2014


Bldg. 5200, Room 219


Fernanda Foertter
[email protected]
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