CAAR: Call for Proposals Registration
The Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) is now accepting proposals for Center for Accelerated Application Readiness (CAAR) partnership projects. The CAAR will establish eight partnership teams to prepare computational science or engineering applications for highly effective use on the OLCF system to be named Summit that will become available to users at the OLCF in 2018. The architecture of Summit will consist of nodes with multiple IBM Power-9 CPUs and NVIDIA Volta GPU accelerators, using a coherent memory space that includes high bandwidth memory (HBM) on the GPUs and a high speed NVLink interconnect between the POWER9 CPU and Volta GPUs. Internode communication will be through a Mellanox InfiniBand EDR interconnect. The peak performance of this system is expected to be five to ten times that of Titan.
Each of the CAAR projects will consist of a three-year Application Readiness phase (2015-17) in which the code refactoring and porting work will take place and an Early Science phase (2018) for tuning of the code to the Summit architecture and demonstration of the application through a scientific grand-challenge project.
In addition to application readiness for Summit, performance portability to other architectures is an important consideration, and the CAAR is collaborating with the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) and the National Energy Research Supercomputing Center (NERSC) to enhance application portability across their respective architectures.
The partnership teams, consisting of the core developers of the application and staff from the OLCF that will be assigned to the project, will receive support from the IBM/NVIDIA Center of Excellence at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and have access to computational resources including Titan at OLCF, Mira at ALCF and Edison and Cori at NERSC, early delivery systems and Summit as they become available.
You can read more about the CAAR call for proposals here.
Presentation: Center for Accelerated Application Readiness – Call for Proposals: Getting Applications Ready for Summit
[tab: Registration]Please note there are two date offerings for this webinar: December 10th, 2014 and January 6th, 2015. The content will be the same on both days.
Registration is now closed.