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Summer Virtual Hands-On HPC Crash Course
June 19, 26, July 6, 10. 

Virtual Event

The Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) will host a virtual crash course for High Performance Computing (HPC) on June 19, 26, and July 6, 10,  2023. This training will cover the foundational skills needed to learn about HPC (e.g., UNIX, command-line text editors, intro C programming) before moving on to the basics of HPC itself. The event will be hosted on Zoom and Slack will be used for hands-on help during the exercises.

Who should attend and what are the prerequisites?
The target audience for this event are those new to HPC or those who need a refresher on basic HPC skills. You will need to have access to the internet and a computer. You will also need to be able to run Zoom locally – using either a desktop client or through a browser. ORNL Summer Interns are encouraged to participate in this series.

What happens at the event?
Each day, OLCF staff will cover a set of topics essential to HPC, where each topic will consist of a lecture followed by a hands-on component. Participants will be supported by OLCF staff through a combination of Zoom and Slack. Students will have access to a Unix environment.

The Agenda

Below is the basic agenda for the course. We update the course materials continuously,  however, we have provided last year’s course recordings and slides within the agenda, as supplemental resources for students, It is still important to attend the course so that you may ask questions and get the most current information and updated assignments.

Students who complete a select set of exercise will get an Introduction to HPC certificate that can be used on resumes.

Dates Topics Time (all times EDT)

Monday June 19

We will explain how/why HPC can be useful to you, help you get set up with an `ssh` client that will allow you to log in to a remote UNIX environment, and cover UNIX and command-line text editors.Materials from last year’s course:

1:00- 2:30 pm
Monday June 26 Introduction to Python Programming

Materials from last year’s course:


1:00- 2:30 pm
Thursday  July 6 Introduction to C programming

Materials from last year’s course:

1:00- 2:30 pm
Monday July 10 Hands on HPC
We will give an overview of HPC topics (programming environments, parallel programming models, processors, job schedulers & job launchers) before turning you loose on a set of self-guided challenges that cover basic parallel programming and GPU programming topics. These self-guided challenges will be performed on OLCF’s Ascent training cluster, which has identical architecture to OLCF’s Summit supercomputer. Students will have continued access to the Ascent system for 2 weeks after this event to complete all the challenges.
Materials from last year’s course:

1:00-4:00 pm


Registration is limited to 120 people. 

[tw-tabs tab1=”Registration” tab2=”Agenda Day1 ” tab3=”Agenda Day 2” tab4=”Agenda Day 3” tab5=”Agenda Day 4” tab6=”Joining” tab7=”Survey“] [tw-tab] Registration 
Registration is closed. [/tw-tab] [tw-tab]

Agenda June 19

Time (all times EDT) Topic Presenter
1:00 PM Welcome Suzanne Parete-Koon, HPC Engineer
1:02 PM What is HPC Togo Togo Odbadrakh, HPC Engineer
1:07 PM Login Suzanne Parete-Koon, HPC Engineer
1:30 PM Intro to Unix Togo Odbadrakh, HPC Engineer
2:00 PM Intro to Vim Subil Abraham, HPC Engineer
2:30 PM Extra Help with login
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Agenda Day 2 June 26


Time (all times EDT) Topic Presenter
1:00 PM Welcome back Suzanne Parete-Koon, HPC Engineer
1:02 PM What is HPC Michael Sandoval, HPC Engineer
1:10 PM Intro to Python Michael Sandoval, HPC Engineer
2:30 PM Close
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Agenda Day 3 July 6

Time (all times EDT) Topic Presenter
1:00 PM Welcome Back Suzanne Parete-Koon, HPC Engineer
1:02 PM What is HPC? John Holmen, HPC Engineer
1:10 PM Intro to C Subil Abraham, HPC Engineer
2:30 PM Close




Agenda Day 4 July 10

Time (all times EDT) Topic Presenter
1:00 PM Welcome Back Suzanne Parete-Koon, HPC Engineer
1:02 PM What is HPC
1:15 PM Ascent Overview Subil Abraham, HPC Engineer
1:30 PM HPC Programming Environments and Models Suzanne Parete-Koon, HPC Engineer
2:00 PM Challenges and Certificate Requirements Suzanne Parete-Koon, HPC Engineer
2:15 PM Hands on
4:00 PM Check-in


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Zoom Joining information will be emailed to after you register.

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