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The list below reflects publications that resulted from the use, at least in part, of OLCF resources.
Please report errors or missing publications to Ashley Barker, [email protected].

TitleDOIAuthorsSourceProgram AllocationProject IDProject PIYear
"Parking-garage" structures in nuclear astrophysics and cellular biophysics10.1103/PhysRevC.94.055801Berry, D. K.; Caplan, M. E.; Horowitz, C. J.; Huber, Greg; Schneider, A. S.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James2016
( )Low-energy scattering and effective interactions of two baryons at m(pi) similar to 450 MeV from lattice quantum chromodynamics10.1103/PhysRevD.103.054508Illa, Marc; Beane, Silas R.; Chang, Emmanuel; Davoudi, Zohreh; Detmold, William; Murphy, David J.; Orginos, Kostas; Parreno, Assumpta; Savage, Martin J.; Shanahan, Phiala E.; Wagman, Michael L.; Winter, FrankPHYSICAL REVIEW DALCC (Both)LGT110; LGT115Shanahan, Phiala; Orginos, Konstantinos2021
(OO)-O-16-O-16 collisions at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and at the CERN Large Hadron Collider comparing alpha clustering versus substructure10.1103/PhysRevC.104.L041901Summerfield, Nicholas; Lu, Bing-Nan; Plumberg, Christopher; Lee, Dean; Noronha-Hostler, Jacquelyn; Timmins, AnthonyPHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2021
167-PFlops Deep Learning for Electron Microscopy: From Learning Physics to Atomic ManipulationPatton, Robert M.; Johnston, J. Travis; Young, Steven R.; Schuman, Catherine D.; March, Don D.; Potok, Thomas E.; Rose, Derek C.; Lim, Seung-Hwan; Karnowski, Thomas P.; Ziatdinov, Maxim A.; Kalinin, Sergei V.PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE, AND ANALYSIS (SC'18)ESP_2018CSC275PattonPatton, Robert2018
2020 roadmap on plasma accelerators10.1088/1367-2630/abcc62Albert, Felicie; Couprie, M. E.; Debus, Alexander; Downer, Mike C.; Faure, Jerome; Flacco, Alessandro; Gizzi, Leonida A.; Grismayer, Thomas; Huebl, Axel; Joshi, Chan; Labat, M.; Leemans, Wim P.; Maier, Andreas R.; Mangles, Stuart P. D.; Mason, Paul; Mathieu, Francois; Muggli, Patric; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Osterhoff, Jens; Rajeev, P. P.; Schramm, Ulrich; Schreiber, Jorg; Thomas, Alec G. R.; Vay, Jean-Luc; Vranic, Marija; Zeil, KarlNEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICSECP; ALCCAPH114; CSC434Vay, Jean-Luc; Messer, Bronson2021
24.77 Pflops on a Gravitational Tree-Code to Simulate the Milky Way Galaxy with 18600 GPUs10.1109/SC.2014.10Bedorf, Jeroen; Gaburov, Evghenii; Fujii, Michiko S.; Nitadori, Keigo; Ishiyama, Tomoaki; Zwart, Simon PortegiesSC14: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISDDAST032Portegies Zwart, Simon2014
25 Years of Organic Electro-Optics and Future ProspectsDalton, Larry R.; Elder, Delwin L.; Johnson, Lewis E.; Tillack, Andreas F.; Robinson, Bruce H.NONLINEAR OPTICS QUANTUM OPTICS-CONCEPTS IN MODERN OPTICSStaffSTF0062019
2HOT: An improved parallel hashed oct-tree N-body algorithm for cosmological simulation10.3233/SPR-140385Warren, Michael S.SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMINGINCITEAST028Warren, Michael S.2014
3-D dam break flow simulations in simplified and complex domains10.1016/j.advwatres.2020.103510Munoz, Daniel Horna; Constantinescu, GeorgeADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCESDD 2015GEO117Constantinesou, George2020
416-PFLOPS fast scalable implicit solver on low-ordered unstructured finite elements accelerated by 1.10-ExaFLOPS kernel with reformulated AI-like algorithm: For equation-based earthquake modelingIchimura, Tsuyoshi; Fujita, Kohei; Yamaguchi, Takuma; Naruse, Akira; Wells, Jack C.; Zimmer, Christopher J.SC '19DDGEO135Fujita, Kohei2019
DK I=0,DKI=0, 1 scattering and the Ds0(2317) from lattice QCD10.1007/JHEP02(2021)100Cheung, Gavin K. C.; Thomas, Christopher E.; Wilson, David J.; Moir, Graham; Peardon, Michael; Ryan, Sinead M.JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICSALCCNPH102Liu, Keh-Fei2021
A 2-D/1-D Transverse Leakage Approximation Based on Azimuthal, Fourier Moments10.1080/00295639.2016.1272360Stimpson, Shane; Collins, Benjamin; Downar, ThomasNUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERINGALCCNFI011Clarno, Kevin2017
A Baseline for Global Weather and Climate Simulations at 1 km Resolution10.1029/2020MS002192Wedi, Nils P.; Polichtchouk, Inna; Dueben, Peter; Anantharaj, Valentine G.; Bauer, Peter; Boussetta, Souhail; Browne, Philip; Deconinck, Willem; Gaudin, Wayne; Hadade, Ioan; Hatfield, Sam; Iffrig, Olivier; Lopez, Philippe; Maciel, Pedro; Mueller, Andreas; Saarinen, Sami; Sandu, Irina; Quintino, Tiago; Vitart, FredericJOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMSINCITECLI131Wedi, Nils2020
A Bayesian approach for parameter estimation and prediction using a computationally intensive model10.1088/0954-3899/42/3/034009Higdon, Dave; McDonnell, Jordan D.; Schunck, Nicolas; Sarich, Jason; Wild, Stefan M.JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICSINCITENPH008Vary, James2015
A Big Data Analytics Framework for HPC Log Data: Three Case Studies Using the Titan Supercomputer Log10.1109/CLUSTER.2018.00073Park, Byung H.; Hui, Yawei; Boehm, Swen; Ashraf, Rizwan A.; Layton, Christopher; Engelmann, Christian2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER)DDMAT049Park, Byung Hoon2018
A Biophysical Perspective on Enzyme Catalysis10.1021/acs.biochem.8b01004Agarwal, P.K.BIOCHEMISTRYALCCBIP130Agarwal,Pratul K.2018
A Bloom Filter Based Scalable Data Integrity Check Tool for Large-scale Dataset10.1109/PDSW-DISCS.2016.13Xiong, Sisi; Wang, Feiyi; Cao, QingPROCEEDINGS OF PDSW-DISCS 2016 - 1ST JOINT INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PARALLEL DATA STORAGE AND DATA INTENSIVE SCALABLE COMPUTING SYSTEMSstaffSTF008Shipman,Galen2016
A Case Study for Performance Portability using OpenMP 4.5Gayatri, Rahulkumar; Yang, Charlene; Kurth, Thorsten; Deslippe, JackSC 18ESP_Summit2018
A Case Study of LLVM-Based Analysis for Optimizing SIMD Code Generation10.1007/978-3-030-85262-7_10Huber, Joseph; Wei, Weile; Georgakoudis, Giorgis; Doerfert, Johannes; Hernandez, OscarOPENMP: ENABLING MASSIVE NODE-LEVEL PARALLELISM, IWOMP 2021ECPCSC372Chandrasekaran, Sunita2021
A Case Study of Porting HPGMG from CUDA to OpenMP Target Offload10.1007/978-3-030-58144-2_3Daley, Christopher; Ahmed, Hadia; Williams, Samuel; Wright, NicholasLECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE: OPENMP: PORTABLE MULTI-LEVEL PARALLELISM ON MODERN SYSTEMSGeneralGEN007Barker, Ashley2020
A Co-Design Study Of Fusion Whole Device Modeling Using Code Coupling10.1109/DRBSD-549595.2019.00011Choi, Jong Youl; Logan, Jeremy; Mehta, Kshitij; Suchyta, Eric; Godoy, William; Thompson, Nicholas; Wan, Lipeng; Chen, Jieyang; Podhorszki, Norbert; Wolf, Matthew; Klasky, Scott; Dominski, Julien; Chang, Choong-SeockPROCEEDINGS OF DRBSD-5 2019:: 2019 IEEE/ACM 5TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DATA ANALYSIS AND REDUCTION FOR BIG SCIENTIFIC DATA (DRBSD-5)DDCSC143Klasky, Scott; Podhorszki, Norbert2019
A Code-Agnostic Driver Application for Coupled Neutronics and Thermal-Hydraulic Simulations10.1080/00295639.2020.1830620Romano, Paul K.; Hamilton, Steven P.; Rahaman, Ronald O.; Novak, April; Merzari, Elia; Harper, Sterling M.; Shriwise, Patrick C.; Evans, Thomas M.NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERINGECPCSC262Kolev, Tzanio2021
A Codesign Framework for Online Data Analysis and Reduction at the Exascale10.1109/WORKS49585.2019.00007Mehta, Kshitij; Allen, Bryce; Wolf, Matthew; Logan, Jeremy; Suchyta, Eric; Choi, Jong; Takahashi, Keichi; Yakushin, Igor; Munson, Todd; Foster, Ian; Klasky, ScottPROCEEDINGS OF WORKS19: THE 2019 14TH IEEE/ACM WORKFLOWS IN SUPPORT OF LARGE-SCALE SCIENCE (WORKS)ECPCSC303Klasky, Scott2019
A Combined Density Functional Theory and Spectrophotometry Study of the Bonding Interactions of [NpO2 center dot M](4+) Cation-Cation Complexes10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b02369Freiderich, John W.; Burn, Adam G.; Martin, Leigh R.; Nash, Kenneth L.; Clark, Aurora E.INORGANIC CHEMISTRYINCITECHP101Dixon, David2017
A Community Roadmap for Scientific Workflows Research and Development10.1109/WORKS54523.2021.00016Wolf, Matthew; Mehta, Kshitij; Ferreira da Silva, Rafael; Laney, Daniel; Chard, Kyle; Ramakrishnan, Lavanya; S. Katz, Daniel; Casanova, Henri; Thain, Douglas; Badia, Rosa; Fahringer, Thomas; Coleman, Taina; Ozik, Jonathan; Fursin, Grigori; Altintas, Ilkay; Balis, Bartosz; Coppens, Frederik; Filgueira, Rosa; Garijo, Daniel; Goble, Carole; Howell, Dorran; Leser, Ulf; Malawski, Maciej; Pottier, Loic; Peterson, J Luc; Soiland reyes, Stian2021 IEEE WORKSHOP ON WORKFLOWS IN SUPPORT OF LARGE-SCALE SCIENCE (WORKS)ECPCSC449Laney, Daniel2021
A Comparative Ab Initio Study of Anhydrous Dehydrogenation of Linear-Chain Alcohols on Cu(110)10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b01698Chen, Wei; Cubuk, Ekin Dogus; Montemore, Matthew M.; Reece, Christian; Madix, Robert J.; Friend, Cynthia M.; Kaxiras, EfthimiosJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CALCCMAT140Kaxiras, Efthimions2018
A Comprehensive Informative Metric for Analyzing HPC System Status using the LogSCAN Platform10.1109/FTXS.2018.00007Hui, Yawei; Park, Byung Hoon; Engelmann, ChristianPROCEEDINGS OF FTXS 2018: IEEE/ACM 8TH WORKSHOP ON FAULT TOLERANCE FOR HPC AT EXTREME SCALE (FTXS)2018
A Comprehensive Informative Metric for Summarizing HPC System StatusHui, Yawei; Park, Byung Hoon; Engelmann, Christian2018 IEEE 8TH SYMPOSIUM ON LARGE DATA ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION (LDAV)2018
A Comprehensive Study of In-Memory Computing on Large HPC Systems10.1109/ICDCS47774.2020.00045Huang, Dan; Qin, Zhenlu; Liu, Qing; Podhorszki, Norbert; Klasky, Scott2020 IEEE 40TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SYSTEMS (ICDCS)DDCSC143Podhorszki, Norbert; Klasky, Scott2020
A Computational Approach for Modeling Neutron Scattering Data from Lipid Bilayers10.1021/acs.jctc.6b00968Carrillo, Jan -Michael Y.; Katsaras, John; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Ashkar, RanaJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATIONDDBIP151Carrillo, Jan-Michael2017
A Conceptual Framework for HPC Operational Data Analytics10.1109/Cluster48925.2021.00086Netti, Alessio; Shin, Woong; Ott, Michael; Wilde, Torsten; Bates, Natalie2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER 2021)StaffSTF008Oral, Sarp2021
A Conceptual Model for the Response of Tropical Rainfall to Orbital Variations10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0691.1Bischoff, Tobias; Schneider, Tapio; Meckler, Anna NeleJOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITECHM022Harrison,Robert2017
A D2O detector for flux normalization of a pion decay-at-rest neutrino source10.1088/1748-0221/16/08/P08048Akimov, D.; An, P.; Awe, C.; Barbeau, P. S.; Becker, B.; Belov, V.; Bernardi, I.; Blackston, M. A.; Bolozdynya, A.; Cabrera-Palmer, B.; Chernyak, D.; Conley, E.; Daughhetee, J.; Day, E.; Detwiler, J.; Ding, K.; Durand, M. R.; Efremenko, Y.; Elliott, S. R.; Fabris, L.; Febbraro, M.; Rosso, A. Gallo; Galindo-Uribarri, A.; Green, M. P.; Heath, M. R.; Hedges, S.; Hoang, D.; Hughes, M.; Johnson, T.; Khromov, A.; Konovalov, A.; Koros, J.; Kozlova, E.; Kumpan, A.; Li, L.; Link, J. M.; Liu, J.; Mann, K.; Markoff, D. M.; Mastroberti, J.; Mueller, P. E.; Newby, J.; Parno, D. S.; Penttila, S. I.; Pershey, D.; Rapp, R.; Ray, H.; Raybern, J.; Razuvaeva, O.; Reyna, D.; Rich, G. C.; Ross, J.; Rudik, D.; Runge, J.; Salvat, D. J.; Salyapongse, A. M.; Scholberg, K.; Shakirov, A.; Simakov, G.; Sinev, G.; Snow, W. M.; Sosnovstsev, V.; Suh, B.; Tayloe, R.; Tellez-Giron-Flores, K.; Tolstukhin, I.; Ujah, E.; Vanderwerp, J.; Varner, R. L.; Virtue, C. J.; Visser, G.; Ward, E. M.; Wiseman, C.; Wongjirad, T.; Yen, Y. -R.; Yoo, J.; Yu, C. -H.; Zettlemoyer, J.JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATIONDDHEP106Newby, Robert2021
A DG-IMEX Method for Two-moment Neutrino Transport: Nonlinear Solvers for Neutrino-Matter Coupling10.3847/1538-4365/abe2a8Laiu, M. Paul; Endeve, Eirik; Chu, Ran; Harris, J. Austin; Messer, O. E. BronsonASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIESECPAST136Kasen, Daniel2021
A DNS evaluation of mixing models for transported PDF modelling of turbulent nonpremixed flames10.1016/j.combustflame.2014.01.009Krisman, Alex; Tang, Joshua C. K.; Hawkes, Evatt R.; Lignell, David O.; Chen, Jacqueline H.COMBUSTION AND FLAMEINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2014
A DNS study of the ignition of lean PRF/air mixtures with temperature inhomogeneities under high pressure and intermediate temperature10.1016/j.combustflame.2014.09.001Kim, Seung Ook; Luong, Minh Bau; Chen, Jacqueline H.; Yoo, Chun SangCOMBUSTION AND FLAMEINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2015
A Data Analysis Framework for Earth System Simulation within an In-Situ Infrastructure10.4236/jcc.2017.514007Wang, D.; Luo, X.; Yuan, F.; Podhorszki, N.; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; ,JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS AND COMMUNICATIONSalccCLI112Thornton,Peter2017
A Data-Centric Approach to Extreme-Scale Ab initio Dissipative Quantum Transport Simulations10.1145/3295500.3357156Ziogas, Alexandros Nikolaos; Ben-Nun, Tal; Fernandez, Guillermo Indalecio; Schneider, Timo; Luisier, Mathieu; Hoefler, TorstenPROCEEDINGS OF SC19: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISDDNEL106Hoefler, Torsten2019
A Fast Scalable Implicit Solver for Nonlinear Time-Evolution Earthquake City Problem on Low-Ordered Unstructured Finite Elements with Artificial Intelligence and Transprecision ComputingIchimura, Tsuyoshi; Fujita, Kohei; Yamaguchi, Takuma; Naruse, Akira; Wells, Jack C.; Schulthess, Thomas C.; Straatsma, Tjerk P.; Zimmer, Christopher J.; Martinasso, Maxime; Nakajima, Kengo; Hori, Muneo; Maddegedara, LalithPROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE, AND ANALYSIS (SC'18)DD, ESP_2018GEO125Tsuyoshi, Ichimura2018
A Framework for Lattice QCD Calculations on GPUs10.1109/IPDPS.2014.112Winter, F. T.; Clark, M. A.; Edwards, R. G.; Joo, B.2014 IEEE 28TH INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM2014
A GPU-accelerated continuous and discontinuous Galerkin non-hydrostatic atmospheric model10.1177/1094342017694427Abdi, Daniel S.; Wilcox, Lucas C.; Warburton, Timothy C.; Giraldo, Francis X.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSNOAACLI113Carman,Jessie2019
A GPU-accelerated package for simulation of flow in nanoporous source rocks with many-body dissipative particle dynamics10.1016/j.cpc.2019.106874Xia, Yidong; Blumers, Ansel; Li, Zhen; Luo, Lixiang; Tang, Yu-Hang; Kane, Joshua; Goral, Jan; Huang, Hai; Deo, Milind; Andrew, MatthewCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSDDGEO133Xia, Yidong2020
A GPU-based 2D shallow water quality model10.2166/hydro.2020.030Gordillo, Geovanny; Morales-Hernandez, Mario; Echeverribar, undefined; Fernandez-Pato, Javier; Garcia-Navarro, PilarJOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICSDDGEO132Coon, Ethan2020
A Global View Programming Abstraction forTransitioning MPI Codes to PGAS Languages10.1007/978-3-319-05215-1_9Mintz, Tiffany M. (ORNL); Hernandez, Oscar R. (ORNL); Bernholdt, David E. (ORNL)LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCEStaffStaffStaff2014
A Graphic Encoding Method for Quantitative Classification of Protein Structure and Representation of Conformational Changes10.1109/TCBB.2019.2945291Carrillo-Cabada, Hector; Benson, Jeremy; Razavi, Asghar M.; Mulligan, Brianna; Cuendet, Michel A.; Weinstein, Harel; Taufer, Michela; Estrada, TrilceIEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICSINCITEBIP109Weinstein, Harel2021
A Heterogeneity-Aware Task Scheduler for Spark10.1109/CLUSTER.2018.00042Xu, Luna; Butt, Ali R.; Lim, Seung-Hwan; Kannan, Ramakrishnan2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER)2018
A High-Performance Computing Implementation of Iterative Random Forest for the Creation of Predictive Expression Networks10.3390/genes10120996Cliff, Ashley; Romero, Jonathon; Kainer, David; Walker, Angelica; Furches, Anna; Jacobson, DanielGENESALCCSYB105Jacobson, Daniel2019
A High-Throughput Solver for Marginalized Graph Kernels on GPU10.1109/IPDPS47924.2020.00080Tang, Yu-Hang; Selvitopi, Oguz; Popovici, Doru Thom; Buluc, Aydin2020 IEEE 34TH INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM IPDPS 2020ECPCSC318Halappanavar, Mahantesh2020
A Histogram-Free Multicanonical Monte Carlo Algorithm for the Basis Expansion of Density of States10.1145/3093172.3093235Li, Ying Wai; Eisenbach, MarkusPROCEEDINGS OF THE PLATFORM FOR ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING CONFERENCE (PASC17)inciteMAT020Eisenbach,Markus2017
A Holocene East Asian winter monsoon record at the southern edge of the Gobi Desert and its comparison with a transient simulation10.1007/s00382-014-2372-5Li, Yu; Morrill, CarrieCLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2015
A Hybrid Global Ocean Data Assimilation System at NCEP10.1175/MWR-D-14-00376.1Penny, Stephen G.; Behringer, David W.; Carton, James A.; Kalnay, EugeniaMONTHLY WEATHER REVIEWINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
A Hybrid Reinforcement Learning and Cellular Automata Model for Crowd Simulation on the GPU10.1007/978-3-030-16205-4_5Hernandez Arreguin, Benjamin; Ruiz, SergioHIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING: 5TH LATIN AMERICAN CONFERENCE, CARLA 2018GeneralGEN119Hernandez, Benjamin2019
A Kinetic Vlasov Model for Plasma Simulation Using Discontinuous Galerkin Method on Many-Core ArchitecturesRedder, NoahUniversity of WashingtonDDCSC133HIll, Judith2016
A Large-Scale Study of Soft-Errors on GPUs in the Field10.1109/HPCA.2016.7446091Nie, Bin; Tiwari, Devesh; Gupta, Saurabh; Smirni, Evgenia; Rogers, James22nd IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE (HPCA)STAFFSTAFFTiwari,Devesh2016
A Long View of Southern California Water Supply: Perfect Droughts Revisited10.1111/1752-1688.12822Woodhouse, C. A.; Meko, D. M.; Bigio, E. R.JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATIONINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2020
A Markov State-based Quantitative Kinetic Model of Sodium Release from the Dopamine Transporter10.1038/srep40076Razavi, Asghar M.; Khelashvili, George; Weinstein, HarelSCIENTIFIC REPORTSALCCBIP109Weinstein, Harel2017
A Mixed Precision Multicolor Point-Implicit Solver for Unstructured Grids on GPUs10.1109/IA349570.2019.00010Walden, Aaron; Nielsen, Eric; Diskin, Boris; Zubair, Mohammad2019 IEEE/ACM 9TH WORKSHOP ON IRREGULAR APPLICATIONS - ARCHITECTURES AND ALGORITHMS (IA3)DDARD124Nielsen, Eric2019
A Mobility-Driven Approach to Modeling Building Energy10.1109/BigData47090.2019.9006308Berres, Anne; Im, Piljae; Kurte, Kuldeep; Allen-Dumas, Melissa; Thakur, Gautam; Sanyal, Jibonananda2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA (BIG DATA)ECPCSC307Catlett, Charlie2019
A More Realistic Way of Stressing the End-to-end I/O SystemLarrea, Veronica; Oral, Sarp; Leverman, Dustin; Nam, Hai; Wang, Feiyi; Simmons, JamesPROCEEDINGS OF THE CRAY USER GROUPSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
A Multi-Faceted Approach to Job Placement for Improved Performance on Extreme-Scale SystemsZimmer, Christopher; Gupta, Saurabh; Atchley, Scott; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.; Albing, CarlSC '16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISSTF008Vazhkudai,Sudharshan Sankaran2016
A Multifunctional Cosolvent Pair Reveals Molecular Principles of Biomass Deconstruction10.1021/jacs.8b10242Patri, Abhishek S.; Mostofian, Barmak; Pu, Yunqiao; Ciaffone, Nicholas; Soliman, Mikhael; Smith, Micholas Dean; Kumar, Rajeev; Cheng, Xiaolin; Wyrnan, Charles E.; Tetard, Laurene; Ragauskas, Arthur J.; Smith, Jeremy C.; Petridis, Loukas; Cai, Charles M.JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETYINCITEBIF112Jeremy Smith2019
A Multilevel in Space and Energy Solver for 3-D Multigroup Diffusion and Coarse-Mesh Finite Difference Eigenvalue Problems10.1080/00295639.2018.1562777Yee, Ben C.; Kochunas, Brendan; Larsen, Edward W.NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERINGALCCNFI011Pandya, Tara Marie2019
A Multilevel in Space and Energy Solver for Multigroup Diffusion and Coarse Mesh Finite Difference Eigenvalue ProblemsYee, Ben C.UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANALCCNFI011Pandya, Tara Marie2018
A Multiple-Set Overlapping-Domain Decomposed Monte Carlo Synthetic Acceleration Method for Linear Systems10.1051/snamc/201404211Slattery, Stuart R.; Evans, Thomas M.; Wilson, Paul P. H.SNA + MC 2013 - JOINT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUPERCOMPUTING IN NUCLEAR APPLICATIONS + MONTE CARLOALCCNFI011Pandya,Tara Marie2014
A Multiwavenumber Theory for Eddy Diffusivities and Its Application to the Southeast Pacific (DIMES) Region10.1175/JPO-D-14-0229.1Chen, Ru; Gille, Sarah T.; McClean, Julie L.; Flierl, Glenn R.; Griesel, AlexaJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHYINCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2015
A Neural Network-Inspired Matrix Formulation of Chemical Kinetics for Acceleration on GPUs10.3390/en14092710Barwey, Shivam; Raman, VenkatENERGIESALCCCMB139Raman, Venkat2021
A Novel and Functional Single-Layer Sheet of ZnSe10.1021/am505655mZhou, Jia; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Kent, Paul R. C.; Huang, JingsongACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACESINCITEMAT044Kent, Paul2015
A Parallel Solver for Markov Decision Process in Crowd Simulations10.1109/MICAI.2015.23Ruiz, Sergio; Hernandez, Benjamin2015 FOURTEENTH MEXICAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (MICAI)staffSTF011Shankar,Mallikarjun2015
A Parallel-efficient GPU Package for Multiphase Flow in Realistic Nano-pore NetworksXia, Yidong; Luo, Lixiang; Kane, Joshua; Blumers, Ansel; Goral, JanSC 18ESP_20182018
A Performance Model for Allocating the Parallelism in a Multigrid-in-Time Solver10.1109/PMBS.2016.8Gahvari, Hormozd; Dobrev, Veselin A.; Falgout, Robert D.; Kolev, Tzanio V.; Schroder, Jacob B.; Schulz, Martin; Yang, Ulrike MeierPROCEEDINGS OF PMBS 2016: 7TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PERFORMANCE MODELING, BENCHMARKING AND SIMULATION OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING SYSTEMSINCITECSC103Oliker,Leonid2016
A Performance-Portable Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Dycore for the Knergy 14,xascale ha th System Model Running at Cloud -Resolving Resolutions.10.1109/SC41405.2020.00096Bertagna, Luca; Guba, Oksana; Taylor, Mark A.; Foucar, James G.; Larkin, Jeff; Bradley, Andrew M.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran; Salinger, Andrew G.PROCEEDINGS OF SC20: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSIS (SC20)ECP; INCITECLI133; CLI115Taylor, Mark (Both)2020
A Positive-Definite, WENO-Limited, High-Order Finite Volume Solver for 2-D Transport on the Cubed Sphere Using an ADER Time Discretization10.1029/2017MS001247Norman, M. R.; Nair, R. D.JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMS2018
A Practical Approach to Reconciling Availability, Performance, and Capacity in Provisioning Extreme-scale Storage Systems10.1145/2807591.2807615Wan, Lipeng; Wang, Feiyi; Oral, Sarp; Tiwari, Devesh; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.; Cao, QingPROCEEDINGS OF SC15: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
A Quantitative Study of Deep Learning Training on Heterogeneous SupercomputersHan, Jingoo; Xu, Luna; Rafique, M. Mustafa; Butt, Ali R.; Lim, Seung-HwanCLUSTER 2019 : INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTINGDDCSC287Lim, Seung-Hwan2019
A Review of Computational Models for Falling Liquid Films10.1007/978-981-15-2670-1_16Karmakar, Avijit; Acharya, Sumanta50 YEARS OF CFD IN ENGINEERING SCIENCESDDCFD131Acharya, Sumanta2020
A Scalable Algorithm for Radiative Heat Transfer Using Reverse Monte Carlo Ray Tracing10.1007/978-3-319-20119-1_16Humphrey, Alan; Harman, Todd; Berzins, Martin; Smith, PhillipHIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, ISC HIGH PERFORMANCE 2015ALCCCMB109Berzins, Martin2015
A Scalable Distributed Louvain Algorithm for Large-scale Graph Community Detection10.1109/CLUSTER.2018.00044Zeng, Jianping; Yu, Hongfeng2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER)INCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline H2018
A Scalable Gradient-Free Method for Bayesian Experimental Design with Implicit ModelsZhang, Jiaxin; Bi, Sirui; Zhang, Guannan24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND STATISTICS (AISTATS)StaffSTF006Roth, Phil2021
A Scalable Graph Analytics Framework for Programming with Big Data in R (pbdR)10.1109/BigData47090.2019.9006155Hasan, S. M. Shamimul; Schmidt, Drew; Kannan, Ramakrishnan; Imam, Neena2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA (BIG DATA)DDCSC040Imam, Neena2019
A Scalable Parallel Hypergraph Generator (HyGen)Imam, Neena; Kannan, Ramakrishnan; Hasan, S M ShamimulPROCEEDINGS OF THE 16TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MINING AND LEARNING WITH GRAPHS (MLG)DDCSC040Imam, Neena2020
A Scalable Semi-Implicit Barotropic Mode Solver for the MPAS-Ocean10.1029/2020MS002238Kang, Hyun-Gyu; Evans, Katherine J.; Petersen, Mark R.; Jones, Philip W.; Bishnu, SiddharthaJOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMSINCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2021
A Step Towards the Final Frontier: Lessons Learned from Acceptance Testing of the First HPE/Cray EX 3000 System at ORNLFuson, Christopher; Newman III, Paul; Budiardja, Reuben; Simmons, James; Zimmer, Christopher; Peltz, Paul; Liu, Hong; Melesse Vergara, Veronica; Muzyn, Christopher; Niles Jr, Jeffery; Dietz, DanielCRAY USER GROUP 2021 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGSStaffStaff2021
A Step towards Energy Efficient Computing: Redesigning A Hydrodynamic Application on CPU-GPU10.1109/IPDPS.2014.103Dong, Tingxing; Dobrev, Veselin; Kolev, Tzanio; Rieben, Robert; Tomov, Stanimire; Dongarra, Jack2014 IEEE 28TH INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUMINCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2014
A Structural Study of CESA1 Catalytic Domain of Arabidopsis Cellulose Synthesis Complex: Evidence for CESA Trimers10.1104/pp.15.01356Vandavasi, Venu Gopal; Putnam, Daniel K.; Zhang, Qiu; Petridis, Loukas; Heller, William T.; Nixon, B. Tracy; Haigler, Candace H.; Kalluri, Udaya; Coates, Leighton; Langan, Paul; Smith, Jeremy C.; Meiler, Jens; O'Neill, HughPLANT PHYSIOLOGYINCITEBIP141Smith, Jeremy2016
A Study of Complex Deep Learning Networks on High-Performance, Neuromorphic, and Quantum Computers10.1145/3178454Potok, Thomas E.; Schuman, Catherine; Young, Steven; Patton, Robert; Spedalieri, Federico; Liu, Jeremy; Yao, Ke-Thia; Rose, Garrett; Chakma, GangotreeACM JOURNAL ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN COMPUTING SYSTEMSDDCSC160Patton, Robert2018
A Survey of Singular Value Decomposition Methods for Distributed Tall/Skinny Data10.1109/ScalA51936.2020.00009Schmidt, DrewPROCEEDINGS OF SCALA 2020: 11TH WORKSHOP ON LATEST ADVANCES IN SCALABLE ALGORITHMS FOR LARGE-SCALE SYSTEMSStaffSTF011Shankar, Malikarjun2020
A Transferable Polarizable Force Field for Urea Crystals and Aqueous Solutions10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c05814Jeong, Kyeong-jun; McDaniel, Jesse G.; Yethiraj, ArunJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BDDCHM132Yethiraj, Arun2020
A Unified Hardware/Software Co-Design Framework for Neuromorphic Computing Devices and Applications10.1109/ICRC.2017.8123655Plank, James S.; Rose, Garrett S.; Dean, Mark E.; Schuman, Catherine D.; Cady, Nathaniel C.2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REBOOTING COMPUTING (ICRC)ALCCCSC333Patton, Robert2017
A Unit Testing Framework for Scientific Legacy Code10.1109/CSCI.2017.163Yao, Zhuo; Sun, Jinyuan; Zhong, Dong; Wang, DaliPROCEEDINGS 2017 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (CSCI)2017
A Variable Polyglutamine Repeat Affects Subcellular Localization and Regulatory Activity of a Populus ANGUSTIFOLIA Protein10.1534/g3.118.200188Bryan, Anthony C.; Zhang, Jin; Guo, Jianjun; Ranjan, Priya; Singan, Vasanth; Barry, Kerrie; Schmutz, Jeremy; Weighill, Deborah; Jacobson, Daniel; Jawdy, Sara; Tuskan, Gerald A.; Chen, Jin-Gui; Muchero, WellingtonG3-GENES GENOMES GENETICSINCITEBIF102Jacobson, Daniel2018
A Vision for Managing Extreme-Scale Data Hoards10.1109/ICDCS.2019.00179Klasky, Scott; Podhorszki, Norbert; Heber, Gerd; Widener, Patrick; Wolf, Matthew; Kurc, Tahsin; Mehta, Kshitij; Logan, Jeremy2019 IEEE 39TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SYSTEMS (ICDCS)DDCSC143Klasky, Scott; Podhorszki, Norbert2019
A WENO-limited, ADER-DT, finite-volume scheme for efficient, robust, and communication-avoiding multi-dimensional transport10.1016/, Matthew R.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSSTAFFSTAFF008Vazhkudai,Sudharshan Sankaran2014
A broadly-applicable unified closure relation for Taylor bubble rise velocity in pipes with stagnant liquid10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2016.11.001Lizarraga-Garcia, E.; Buongiorno, J.; Al-Safran, E.; Lakehal, D.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOWDDDevelopment of a New, High-Fidelity, CFD-Informed Closure Relation for Taylor Bubble Velocity in Slug Flow in Pipes with Horizontal to Vertical InclinationsBuongiorno, Jacob2017
A case study of CUDA FORTRAN and OpenACC for an atmospheric climate kernel10.1016/j.jocs.2015.04.022Norman, Matthew; Larkin, Jeffrey; Vose, Aaron; Evans, KatherineJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCESTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
A case study on parallel HDF5 dataset concatenation for high energy physics data analysis10.1016/j.parco.2021.102877Lee, Sunwoo; Hou, Kai-yuan; Wang, Kewei; Schrish, Saba; Paterno, Marc; Kowalkowski, JamesPARALLEL COMPUTINGECPAST153Alexander, Francis2021
A catalog of high-impact windstorms in Switzerland since 185910.5194/nhess-14-2867-2014Stucki, P.; Brnoenimann, S.; Martius, O.; Welker, C.; Imhof, M.; von Wattenwyl, N.; Philipp, N.NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCESINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2014
A codesign framework for online data analysis and reduction10.1002/cpe.6519Mehta, Kshitij; Allen, Bryce; Wolf, Matthew; Logan, Jeremy; Suchyta, Eric; Choi, Jong; Takahashi, Keichi; Yakushin, Igor; Munson, Todd; Foster, Ian; Klasky, Scott; Singhal, Swati; Huck, Kevin; Sussman, AlanCONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCEECPCSC303Klasky, Scott2021
A collection of sub-daily pressure and temperature observations for the early instrumental period with a focus on the "year without a summer" 181610.5194/cp-11-1027-2015Brugnara, Y.; Auchmann, R.; Broennimann, S.; Allan, R. J.; Auer, I.; Barriendos, M.; Bergstrom, H.; Bhend, J.; Brazdil, R.; Compo, G. P.; Cornes, R. C.; Dominguez-Castro, F.; van Engelen, A. F. V.; Filipiak, J.; Holopainen, J.; Jourdain, S.; Kunz, M.; Luterbacher, J.; Maugeri, M.; Mercalli, L.; Moberg, A.; Mock, C. J.; Pichard, G.; Reznickova, L.; van der Schrier, G.; Slonosky, V.; Ustrnul, Z.; Valente, M. A.; Wypych, A.; Yin, X.CLIMATE OF THE PASTINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
A communication-avoiding 3D algorithm for sparse LU factorization on heterogeneous systems10.1016/j.jpdc.2019.03.004Sao, Piyush; Li, Xiaoye S.; Vuduc, RichardJOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTINGDDCSC345Kannan, Ramakrishnan2019
A comparative study of coarse-graining methods for polymeric fluids: Mori-Zwanzig vs. iterative Boltzmann inversion vs. stochastic parametric optimization10.1063/1.4959121Li, Zhen; Bian, Xin; Yang, Xiu; Karniadakis, George EmJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITEBIP118Karniadakis, George2016
A comparative study of surface energies and water adsorption on Ce- bastnasite, La- bastnaasite, and calcite via density functional theory and water adsorption calorimetry10.1039/c7cp00811bSrinivasan, Sriram Goverapet; Shivaramaiah, Radha; Kent, Paul R. C.; Stack, Andrew G.; Riman, Richard; Anderko, Andre; Navrotsky, Alexandra; Bryantsev, Vyacheslav S.PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICSDDCHM116Bryantsev, Vyacheslav2017
A comparison of the blow-out behavior of turbulent premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air and methane-air flames10.1016/j.proci.2020.07.011Wiseman, Samuel; Rieth, Martin; Gruber, Andrea; Dawson, James R.; Chen, Jacqueline H.PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTEINCITECMB103Chen, Jackie2021
A complete non-perturbative renormalization prescription for quasi-PDFs10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2017.08.012Alexandrou, Constantia; Cichy, Krzysztof; Constantinou, Martha; Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos; Jansen, Karl; Panagopoulos, Haralambos; Steffens, FernandaNUCLEAR PHYSICS BinciteNPH116Alexandrou,Constantia2017
A computational fluid dynamics simulation framework for ventricular catheter design optimization10.3171/2017.5.JNS161882Weisenberg, Sofy H.; TerMaath, Stephanie C.; Barbier, Charlotte N.; Hill, Judith C.; Killeffer, James A.JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY2018
A conductive heat transfer model for particle flows over immersed surfaces10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2015.06.004Morris, A. B.; Pannala, S.; Ma, Z.; Hrenya, C. M.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFERALCCPHY104Hrenya, Christine2015
A conservative scheme for electromagnetic simulation of magnetized plasmas with kinetic electrons10.1063/1.5016432Bao, J.; Lin, Z.; Lu, Z. X.PHYSICS OF PLASMASALCCFUS041Lin, Zhihong2018
A conservative scheme of drift kinetic electrons for gyrokinetic simulation of kinetic-MHD processes in toroidal plasmas10.1063/1.4995455Bao, J.; Liu, D.; Lin, Z.PHYSICS OF PLASMASDD, ALCCFUS107Lin, Zhihong2017
A coupled, multiphase heat flux boundary condition for the discrete element method10.1016/j.cej.2016.07.004Lattanzi, Aaron M.; Hrenya, Christine M.CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNALALCCPHY104Hrenya, Christine2016
A deterministic alternative to the full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo method10.1063/1.4955109Tubman, Norm M.; Lee, Joonho; Takeshita, Tyler Y.; Head-Gordon, Martin; Whaley, K. BirgittaJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECPH103Ceperley, David2016
A diagnostic analysis on the effect of the residual layer in convective boundary layer development near Mongolia using 20th century reanalysis data10.1007/s00376-014-4164-6Han Bo, undefined; Zhao Cailing, undefined; Lu Shihua, undefined; Wang Xin, undefinedADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCESINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
A dissipative particle dynamics method for arbitrarily complex geometries10.1016/, Zhen; Bian, Xin; Tang, Yu-Hang; Karniadakis, George EmJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSDDSYB102Karniadakis,George Em2018
A fast low-to-high confinement mode bifurcation dynamics in the boundary-plasma gyrokinetic code XGC110.1063/1.5020792Ku, S.; Chang, C. S.; Hager, R.; Churchill, R. M.; Tynan, G. R.; Cziegler, I.; Greenwald, M.; Hughes, J.; Parker, S. E.; Adams, M. F.; D'Azevedo, E.; Worley, P.PHYSICS OF PLASMASALCCENV003Chang, C.S.2018
A fast neural network approach for direct covariant forces prediction in complex multi-element extended systems10.1038/s42256-019-0098-0Mailoa, Jonathan P.; Kornbluth, Mordechai; Batzner, Simon; Samsonidze, Georgy; Lam, Stephen T.; Vandermause, Jonathan; Ablitt, Chris; Molinari, Nicola; Kozinsky, BorisNATURE MACHINE INTELLIGENCE2019
A framework for stochastic simulations and visualization of biological electron-transfer dynamics10.1016/j.cpc.2015.03.009Nakano, C. Masato; Byun, Hye Suk; Ma, Heng; Wei, Tao; El-Naggar, Mohamed Y.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSDDMAT104Wei, Tao2015
A fully 3-D numerical model to predict flood wave propagation and assess efficiency of flood protection measures10.1016/j.advwatres.2018.10.014Munoz, Daniel Horna; Constantinescu, GeorgeADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES2018
A fully non-linear multi-species Fokker-Planck-Landau collision operator for simulation of fusion plasma10.1016/, Robert; Yoon, E. S.; Ku, S.; D'Azevedo, E. F.; Worley, P. H.; Chang, C. S.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSINCITEENV003Chang, Choong-Seock2016
A functional test platform for the Community Land Model10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.01.015Wang, Dali; Xu, Yang; Thornton, Peter; King, Anthony; Steed, Chad; Gu, Lianhong; Schuchart, JosephENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWAREINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2014
A high resolution agent-based model to support walk-bicycle infrastructure investment decisions: A case study with New York City10.1016/j.trc.2017.11.008Aziz, H. M. Abdul; Park, Byung H.; Morton, April; Stewart, Robert N.; Hilliard, M.; Maness, M.TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES2018
A high-order WENO-limited finite-volume algorithm for atmospheric flow using the ADER-differential transform time discretization10.1002/qj.3989Norman, Matthew R.QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETYINCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2021
A hybrid computational strategy to address WGS variant analysis in > 5000 samples10.1186/s12859-016-1211-6Huang, Zhuoyi; Rustagi, Navin; Veeraraghavan, Narayanan; Carroll, Andrew; Gibbs, Richard; Boerwinkle, Eric; Venkata, Manjunath Gorentla; Yu, FuliBMC BIOINFORMATICSDDBIF103Venkata, Manjunath Gorentla2016
A laboratory study of asymmetric magnetic reconnection in strongly driven plasmas10.1038/ncomms7190Rosenberg, M. J.; Li, C. K.; Fox, W.; Igumenshchev, I.; Seguin, F. H.; Town, R. P. J.; Frenje, J. A.; Stoeckl, C.; Glebov, V.; Petrasso, R. D.NATURE COMMUNICATIONSDDPHY101Bhattacharjee, Amitava2015
A lightweight approach to performance portability with targetDP10.1177/1094342016682071Gray, Alan; Stratford, KevinINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSDDCSC206Gray, Alan2018
A lightweight method for evaluating in situ workflow efficiency10.1016/j.jocs.2020.101259Tu Mai Anh Do, undefined; Pottier, Loic; Caino-Lores, Silvina; da Silva, Rafael Ferreira; Cuendet, Michel A.; Weinstein, Harel; Estrada, Trilce; Taufer, Michela; Deelman, EwaJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCEINCITEBIP109Weinstein, Harel2021
A local framework for calculating coupled cluster singles and doubles excitation energies (LoFEx-CCSD)10.1080/00268976.2017.1290836Baudin, Pablo; Bykov, Dmytro; Liakh, Dmitry; Ettenhuber, Patrick; Kristensen, KasperMOLECULAR PHYSICSINCITECHP100Jorgensen, Poul2017
A low energy rare event search with the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR10.1088/1742-6596/1468/1/012040Wiseman, Clint16TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TOPICS IN ASTROPARTICLE AND UNDERGROUND PHYSICS (TAUP 2019)DDNPH016Varner, Robert2020
A lumped parameter method of characteristics approach and multigroup kernels applied to the subgroup self-shielding calculation in MPACT10.1016/, Shane; Liu, Yuxuan; Collins, Benjamin; Clarno, KevinNUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYCOURTESYTMP0052017
A major advance of tropical Andean glaciers during the Antarctic cold reversal10.1038/nature13546Jomelli, V.; Favier, V.; Vuille, M.; Braucher, R.; Martin, L.; Blard, P. -H.; Colose, C.; Brunstein, D.; He, F.; Khodri, M.; Bourles, D. L.; Leanni, L.; Rinterknecht, V.; Grancher, D.; Francou, B.; Ceballos, J. L.; Fonseca, H.; Liu, Z.; Otto-Bliesner, B. L.NATUREINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2014
A massively parallel and memory-efficient FEM toolbox with a hybrid total FETI solver with accelerator support10.1177/1094342018798452Riha, Lubumir; Merta, Michal; Vavrik, Radim; Brzobohaty, Tomas; Markopoulos, AlexandrosINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS2018
A measurement of material in the ATLAS tracker using secondary hadronic interactions in 7 TeV p p collisions10.1088/1748-0221/11/11/P11020Collaboration, ATLASJOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATIONDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2016
A measurement of the calorimeter response to single hadrons and determination of the jet energy scale uncertainty using LHC Run-1 pp-collision data with the ATLAS detector10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4580-0Collaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2017
A mechanistic model and therapeutic interventions for COVID-19 involving a RAS-mediated bradykinin storm10.7554/eLife.59177Garvin, Michael R.; Alvarez, Christiane; Miller, J. Izaak; Prates, Erica T.; Walker, Angelica M.; Amos, B. Kirtley; Mast, Alan E.; Justice, Amy; Aronow, Bruce; Jacobson, DanielELIFEALCCSYB106Jacobson, Daniel2020
A multi-century tree-ring record of spring flooding on the Mississippi River10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.11.005Therrell, Matthew D.; Bialecki, Margaret B.JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
A multi-model and multi-index evaluation of drought characteristics in the 21st century10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.12.011Touma, Danielle; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Nayak, Munir A.; Kao, Shih-Chieh; Diffenbaugh, Noah S.JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGYDDCLI105Ashfaq, Moetasim2015
A multiscale modeling framework model (superparameterized CAM5) with a higher-order turbulence closure: Model description and low-cloud simulations10.1002/2014MS000375Wang, Minghuai; Larson, Vincent E.; Ghan, Steven; Ovchinnikov, Mikhail; Schanen, David P.; Xiao, Heng; Liu, Xiaohong; Rasch, Philip; Guo, ZhunJOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMSALCCCLI063Rasch, Philip2015
A multivariate approach to ensure statistical reproducibility of climate model simulations10.1145/3324989.3325724Mahajan, Salil; Evans, Katherine J.; Kennedy, Joseph H.; Xu, Min; Norman, Matthew R.PROCEEDINGS OF THE PLATFORM FOR ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING CONFERENCE (PASC)INCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2019
A new and inexpensive non-bit-for-bit solution reproducibility test based on time step convergence (TSC1.0)10.5194/gmd-10-537-2017Wan, Hui; Zhang, Kai; Rasch, Philip J.; Singh, Balwinder; Chen, Xingyuan; Edwards, JimGEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENTALCCCLI112Thornton, Peter2017
A new ensemble-based consistency test for the Community Earth System Model (pyCECT v1.0)10.5194/gmd-8-2829-2015Baker, A. H.; Hammerling, D. M.; Levy, M. N.; Xu, H.; Dennis, J. M.; Eaton, B. E.; Edwards, J.; Hannay, C.; Mickelson, S. A.; Neale, R. B.; Nychka, D.; Shollenberger, J.; Tribbia, J.; Vertenstein, M.; Williamson, D.GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENTINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2015
A new hybrid-Lagrangian numerical scheme for gyrokinetic simulation of tokamak edge plasma10.1016/, S.; Hager, R.; Chang, C. S.; Kwon, J. M.; Parker, S. E.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSINCITEENV003Chang, Choong-Seock2016
A new look at ocean ventilation time scales and their uncertainties10.1002/2016JC012529Fine, Rana A.; Peacock, Synte; Maltrud, Mathew E.; Bryan, Frank O.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANSinciteCLI018Peacock,Synte2017
A new paradigm for petascale Monte Carlo simulation: Replica exchange Wang-Landau sampling10.1088/1742-6596/510/1/012012Li, Ying Wai; Vogel, Thomas; Wuest, Thomas; Landau, David P.25TH IUPAP CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS (CCP2013)INCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2014
A new scaling approach for the mesoscale simulation of magnetic domain structures using Monte Carlo simulations10.1016/j.jmmm.2017.01.064Radhakrishnan, B.; Eisenbach, M.; Burress, T. A.JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALSALCCMAT143Radhakrishnan, Balasubramaniam2017
A new scheme for fixed node diffusion quantum Monte Carlo with pseudopotentials: Improving reproducibility and reducing the trial-wave-function bias10.1063/1.5119729Zen, Andrea; Brandenburg, Jan Gerit; Michaelides, Angelos; Alfe, DarioJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECPH005Alfe, Dario2019
A new spatially distributed added value index for regional climate models: the EURO-CORDEX and the CORDEX-CORE highest resolution ensembles10.1007/s00382-020-05400-5Ciarlo, James M.; Coppola, Erika; Fantini, Adriano; Giorgi, Filippo; Gao, XueJie; Tong, Yao; Glazer, Russell H.; Alavez, Jose Abraham Torres; Sines, Taleena; Pichelli, Emanuela; Raffaele, Francesca; Das, Sushant; Bukovsky, Melissa; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Im, Eun-Soon; Thanh Nguyen-Xuan, undefined; Teichmann, Claas; Remedio, Armelle; Remke, Thomas; Buelow, Katharina; Weber, Torsten; Buntemeyer, Lars; Sieck, Kevin; Rechid, Diana; Jacob, DanielaCLIMATE DYNAMICSDDCLI138Ashfaq, Moetasim2021
A novel web informatics approach for automated surveillance of cancer mortality trends10.1016/j.jbi.2016.03.027Tourassi, Georgia; Yoon, Hong-Jun; Xu, SonghuaJOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICSDDMED100Tourassi, Georgia2016
A parallel multi-domain solution methodology applied to nonlinear thermal transport problems in nuclear fuel pins10.1016/, Bobby; Berrill, Mark A.; Allu, Srikanth; Hamilton, Steven P.; Sampath, Rahul S.; Clarno, Kevin T.; Dilts, Gary A.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSALCCNFI011Turner, John2015
A parallel strategy for density functional theory computations on accelerated nodes10.1016/j.parco.2020.102703Pasini, Massimiliano Lupo; Turcksin, Bruno; Ge, Wenjun; Fattebert, Jean-LucPARALLEL COMPUTINGDDCPH125Fattebert, Jean-Luc2020
A parametric study of ignition dynamics at ECN Spray A thermochemical conditions using 2D DNS10.1016/j.proci.2018.08.026Krisman, Alex; Hawkes, Evatt R.; Chen, Jacqueline H.PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTEINCITECMB103Chen, Jackie2019
A partially-open inward-facing intermediate conformation of LeuT is associated with Na+ release and substrate transport10.1038/s41467-017-02202-yTerry, Daniel S.; Kolster, Rachel A.; Quick, Matthias; LeVine, Michael V.; Khelashvili, George; Zhou, Zhou; Weinstein, Harel; Javitch, Jonathan A.; Blanchard, Scott C.NATURE COMMUNICATIONSALCC, DDBIP109Weinstein, Harel2018
A path for synthesis of boron-nitride nanostructures in volume of arc plasma10.1088/1361-6528/aa5653Han, Longtao; Krstic, PredragNANOTECHNOLOGY2017
A per-cent-level determination of the nucleon axial coupling from quantum chromodynamics10.1038/s41586-018-0161-8Chang, C. C.; Nicholson, A. N.; Rinaldi, E.; Berkowitz, E.; Garron, N.; Brantley, D. A.; Monge-Camacho, H.; Monahan, C. J.; Bouchard, C.; Clark, M. A.; Joo, B.; Kurth, T.; Orginos, K.; Vranas, P.; Walker-Loud, A.NATUREINCITE, DDLGT100Walker-Loud, Andre2018
A performance analysis of the first generation of HPC-optimized Arm processors10.1002/cpe.5110McIntosh-Smith, Simon; Price, James; Deakin, Tom; Poenaru, AndreiCONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCEINCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2019
A performance model for the communication in fast multipole methods on high-performance computing platforms10.1177/1094342016634819Ibeid, Huda; Yokota, Rio; Keyes, DavidINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSINCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2016
A performance study of Quantum ESPRESSO's PWscf code on multi-core and GPU systems10.1007/978-3-319-72971-8_4Romero, Joshua; Phillips, Everett; Ruetsch, Gregory; Fatica, MassimilianoHIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING SYSTEMS. PERFORMANCE MODELING, BENCHMARKING, AND SIMULATION. PMBS 2017DDCSC025Straatsma, Tjerk2018
A practical guide to replica-exchange Wang-Landau simulations10.1088/1742-6596/1012/1/012003Vogel, Thomas; Li, Ying Wai; Landau, David P.IX BRAZILIAN MEETING ON SIMULATIONAL PHYSICS (BMSP 2017)2018
A pre-training and self-training approach for biomedical named entity recognition10.1371/journal.pone.0246310Gao, Shang; Kotevska, Olivera; Sorokine, Alexandre; Christian, J. BlairPLOS ONEECPMED106Stevens, Rick2021
A programmable shared-memory system for an array of processing-in-memory devices10.1007/s10586-018-2844-1Lee, Sangkuen; Sim, Hyogi; Kim, Youngjae; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONSECPCSC300Mohror, Kathryn2019
A prospect for computing in porous materials research: Very large fluid flow simulations10.1016/j.jocs.2015.11.013Mattila, Keijo; Puurtinen, Tuomas; Hyvaluoma, Jari; Surmas, Rodrigo; Myllys, Markko; Turpeinen, Tuomas; Robertsen, Fredrik; Westerholm, Jan; Timonen, JussiJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCEINCITECSC102Smith, Lorna2016
A purely Lagrangian method for simulating the shallow water equations on a sphere using smooth particle hydrodynamics10.1016/, JesseJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSALCCCSC188Robert Voigt2018
A quantitative model of application slow-down in multi-resource shared systems10.1016/j.peva.2016.10.004Lim, Seung-Hwan; Kim, YoungjaePERFORMANCE EVALUATIONDDCSC249Kannan, Ramakrishnan2017
A regression algorithm for accelerated lattice QCD that exploits sparse inference on the D‑Wave quantum annealer10.1038/s41598-020-67769-xNguyen, Nga T. T.; Kenyon, Garrett T.; Yoon, BoramSCIENTIFIC REPORTSDDLGT107Gupta, Rajan2020
A review of predictive nonlinear theories for multiscale modeling of heterogeneous materials10.1016/, Karel; Geers, Marc G. D.; Kouznetsova, Varvara G.; Gillman, AndrewJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSALCCCSC188Voigt,Robert2017
A scalable algorithm for the optimization of neural network architectures10.1016/j.parco.2021.102788Pasini, Massimiliano Lupo; Yin, Junqi; Li, Ying Wai; Eisenbach, MarkusPARALLEL COMPUTINGINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2021
A scalable framework for Adaptive Computational General Relativity on Heterogeneous Clusters10.1145/3330345.3330346Fernando, Milinda; Neilsen, David; Hirschmann, Eric W.; Sundar, HariINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUPERCOMPUTING (ICS 2019)2019
A scalable framework for the global offline community land model ensemble simulation10.1504/IJCSE.2016.074565Wang, Dali; Domke, Jens; Mao, Jiafu; Shi, Xiaoying; Ricciuto, Daniel M.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERINGddCLI017Warren Washington , Bates,Susan C2016
A scalable geometric multigrid method for non-symmetric linear systems arising from elliptic equationsEsmaily-Moghadam, M.; Jofre, L; Iaccarino, G.; Mani, A.Stanford University Center for Turbulence ResearchALCCCSC188Voigt,Robert2015
A scalable geometric multigrid solver for nonsymmetric elliptic systems with application to variable-density flows10.1016/, M.; Jofre, L.; Mani, A.; Iaccarino, G.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSalccCSC188Voight,Robert2018
A search for pair-produced resonances in four-jet final states at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-5693-4Collaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2018
A search for the Z gamma decay mode of the Higgs boson in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135754Collaboration, ATLASPHYSICS LETTERS BDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2020
A search for the decays of stopped long-lived particles at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector10.1007/JHEP07(2021)173Collaboration, ATLASJOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICSDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2021
A search for the dimuon decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135980Collaboration, ATLASPHYSICS LETTERS BDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2021
A semi-local spectral/hp element solver for linear elasticity problems10.1002/nme.4739Yu, Yue; Bittencourt, Marco L.; Karniadakis, George EmINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERINGINCITEBIP017Karniadakis, George2014
A sharp interface model for deterministic simulation of dendrite growth10.1016/j.commatsci.2019.109097Ramanuj, Vimal; Sankaran, Ramanan; Radhakrishnan, BalasubramaniamCOMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCEALCCCMB132Sankaran, Ramanan2019
A simple climatology of westerly jet streams in global reanalysis datasets part 1: mid-latitude upper tropospheric jets10.1007/s00382-015-2560-yRikus, LawrieCLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2018
A spectral transform dynamical core option within the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM4)10.1002/2014MS000329Evans, Katherine J.; Mahajan, Salil; Branstetter, Marcia; McClean, Julie L.; Caron, Julie; Maltrud, Matthew E.; Hack, James J.; Bader, David C.; Neale, Richard; Leifeld, Juliann K.JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMSDDCLI049Hack, James2014
A stable snow-atmosphere coupled mode10.1007/s00382-015-2952-zZhao, Liang; Zhu, Yuxiang; Liu, Haiwen; Liu, Zhongfang; Liu, Yanju; Li, Xiuping; Chen, ZhouCLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2016
A study of the impact of scheduling parameters in heterogeneous computing environments10.1109/WSC.2014.7019953Powers, S.; ,2014 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)DDCSC040Imam, Neena2014
A survey of high level frameworks in block-structured adaptive mesh refinement packages10.1016/j.jpdc.2014.07.001Dubey, Anshu; Almgren, Ann; Bell, John; Berzins, Martin; Brandt, Steve; Bryan, Greg; Colella, Phillip; Graves, Daniel; Lijewski, Michael; Loeffler, Frank; O'Shea, Brian; Schnetter, Erik; Van Straalen, Brian; Weide, KlausJOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTINGINCITECMB015 & CMB021Berzins, Martin2014
A survey of software implementations used by application codes in the Exascale Computing Project10.1177/10943420211028940Evans, Thomas M.; Siegel, Andrew; Draeger, Erik W.; Deslippe, Jack; Francois, Marianne M.; Germann, Timothy C.; Hart, William E.; Martin, Daniel F.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSECPCSC304Mniszewski, Susan2021
A tight-coupling scheme sharing minimum information across a spatial interface between gyrokinetic turbulence codes10.1063/1.5044707Dominski, J.; Ku, S.; Chang, C-S.; Choi, J.; Suchyta, E.; Parker, S.; Klasky, S.; Bhattacharjee, A.PHYSICS OF PLASMAS2018
A twentieth-century reanalysis forced ocean model to reconstruct the North Atlantic climate variation during the 1920s10.1007/s00382-014-2267-5Mueller, W. A.; Matei, D.; Bersch, M.; Jungclaus, J. H.; Haak, H.; Lohmann, K.; Compo, G. P.; Sardeshmukh, P. D.; Marotzke, J.CLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
A two-phase mixing layer between parallel gas and liquid streams: multiphase turbulence statistics and influence of interfacial instability10.1017/jfm.2018.825Ling, Y.; Fuster, D.; Tryggvason, G.; Zaleski, S.JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICSDDCFD104Ling, Yue2019
A wave-based model for cross-beam energy transfer in direct-drive inertial confinement fusion10.1063/1.4982059Myatt, J. F.; Follett, R. K.; Shaw, J. G.; Edgell, D. H.; Froula, D. H.; Igumenshchev, I. V.; Goncharov, V. N.PHYSICS OF PLASMASDDFUS113Shaw, John Gary2017
A64FX performance: experience on Ookami10.1109/Cluster48925.2021.00106Bari, Md Abdullah Shahneous; Chapman, Barbara; Curtis, Anthony; Harrison, Robert J.; Siegmann, Eva; Simakov, Nikolay A.; Jones, Matthew D.2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER 2021)DDCSC401Chapman, Barabara2021
ABACUSSUMMIT: a massive set of high-accuracy, high-resolution N-body simulations10.1093/mnras/stab2484Maksimova, Nina A.; Garrison, Lehman H.; Eisenstein, Daniel J.; Hadzhiyska, Boryana; Bose, Sownak; Satterthwaite, Thomas P.MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETYDD; ALCCAST135; AST145Eisenstein, Daniel2021
ACAP1 assembles into an unusual protein lattice for membrane deformation through multiple stages10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007081Chan, Chun; Pang, Xiaoyun; Zhang, Yan; Niu, Tongxin; Yang, Shengjiang; Zhao, Daohui; Li, Jian; Lu, Lanyuan; Hsu, Victor W.; Zhou, Jian; Sun, Fei; Fan, JunPLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGYINCITEBIP115Singharoy, Abhishek2019
ADC Nonlinearity Correction for the Majorana Demonstrator10.1109/TNS.2020.3043671Abgrall, N.; Allmond, J. M.; Arnquist, I. J.; Avignone, F. T.; Barabash, A. S.; Barton, C. J.; Bertrand, F. E.; Bos, B.; Busch, M.; Buuck, M.; Caldwell, T. S.; Campbell, C. M.; Chan, Y. -D.; Christofferson, C. D.; Chu, Pinghan; Clark, M. L.; Crawford, H. L.; Cuesta, C.; Detwiler, J. A.; Drobizhev, A.; Edwins, D. W.; Efremenko, Yu.; Ejiri, H.; Elliott, S. R.; Gilliss, T.; Giovanetti, G. K.; Green, M. P.; Gruszko, J.; Guinn, I. S.; Guiseppe, V. E.; Haufe, C. R.; Hegedus, R. J.; Henning, R.; Aguilar, D. Hervas; Hoppe, E. W.; Hostiuc, A.; Kidd, M. F.; Kim, I.; Kouzes, R. T.; Lopez, A. M.; Lopez-Castano, J. M.; Martin, E. L.; Martin, R. D.; Massarczyk, R.; Meijer, S. J.; Mertens, S.; Myslik, J.; Oli, T. K.; Othman, G.; Pettus, W.; Poon, A. W. P.; Radford, D. C.; Rager, J.; Reine, A. L.; Rielage, K.; Ruof, N. W.; Stortini, M. J.; Tedeschi, D.; Varner, R. L.; Vasilyev, S.; White, B. R.; Wilkerson, J. F.; Wiseman, C.; Xu, W.; Yu, C. -H.; Zhu, B. X.; Shanks, B.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCEDDNPH016Varner, Robert2021
ADIOS 2: The Adaptable Input Output System. A framework for high-performance data management10.1016/j.softx.2020.100561Godoy, William F.; Podhorszki, Norbert; Wang, Ruonan; Atkins, Chuck; Eisenhauer, Greg; Gu, Junmin; Davis, Philip; Choi, Jong; Germaschewski, Kai; Huck, Kevin; Huebl, Axel; Kim, Mark; Kress, James; Kurc, Tahsin; Liu, Qing; Logan, Jeremy; Mehta, Kshitij; Ostrouchov, George; Parashar, Manish; Poeschel, Franz; Pugmire, David; Suchyta, Eric; Takahashi, Keichi; Thompson, Nick; Tsutsumi, Seiji; Wan, Lipeng; Wolf, Matthew; Wu, Kesheng; Klasky, ScottSOFTWAREXDDCSC143Podhorszki, Norbert; Klasky, Scott2020
AHEAD: A Tool for Projecting Next-Generation Hardware Enhancements on GPU-Accelerated Systems10.1109/IPDPSW.2019.00103Abdelhafez, Hazem A.; Zimmer, Christopher; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.; Ripeanu, Matei2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOPS (IPDPSW)GeneralGEN0062019
AI Meets Exascale Computing: Advancing Cancer Research With Large-Scale High Performance Computing10.3389/fonc.2019.00984Bhattacharya, Tanmoy; Brettin, Thomas; Doroshow, James H.; Evrard, Yvonne A.; Greenspan, Emily J.; Gryshuk, Amy L.; Hoang, Thuc T.; Lauzon, Carolyn B. Vea; Nissley, Dwight; Penberthy, Lynne; Stahlberg, Eric; Stevens, Rick; Streitz, Fred; Tourassi, Georgia; Xia, Fangfang; Zaki, GeorgeFRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGYECPMED106Stevens, Rick2019
AI-based design of a nuclear reactor core10.1038/s41598-021-98037-1Sobes, Vladimir; Hiscox, Briana; Popov, Emilian; Archibald, Rick; Hauck, Cory; Betzler, Ben; Terrani, KurtSCIENTIFIC REPORTSDDNPH136Archibald, Rick2021
AIM for Allostery: Using the Ising Model to Understand Information Processing and Transmission in Allosteric Biomolecular Systems10.3390/e17052895LeVine, Michael V.; Weinstein, HarelENTROPYALCCBIP109Weinstein, Harel2015
AMRZone: A Runtime AMR Data Sharing Framework For Scientific Applications10.1109/CCGrid.2016.62Zhang, Wenzhao; Tang, Houjun; Harenberg, Steve; Byna, Surendra; Zou, Xiaocheng; Devendran, Dharshi; Martin, Daniel F.; Wu, Kesheng; Dong, Bin; Klasky, Scott; Samatova, Nagiza F.2016 16TH IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CLUSTER, CLOUD AND GRID COMPUTING (CCGRID)DDCSC143Klasky,Scott2016
AMReX: Block-structured adaptive mesh refinement for multiphysics applications10.1177/10943420211022811Zhang, Weiqun; Myers, Andrew; Gott, Kevin; Almgreni, Ann; Bell, JohnINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSECPCSC308Bell, John2021
AP1000 PWR Startup Core Modeling and Simulation with CASL-CS (ANFM V)Franceschini, Fausto; GODFREY, ANDREW; STIMPSON, SHANE; EVANS, THOMAS; COLLINS, BENJAMIN; GEHIN, JESS; TURNER, JOHN; Graham, Aaron; Downar, ThomasF Advances in Nuclear Fuel Management V (ANFM 2015)ES_2013 & (ALCC)NFI101 & (NFI011)Turner, John2015
AS-BUILT SIMULATION OF THE HIGH FLUX ISOTOPE REACTORBetzler, B. R.; Chandler, D.; Evans, D. M.; Davidson, G.G.; Daily, C. R.; Wilson, S.C.; Mosher, S. W.PHYSOR 2020: TRANSITION TO A SCALABLE NUCLEAR FUTUREALCCNFI007Turner, John2020
ATLAS b-jet identification performance and efficiency measurement with t(t)over-bar events in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7450-8Collaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2019
Ab Initio Calculations of Low-Energy Nuclear Scattering Using Confining Potential Traps10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.112503Zhang, Xilin; Stroberg, S. R.; Navratil, P.; Gwak, Chan; Melendez, J. A.; Furnstahl, R. J.; Holt, J. D.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH008Vary, James2020
Ab Initio Computation of the Longitudinal Response Function in Ca-4010.1103/PhysRevLett.127.072501Sobczyk, J. E.; Acharya, B.; Bacca, S.; Hagen, G.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2021
Ab Initio Coupled-Cluster Effective Interactions for the Shell Model: Application to Neutron-Rich Oxygen and Carbon Isotopes10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.142502Jansen, G. R.; Engel, J.; Hagen, G.; Navratil, P.; Signoracci, A.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH008Vary, James2014
Ab Initio NCSM/RGM for Three-Body Cluster Systems and Application to He-4+n+n10.1007/s00601-014-0876-5Romero-Redondo, C.; Navratil, P.; Quaglioni, S.; Hupin, G.FEW-BODY SYSTEMSINCITENPH008Vary, James2014
Ab Initio Nuclear Thermodynamics10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.192502Lu, Bing-Nan; Li, Ning; Elhatisari, Serdar; Lee, Dean; Drut, Joaquin E.; Laehde, Timo A.; Epelbaum, Evgeny; Meissner, Ulf-GPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2020
Ab Initio Optical Potentials and Nucleon Scattering on Medium Mass Nuclei10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.092501Idini, A.; Barbieri, C.; Navratil, P.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2019
Ab Initio Thermodynamics and Kinetics for Coalescence of Two-Dimensional Nanoislands and Nanopits on Metal (100) Surfaces10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b07328Han, Yong; Stoldt, Conrad R.; Thiel, Patricia A.; Evans, James W.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CDDMAT112Yong Han2016
Ab initio Bogoliubov coupled cluster theory for open-shell nuclei10.1103/PhysRevC.91.064320Signoracci, A.; Duguet, T.; Hagen, G.; Jansen, G. R.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James P.2015
Ab initio Calculation of the np -> d gamma Radiative Capture Process10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.132001Beane, Silas R.; Chang, Emmanuel; Detmold, William; Orginos, Kostas; Parreo, Assumpta; Savage, Martin J.; Tiburzi, Brian C.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSALCCNPH104Savage, Martin2015
Ab initio Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations of Spin Superexchange in Cuprates: The Benchmarking Case of Ca2CuO310.1103/PhysRevX.4.031003Foyevtsova, Kateryna; Krogel, Jaron T.; Kim, Jeongnim; Kent, P. R. C.; Dagotto, Elbio; Reboredo, Fernando A.PHYSICAL REVIEW XINCITEMAT044Kent, Paul2014
Ab initio calculation of the potential bubble nucleus Si-3410.1103/PhysRevC.95.034319Duguet, T.; Soma, V.; Lecluse, S.; Barbieri, C.; Navratil, P.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH123Hagan, Gaute2017
Ab initio calculations of electric dipole moments of light nuclei10.1103/PhysRevC.104.025502Froese, Paul; Navratil, PetrPHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2021
Ab initio calculations of reactions of light nuclei10.1051/epjconf/201714612022Hupin, Guillaume; Quaglioni, Sofia; Navratil, PetrND 2016: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYINCITENPH008Vary, James Patrick2017
Ab initio electromagnetic observables with the in-medium similarity renormalization group10.1103/PhysRevC.96.034324Parzuchowski, N. M.; Stroberg, S. R.; Navratil, P.; Hergert, H.; Bogner, S. K.PHYSICAL REVIEW CInciteNPH008Vary,James, Nam,Hai Ah2017
Ab initio investigation of the cyclodehydrogenation process for polyanthrylene transformation to graphene nanoribbons10.1038/s41524-019-0228-6Xiao, Zhongcan; Ma, Chuanxu; Lu, Wenchang; Huang, Jingsong; Liang, Liangbo; Hong, Kunlun; Li, An-Ping; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Bernholc, JerzyNPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALSINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2019
Ab initio molecular dynamics on quantum computers10.1063/5.0046930Fedorov, Dmitry A.; Otten, Matthew J.; Gray, Stephen K.; Alexeev, YuriJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSQuantumCHM168Alexeev, Yuri2021
Ab initio study of neutron drops with chiral Hamiltonians10.1016/j.physletb.2014.10.020Potter, H. D.; Fischer, S.; Maris, P.; Vary, J. P.; Binder, S.; Calci, A.; Langhammer, J.; Roth, R.PHYSICS LETTERS BINCITENPH008Vary, James2014
Abrupt ice-age shifts in southern westerly winds and Antarctic climate forced from the north10.1038/s41586-018-0727-5Buizert, Christo; Sigl, Michael; Severi, Mirko; Markle, Bradley R.; Wettstein, Justin J.; McConnell, Joseph R.; Pedro, Joel B.; Sodemann, Harald; Goto-Azuma, Kumiko; Kawamura, Kenji; Fujita, Shuji; Motoyama, Hideaki; Hirabayashi, Motohiro; Uemura, Ryu; Stenni, Barbara; Parrenin, Frederic; He, Feng; Fudge, T. J.; Steig, Eric J.NATURE2018
Absolute Molecular Orientation of Isopropanol at Ceria (100) Surfaces: Insight into Catalytic Selectivity from the Interfacial Structure10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b03272Doughty, Benjamin; Srinivasan, Sriram Goverapet; Bryantsev, Vyacheslav S.; Lee, Dongkyu; Lee, Ho Nyung; Ma, Ying-Zhong; Lutterman, Daniel K.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CDDCHM116Bryantsev, Vyacheslav2017
Absolute single photoionization cross-sections of Br3+: experiment and theory10.1088/1361-6455/ab0e22Macaluso, D. A.; Aguilar, A.; Kilcoyne, A. L. D.; Bilodeau, R. C.; Juarez, A. M.; Dumitriu, undefined; Hardy, D.; Sterling, N. C.; Bautista, M.JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICSDDCHM154de Graaf, Coen2019
Absolute single-photoionization cross sections of Se2+: Experiment and theory10.1103/PhysRevA.92.063424Macaluso, D. A.; Aguilar, A.; Kilcoyne, A. L. D.; Red, E. C.; Bilodeau, R. C.; Phaneuf, R. A.; Sterling, N. C.; McLaughlin, B. M.PHYSICAL REVIEW AINCITE; DDCHM052, MPH102Pindzola, Michael2015
Abstract Interpretation: Testing at Scale Without Testing at Scale10.1109/SE-HPCCSE.2014.8Jindal, Nakul; Yang, Junmin; Lotrich, Victor; Byrd, Jason; Sanders, BeverlyPROCEEDINGS OF SEHPCCSE 2014: SECOND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING IN COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING2014
Abstractions and Directives for Adapting Wavefront Algorithms to Future Architectures10.1145/3218176.3218228Searles, Robert; Chandrasekaran, Sunita; Joubert, Wayne; Hernandez, OscarPROCEEDINGS OF THE PLATFORM FOR ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING CONFERENCE (PASC)2018
Abundant C-4 plants on the Tibetan Plateau during the Lateglacial and early Holocene10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.12.014Thomas, Elizabeth K.; Huang, Yongsong; Morrill, Carrie; Zhao, Jiangtao; Wegener, Pamela; Clemens, Steven C.; Colman, Steven M.; Gao, LiQUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWSINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2014
Accelerated application development: The ORNL Titan experience10.1016/j.compeleceng.2015.04.008Joubert, Wayne; Archibald, Rick; Berrill, Mark; Brown, W. Michael; Eisenbach, Markus; Grout, Ray; Larkin, Jeff; Levesque, John; Messer, Bronson; Norman, Matt; Philip, Bobby; Sankaran, Ramanan; Tharrington, Arnold; Turner, JohnCOMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
Accelerated impurity solver for DMFT and its diagrammatic extensions10.1016/j.cpc.2021.108075Melnick, Corey; Semon, Patrick; Yu, Kwangmin; D'Imperio, Nicholas; Tremblay, Andre-Marie; Kotliar, GabrielCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITEMAT229Kotliar, Gabriel2021
Accelerated training of bootstrap aggregation-based deep information extraction systems from cancer pathology reports10.1016/j.jbi.2020.103564Yoon, Hong-Jun; Klasky, Hilda B.; Gounley, John P.; Alawad, Mohammed; Gao, Shang; Durbin, Eric B.; Wu, Xiao-Cheng; Stroup, Antoinette; Doherty, Jennifer; Coyle, Linda; Penberthy, Lynne; Christian, J. Blair; Tourassi, Georgia D.JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICSECPMED106Stevens, Rick2020
Accelerated, scalable and reproducible AI-driven gravitational wave detection10.1038/s41550-021-01405-0Huerta, E. A.; Khan, Asad; Huang, Xiaobo; Tian, Minyang; Levental, Maksim; Chard, Ryan; Wei, Wei; Heflin, Maeve; Katz, Daniel S.; Kindratenko, Volodymyr; Mu, Dawei; Blaiszik, Ben; Foster, IanNATURE ASTRONOMYINCITEAST168Eliu, Huerta2021
Accelerating Ab Initio Nuclear Physics Calculationswith GPUsPotter, Hugh; Oryspayev, Dossay; Maris, Pieter; Sosonkina, Masha; Vary, James; Binder, Sven; Calci, Angelo; Langhammer, Joachim; Roth, Robert; Catalyurek, Umit; Saule, ErikINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR THEORY IN THE SUPERCOMPUTING ERA (NTSE 2013)INCITENPH008Vary, James2014
Accelerating Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of Solids with Graphical Processing Units10.1021/acs.jctc.0c00262Malone, Fionn D.; Zhang, Shuai; Morales, Miguel A.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATIONECPMAT189Kent, Paul2020
Accelerating Climate Resilient Plant Breeding by Applying Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence10.1016/j.tibtech.2019.05.007Harfouche, Antoine L.; Jacobson, Daniel A.; Kainer, David; Romero, Jonathon C.; Harfouche, Antoine H.; Mugnozza, Giuseppe Scarascia; Moshelion, Menachem; Tuskan, Gerald A.; Keurentjes, Joost J. B.; Altman, ArieTRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGYALCCSBY105Jacobson, Daniel2019
Accelerating DCA plus plus (Dynamical Cluster Approximation) Scientific Application on the Summit supercomputer10.1109/PACT.2019.00041Balduzzi, Giovanni; Chatterjee, Arghya; Li, Ying Wai; Doak, Peter W.; Haehner, Urs; D'Azevedo, Ed F.; Maier, Thomas A.; Schulthess, Thomas2019 28TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL ARCHITECTURES AND COMPILATION TECHNIQUES (PACT 2019)INCITECPH102Maier, Thomas2019
Accelerating Geostatistical Modeling and Prediction With Mixed-Precision Computations: A High-Productivity Approach With PaRSEC10.1109/TPDS.2021.3084071Abdulah, Sameh; Cao, Qinglei; Pei, Yu; Bosilca, George; Dongarra, Jack; Genton, Marc G.; Keyes, David E.; Ltaief, Hatem; Sun, YingIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS2022
Accelerating Large-Scale Excited-State GW Calculations on Leadership HPC Systems10.1109/SC41405.2020.00008Del Ben, Mauro; Yang, Charlene; Li, Zhenglu; da Jornada, Felipe H.; Louie, Steven G.; Deslippe, JackPROCEEDINGS OF SC20: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSIS (SC20)INCITEMAT209Deslippe, Jack2020
Accelerating Large-Scale GW Calculations on Hybrid CPU-GPU ArchitecturesDel Ben, M. ; Yang, C.; da Jornada, F.H. ; Louie, S.G.; Deslippe, J.SC '19DDCSC275Straatsma, Tjerk2019
Accelerating Lattice QCD Multigrid on GPUs Using Fine-Grained ParallelizationClark, M. A.; Joo, Balint; Strelchenko, Alexei; Cheng, Michael; Gambhir, Arjun; Brower, Richard. C.SC '16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISINCITELGT003Mackenzie, Paul2016
Accelerating Multigrid-based Hierarchical Scientific Data Refactoring on GPUs10.1109/IPDPS49936.2021.00095Chen, Jieyang; Wan, Lipeng; Liang, Xin; Whitney, Ben; Liu, Qing; Pugmire, David; Thompson, Nicholas; Choi, Jong Youl; Wolf, Matthew; Munson, Todd; Foster, Ian; Klasky, Scott2021 IEEE 35TH INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM (IPDPS)ECPCSC299; CSC303Foster, Ian; Klasky, Scott2021
Accelerating Science Impact through Big Data Workflow Management and Supercomputing10.1051/epjconf/201610801003De, K.; Klimentov, A.; Maeno, T.; Mashinistov, R.; Nilsson, P.; Oleynik, D.; Panitkin, S.; Ryabinkin, E.; Wenaus, T.MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS (MMCP 2015)DDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2016
Accelerating Scientific Computing in the Post-Moore's Era10.1145/3380940Hamilton, Kathleen E.; Schuman, Catherine D.; Young, Steven R.; Bennink, Ryan S.; Imam, Neena; Humble, Travis S.ACM TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL COMPUTING2020
Accelerating Time Integration for the Shallow Water Equations on the Sphere Using GPUs10.1016/j.procs.2015.05.470Archibald, R.; Evans, K. J.; Salinger, A.INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE, ICCS 2015 COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AT THE GATES OF NATUREDDCLI106Evans, Katherine2015
Accelerating dissipative particle dynamics simulations for soft matter systems10.1016/j.commatsci.2014.10.068Trung Dac Nguyen, undefined; Plimpton, Steven J.COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCEDDMAT123Nguyen, Trung Dac2015
Accelerating dissipative particle dynamics simulations on GPUs: Algorithms, numerics and applications10.1016/j.cpc.2014.06.015Tang, Yu-Hang; Karniadakis, George EmCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITEBIP017Karniadakis, George2014
Accelerating lattice quantum Monte Carlo simulations using artificial neural networks: Application to the Holstein model10.1103/PhysRevB.100.020302Li, Shaozhi; Dee, Philip M.; Khatami, Ehsan; Johnston, StevenPHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITECPH102Maier, Thomas2019
Accelerating the Global Arrays ComEx Runtime using Multiple Progress RanksGawande, Nitin A.; Kowalski, Karol; Palmer, Bruce J.; Krishnamoorthy, Sriram; Apra, Edoardo; Manzano, Joseph B.; Amatya, Vinay C.; Crawford, Jonathan C.SC '19ECPCSC319Palmer, Bruce2019
Accelerating the Performance of Modal Aerosol Module of E3SM Using OpenACCShan, Hongzhang; Zhao, Zhengji; Wagner, MarcusWACCPD 2019: SIXTH WORKSHOP ON ACCELERATOR PROGRAMMING USING DIRECTIVESINCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2019
Accelerating the convergence of auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo in solids with optimized Gaussian basis sets10.1063/5.0025390Morales, Miguel A.; Malone, Fionn D.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2020
Accelerating virtual high-throughput ligand docking: current technology and case study on a petascale supercomputer10.1002/cpe.3070Ellingson, Sally R.; Dakshanamurthy, Sivanesan; Brown, Milton; Smith, Jeremy C.; Baudry, JeromeCONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCEALCCBIP105Baudry, Jerome2014
Acceleration of Fusion Plasma Turbulence Simulations using the Mixed-Precision Communication-Avoiding Krylov Method10.1109/SC41405.2020.00097Idomura, Yasuhiro; Ina, Takuya; Ali, Yussuf; Imamura, ToshiyukiSC20: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSIS (SC)DDCSC367Idomura, Yasuhiro2020
Acceleration of the IMplicit-EXplicit nonhydrostatic unified model of the atmosphere on manycore processors10.1177/1094342017732395Abdi, Daniel S.; Giraldo, Francis X.; Constantinescu, Emil M.; Carr, Lester E.; Wilcox, Lucas C.; Warburton, Timothy C.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSNOAACLI113Carman, Jessie2019
Acceleration of the Particle Swarm Optimization for Peierls-Nabarro modeling of dislocations in conventional and high-entropy alloys10.1016/j.cpc.2017.01.022Pei, Zongrui; Eisenbach, MarkusCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2017
Accumulation of Colloidal Particles in Flow Junctions Induced by Fluid Flow and Diffusiophoresis10.1103/PhysRevX.7.041038Shin, Sangwoo; Ault, Jesse T.; Warren, Patrick B.; Stone, Howard A.PHYSICAL REVIEW X2017
Accuracy of a Crude Approach to Urban Multi-Scale Building Energy Models Compared to 15-min Electricity UseGarrison, Eric; New, Joshua; Adams, Mark2019 ASHRAE WINTER CONFERENCEDDCSC162New, Joshua2019
Accuracy of ab initio electron correlation and electron densities in vanadium dioxide10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.1.065408Kylanpaa, Ilkka; Balachandran, Janakiraman; Ganesh, Panchapakesan; Heinonen, Olle; Kent, Paul R. C.; Krogel, Jaron T.PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALSINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2017
Accurate Quantum Chemical Calculation of Ionization Potentials: Validation of the DFT-LOC Approach via a Large Data Set Obtained from Experiments and Benchmark Quantum Chemical Calculations10.1021/acs.jctc.9b00875Li, Guangqi; Rudshteyn, Benjamin; Shee, James; Weber, John L.; Coskun, Dilek; Bochevarov, Art D.; Friesner, Richard A.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATIONINCITECHM131Zhang, Shiwei2020
Accurate and scalable graph neural network force field and molecular dynamics with direct force architecture10.1038/s41524-021-00543-3Park, Cheol Woo; Kornbluth, Mordechai; Vandermause, Jonathan; Wolverton, Chris; Kozinsky, Boris; Mailoa, Jonathan P.NPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALSDDMAT174Kornbluth, Mordechai2021
Accurate bulk properties of nuclei from A=2 to infinity from potentials with Delta isobars10.1103/PhysRevC.102.054301Jiang, W. G.; Ekstrom, A.; Forssen, C.; Hagen, G.; Jansen, G. R.; Papenbrock, T.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2020
Accurate nuclear radii and binding energies from a chiral interaction10.1103/PhysRevC.91.051301Ekstroem, A.; Jansen, G. R.; Wendt, K. A.; Hagen, G.; Papenbrock, T.; Carlsson, B. D.; Forssen, C.; Hjorth-Jensen, M.; Navratil, P.; Nazarewicz, W.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James P.2015
Aces4: A Platform for Computational Chemistry Calculations with Extremely Large Block-Sparse Arrays10.1109/IPDPS.2017.108Sanders, Beverly A.; Byrd, Jason N.; Jindal, Nakul; Lotrich, Victor F.; Lyakh, Dmitry; Perera, Ajith; Bartlett, Rodney J.2017 31ST IEEE INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM (IPDPS)DDCHM106Bartlett, Rodney2017
Achieving Computation-Communication Overlap with Overdecomposition on GPU Systems10.1109/ESPM251964.2020.00006Choi, Jaemin; Richards, David F.; Kale, LaxmikantPROCEEDINGS OF 2020 IEEE/ACM FIFTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON EXTREME SCALE PROGRAMMING MODELS AND MIDDLEWARE (ESPM2 2020)ECPCSC310Richards, David2020
Achieving performance portability in Gaussian basis set density functional theory on accelerator based architectures in NWChemEx10.1016/j.parco.2021.102829Williams-Young, David B.; Bagusetty, Abhishek; de Jong, Wibe A.; Doerfler, Douglas; van Dam, Hubertus J. J.; Vazquez-Mayagoitia, Alvaro; Windus, Theresa L.; Yang, ChaoPARALLEL COMPUTINGECPCHM136Windus, Theresa2021
Activation of CH4 by Th+ as Studied by Guided Ion Beam Mass Spectrometry and Quantum Chemistry10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b00137Cox, Richard M.; Armentrout, P. B.; de Jong, Wibe A.INORGANIC CHEMISTRYINCITECHP101Dixon, David2015
Activation of Cu(111) surface by decomposition into nanoclusters driven by CO adsorption10.1126/science.aad8868Eren, Baran; Zherebetskyy, Danylo; Patera, Laerte L.; Wu, Cheng Hao; Bluhm, Hendrik; Africh, Cristina; Wang, Lin-Wang; Somorjai, Gabor A.; Salmeron, MiquelSCIENCEINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2016
Activation of olefins via asymmetric Bronsted acid catalysis10.1126/science.aaq0445Tsuji, Nobuya; Kennemur, Jennifer L.; Buyck, Thomas; Lee, Sunggi; Prevost, Sebastien; Kaib, Philip S. J.; Bykov, Dmytro; Fares, Christophe; List, BenjaminSCIENCESTAFFSTAFF2018
Active learning of constitutive relation from mesoscopic dynamics for macroscopic modeling of non-Newtonian flows10.1016/, Lifei; Li, Zhen; Caswell, Bruce; Ouyang, Jie; Karniadakis, George EmJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSINCITEBIP118Karniadakis, George2018
Active workflow system for near real-time extreme-scale science10.1145/2567634.2567637Zhang, Yanwei (Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta), Liu; Gary (ORNL), Klasky; Scott A. (ORNL), Wolf; Matthew (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta); Schwan, Karsten (Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta), Eisenhauer; Greg (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta); Choi, Jong Youl (ORNL); Podhorszki, Norbert (ORNL)2014 PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORKSHOP ON PARALLEL PROGRAMING FOR ANALYTICAL APPLICATIONS (PPAA '14)2014
Adaptive Spatially Aware I/O for Multiresolution Particle Data Layouts10.1109/IPDPS49936.2021.00063Usher, Will; Huang, Xuan; Petruzza, Steve; Kumar, Sidharth; Slattery, Stuart R.; Reeve, Sam T.; Wang, Feng; Johnson, Chris R.; Pascucci, Valerio2021 IEEE 35TH INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM (IPDPS)ECPCSC340Turton, Terece2021
Adaptive hyperparameter updating for training restricted Boltzmann machines on quantum annealers10.1038/s41598-021-82197-1Xu, Guanglei; Oates, William S.SCIENTIFIC REPORTSQuantumQuantumHumble, Travis2021
Adaptive mesh based combustion simulations of direct fuel injection effects in a supersonic cavity flame-holder10.1016/j.combustflame.2021.111531Sitaraman, Hariswaran; Yellapantula, Shashank; Frahan, Marc T. Henry de; Perry, Bruce; Rood, Jon; Grout, Ray; Day, MarcCOMBUSTION AND FLAMEECPCMB138Chen, Jacqueline2021
Adaptive multi-resolution 3D Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov solver for nuclear structure10.1103/PhysRevC.90.024317Pei, J. C.; Fann, G. I.; Harrison, R. J.; Nazarewicz, W.; Shi, Yue; Thornton, S.PHYSICAL REVIEW CinciteNPH008Vary,James2014
Adding Fault Tolerance to NPB Benchmarks Using ULFM10.1145/2909428.2909434Parchman, Zachary W.; Vallee, Geoffroy R.; Naughton, Thomas; Engelmann, Christian; Bernholdt, David; Scott, Stephen L.PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACM WORKSHOP ON FAULT-TOLERANCE FOR HPC AT EXTREME SCALE (FTXS'16)STAFFSTF010STAFF2016
Addition of P3HT-grafted Silica nanoparticles improves bulkheterojunction morphology in P3HT-PCBM blends10.1038/srep33219Garg, Mohit; Padmanabhan, VenkatSCIENTIFIC REPORTSDDMAT124Padmanabhan,Venkat2016
Addition of Short Polymer Chains Mechanically Reinforces Glassy Poly(2-vinylpyridine)-Silica Nanoparticle Nanocomposites10.1021/acsanm.0c00180Bocharova, Vera; Genix, Anne-Caroline; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Kumar, Rajeev; Carroll, Bobby; Erwin, Andrew; Voylov, Dmitry; Kisliuk, Alexander; Wang, Yangyang; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Sokolov, Alexei P.ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALSDDMAT197Wang, Yangyang2020
Addressing Data Resiliency for Staging Based Scientific Workflows10.1145/3295500.3356158Duan, Shaohua; Subedi, Pradeep; Davis, Philip E.; Parashar, ManishPROCEEDINGS OF SC19: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISDDCSC143Podhorszki, Norbert; Klasky, Scott2019
Addressing Load Imbalance in Bioinformatics and Biomedical Applications: Efficient Scheduling across Multiple GPUs10.1109/BIBM52615.2021.9669317Hernandez, Oscar; Kale, Vivek; Sedova, Ada; Thavappiragasam, MathialakanIEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS AND BIOMEDICINE (BIBM)ECPCSC372Chandrasekaran, Sunita2021
Adhesion and Wetting of Soft Nanoparticles on Textured Surfaces: Transition between Wenzel and Cassie-Baxter States10.1021/la5045442Cao, Zhen; Stevens, Mark J.; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Dobrynin, Andrey V.LANGMUIRSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
Adiabatic Quantum Computation Applied to Deep Learning Networks10.3390/e20050380Liu, Jeremy; Spedalieri, Federico M.; Yao, Ke-Thia; Potok, Thomas E.; Schuman, Catherine; Young, Steven; Patton, Robert; Rose, Garrett S.; Chamka, GangotreeENTROPYDDCSC160Patton, Robert2018
Adiabatic quantum linear regression10.1038/s41598-021-01445-6Date, Prasanna; Potok, ThomasSCIENTIFIC REPORTSINCITECSC396Patton, Robert2021
Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis of localized ignition in a non-premixed hydrogen-air mixing layer10.2514/6.2016-2153Capecelatro, Jesse; Vishnampet, Ramanathan; Bodony, Daniel; Freund, Jonathan54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTechALCCCSC188Voigt,Robert2016
Adsorption and Substitution of Metal Ions on Hydroxyapatite as a Function of Crystal Facet and Electrolyte pH10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b02808Garley, Amanda; Hoff, Samuel E.; Saikia, Nabanita; Jamadagni, Sumanth; Baig, Arif; Heinz, HendrikJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CDDMAT135Heinz, Hendrick2019
Adsorption and diffusion of Ru adatoms on Ru(0001)-supported graphene: Large-scale first-principles calculations10.1063/1.4934349Han, Yong; Evans, James W.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSDDMAT112Han, Yong2015
Advanced data science toolkit for non-data scientists - A user guide10.1016/j.calphad.2019.101733Peng, Jian; Lee, Sangkeun; Williams, Andrew; Haynes, J. Allen; Shin, DongwonCALPHAD-COMPUTER COUPLING OF PHASE DIAGRAMS AND THERMOCHEMISTRYALCCMAT200Shin, Dongwon2020
Advancing Nucleosynthesis in Self-Consistent, Multidimensional Models of Core-Collapse SupernovaeHarris, J.; Hix, W.; Chertkow, Merek; Bruenn, Stephen; Lentz, Eric; Messer, O.; Mezzacappa, Anthony; Blondin, John; Marronetti, Pedro; Yakunin, KonstantinProceedings of Science (PoS)INCITEAST005Lentz, Eric2014
Advancing understanding of turbulence through extreme-scale computation: Intermittency and simulations at large problem sizes10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.110517Yeung, P. K.; Ravikumar, K.PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDSINCITETUR120, CSC275Yeung, P.K.2020
Advantages of Unfair Quantum Ground-State Sampling10.1038/s41598-017-01096-6Zhang, Brian Hu; Wagenbreth, Gene; Martin-Mayor, Victor; Hen, ItaySCIENTIFIC REPORTSALCCPHY103Hen, Itay2017
Advection, moistening, and shallow-to-deep convection transitions during the initiation and propagation of Madden-Julian Oscillation10.1002/2014MS000335Hagos, Samson; Feng, Zhe; Landu, Kiranmayi; Long, Charles N.JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMSINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2014
AiiDA: automated interactive infrastructure and database for computational science10.1016/j.commatsci.2015.09.013Pizzi, Giovanni; Cepellotti, Andrea; Sabatini, Riccardo; Marzari, Nicola; Kozinsky, BorisCOMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCEINCITEMAT045Kozinsky, Boris2016
Air temperature changes in Svalbard and the surrounding seas from 1865 to 192010.1002/joc.4527Przybylak, R.; Wyszynski, P.; Nordli, O.; Strzyzewski, T.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2016
Albany/FELIX: a parallel, scalable and robust, finite element, first-order Stokes approximation ice sheet solver built for advanced analysis10.5194/gmd-8-1197-2015Tezaur, I. K.; Perego, M.; Salinger, A. G.; Tuminaro, R. S.; Price, S. F.GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENTALCCCLI062Price, Stephen2015
Algebraic Multigrid on a Dragonfly Network: First Experiences on a Cray XC3010.1007/978-3-319-17248-4_1Gahvari, Hormozd; Gropp, William; Jordan, Kirk E.; Schulz, Martin; Yang, Ulrike MeierHIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING SYSTEMS: PERFORMANCE MODELING, BENCHMARKING, AND SIMULATIONINCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2015
Algorithmic Patterns for H-Matrices on Many-Core Processors10.1007/s10915-018-0809-4Zaspel, PeterJOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTINGDDCSC238Zaspel, Peter2019
Alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector in Run 210.1140/epjc/s10052-020-08700-6Collaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2020
All-Atom Molecular Dynamics of Virus Capsids as Drug Targets10.1021/acs.jpclett.6b00517Perilla, Juan R.; Hadden, Jodi A.; Goh, Boon Chong; Mayne, Christopher G.; Schulten, KlausJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERSINCITEBIP115Schulten, Klaus2016
All-Optical Radiation Reaction at 10(21) W/cm(2)10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.134801Vranic, M.; Martins, J. L.; Vieira, J.; Fonseca, R. A.; Silva, L. O.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITEAPH003Mori, Warren2014
Allosteric Mechanisms of Molecular Machines at the Membrane: Transport by Sodium-Coupled Symporters10.1021/acs.chemrev.5b00627LeVine, Michael V.; Cuendet, Michel A.; Khelashvili, George; Weinstein, HarelCHEMICAL REVIEWSALCCBIP109Weinstein, Harel2016
Alternative similarity renormalization group generators in nuclear structure calculations10.1103/PhysRevC.90.034302Dicaire, Nuiok M.; Omand, Conor; Navratil, PetrPHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James2014
Amending the Structure of Renewable Carbon from Biorefinery Waste-Streams for Energy Storage Applications10.1038/s41598-018-25880-0Ho, Hoi Chun; Goswami, Monojoy; Chen, Jihua; Keum, Jong K.; Naskar, Amit K.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS2018
Aminopolymer Mobility and Support Interactions in Silica-PEI Composites for CO2 Capture Applications: A Quasielastic Neutron Scattering Study10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b04106Holewinski, Adam; Sakwa-Novak, Miles A.; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Potter, Matthew E.; Ellebracht, Nathan; Rother, Gernot; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Jones, Christopher W.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BESMAT049Hill, Judith2017
Ammonia emission abatement does not fully control reduced forms of nitrogen deposition10.1073/pnas.1920068117Tan, Jiani; Fu, Joshua S.; Seinfeld, John H.PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICADDCLI138Ashfaq, Moetasim2020
Ammonia-salt solvent promotes cellulosic biomass deconstruction under ambient pretreatment conditions to enable rapid soluble sugar production at ultra-low enzyme loadings10.1039/c9gc03524aChundawat, Shishir P. S.; Sousa, Leonardo da Costa; Roy, Shyamal; Yang, Zhi; Gupta, Shashwat; Pal, Ramendra; Zhao, Chao; Liu, Shih-Hsien; Petridis, Loukas; O'Neill, Hugh; Pingali, Sai VenkateshGREEN CHEMISTRY2020
Amphiphilic Bottlebrush Block Copolymers: Analysis of Aqueous Self-Assembly by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and Surface Tension Measurements10.1021/acs.macromol.8b02366Alaboalirat, Mohammed; Qi, Luqing; Arrington, Kyle J.; Qian, Shuo; Keum, Jong K.; Mei, Hao; Littrell, Kenneth C.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Verduzco, Rafael; Matson, John B.MACROMOLECULESDDMAT201Sumpter, Bobby2019
Amphiphilic Drug-Like Molecules Accumulate in a Membrane below the Head Group Region10.1021/jp4112052Paloncyova, Marketa; DeVane, Russell; Murch, Bruce; Berka, Karel; Otyepka, MichalJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BINCITECHM045Klein, Michael2014
Amplified detection of single base mismatches with the competing-strand assay reveals complex kinetic and thermodynamic behavior of strand displacement at the electrode surface10.1016/j.electacta.2018.07.188Biala, Katarzyna; Sedova, Ada; Mix, Maren; Baer, Katharina; Orsag, Petr; Fojta, Miroslav; Flechsig, Gerd-UweELECTROCHIMICA ACTA2018
Amplified risk of spatially compounding droughts during co-occurrences of modes of natural ocean variability10.1038/s41612-021-00161-2Singh, Jitendra; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Skinner, Christopher B.; Anderson, Weston B.; Singh, DeeptiNPJ CLIMATE AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCEDDCLI138Ashfaq, Moetasim2021
An Adaptable Seismic Data Format10.1093/gji/ggw319Krischer, Lion; Smith, James; Lei, Wenjie; Lefebvre, Matthieu; Ruan, Youyi; de Andrade, Elliott Sales; Podhorszki, Norbert; Bozdag, Ebru; Tromp, JeroenGEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONALINCITEGEO111Tromp, Jeroen2016
An Adaptive Particle Tracking Algorithm for Lagrangian-Eulerian Simulations of Dispersed Multiphase Flows10.2514/6.2019-0728Sankaran, Ramanan; Ge, WenjunAIAA SCITECH FORUMECPCMB138Chen, Jacquline2019
An Analysis Workflow-Aware Storage System for Multi-Core Active Flash Arrays10.1109/TPDS.2018.2865471Sim, Hyogi; Vallee, Geoffroy; Kim, Youngjae; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.; Tiwari, Devesh; Butt, Ali R.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMSECPCSC300Byna, Suren2019
An Analysis of System Balance and Architectural Trends Based on Top500 Supercomputers10.1145/3432261.3432263Khan, Awais; Sim, Hyogi; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.; Butt, Ali R.; Kim, YoungjaePROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING IN ASIA-PACIFIC REGION (HPC ASIA 2021)DDGEN008Sarp, Oral2020
An Approach to Selecting Thread plus Process Mixes for Hybrid MPI plus OpenMP Applications10.1109/CLUSTER.2015.64Gahvari, Hormozd; Schulz, Martin; Yang, Ulrike Meier2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING - CLUSTER 2015INCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2015
An Empirical Roofline Methodology for Quantitatively Assessing Performance Portability10.1109/P3HPC.2018.00005Yang, Charlene; Gayatri, Rahulkumar; Kurth, Thorsten; Basu, Protonu; Ronaghi, Zahra; Adetokunbo, Adedoyin; Friesen, Brian; Cook, Brandon; Doerfler, Douglas; Oliker, Leonid; Deslippe, Jack; Williams, SamuelPROCEEDINGS OF 2018 IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PERFORMANCE, PORTABILITY AND PRODUCTIVITY IN HPC (P3HPC 2018)2018
An Empirical View of SLATE Algorithms on Scalable Hybrid SystemsYarKhan, Asim; Kurzak, Jakub; Abdelfattah, Ahmad; Dongarra, JackINNOVATIVE COMPUTING LABORATORY - UTKECPCSC250Heroux, Michael2019
An Evaluation of An Asynchronous Task Based Dataflow Approach For Uintah10.1109/COMPSAC.2019.10282Humphrey, Alan P.; Berzins, Martin2019 IEEE 43RD ANNUAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (COMPSAC)ALCCCSC188Robert Voigt2019
An Evaluation of OpenSHMEM Interfaces for the Variable-Length Alltoallv() Collective Operation10.1007/978-3-319-26428-8_6Lopez, M. Graham; Shamis, Pavel; Venkata, Manjunath GorentlaOPENSHMEM AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES: EXPERIENCES, IMPLEMENTATIONS, AND TECHNOLOGIES, OPENSHMEM 2015DDCSC040Imam, Neena2015
An Evaluation of the CORAL Interconnects10.1145/3295500.3356166Zimmer, Christopher; Atchley, Scott; Pankajakshan, Ramesh; Smith, Brian E.; Karlin, Ian; Leininger, Matthew L.; Bertsch, Adam; Ryujin, Brian S.; Burmark, Jason; Walker-Loud, Andre; Clark, M. A.; Pearce, OlgaPROCEEDINGS OF SC19: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISStaff2019
An Evaluation of the Ocean and Sea Ice Climate of E3SM Using MPAS and Interannual CORE-II Forcing10.1029/2018MS001373Petersen, Mark R.; Asay-Davis, Xylar S.; Berres, Anne S.; Chen, Qingshan; Feige, Nils; Hoffman, Matthew J.; Jacobsen, Douglas W.; Jones, Philip W.; Maltrud, Mathew E.; Price, Stephen F.; Ringler, Todd D.; Streletz, Gregory J.; Turner, Adrian K.; Van Roekel, Luke P.; Veneziani, Milena; Wolfe, Jonathan D.; Wolfram, Phillip J.; Woodring, Jonathan L.JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMSINCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2019
An Event Detection Framework for Virtual Observation System: Anomaly Identification for an ACME Land Simulation10.1007/978-3-319-93701-4_4Yao, Zhuo; Wang, Dali; Wang, Yifan; Yuan, FengmingCOMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE - ICCS 2018, PT II2018
An Example of Porting PETSc Applications to Heterogeneous Platforms with OpenACC10.1007/978-3-319-74896-2_1Chuang, Pi-Yueh; Foertter, Fernanda S.ACCELERATOR PROGRAMMING USING DIRECTIVES, WACCPD 20172018
An Initial Assessment of NVSHMEM for High Performance Computing10.1109/IPDPSW50202.2020.00104Hsu, Chung-Hsing; Imam, Neena; Langer, Akhil; Potluri, Sreeram; Newburn, Chris J.2020 IEEE 34TH INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOPS (IPDPSW 2020)DDCSC040Imam, Neena2020
An Initial Implementation of Libfabric Conduit for OpenSHMEM-XBhattacharya, Subhadeep; Salman, Shaeke; Venkata, Manjunath Gorentla; Kundnani, Harsh; Imam, Neena; Yu, WeikuanOPENSHMEM AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES: BIG COMPUTE AND BIG DATA CONVERGENCE, OPENSHMEM 2017INCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2018
An Integrated Indexing and Search Service for Distributed File Systems10.1109/TPDS.2020.2990656Sim, Hyogi; Khan, Awais; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.; Lim, Seung-Hwan; Butt, Ali R.; Kim, YoungjaeIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMSStaffSTF008Vazhkudai, Sudhareshan2020
An Ionomeric Renewable Thermoplastic from Lignin-Reinforced Rubber10.1002/marc.201900059Barnes, Sietske H.; Goswami, Monojoy; Nguyen, Ngoc A.; Keum, Jong K.; Bowland, Christopher C.; Chen, Jihua; Naskar, Amit K.MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONSDDMAT049Park, Byung Hoon2019
An LLVM Instrumentation Plug-in for Score-P10.1145/3148173.3148187Tschuter, Ronny; Ziegenbalg, Johannes; Wesarg, Bert; Weber, Matthias; Herold, ChristianPROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH WORKSHOP ON THE LLVM COMPILER INFRASTRUCTURE IN HPCVENDORVEN018Nagel, Wolfgang Erwin2017
An MPI/OpenACC implementation of a high-order electromagnetics solver with GPUDirect communication10.1177/1094342015626584Otten, Matthew; Gong, Jing; Mametjanov, Azamat; Vose, Aaron; Levesque, John; Fischer, Paul; Min, MisunINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2016
An Overview of Recent Standard and Accelerated Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Helium Behavior in Tungsten10.3390/ma12162500Sandoval, Luis; Perez, Danny; Uberuaga, Blas P.; Voter, Arthur E.MATERIALSECPMAT187Perez, Danny2019
An Overview of the Atmospheric Component of the Energy Exascale Earth system Model10.1029/2019MS001629Rasch, P. J.; Xie, S.; Ma, P-L; Lin, W.; Wang, H.; Tang, Q.; Burrows, S. M.; Caldwell, P.; Zhang, K.; Easter, R. C.; Cameron-Smith, P.; Singh, B.; Wan, H.; Golaz, J-C; Harrop, B. E.; Roesler, E.; Bacmeister, J.; Larson, V. E.; Evans, K. J.; Qian, Y.; Taylor, M.; Leung, L. R.; Zhang, Y.; Brent, L.; Branstetter, M.; Hannay, C.; Mahajan, S.; Mametjanov, A.; Neale, R.; Richter, J. H.; Yoon, J-H; Zender, C. S.; Bader, D.; Flanner, M.; Foucar, J. G.; Jacob, R.; Keen, N.; Klein, S. A.; Liu, X.; Salinger, A. G.; Shrivastava, M.; Yang, Y.JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMSINCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2019
An a priori DNS study of the shadow-position mixing model10.1016/j.combustflame.2015.12.009Zhao, Xin-Yu; Bhagatwala, Ankit; Chen, Jacqueline H.; Haworth, Daniel C.; Pope, Stephen B.COMBUSTION AND FLAMEINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2016
An a(0) resonance in strongly coupled pi eta, K(K)over-bar scattering from lattice QCD10.1103/PhysRevD.93.094506Dudek, Jozef J.; Edwards, Robert G.; Wilson, David J.PHYSICAL REVIEW DALCCNPH103Edwards, Robert Glenn2016
An adaptive lattice Boltzmann scheme for modeling two-fluid-phase flow in porous medium systems10.1002/2015WR018279Dye, Amanda L.; McClure, James E.; Adalsteinsson, David; Miller, Cass T.WATER RESOURCES RESEARCHINCITEGEO106McClure, James2016
An adaptive volumetric flux boundary condition for lattice Boltzmann methods10.1016/j.compfluid.2020.104670McClure, James E.; Li, Zhe; Sheppard, Adrian P.; Miller, Cass T.COMPUTERS & FLUIDSINCITEENG101Miller, Cass2020
An analysis of teleconnections in the Mediterranean region using RegCM410.1002/joc.4383Ciarlo', James M.; Aquilina, Noel J.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2016
An approach for coupled-code multiphysics core simulations from a common input10.1016/j.anucene.2014.11.015Schmidt, Rodney; Belcourt, Kenneth; Hooper, Russell; Pawlowski, Roger; Clarno, Kevin; Simunovic, Srdjan; Slattery, Stuart; Turner, John; Palmtag, ScottANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGYALCCNFI011Turner, John2015
An assessment of coupling algorithms for nuclear reactor core physics simulations10.1016/, Steven; Berrill, Mark; Clarno, Kevin; Pawlowski, Roger; Toth, Alex; Kelley, C. T.; Evans, Thomas; Philip, BobbyJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSALCCNFI011/12/13Turner, John2016
An automated analysis workflow for optimization of force-field parameters using neutron scattering data10.1016/, Vickie E.; Borreguero, Jose M.; Bhowmik, Debsindhu; Ganesh, Panchapakesan; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Proffen, Thomas E.; Goswami, MonojoyJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSddMAT049Park, Byung Hoon2017
An auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo study of the chromium dimer10.1063/1.4906829Purwanto, Wirawan; Zhang, Shiwei; Krakauer, HenryJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECHM048Zhang, Shiwei2015
An efficient Bayesian data-worth analysis using a multilevel Monte Carlo method10.1016/j.advwatres.2018.01.024Lu, Dan; Ricciuto, Daniel; Evans, KatherineADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCESDDCLI106Evans, Katherine2018
An efficient tensor transpose algorithm for multicore CPU, Intel Xeon Phi, and NVidia Tesla GPU10.1016/j.cpc.2014.12.013Lyakh, Dmitry I.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
An empirical study of redundant array of independent solid-state drives (RAIS)10.1007/s10586-015-0421-4Kim, YoungjaeCLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONSSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
An ensemble of ocean reanalyses for 1815-2013 with sparse observational input10.1002/2016JC012079Giese, Benjamin S.; Seidel, Howard F.; Compo, Gilbert P.; Sardeshmukh, Prashant D.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANSINCITECLI028Compo,Gilbert2016
An evaluation of experimental decadal predictions using CCSM410.1007/s00382-014-2212-7Karspeck, A.; Yeager, S.; Danabasoglu, G.; Teng, H.CLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2015
An evaluation of the state of time synchronization on leadership class supercomputers10.1002/cpe.4341Jones, Terry; Ostrouchov, George; Koenig, Gregory A.; Mondragon, Oscar H.; Bridges, Patrick G.CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCEDDCSC218Jones, Terry2018
An evaluation of the statistical homogeneity of the Twentieth Century Reanalysis10.1007/s00382-013-1996-1Ferguson, Craig R.; Villarini, GabrieleCLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2014
An exact and consistent adjoint method for high-fidelity discretization of the compressible flow equationsVishnampet, RamanathanUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignALCCCSC188Voigt,Robert2016
An exact inversion method for extracting orientation ordering by small-angle scattering10.1039/d0cp05886fHuang, Guan-Rong; Carrillo, Jan Michael; Wang, Yangyang; Do, Changwoo; Porcar, Lionel; Sumpter, Bobby; Chen, Wei-RenPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICSDDMAT168Sumpter, Bobby2021
An implicit delta f particle-in-cell method with sub-cycling and orbit averaging for Lorentz ions10.1016/, Benjamin J.; Parker, Scott E.; Chen, Yang; Hause, Benjamin B.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSINCITE & ALCCENV003Chang, Choong-Seock2016
An improved multilevel Monte Carlo method for estimating probability distribution functions in stochastic oil reservoir simulations10.1002/2016WR019475Lu, Dan; Zhang, Guannan; Webster, Clayton; Barbier, CharlotteWATER RESOURCES RESEARCHDDGEO103Barbier,Charlotte2016
An in-depth evaluation of GCC's OpenACC implementation in Cray systemsPhilippidis, Cesar; Allen, Randy; ELWASIF, WAEL; HERNANDEZ, OSCAR; VERGARA LARREA, VERONICACUG 2017 CONFERENCE2017
An integrated approach for structural characterization of complex solid state electrolytes: the case of lithium lanthanum titanate10.1039/c3ta14433jCheng, Y. Q.; Bi, Z. H.; Huq, A.; Feygenson, M.; Bridges, C. A.; Paranthaman, M. P.; Sumpter, B. G.JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY ASumpter, Bobby2014
Analog errors in Ising machines10.1088/2058-9565/ab13eaAlbash, Tameem; Martin-Mayor, Victor; Hen, ItayQUANTUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYDDPHY125Hen, Itay2019
Analogue methods and ERA5: Benefits and pitfalls10.1002/joc.7484Horton, PascalINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2021
Analysis of Application Sensitivity to System Performance Variability in a Dynamic Task Based RuntimeShipman, Galen; McCormick, Patrick; Pedretti, Keven; Sankaran, Ramanan; Ferreira, Brian; Olivier, StephenSC15, Proceedings of the Workshop on Runtime Systems for Extreme Scale Programming Models and ArchitecturesINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2015
Analysis of GPU Data Access Patterns on Complex Geometries for the D3Q19 Lattice Boltzmann Algorithm10.1109/TPDS.2021.3061895Herschlag, Gregory; Lee, Seyong; Vetter, Jeffrey S.; Randles, AmandaIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMSDDLSC110Randles, Amanda2021
Analysis of Low-Frequency Precipitation Variability in CMIP5 Historical Simulations for Southwestern North America10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00317.1Langford, Sally; Stevenson, Samantha; Noone, DavidJOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2014
Analysis of OpenMP 4.5 Offloading in Implementations: Correctness and Overhead10.1016/j.parco.2019.102546Diaz, Jose Monsalve; Friedline, Kyle; Pophale, Swaroop; Hernandez, Oscar; Bernholdt, David E.; Chandrasekaran, SunitaPARALLEL COMPUTING2019
Analysis of Self-Assembly Pathways with Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b09621Adorf, Carl S.; Moore, Timothy C.; Melle, Yannah J. U.; Glotzer, Sharon C.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BINCITEMAT110Glotzer2020
Analysis of diagonal G and subspace W approximations within fully self-consistent GW calculations for bulk semiconducting systems10.1103/PhysRevB.101.235157Singh, Yashpal; Wang, Lin-WangPHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2020
Analysis of equilibrium and turbulent fluxes across the separatrix in a gyrokinetic simulation10.1063/1.5037723Charidakos, I. Keramidas; Myra, J. R.; Parker, S.; Ku, S.; Churchill, R. M.; Hager, R.; Chang, C. S.PHYSICS OF PLASMASALCC, INCITEENV003, PHY122Chang, Choong-Seock2018
Analysis of high-pressure Diesel fuel injection processes using LES with real-fluid thermodynamics and transport10.1016/j.proci.2014.06.072Lacaze, Guilhem; Misdariis, Antony; Ruiz, Anthony; Oefelein, Joseph C.PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTEALCCCMB108Oefelein, Joseph2015
Analysis of hydrodynamic fluctuations in heterogeneous adjacent multidomains in shear flow10.1103/PhysRevE.93.033312Bian, Xin; Deng, Mingge; Tang, Yu-Hang; Karniadakis, George EmPHYSICAL REVIEW EINCITEBIP118Karniadakis, George2016
Analysis of the Startup of Watts Bar Nuclear Unit 2 using VERAGodfrey, A.; Collins, B.; Gentry, C.; Ritchie, J.M&C 2017 - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS & COMPUTATIONAL METHODS APPLIED TO NUCLEAR SCIENCE & ENGINEERINGALCCNFI011Pandya, Tara2017
Analysis of the Wtb vertex from the measurement of triple-differential angular decay rates of single top quarks produced in the t-channel at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector10.1007/JHEP12(2017)017Collaboration, ATLASJOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICSDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2017
Analysis of the performance of a hybrid CPU/GPU 1D2D coupled model for real flood cases10.2166/hydro.2020.032Echeverribar, Isabel; Morales-Hernandez, Mario; Brufau, Pilar; Garcia-Navarro, PilarJOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICSDDGEO132Coon, Ethan2020
Analysis of the performance of different culvert boundary conditions in 2D shallow flow models10.2166/hydro.2020.025Fernandez-Pato, J.; Martinez-Aranda, S.; Morales-Hernandez, M.; Garcia-Navarro, P.JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICSDDCLI106Ashfaq, Moetasim2020
Analysis of turbulent flame propagation in equivalence ratio-stratified flow10.1016/j.proci.2016.06.140Richardson, Edward S.; Chen, Jacqueline H.PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTEINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline H.2017
Analytical and Computational Studies of Correlations of Hydrodynamic Fluctuations in Shear Flow10.4208/cicp.OA-2017-0051Bian, Xin; Deng, Mingge; Karniadakis, George EmCOMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSINCITEBIP118Karniadakis, George2018
Analytical solutions of Landau (1+1)-dimensional hydrodynamics10.1103/PhysRevC.90.064907Wong, Cheuk-Yin; Sen, Abhisek; Gerhard, Jochen; Torrieri, Giorgio; Read, KennethPHYSICAL REVIEW CDDNPH015Read, Kenneth2014
AnalyzeThat: A Programmable Shared-Memory System for an Array of Processing-In-Memory Devices10.1109/CCGRID.2017.72Lee, Sangkuen; Sim, Hyogi; Kim, Youngjae; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.2017 17TH IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CLUSTER, CLOUD AND GRID COMPUTING (CCGRID)STAFFSTF008Vazhkudai, Sudharshan2017
AnalyzeThis: An Analysis Workflow-Aware Storage System10.1145/2807591.2807622Sim, Hyogi; Kim, Youngjae; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.; Tiwari, Devesh; Anwar, Ali; Butt, Ali R.; Ramakrishnan, LavanyaPROCEEDINGS OF SC15: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
Analyzing large data sets from XGC1 magnetic fusion simulations using apache spark10.1109/NYSDS.2016.7747820Churchill, R. Michael2016 New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS)ALCCENV003Chang, Choong-Seock2016
Analyzing the Energy and Power Consumption of Remote Memory Accesses in the OpenSHMEM Model10.1007/978-3-319-05215-1_5Jana, Siddhartha ; Hernandez, Oscar; Poole, Stephen ; Hsu, Chung-Hsing; Chapman, Barbara M.OPENSHMEM AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES. EXPERIENCES, IMPLEMENTATIONS, AND TOOLS, 2014DDCSC040Imam, Neena2014
Analyzing the Impact of System Reliability Events on Applications in the Titan Supercomputer10.1109/FTXS.2018.00008Ashraf, Rizwan A.; Engelmann, ChristianPROCEEDINGS OF FTXS 2018: IEEE/ACM 8TH WORKSHOP ON FAULT TOLERANCE FOR HPC AT EXTREME SCALE (FTXS)2018
Analyzing the Interplay of Failures and Workload on a Leadership-Class SupercomputerMeneses, Esteban; Ni, Xiang; Jones, Terry; Maxwell, DonPROCEEDINGS OF THE CRAY USER GROUPDDCSC138Jones, Terry2015
Analyzing the errors of DFT approximations for compressed water systems10.1063/1.4885440Alfe, D.; Bartok, A. P.; Csanyi, G.; Gillan, M. J.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECPH005Alfe, Dario2014
Anatomy of the rho resonance from lattice QCD at the physical point10.1088/1674-1137/42/6/063102Sun, Wei; Alexandru, Andrei; Chen, Ying; Draper, Terrence; Liu, Zhaofeng; Yang, BoCHINESE PHYSICS CNICSNSF0082018
Anelastic sensitivity kernels with parsimonious storage for adjoint tomography and full waveform inversion10.1093/gji/ggw224Komatitsch, Dimitri; Xie, Zhinan; Bozdag, Ebru; de Andrade, Elliott Sales; Peter, Daniel; Liu, Qinya; Tromp, JeroenGEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONALINCITEGEO111Tromp, Jeroen2016
Angular analysis of B-d(0) -> K* mu(+)mu(-) decays in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector10.1007/JHEP10(2018)047Collaboration, ATLASJOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICSDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2018
Anhydrous Methanol and Ethanol Dehydrogenation at Cu(111) Step Edges10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b06730Hoyt, Robert A.; Montemore, Matthew M.; Sykes, E. Charles H.; Kaxiras, EfthimiosJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C2018
Anionic Lipids Confine Cytochrome c(2) to the Surface of Bioenergetic Membranes without Compromising Its Interaction with Redox Partners10.1021/acs.biochem.1c00696Chan, Chun Kit; Singharoy, Abhishek; Tajkhorshid, EmadBIOCHEMISTRY2022
Anisotropic single-particle dissipative particle dynamics model10.1016/, Mingge; Pan, Wenxiao; Karniadakis, George EmJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSINCITEBIP118Karniadakis, George2017
Anomalous magnetic noise in an imperfectly flat landscape in the topological magnet Dy2Ti2O710.1073/pnas.2117453119Samarakoon, Anjana M.; Grigewra, S. A.; Tennant, D. Alan; Kirste, Alexander; Klemke, Bastian; Strehlow, Peter; Meissner, Michael; Hallen, Jonathan N.; Jaubert, Ludovic; Castelnovo, Claudio; Moessner, RoderichPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA2022
Anomalous magnetoresistance due to longitudinal spin fluctuations in a J(eff)=1/2 Mott semiconductor10.1038/s41467-019-13271-6Hao, Lin; Wang, Zhentao; Yang, Junyi; Meyers, D.; Sanchez, Joshua; Fabbris, Gilberto; Choi, Yongseong; Kim, Jong-Woo; Haskel, Daniel; Ryan, Philip J.; Barros, Kipton; Chu, Jiun-Haw; Dean, M. P. M.; Batista, Cristian D.; Liu, JianNATURE COMMUNICATIONSDDCPH122Batista, Cristian2019
Anomalously low electronic thermal conductivity in metallic vanadium dioxide10.1126/science.aag0410Sangwook, Lee; Hippalgaonkar, Kedar; Yang, Fan; Hong, Jiawang; Ko, Changhyun; Suh, Joonki; Liu, Kai; Wang, Kevin; Urban, Jeffrey J.; Zhang, Xiang; Dames, Chris; Hartnoll, Sean A.; Delaire, Olivier; Wu, JunqiaoSCIENCEDDMAT049Park, Byung Hoon2017
Anticorrelation between Surface and Subsurface Point Defects and the Impact on the Redox Chemistry of TiO2(110)10.1002/cphc.201402599Yoon, Yeohoon; Du, Yingge; Garcia, Juan C.; Zhu, Zihua; Wang, Zhi-Tao; Petrik, Nikolay G.; Kimmel, Gregory A.; Dohnalek, Zdenek; Henderson, Michael A.; Rousseau, Roger; Deskins, N. Aaron; Lyubinetsky, IgorCHEMPHYSCHEMINCITE`CHM026Mundy, Christopher2015
Antiferromagnetic Order and Linear Magnetoresistance in Fe-Substituted Shandite Co3In2S210.1021/acs.chemmater.1c03596McGuire, Michael A.; Zhang, Qiang; Miao, Hu; Luo, Wei; Yoon, Mina; Liu, Yaohua; Yilmaz, Turgut; Vescovo, ElioCHEMISTRY OF MATERIALSALCCCHP107Jakowski, Jacek2021
Antiproton-impact ionization of H-2 at low incident energies10.1088/0953-4075/47/18/185202Pindzola, M. S.; Lee, T. G.; Colgan, J.JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICSINCITECHM052Pindzola, Michael2014
Application configuration selection for energy-efficient execution on multicore systems10.1016/j.jpdc.2015.09.003Wang, Shinan; Luo, Bing; Shi, Weisong; Tiwari, DeveshJOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTINGSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2016
Application of ESMACS binding free energy protocols to diverse datasets: Bromodomain-containing protein 410.1038/s41598-019-41758-1Wright, David W.; Wan, Shunzhou; Meyer, Christophe; van Vlijmen, Herman; Tresadern, Gary; Coveney, Peter V.SCIENTIFIC REPORTSINCITECHM126Coveney, Peter2019
Application of High Performance Computing for Simulating Cycle-to-Cycle Variation in Dual-Fuel Combustion Engines10.4271/2016-01-0798Jupudi, Ravichandra; Finney, Charles E.A.; Primus, Roy; Wijeyakulasuriya, Sameera; Klingbeil, Adam; Tamma, Bhaskar; Stoyanov, MiroslavSAE Technical PapersDDCMB100Primus, Roy2016
Application of High Performance Computing for Studying Cyclic Variability in Dilute Internal Combustion Engines10.1115/ICEF2015-1172Finney, Charles; Dean Edwards, K; Stoyanov, Miroslav; Wagner, RobertASME 2015 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical ConferenceALCCCMB106Finney, Charles2016
Application of Quantum Annealing to Nurse Scheduling Problem10.1038/s41598-019-49172-3Ikeda, Kazuki; Nakamura, Yuma; Humble, Travis S.SCIENTIFIC REPORTSQUANTUMQUANTUMHumble, Travis2019
Application of an ab initio S matrix to data analysis of transfer reactions to the continuum populating Be-1110.1103/PhysRevC.100.024617Bonaccorso, A.; Cappuzzello, F.; Carbone, D.; Cavallaro, M.; Hupin, G.; Navratil, P.; Quaglioni, S.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James Patrick2019
Application of quantum machine learning using the quantum kernel algorithm on high energy physics analysis at the LHC10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.033221Wu, Sau Lan; Sun, Shaojun; Guan, Wen; Zhou, Chen; Chan, Jay; Cheng, Chi Lung; Pham, Tuan; Qian, Yan; Wang, Alex Zeng; Zhang, Rui; Livny, Miron; Glick, Jennifer; Barkoutsos, Panagiotis Kl; Woerner, Stefan; Tavernelli, Ivano; Carminati, Federico; Di Meglio, Alberto; Li, Andy C. Y.; Lykken, Joseph; Spentzouris, Panagiotis; Chen, Samuel Yen-Chi; Yoo, Shinjae; Wei, Tzu-ChiehPHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCHQuantumHEP128Li, Andy C.Y.2021
Application of quantum machine learning using the quantum variational classifier method to high energy physics analysis at the LHC on IBM quantum computer simulator and hardware with 10 qubits10.1088/1361-6471/ac1391Wu, Sau Lan; Chan, Jay; Guan, Wen; Sun, Shaojun; Wang, Alex; Zhou, Chen; Livny, Miron; Carminati, Federico; Di Meglio, Alberto; Li, Andy C. Y.; Lykken, Joseph; Spentzouris, Panagiotis; Chen, Samuel Yen-Chi; Yoo, Shinjae; Wei, Tzu-ChiehJOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICSQuantumHEP128Li, C Y Andy2021
Application of the Denovo Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Code to Large-Scale Fusion Neutronics10.1080/15361055.2018.1504508Royston, Katherine E.; Johnson, Seth R.; Evans, Thomas M.; Mosher, Scott W.; Naish, Jonathan; Kos, Bor; Abduallev, S.; Abhangi, M.; Abreu, P.; Afzal, M.; Aggarwal, K. M.; Ahlgren, T.; Ahn, J. H.; Aho-Mantila, L.; Aiba, N.; Airila, M.; Albanese, R.; Aldred, V.; Alegre, D.; Alessi, E.; Aleynikov, P.; Alfier, A.; Alkseev, A.; Allinson, M.; Alper, B.; Alves, E.; Ambrosino, G.; Ambrosino, R.; Amicucci, L.; Amosov, V.; Sunden, E. Andersson; Angelone, M.; Anghel, M.; Angioni, C.; Appel, L.; Appelbee, C.; Arena, P.; Ariola, M.; Arnichand, H.; Arshad, S.; Ash, A.; Ashikawa, N.; Aslanyan, V.; Asunta, O.; Auriemma, F.; Austin, Y.; Avotina, L.; Axton, M. D.; Ayres, C.; Bacharis, M.; Baciero, A.; Baiao, D.; Bailey, S.; Baker, A.; Balboa, I.; Balden, M.; Balshaw, N.; Bament, R.; Banks, J. W.; Baranov, Y. F.; Barnard, M. 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Application of the ESMACS Binding Free Energy Protocol to a Multi-Binding Site Lactate Dehydogenase A Ligand Dataset10.1002/adts.201900194Wright, David W.; Husseini, Fouad; Wan, Shunzhou; Meyer, Christophe; van Vlijmen, Herman; Tresadern, Gary; Coveney, PeterADVANCED THEORY AND SIMULATIONSINCITECHM126Coveney, Peter2020
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Assimilation of Time-Averaged Pseudoproxies for Climate Reconstruction10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00693.1Steiger, Nathan J.; Hakim, Gregory J.; Steig, Eric J.; Battisti, David S.; Roe, Gerard H.JOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2014
Astrophysical particle acceleration mechanisms in colliding magnetized laser-produced plasmas10.1063/1.4993204Fox, W.; Park, J.; Deng, W.; Fiksel, G.; Spitkovsky, A.; Bhattacharjee, A.PHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITEFUS109Bhattacharjee, Amitava2017
Asymmetric responses of primary productivity to altered precipitation simulated by ecosystem models across three long-term grassland sites10.5194/bg-15-3421-2018Wu, Donghai; Ciais, Philippe; Viovy, Nicolas; Knapp, Alan K.; Wilcox, Kevin; Bahn, Michael; Smith, Melinda D.; Vicca, Sara; Fatichi, Simone; Zscheischler, Jakob; He, Yue; Li, Xiangyi; Ito, Akihiko; Arneth, Almut; Harper, Anna; Ukkola, Anna; Paschalis, Athanasios; Poulter, Benjamin; Peng, Changhui; Ricciuto, Daniel; Reinthaler, David; Chen, Guangsheng; Tian, Hanqin; Genet, Helene; Mao, Jiafu; Ingrisch, Johannes; Nabel, Julia E. S. M.; Pongratz, Julia; Boysen, Lena R.; Kautz, Markus; Schmitt, Michael; Meir, Patrick; Zhu, Qiuan; Hasibeder, Roland; Sippel, Sebastian; Dangal, Shree R. S.; Sitch, Stephen; Shi, Xiaoying; Wang, Yingping; Luo, Yiqi; Liu, Yongwen; Piao, ShilongBIOGEOSCIENCES2018
Asymmetry between deuterium and tritium turbulent particle flows10.1063/5.0048620Belli, E. A.; Candy, J.PHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITE, ALCCFUS140; FUS129Belli, Emily; Candy, Jeff2021
Asynchronous I/O Strategy for Large-Scale Deep Learning Applications10.1109/HiPC53243.2021.00046Lee, Sumwoo; Kang, Qiao; Wang, Kewei; Balewski, Jan; Sim, Alex; Agrawal, Ankit; Choudhary, Aok; Nugent, Peter; Wu, Kesheng; Liao, Wei-keng2021 IEEE 28TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, DATA, AND ANALYTICS (HIPC)2022
Asynchronous In Situ Connected-Components Analysis for Complex Fluid flows10.1109/ISAV.2016.8McClure, James E.; Berrill, Mark A.; Prins, Jan F.; Miller, Cass T.PROCEEDINGS OF ISAV 2016: 2ND WORKSHOP ON IN SITU INFRASTRUCTURES FOR ENABLING EXTREME-SCALE ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATIONinciteGEO106McClure, James2016
Asynchronous Task-Based Execution of the Reverse Time Migration for the Oil and Gas Industry10.1109/CLUSTER.2019.8891054AlOnazi, A.; Ltaief, H.; Keyes, D.; Said, I.; Thibault, S.2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER)DDCSC346Keyes, David2019
At-Scale Sparse Deep Neural Network Inference With Efficient GPU ImplementationHidayetoglu, Mert; Pearson, Carl; Mailthody, Vikram Sharma; Ebrahimi, Eiman; Xiong, Jinjun; Nagi, Rakesh; Hwu, Wen-mei2020 IEEE HIGH PERFORMANCE EXTREME COMPUTING CONFERENCE (HPEC)DDCSC362Hwu, Wen-mei2020
Atmospheric and oceanic conditions and the extremely low Bothnian Bay sea ice extent in 2014/201510.1002/2015GL064901Uotila, Petteri; Vihma, Timo; Haapala, JariGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
Atmospheric circulation patterns associated with extreme cold winters in the UK10.1002/wea.2476Burgess, Madlen L.; Klingaman, Nicholas P.WEATHERINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
Atmospheric connections with the North Atlantic enhanced the deglacial warming in northeast China10.1130/G39401.1Zheng, Yanhong; Pancost, Richard D.; Liu, Xiaodong; Wang, Zhangzhang; Naafs, B. D. A.; Xie, Xiaoxun; Liu, Zhao; Yu, Xuefeng; Yang, HuanGEOLOGYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2017
Atmospheric river landfall-latitude changes in future climate simulations10.1002/2016GL070470Shields, Christine A.; Kiehl, Jeffrey T.GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2016
Atmospheric rivers do not explain UK summer extreme rainfall10.1002/2014JD022863Champion, Adrian J.; Allan, Richard P.; Lavers, David A.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERESINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
Atomic Collision Processes for Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas10.1088/1742-6596/548/1/012010Pindzola, M. S.; Loch, S. D.; Ballance, C. P.; Abdel-Naby, Sh A.; Lee, T. G.; Colgan, J.; Fontes, C. J.; Badnel, N. R.; O'Mullane, M. G.XXII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SPECTRAL LINE SHAPES (ICSLS 2014)2014
Atomic Modeling of an Immature Retroviral Lattice Using Molecular Dynamics and Mutagenesis10.1016/j.str.2015.05.017Goh, Boon Chong; Perilla, Juan R.; England, Matthew R.; Heyrana, Katrina J.; Craven, Rebecca C.; Schulten, KlausSTRUCTUREINCITEBIO024Schulten, Klaus2015
Atomic Movies of Laser-Induced Structural and Phase Transformations from Molecular Dynamics Simulations10.1007/978-3-319-02898-9_4Wu, C; Karim, E.T.; Volkov, A.N.; Zhigilei, L.V.LASERS IN MATERIAL SCIENCEDDMAT048Zhigilei, Leonid2014
Atomic and electronic structures of lattice mismatched Cu2O/TiO2 interfaces10.1063/1.4880942Wang, Shuzhi; Kavaipatti, Balasubramaniam; Kim, Sung-Joo; Pan, Xiaoqing; Ramesh, Ramamoorthy; Ager, Joel W.; Wang, Lin-WangAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERSINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2014
Atomic detail visualization of photosynthetic membranes with GPU-accelerated ray tracing10.1016/j.parco.2015.10.015Stone, John E.; Sener, Melih; Vandivort, Kirby L.; Barragan, Angela; Singharoy, Abhishek; Teo, Ivan; Ribeiro, Joao V.; Isralewitz, Barry; Liu, Bo; Goh, Boon Chong; Phillips, James C.; MacGregor-Chatwin, Craig; Johnson, Matthew P.; Kourkoutis, Lena F.; Hunter, C. Neil; Schulten, KlausPARALLEL COMPUTINGINCITEBIP115Schulten, Klaus2016
Atomic structures of interfacial solute gateways to theta ' precipitates in Al-Cu alloys10.1016/j.actamat.2021.116891Chisholm, M. F.; Shin, D.; Duscher, G.; Oxley, M. P.; Allard, L. F.; Poplawsky, J. D.; Shyam, A.ACTA MATERIALIADDMAT224Shin, Dongwon2021
Atomic-Level Sculpting of Crystalline Oxides: Toward Bulk Nanofabrication with Single Atomic Plane Precision10.1002/smll.201502048Jesse, Stephen; He, Qian; Lupini, Andrew R.; Leonard, Donovan N.; Oxley, Mark P.; Ovchinnikov, Oleg; Unocic, Raymond R.; Tselev, Alexander; Fuentes-Cabrera, Miguel; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Pennycook, Stephen J.; Kalinin, Sergei V.; Borisevich, Albina Y.SMALLDDMAT101Sumpter, Bobby2015
Atomic-Scale Structure and Stress Release Mechanism in Core-Shell Nanoparticles10.1021/acsnano.8b06118Nathanson, Michael; Kanhaiya, Krishan; Pryor, Alan; Miao, Jianwei; Heinz, HendrikACS NANO2018
Atomic-resolution structure of HIV-1 capsid tubes by magic-angle spinning NMR10.1038/s41594-020-0489-2Lu, Manman; Russell, Ryan W.; Bryer, Alexander J.; Quinn, Caitlin M.; Hou, Guangjin; Zhang, Huilan; Schwieters, Charles D.; Perilla, Juan R.; Gronenborn, Angela M.; Polenova, TatyanaNATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGYDDBIP182Perilla, Juan2020
Atomistic Simulations of the Generation of Nanoparticles in Short-Pulse Laser Ablation of Metals: Effect of Background Gas and Liquid EnvironmentsShih, Cheng-Yu; Wu, Chenping; Wu, Han; Shugaev, Maxim V.; Shigilei, Leonid V.PULSED LASER ABLATION: ADVANCES AND APPLICATIONS IN NANOPARTICLES AND NANOSTRUCTURING THIN FILMSNICSNSF011q3az2018
Atomistic Structure of Bottlebrush Polymers: Simulations and Neutron Scattering Studies10.1021/ma500613cZhang, Zhe; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Ahn, Suk-kyun; Wu, Bin; Hong, Kunlun; Smith, Gregory S.; Do, ChangwooMACROMOLECULESESMAT054Hill, Judith2014
Atomistic modeling of nanoparticle generation in short pulse laser ablation of thin metal films in water10.1016/j.jcis.2016.10.029Shih, Cheng-Yu; Wu, Chengping; Shugaev, Maxim V.; Zhigilei, Leonid V.JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCEINCITEMAT130Zhigilei,Leonid V.2017
Atomistic simulation study of short pulse laser interactions with a metal target under conditions of spatial confinement by a transparent overlayer10.1063/1.4872245Karim, Eaman T.; Shugaev, Maxim; Wu, Chengping; Lin, Zhibin; Hainsey, Robert F.; Zhigilei, Leonid V.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICSDDMAT048Zhigilei, Leonid2014
Atoms to Phenotypes: Molecular Design Principles of Cellular Energy Metabolism10.1016/j.cell.2019.10.021Singharoy, Abhishek; Maffeo, Christopher; Delgado-Magnero, Karelia H.; Swainsbury, David J. K.; Sener, Melih; Kleinekathoefer, Ulrich; Vant, John W.; Nguyen, Jonathan; Hitchcock, Andrew; Isralewitz, Barry; Teo, Ivan; Chandler, Danielle E.; Stone, John E.; Phillips, James C.; Pogorelov, Taras V.; Mallus, M. Ilaria; Chipot, Christophe; Luthey-Schulten, Zaida; Tieleman, D. Peter; Hunter, C. Neil; Tajkhorshid, Emad; Aksimentiev, Aleksei; Schulten, KlausCELLINCITEBIP115Singharoy, Abhishek2019
Attacking the Opioid Epidemic: Determining the Epistatic and Pleiotropic Genetic Architectures for Chronic Pain and Opioid Addiction10.1109/SC.2018.00060Joubert, Wayne; Weighill, Deborah; Kainer, David; Climer, Sharlee; Justice, Amy; Fagnan, Kjiersten; Jacobson, DanielPROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE, AND ANALYSIS (SC'18)ESP_2018Jacobson, Dan2018
Attraction between, Opposing Planar Dipolar Polymer Brushes10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b01566Mahalik, J. P.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Kumar, RajeevLANGMUIRDDMAT101Sumpter, Bobby2017
Attributing observed Greenland responses to natural and anthropogenic climate forcings10.1007/s00382-015-2514-4Andres, Heather J.; Peltier, W. R.CLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
Augmenting drug-carrier compatibility improves tumour nanotherapy efficacy10.1038/ncomms11221Zhao, Yiming; Fay, Francois; Hak, Sjoerd; Perez-Aguilar, Jose Manuel; Sanchez-Gaytan, Brenda L.; Goode, Brandon; Duivenvoorden, Raphael; Davies, Catharina de Lange; Bjorkoy, Astrid; Weinstein, Harel; Fayad, Zahi A.; Perez-Medina, Carlos; Mulder, Willem J. M.NATURE COMMUNICATIONSDDBIP109Weinstein, Harel2016
Auto-ignitive deflagration of CH4 blended DME/Air mixtures with composition stratificationDesai, Swapnil; Sankaran, Ramanan; Im, Hong G.CSSCI SPRING TECHNICAL MEETING2018
Auto-ignitive deflagration speed of methane (CH4) blended dimethyl-ether (DME)/air mixtures at stratified conditions10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.10.001Desai, Swapnil; Sankaran, Ramanan; Im, Hong G.COMBUSTION AND FLAMEINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2020
Automated Analysis of Time Series Data to Understand Parallel Program Behaviors10.1145/3205289.3205308Wei, Lai; Mellor-Crummey, JohnINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUPERCOMPUTING (ICS 2018)INCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2018
Automated Detection and Characterization of Surface Restructuring Events in Bimetallic Catalysts10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b04863Lim, Jin Soo; Molinari, Nicola; Duanmu, Kaining; Sautet, Philippe; Kozinsky, BorisJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CDDCHP106Sautet, Philippe2019
Automated Fortran-C plus plus Bindings for Large-Scale Scientific Applications10.1109/MCSE.2019.2924204Johnson, Seth R.; Prokopenko, Andrey; Evans, Katherine J.COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERINGDDCLI106Ashfaq, Moetasim2020
Automated Integration of Continental-Scale Observations in Near-Real Time for Simulation and Analysis of Biosphere–Atmosphere Interactions10.1007/978-3-030-63393-6_14Hoffman, Forrest; Durden, David; Metzger, Stefan; Chu, Housen; Desai, Ankur; Davis, Kenneth; Wieder, William; Kumar, Jitendra; Xu, Min; Collier, NathanielDRIVING SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING DISCOVERIES THROUGH THE CONVERGENCE OF HPC, BIG DATA, AND AIDDCLI143Collier, Nathaniel2020
Automatic Building Energy Model Creation (AutoBEM) for Urban-Scale Energy Modeling and Assessment of Value Propositions for Electric UtilitiesNew, Joshua; Adams, Mark; Im, Piljae; Yang, Hsiuhan Lexie; Hambrick, Joshua; Copeland, William; Bruce, Lilian; Ingraham, James A.INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY ENGINEERING AND SMART GRIDS2018
Automatic Generation of Finite Difference Field Solvers for Toroidally Confined Plasmas10.4208/cicp.OA-2017-0151Lin, Jingbo; Zhang, Wenlu; Liu, Pengfei; Cao, Jintao; Li, DingCOMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSINCITEPHY130Lin, Zhihong2020
Automatic Halo Management for the Uintah GPU-Heterogeneous Asynchronous Many-Task Runtime10.1007/s10766-018-0619-1Peterson, Brad; Humphrey, Alan; Sunderland, Dan; Sutherland, James; Saad, Tony; Dasari, Harish; Berzins, MartinINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PARALLEL PROGRAMMINGALCCCSC188Voigt, Robert2019
Automatic Identification of Application I/O Signatures from NoisyServer-Side TracesLiu, Yang; Gunasekaran, Raghul; Ma, Xiaosong; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan12TH USENIX CONFERENCE ON FILE AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES2014
Automatic and Transparent Resource Contention Mitigation for Improving Large-scale Parallel File System Performance10.1109/ICPADS.2017.00084Neuwirth, Sarah; Wang, Feiyi; Oral, Sarp; Bruening, Ulrich2017 IEEE 23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS (ICPADS)2017
Automatic extraction of cancer registry reportable information from free-text pathology reports using multitask convolutional neural networks10.1093/jamia/ocz153Alawad, Mohammed; Gao, Shang; Qiu, John X.; Yoon, Hong Jun; Christian, J. Blair; Penberthy, Lynne; Mumphrey, Brent; Wu, Xiao-Cheng; Coyle, Linda; Tourassi, GeorgiaJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATIONALCCMED107Tourassi, Georgia2020
Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo at Zero- and Finite-TemperatureZhang, ShiweiMANY-BODY METHODS FOR REAL MATERIALS: MODELING AND SIMULATIONINCITECHM131Zhang, Shiwei2019
Auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo calculations of the molybdenum dimer10.1063/1.4954245Purwanto, Wirawan; Zhang, Shiwei; Krakauer, HenryJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSDDCPH107Zhang, Shiwei2016
Auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo calculations with multiple-projector pseudopotentials10.1103/PhysRevB.95.165103Ma, Fengjie; Zhang, Shiwei; Krakauer, HenryPHYSICAL REVIEW BDDPHY115Zhang ,Shiwei2017
Axial Vector Form Factors from Lattice QCD that Satisfy the PCAC Relation10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.072002Jang, Yong-Chull; Gupta, Rajan; Yoon, Boram; Bhattacharya, TanmoyPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDDLGT107Gupta, Rajan2020
Axially deformed solution of the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov equations using the transformed harmonic oscillator basis (III) HFBTHO (v3.00): A new version of the program10.1016/j.cpc.2017.06.022Perez, R. Navarro; Schunck, N.; Lasseri, R. -D.; Zhang, C.; Sarich, J.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITENPH008Vary, James2017
B-s -> Kl nu decay from lattice QCD10.1103/PhysRevD.100.034501Bazavov, A.; Bernard, C.; DeTar, C.; Du, Daping; El-Khadra, A. X.; Freeland, E. D.; Gamiz, E.; Gelzer, Z.; Gottlieb, Steven; Heller, U. M.; Kronfeld, A. S.; Laiho, J.; Liu, Yuzhi; Mackenzie, P. B.; Meurice, Y.; Neil, E. T.; Simone, J. N.; Sugar, R.; Toussaint, D.; Van de Water, R. S.; Zhou, RanPHYSICAL REVIEW DINCITE2019
BCL: A Cross-Platform Distributed Data Structures Library10.1145/3337821.3337912Brock, Benjamin; Buluc, Aydin; Yelick, KatherinePROCEEDINGS OF THE 48TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING (ICPP 2019)ECPBIF115Yelick, Katherine; Oliker, Leonid2019
BCL::MP-fold: Membrane protein structure prediction guided by EPR restraints10.1002/prot.24801Fischer, Axel W.; Alexander, Nathan S.; Woetzel, Nils; Karakas, Mert; Weiner, Brian E.; Meiler, JensPROTEINS-STRUCTURE FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICSDDLSC100Meiler, Jens2015
BCL::SAXS: GPU accelerated Debye method for computation of small angle X-ray scattering profiles10.1002/prot.24838Putnam, Daniel K.; Weiner, Brian E.; Woetzel, Nils; Lowe, Edward W.; Meiler, JensPROTEINS-STRUCTURE FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICSDDLSC100Meiler, Jens2015
BEAM: A computational workflow system for managing and modeling material characterization data in HPC environments10.1016/j.procs.2016.05.410Lingerfelt, E. J.; Belianinov, A.; Endeve, E.; Ovchinnikov, O.; Somnath, S.; Borreguero, J. M.; Grodowitz, N.; Park, B.; Archibald, R. K.; Symons, C. T.; Kalinin, S. V.; Messer, O. E. B.; Shankar, M.; Jesse, S.; MESSER II, OTIS; SHANKAR, MALLIKARJUN; JESSE, STEPHENINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE 2016 (ICCS 2016)DDMAT134Lingerfelt, Eric2016
BIG DATA Next-Generation Machines for Big Science10.1109/MCSE.2015.78Hack, James J.; Papka, Michael E.COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERINGSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
Bacillus subtilis Lipid Extract, A Branched-Chain Fatty Acid Membrane Model10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b01877Nickels, Jonathan D.; Chatterjee, Sneha; Mostofian, Barmak; Stanley, Christopher B.; Ohl, Michael; Zolnierczuk, Piotr; Schulz, Roland; Myles, Dean A. A.; Standaert, Robert F.; Elkins, James G.; Cheng, Xiaolin; Katsaras, JohnJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERSALCCBIP148Cheng, Xiaolin2017
Background and Roadmap for a Distributed Computing and Data EcosystemShankar, Mallikarjun; Lancon, EricStaffSTF011Shankar, Mallikarjun2019
Balanced k-means clustering on an adiabatic quantum computer10.1007/s11128-021-03240-8Arthur, Davis; Date, PrasannaQUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSINGQuantumLRN017Date, Prasanna2021
Balancing Particle and Mesh Computation in a Particle-In-Cell CodeWORLEY, PATRICK; D'AZEVEDO, EDUARDO; Hager, Robert; Ku, Seung-Hoe; Yoon, Eisung; Chang, C.Cray User Group 2016INCITE2016
Balancing Performance and Portability with Containers in HPC: An OpenSHMEM Example10.1007/978-3-319-73814-7_9Naughton, Thomas; Sorrillo, Lawrence; Simpson, Adam; Imam, NeenaOPENSHMEM AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES: BIG COMPUTE AND BIG DATA CONVERGENCE, OPENSHMEM 2017DDCSC040Imam, Neena2018
Balancing unevenly distributed data in seismic tomography: a global adjoint tomography example10.1093/gji/ggz356Ruan, Youyi; Lei, Wenjie; Modrak, Ryan; Orsvuran, Ridvan; Bozdag, Ebru; Tromp, JeroenGEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONALINCITEGEO111Tromp, Jeroen2019
Band-tail Formation and Band-gap Narrowing Driven by Polar Optical Phonons and Charged Impurities in Atomically Resolved III-V Semiconductors and Nanodevices10.1103/PhysRevApplied.12.044045Sarangapani, Prasad; Chu, Yuanchen; Charles, James; Klimeck, Gerhard; Kubis, TillmannPHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIEDINCITEMAT175Klimeck, Gerhard2019
Baryon-baryon interactions and spin-flavor symmetry from lattice quantum chromodynamics10.1103/PhysRevD.96.114510Wagman, Michael L.; Winter, Frank; Chang, Emmanuel; Davoudi, Zohreh; Detmold, William; Orginos, Kostas; Savage, Martin J.; Shanahan, Phiala E.PHYSICAL REVIEW DINCITELGT003Mackenzie, Paul2017
Basis Light-Front Quantization: Recent Progress and Future Prospects10.1007/s00601-016-1117-xVary, James P.; Adhikari, Lekha; Chen, Guangyao; Li, Yang; Maris, Pieter; Zhao, XingboFEW-BODY SYSTEMSINCITENPH008Vary, James2016
Basis set convergence of the binding energies of strongly hydrogen-bonded atmospheric clusters10.1039/c6cp06851kElm, Jonas; Kristensen, KasperPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECHP100Jorgensen, Paul2017
Battle of the Defaults: Extracting Performance Characteristics of HDF5 under Production Load10.1109/CCGrid51090.2021.00015Xie, Bing; Tang, Houjun; Byna, Suren; Hanley, Jesse; Koziol, Quincey; Li, Tonglin; Oral, Sarp21ST IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CLUSTER, CLOUD AND INTERNET COMPUTING (CCGRID 2021)StaffSTF008Oral, Sarp2021
Be-7 and Li-7 nuclei within the no-core shell model with continuum10.1103/PhysRevC.100.024304Vorabbi, Matteo; Navratil, Petr; Quaglioni, Sofia; Hupin, GuillaumePHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2019
Behavior of Bilayer Leaflets in Asymmetric Model Membranes: Atomistic Simulation Studies10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b02148Tian, Jianhui; Nickels, Jonathan; Katsaras, John; Cheng, XiaolinJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BINCITEBIP121Cheng, Xiaolin2016
Below-Room-Temperature C-H Bond Breaking on an Inexpensive Metal Oxide: Methanol to Formaldehyde on CeO2(111)10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b02683Sutton, Jonathan E.; Danielson, Thomas; Beste, Ariana; Savara, AdityaJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERSDDCHM110Beste, Ariana2017
Benchmark study of the two-dimensional Hubbard model with auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo method10.1103/PhysRevB.94.085103Qin, Mingpu; Shi, Hao; Zhang, ShiweiPHYSICAL REVIEW BDDPHY115Zhang, Shiwei2016
Benchmarking Adaptive Variational Quantum Eigensolvers10.3389/fchem.2020.606863Claudino, Daniel; Wright, Jerimiah; McCaskey, Alexander J.; Humble, Travis S.FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRYQuantumCHM172Humble, Travis2020
Benchmarking Quantum Annealing Controls with Portfolio Optimization10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.014012Grant, Erica; Humble, Travis S.; Stump, BenjaminPHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIEDQuantumCSC406Humble, Travis2021
Benchmarking Quantum Chemistry Computations with Variational, Imaginary Time Evolution, and Krylov Space Solver Algorithms10.1002/qute.202100012Yeter-Aydeniz, Kubra; Gard, Bryan T.; Jakowski, Jacek; Majumder, Swarnadeep; Barron, George S.; Siopsis, George; Humble, Travis S.; Pooser, Raphael C.ADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIESQuantumCSC407; PHY142Pooser, Raphael (Both)2021
Benchmarking density functionals for hydrogen-helium mixtures with quantum Monte Carlo: Energetics, pressures, and forces10.1103/PhysRevB.93.035121Clay, Raymond C.; Holzmann, Markus; Ceperley, David M.; Morales, Miguel A.PHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITECPH103Ceperley, David2016
Benchmarking exchange-correlation functionals for hydrogen at high pressures using quantum Monte Carlo10.1103/PhysRevB.89.184106Clay, Raymond C.; Mcminis, Jeremy; McMahon, Jeffrey M.; Pierleoni, Carlo; Ceperley, David M.; Morales, Miguel A.PHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITEMAT038Ceperley, David2014
Benchmarking noise extrapolation with the OpenPulse control framework10.1103/PhysRevA.101.042308Garmon, J. W. O.; Pooser, R. C.; Dumitrescu, E. F.PHYSICAL REVIEW ADDCSC241Schuman, Catherine2020
Benchmarking the performance of density functional theory and point charge force fields in their description of sI methane hydrate against diffusion Monte Carlo10.1063/1.4871873Cox, Stephen J.; Towler, Michael D.; Alfe, Dario; Michaelides, AngelosJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECPH005Alfe, Dario2014
Benchmarking the performance of neuromorphic and spiking neural network simulators10.1016/j.neucom.2021.03.028Kulkarni, Shruti R.; Parsa, Maryam; Mitchell, J. Parker; Schuman, Catherine D.NEUROCOMPUTINGDDCSC382Schuman, Catherine2021
Benchmarks and Tests of a Multidimensional Cluster Dynamics Model of Helium Implantation in Tungsten10.13182/FST16-109Blondel, Sophie; Bernholdt, David E.; Hammond, Karl D.; Hu, Lin; Maroudas, Dimitrios; Wirth, Brian D.FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYALCCFUS049Wirth, Brian2017
Beryllium-driven structural evolution at the divertor surface10.1088/1741-4326/abe7bdCusentino, M. A.; Wood, M. A.; Thompson, A. P.NUCLEAR FUSIONALCCFUS049Wirth, Brian2021
Best Practices and Lessons Learned from Deploying and Operating Large-Scale Data-Centric Parallel File Systems10.1109/SC.2014.23Oral, Sarp; Simmons, James; Hill, Jason; Leverman, Dustin; Wang, Feiyi; Ezell, Matt; Miller, Ross; Fuller, Douglas; Gunasekaran, Raghul; Kim, Youngjae; Gupta, Saurabh; Tiwari, Devesh; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.; Rogers, James H.; Dillow, David; Shipman, Galen M.; Bland, Arthur S.SC14: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2014
Best Practices in Running Collaborative GPU Hackathons: Advancing Scientific Applications with a Sustained Impact10.1109/MCSE.2018.042781332Chandrasekaran, Sunita; Juckeland, Guido; Lin, Meifeng; Otten, Matthew; Pleiter, DirkCOMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERINGINCITEAST106Zingale, Michael2018
Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes of Upsilons10.1103/PhysRevD.102.114508Larsen, Rasmus; Meinel, Stefan; Mukherjee, Swagato; Petreczky, PeterPHYSICAL REVIEW DINCITE, ALCCNPH141, LGT113Mukherjee, Swagato (Both)2020
Beyond Atomic Sizes and Hume-Rothery Rules: Understanding and Predicting High-Entropy Alloys10.1007/s11837-015-1594-2Troparevsky, M. Claudia; Morris, James R.; Daene, Markus; Wang, Yang; Lupini, Andrew R.; Stocks, G. MalcolmJOMINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2015
Beyond Darcy's law: The role of phase topology and ganglion dynamics for two-fluid flow10.1103/PhysRevE.94.043113Armstrong, Ryan T.; McClure, James E.; Berrill, Mark A.; Rucker, Maja; Schlueter, Steffen; Berg, SteffenPHYSICAL REVIEW EINCITEGEO106McClure, James E2016
Beyond assembly bias: exploring secondary halo biases for cluster-size haloes10.1093/mnras/stx3111Mao, Yao-Yuan; Zentner, Andrew R.; Wechsler, Risa H.MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETYINCITEAST102Warren, Michael2018
Beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation with quantum Monte Carlo methods10.1103/PhysRevA.90.042507Tubman, Norm M.; Kylanpaa, Ilkka; Hammes-Schiffer, Sharon; Ceperley, David M.PHYSICAL REVIEW AINCITECPH103Ceperley, David2014
Bi-fidelity approximation for uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of irradiated particle-laden turbulence10.1016/, Hillary R.; Jofre, Lluis; Geraci, Gianluca; Iaccarino, Gianluca; Doostan, AlirezaJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSALCCCSC188Voigt, Robert2020
Biermann-Battery-Mediated Magnetic Reconnection in 3D Colliding Plasmas10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.095001Matteucci, J.; Fox, W.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Schaeffer, D. B.; Moissard, C.; Germaschewski, K.; Fiksel, G.; Hu, S. X.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITEFUS109Bhattacharjee, Amitava2018
Big Data Analytics on HPC Architectures: Performance and CostXenopoulos, Peter; Daniel, Jamison; Matheson, Michael; Sukumar, Sreenivas2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA (BIG DATA)STAFFSTAFF2016
Big Data Meets HPC Log Analytics: Scalable Approach to Understanding Systems at Extreme Scale10.1109/CLUSTER.2017.113Park, Byung H.; Hukerikar, Saurabh; Adamson, Ryan; Engelmann, Christian2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER)2017
Big Effect of Small Nanoparticles: A Shift in Paradigm for Polymer Nanocomposites10.1021/acsnano.6b07172Cheng, Shiwang; Xie, Shi-Jie; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Carroll, Bobby; Martin, Halie; Cao, Peng-Fei; Dadmun, Mark D.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Novikov, Vladimir N.; Schweizer, Kenneth S.; Sokolov, Alexei P.ACS NANODDNTI015Sumpter, Bobby2017
Big, Deep, and Smart Data in Scanning Probe Microscopy10.1021/acsnano.6b04212Kalinin, Sergei V.; Strelcov, Evgheni; Belianinov, Alex; Somnath, Suhas; Vasudevan, Rama K.; Lingerfelt, Eric J.; Archibald, Richard K.; Chen, Chaomei; Proksch, Roger; Laanait, Nouamane; Jesse, StephenACS NANODDMAT134Lingerfelt, Eric2016
Big-deep-smart data in imaging for guiding materials design10.1038/NMAT4395Kalinin, Sergei V.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Archibald, Richard K.NATURE MATERIALSDDMAT101, CSC121Sumpter, Bobby2015
BigData and computing challenges in high energy and nuclear physics10.1088/1748-0221/12/06/C06044Klimentov, A.; Grigorieva, M.; Kiryanov, A.; Zarochentsev, A.JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATIONDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2017
BigPanDA: PanDA Workload Management System and its Applications beyond ATLAS10.1051/epjconf/201921403050Svirin, Pavlo; De, Kaushik; Forti, Alessandra; Klimentov, Alexei; Larsen, Rasmus; Love, Peter; Maeno, Tadashi; Mashinistov, Ruslan; Mukherjee, Swagato; Nomerotski, Andrei; Oleynik, Danila; Panitkin, Sergey; Park, Hye Yun; Sheldon, Erin; Slosar, Anze; Wells, Jack; Wenaus, Torre23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING IN HIGH ENERGY AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS (CHEP 2018)INCITENPH125Mukherjee, Swagto2019
Binding Site Recognition and Docking Dynamics of a Single Electron Transport Protein: Cytochrome c(2)10.1021/jacs.6b01193Singharoy, Abhishek; Barragan, Angela M.; Thangapandian, Sundarapandian; Tajkhorshid, Emad; Schulten, KlausJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETYINCITEBIP115Schulten, Klaus2016
Binding and Diffusion of Lithium in Graphite: Quantum Monte Carlo Benchmarks and Validation of van der Waals Density Functional Methods10.1021/ct500617zGanesh, P.; Kim, Jeongnim; Park, Changwon; Yoon, Mina; Reboredo, Fernando A.; Kent, Paul R. C.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATIONINCITEMAT044Kent, Paul2014
Binding and excitations in SixHy molecular systems using quantum Monte Carlo10.1063/5.0022814Wang, Guangming; Annaberdiyev, Abdulgani; Mitas, LubosJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2020
Binning Based Data Reduction for Vector Field Data of a Particle-In-Cell Fusion Simulation10.1007/978-3-030-02465-9_15Kress, James; Choi, Jong; Klasky, Scott; Churchill, Michael; Childs, HankISC WORKSHOP ON IN SITU VISUALIZATION 2018DDCSC143Klasky, Scott2018
Bioprospecting Trichoderma: A Systematic Roadmap to Screen Genomes and Natural Products for Biocontrol Applications10.3389/ffunb.2021.716511Abraham, Paul; Ellis, Joseph; Shrestha, Him; Rush, Tomas; Labbe, Jesse; Spangler, Margaret; Gopalakrishnan Meena, MuralikrishnanFRONTIERS IN FUNGAL BIOLOGYDDBIF102Jacobsen, Daniel2021
Biospheric feedback effects in a synchronously coupled model of human and Earth systems10.1038/NCLIMATE3310Thornton, Peter E.; Calvin, Katherine; Jones, Andrew D.; Di Vittorio, Alan V.; Bond-Lamberty, Ben; Chini, Louise; Shi, Xiaoying; Mao, Jiafu; Collins, William D.; Edmonds, Jae; Thomson, Allison; Truesdale, John; Craig, Anthony; Branstetter, Marcia L.; Hurtt, GeorgeNATURE CLIMATE CHANGEALCCCLI112Thornton, Peter2017
Black Hole Flares: Ejection of Accreted Magnetic Flux through 3D Plasmoid-mediated Reconnection10.3847/2041-8213/ac46a1Ripperda, B.; Liska, M.; Chatterjee, K.; Musoke, G.; Philippov, A. A.; Markoff, S. B.; Tchekhovskoy, A.; Younsi, Z.ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS2022
Black carbon aerosol-induced Northern Hemisphere tropical expansion10.1002/2015GL064559Kovilakam, Mahesh; Mahajan, SalilGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSDDCLI106Evans, Katherine2015
Boosting the accuracy and speed of quantum Monte Carlo: Size consistency and time step10.1103/PhysRevB.93.241118Zen, Andrea; Sorella, Sandro; Gillan, Michael J.; Michaelides, Angelos; Alfe, DarioPHYSICAL REVIEW BDD_2016CPH005Alfe,Dario2016
Bound-preserving discontinuous Galerkin methods for conservative phase space advection in curvilinear coordinates10.1016/, Eirik; Hauck, Cory D.; Xing, Yulong; Mezzacappa, AnthonyJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSINCITEAST005Mezzacappa, Anthony2015
Branched-Chain Fatty Acid Content Modulates Structure, Fluidity, and Phase in Model Microbial Cell Membranes10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b04326Mostofian, Barmak; Zhuang, Tony; Cheng, Xiaolin; Nickels, Jonathan D.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BALCCBIP148Cheng, Xiaolin2019
Bridging Network and Parallel I/O Research for Improving Data-Intensive Distributed Applications10.1109/INDIS54524.2021.00011Biswas, Debasmita; Neuwirth, Sarah; Paul, Arnam K.; Butyt, Ali R.2021 IEEE WORKSHOP ON INNOVATING THE NETWORK FOR DATA-INTENSIVE SCIENCE (INDIS)GENGEN008Oral, Sarp2021
Building Halo Merger Trees from the Q Continuum Simulation10.1109/HiPC.2017.00052Rangel, Esteban; Frontiere, Nicholas; Habib, Salman; Heitmann, Katrin; Liao, Wei-Keng; Agrawal, Ankit; Choudhary, Alok2017 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (HIPC)DDHEP100Heitmann, Katrin2017
Building a More Predictive Protein Force Field: A Systematic and Reproducible Route to AMBER-FB1510.1021/acs.jpcb.7b02320Wang, Lee-Ping; McKiernan, Keri A.; Gomes, Joseph; Beauchamp, Kyle A.; Head-Gordon, Teresa; Rice, Julia E.; Swope, William C.; Martinez, Todd J.; Pande, Vijay S.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BINCITEBIP101Pande, Vijay2017
Building and using containers at HPC centres for the ATLAS experiment10.1051/epjconf/201921407005Collaboration, ATLAS23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING IN HIGH ENERGY AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS (CHEP 2018)2019
Building scalable variational circuit training for machine learning tasks10.1109/DAC18074.2021.9586171Hamilton, Kathleen E.; Lynn, Emily; Kharazi, Tyler; Morris, Titus; Bennink, Ryan S.; Pooser, Raphael C.2021 58TH ACM/IEEE DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE (DAC)QuantumLRN010, CSC412, PHY143Hamilton, Kathleen & Morris, Titus2021
Building with ions: towards direct write of platinum nanostructures using in situ liquid cell helium ion microscopy10.1039/c7nr04417hIevlev, Anton V.; Jakowski, Jacek; Burch, Matthew J.; Iberi, Vighter; Hysmith, Holland; Joy, David C.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Belianinov, Alex; Unocic, Raymond R.; Ovchinnikova, Olga S.NANOSCALEDDMAT168Bobby G. Sumpter2017
BurstMem: A High-Performance Burst BufferSystem for Scientific Applications10.1109/BigData.2014.7004215Wang, Teng (Auburn University; Auburn, Alabama); Oral, H Sarp (ORNL); Wang, Yandong (Auburn University; Auburn, Alabama); Settlemyer, Bradley W. (ORNL); Atchley, Scott (ORNL); Yu, Weikuan (Auburn University; Auburn, Alabama)IEEE BIG DATA 2014ddCSC115Settlemeyer,Bradley2014
Bypass transition in boundary layers subject to strong pressure gradient and curvature effects10.1017/jfm.2020.39Zhao, Yaomin; Sandberg, Richard D.JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICSINCITEENG112Sandberg, Richard2020
C-12 properties with evolved chiral three-nucleon interactions10.1103/PhysRevC.90.014314Maris, P.; Vary, J. P.; Calci, A.; Langhammer, J.; Binder, S.; Roth, R.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James2014
CAASCADE: A System for Static Analysis of HPC Software Application Portfolios10.1007/978-3-030-17872-7_6Lopez, M. Graham; Hernandez, Oscar; Budiardja, Reuben D.; Wells, Jack C.PROGRAMMING AND PERFORMANCE VISUALIZATION TOOLSStaffstf010, stf007, gen010.2019
CANDLE/Supervisor: a workflow framework for machine learning applied to cancer research10.1186/s12859-018-2508-4Wozniak, Justin M.; Jain, Rajeev; Balaprakash, Prasanna; Ozik, Jonathan; Collier, Nicholson T.; Bauer, John; Xia, Fangfang; Brettin, Thomas; Stevens, Rick; Mohd-Yusof, Jamaludin; Cardona, Cristina Garcia; Van Essen, Brian; Baughman, MatthewBMC BIOINFORMATICS2018
CC2 oscillator strengths within the local framework for calculating excitation energies (LoFEx)10.1063/1.4979713Baudin, Pablo; Kjaergaard, Thomas; Kristensen, KasperJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECHP100Jorgensen, Poul2017
CMIP5 multi- model hindcasts for the mid-1970s shift and early 2000s hiatus and predictions for 2016-203510.1002/2014GL059256Meehl, Gerald A.; Teng, HaiyanGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2014
CO2 Capture via Crystalline Hydrogen-Bonded Bicarbonate Dimers10.1016/j.chempr.2018.12.025Williams, Neil J.; Seipp, Charles A.; Brethome, Flavien M.; Ma, Ying-Zhong; Ivanov, Alexander S.; Bryantsev, Vyacheslav S.; Kidder, Michelle K.; Martin, Halie J.; Holguin, Erick; Garrabrant, Kathleen A.; Custelcean, RaduCHEMDDCHM116Bryantsev, Vyacheslav2019
CO2 hydrogenation on Pt, PtiSiO(2) and Pt/TiO2: Importance of synergy between Pt and oxide support10.1016/j.jcat.2015.12.019Kattel, Shyam; Yan, Binhang; Chen, Jingguang G.; Liu, PingJOURNAL OF CATALYSISDDNTI103Liu, Ping2016
COMPARISONS OF TWO- AND THREE-DIMENSIONAL CONVECTION IN TYPE I X-RAY BURSTS10.1088/0004-637X/807/1/60Zingale, M.; Malone, C. M.; Nonaka, A.; Almgren, A. S.; Bell, J. B.ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNALINCITEAST006Zingale, Michael2015
CPMC-Lab: A MATLAB package for Constrained Path Monte Carlo calculations10.1016/j.cpc.2014.08.003Huy Nguyen, undefined; Shi, Hao; Xu, Jie; Zhang, ShiweiCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITECHM048Zhang, Shiwei2014
CRADA Final Report: CRADA Number NFE-14-05227 with Total E&P Research and Technology USA LLCBernholdt, DavidStaffSTF010Bernholdt, David2019
Ca2+-dependent mechanism of membrane insertion and destabilization by the SARS-CoV-2 fusion peptide10.1016/j.bpj.2021.02.023Khelashvili, George; Plante, Ambrose; Doktorova, Milka; Weinstein, HarelBIOPHYSICAL JOURNALINCITEBIP109Weinstein, Harel2021
Calibrating building energy models using supercomputer trained machine learning agents10.1002/cpe.3267Sanyal, Jibonananda; New, Joshua; Edwards, Richard E.; Parker, LynneCONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCEDDCSC087New, Joshua2014
Can Ab Initio Theory Explain the Phenomenon of Parity Inversion in Be-11?10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.242501Calci, Angelo; Navratil, Petr; Roth, Robert; Dohet-Eraly, Jeremy; Quaglioni, Sofia; Hupin, GuillaumePHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH008Vary,James2016
Can I/O Variability be Reduced on QoS-less HPC Storage Systems?10.1109/TC.2018.2881709Huang, Dan; Liu, Qing; Choi, Jong; Podhorszki, Norbert ; Klasky, ScottIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERSDDCSC143Scott klasky/Nobert Podhorszki2019
Can exascale computing and explainable artificial intelligence applied to plant biology deliver on the United Nations sustainable development goals?10.1016/j.copbio.2020.01.010Streich, Jared; Romero, Jonathon; Gazolla, Joao Gabriel Felipe Machado; Kainer, David; Cliff, Ashley; Prates, Erica Teixeira; Brown, James B.; Khoury, Sacha; Tuskan, Gerald A.; Garvin, Michael; Jacobson, Daniel; Harfouche, Antoine L.CURRENT OPINION IN BIOTECHNOLOGYALCCSYB105Jacobson, Daniel2020
Candidate structure for the H-2-PRE phase of solid hydrogen10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214111Ichibha, Tom; Zhang, Yunwei; Hongo, Kenta; Maezono, Ryo; Reboredo, Fernando A.PHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITEMAT044Reboredo, Fernando2021
Canine CNGA3 Gene Mutations Provide Novel Insights into Human Achromatopsia-Associated Channelopathies and Treatment10.1371/journal.pone.0138943Tanaka, Naoto; Dutrow, Emily V.; Miyadera, Keiko; Delemotte, Lucie; MacDermaid, Christopher M.; Reinstein, Shelby L.; Crumley, William R.; Dixon, Christopher J.; Casal, Margret L.; Klein, Michael L.; Aguirre, Gustavo D.; Tanaka, Jacqueline C.; Guziewicz, Karina E.PLOS ONEINCITEMAT045Klein, Michael2015
Capillary fluctuations and energy dynamics for flow in porous media10.1063/5.0057428McClure, James E.; Berg, Steffen; Armstrong, Ryan T.PHYSICS OF FLUIDSESBIP176McClure, James2021
Capturing Deuteration Effects in a Molecular Mechanics Force Field: Deuterated THF and the THF-Water Miscibility Gap10.1021/acs.jctc.9b01138Agarwal, Rupesh; Smith, Micholas Dean; Smith, Jeremy C.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATIONINCITEBIF112Smith, Jeremy2020
Carbon Nanotube Dispersion in Solvents and Polymer Solutions: Mechanisms, Assembly, and Preferences10.1021/acsnano.7b07684Pramanik, Chandrani; Gissinger, Jacob R.; Kumar, Satish; Heinz, HendrikACS NANODDMAT135Heinz, Hendrik2017
Cardinal: A Lower Length-Scale Multiphysics Simulator for Pebble-Bed Reactors10.1080/00295450.2020.1824471Merzari, Elia; Yuan, Haomin; Min, Misun; Shaver, Dillon; Rahaman, Ronald; Shriwise, Patrick; Romano, Paul; Talamo, Alberto; Lan, Yu-Hsiang; Gaston, Derek; Martineau, Richard; Fischer, Paul; Hassan, YassinNUCLEAR TECHNOLOGYECP; ALCCCSC262; NFU106Kolev, Tzanio; Merzari, Elia2021
Cardiolipin-Dependent Properties of Model Mitochondrial Membranes from Molecular Simulations10.1016/j.bpj.2019.06.023Wilson, Blake A.; Ramanathan, Arvind; Lopez, Carlos F.BIOPHYSICAL JOURNALECPSYB105Jacobson, Daniel2019
Carotenoids promote lateral packing and condensation of lipid membranes10.1039/d0cp01031fMostofian, Barmak; Johnson, Quentin R.; Smith, Jeremy C.; Cheng, XiaolinPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITEBIP141Smith, Jeremy2020
Cartesian Collective Communication10.1145/3337821.3337848Traeff, Jesper Larsson; Hunold, SaschaPROCEEDINGS OF THE 48TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING (ICPP 2019)INCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2019
Case Study of Using Kokkos and SYCL as Performance-Portable Frameworks for Milc-Dslash Benchmark on NVIDIA, AMD and Intel GPUs10.1109/P3HPC54578.2021.00009Dufek, Amanda; Gayatri, Rahulkumar; Mehta, Neil; Doerfler, Douglas; Cook, Brandon; Ghadar, Yasaman; DeTar, Carleton2021 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PERFORMANCE, PORTABILITY AND PRODUCTIVITY IN HPC (P3HPC)DDCSC380Messer, Bronson2021
Causal Pathways for Temperature Predictability from Snow Depth10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0280.1Kolstad, Erik W.JOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITE2017
Causes and implications of persistent atmospheric carbon dioxide biases in Earth System Models10.1002/2013JG002381Hoffman, F. M.; Randerson, J. T.; Arora, V. K.; Bao, Q.; Cadule, P.; Ji, D.; Jones, C. D.; Kawamiya, M.; Khatiwala, S.; Lindsay, K.; Obata, A.; Shevliakova, E.; Six, K. D.; Tjiputra, J. F.; Volodin, E. M.; Wu, T.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCESINCITE & DDCLI017 & CLI107Washington, Warren; Hoffman, Forrest2014
Cellular Structure Image Classification With Small Targeted Training Samples10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2940161Wang, Dali; Lu, Zheng; Xu, Yichi; Wang, Zi; Santella, Anthony; Bao, ZhirongIEEE ACCESSDDCSC378Seal, Sudip2019
Cellulose-hemicellulose interactions at elevated temperatures increase cellulose recalcitrance to biological conversion10.1039/c7gc03518gKumar, Rajeev; Bhagia, Samarthya; Smith, Micholas Dean; Petridis, Loukas; Ong, Rebecca G.; Cai, Charles M.; Mittal, Ashutosh; Himmel, Michael H.; Balan, Venkatesh; Dale, Bruce E.; Ragauskas, Arthur J.; Smith, Jeremy C.; Wyman, Charles E.GREEN CHEMISTRYINCITEBIP141Smith, Jeremy2018
ChAdOx1 interacts with CAR and PF4 with implications for thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome10.1126/sciadv.abl8213Baker, Alexander T.; Boyd, Ryan J.; Sarkar, Daipayan; Teijeira-Crespo, Alicia; Chan, Chun Kit; Bates, Emily; Waraich, Kasim; Vant, John; Wilson, Eric; Truong, Chloe D.; Lipka-Lloyd, Magdalena; Fromme, Petra; Vermaas, Josh; Williams, Dewight; Machiesky, LeeAnn; Heurich, Meike; Nagalo, Bolni M.; Coughlan, Lynda; Umlauf, Scott; Chiu, Po-Lin; Rizkallah, Pierre J.; Cohen, Taylor S.; Parker, Alan L.; Singharoy, Abhishek; Borad, Mitesh J.SCIENCE ADVANCESINCITEBIP115Singharoy, Abhishek2021
Chain conformation of polymer melts with associating groups10.1088/2399-6528/ab09bbCarrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Chen, Wei-Ren; Wang, Zhe; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Wang, YangyangJOURNAL OF PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSDDMAT132Wang, Yangyang2019
Challenges and perspectives for large-scale temperature reconstructions of the past two millennia10.1002/2016RG000521Christiansen, Bo; Ljungqvist, Fredrik CharpentierREVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2017
Challenges in nuclear structure theory10.1088/0954-3899/43/4/044002Nazarewicz, W.JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICSINCITENPH008Vary, James2016
Chameleon: An Adaptive Wear Balancer for Flash Clusters10.1109/IPDPS.2018.00125Zhao, Nannan; Anwar, Ali; Cheng, Yue; Salman, Mohammed; Li, Daping; Wan, Jiguang; Xie, Changsheng; He, Xubin; Wang, Feiyi; Butt, Ali R.2018 32ND IEEE INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM (IPDPS)2018
Changes in dominant moisture sources and the consequences for hydroclimate on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the past 32 kyr10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.11.003Thomas, Elizabeth K.; Huang, Yongsong; Clemens, Steven C.; Colman, Steven M.; Morrill, Carrie; Wegener, Pamela; Zhao, JiangtaoQUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWSINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2016
Changes in long-term properties and natural cycles of the Danube river level and flow induced by damming10.1016/j.physa.2020.125607Stratimirovic, Djordje; Batas-Bjelic, Ilija; Djurdjevic, Vladimir; Blesic, SuzanaPHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2021
Changing seasonality of moderate and extreme precipitation events in the Alps10.5194/nhess-18-2047-2018Broennimann, Stefan; Rajczak, Jan; Fischer, Erich M.; Raible, Christoph C.; Rohrer, Marco; Schar, ChristophNATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCESINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2018
Characteristics of Bay of Bengal Monsoon Depressions in the 21st Century10.1029/2018GL078756Rastogi, Deeksha; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Leung, L. Ruby; Ghosh, Subimal; Saha, Anamitra; Hodges, Kevin; Evans, KatherineGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS2018
Characteristics of human-climate feedbacks differ at different radiative forcing levels10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.06.003Calvin, Katherine; Bond-Lamberty, Ben; Jones, Andrew; Shi, Xiaoying; Di Vittorio, Alan; Thornton, PeterGLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGEALCCCLI112Thornton, Peter2019
Characterization of DWARF14 Genes in Populus10.1038/srep21593Zheng, Kaijie; Wang, Xiaoping; Weighill, Deborah A.; Guo, Hao-Bo; Xie, Meng; Yang, Yongil; Yang, Jun; Wang, Shucai; Jacobson, Daniel A.; Guo, Hong; Muchero, Wellington; Tuskan, Gerald A.; Chen, Jin-GuiSCIENTIFIC REPORTSDDBIF102Jacobson, Dan2016
Characterization of the Autoencoder Radiation Anomaly Detection (ARAD) model10.1016/j.engappai.2022.104761Ghawaly Jr., James M.; Nicholson, Andrew D.; Archer, Daniel E.; Willis, Michael J.; Garishvili, Irakli; Longmire, Brandon; Rowe, Andrew J.; Stewart, Ian R.; Cook, Matthew T.ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE2022
Characterization of wetting using topological principles10.1016/j.jcis.2020.05.076Sun, Chenhao; McClure, James E.; Mostaghimi, Peyman; Herring, Anna L.; Meisenheimer, Douglas E.; Wildenschild, Dorthe; Berg, Steffen; Armstrong, Ryan T.JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCEESCSC275Straatsma, Tjerk2020
Characterizing Machine Learning I/O Workloads on Leadership Scale HPC SystemsPaul, Arnab K.; Karimi, Ahmad Maroof; Wang, FeiyiUNKNOWNStaffStaff2021
Characterizing Output Bottlenecks of a Production Supercomputer: Analysis and Implications10.1145/3335205Xie, Bing; Oral, Sarp; Zimmer, Christopher; Choi, Jong Youl; Dillow, David; Klasky, Scott; Lofstead, Jay; Podhorszki, Norbert; Chase, Jeffrey S.ACM TRANSACTIONS ON STORAGEDDCSC234Chase, Jeffrey2020
Characterizing the Performance of Executing Many-tasks on Summit10.1109/IPDRM49579.2019.00007Turilli, Matteo; Merzky, Andre; Naughton, Thomas; Elwasif, Wael; Jha, ShantenuPROCEEDINGS OF IPDRM 2019: 2019 IEEE/ACM THIRD ANNUAL WORKSHOP ON EMERGING PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED RUNTIME SYSTEMS AND MIDDLEWARE (IPDRM)2019
Characterizing the Reproducibility of Noisy Quantum Circuits10.3390/e24020244Dasgupta, Samudra; Humble, Travis S.ENTROPY2022
Characterizing the Stability of NISQ Devices10.1109/QCE49297.2020.00059Dasgupta, Samudra; Humble, Travis S.IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON QUANTUM COMPUTING AND ENGINEERING (QCE20)QuantumCSC406Humble, Travis2020
Characterizing the Water Wire in the Gramicidin Channel Found by Monte Carlo Sampling Using Continuum Electrostatics and in Molecular Dynamics Trajectories with Conventional or Polarizable Force Fields10.1142/S2737416520420016Zhang, Yingying; Haider, Kamran; Kaur, Divya; Ngo, Van A.; Cai, Xiuhong; Mao, Junjun; Khaniya, Umesh; Zhu, Xuyu; Noskov, Sergei; Lazaridis, Themis; Gunner, M. R.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOPHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY2021
Characterizing the inverses of block tridiagonal, block Toeplitz matrices10.1088/1749-4699/8/1/015001BOFFI, NICHOLAS; HILL, JUDY; REUTER, MATTHEWComputational Science and DiscoverySTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
Charge Density and Redox Potential of LiNiO2 Using Ab Initio Diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b10372Saritas, Kayahan; Fadel, Eric R.; Kozinsky, Boris; Grossman, Jeffrey C.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CDDMAT141Grossman, Jeffrey2020
Charge Radius of the Short-Lived Ni-68 and Correlation with the Dipole Polarizability10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.132502Kaufmann, S.; Simonis, J.; Bacca, S.; Billowes, J.; Bissell, M. L.; Blaum, K.; Cheal, B.; Ruiz, R. F. Garcia; Gins, W.; Gorges, C.; Hagen, G.; Heylen, H.; Kanellakopoulos, A.; Malbrunot-Ettenauer, S.; Miorelli, M.; Neugart, R.; Neyens, G.; Noertershaeuser, W.; Sanchez, R.; Sailer, S.; Schwenk, A.; Ratajczyk, T.; Rodriguez, L.; Wehner, L.; Wraith, C.; Xie, L.; Xu, Z. Y.; Yang, X. F.; Yordanov, D. T.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2020
Charge Transfer and Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in Respiratory Complex I10.1021/jacs.9b13450Gupta, Chitrak; Khaniya, Umesh; Chan, Chun Kit; Dehez, Francois; Shekhar, Mrinal; Gunner, M. R.; Sazanov, Leonid; Chipot, Christophe; Singharoy, AbhishekJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETYINCITEBIP115Singharoy, Abhishek2020
Charge density waves in disordered media circumventing the Imry-Ma argument10.1038/srep31897Changlani, Hitesh J.; Tubman, Norm M.; Hughes, Taylor L.SCIENTIFIC REPORTSINCITECPH103Ceperley, David2016
Charge radii of exotic neon and magnesium isotopes10.1103/PhysRevC.102.051303Novario, S. J.; Hagen, G.; Jansen, G. R.; Papenbrock, T.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2020
Charge radii of exotic potassium isotopes challenge nuclear theory and the magic character of N=3210.1038/s41567-020-01136-5Koszorus, A.; Yang, X. F.; Jiang, W. G.; Novario, S. J.; Bai, S. W.; Billowes, J.; Binnersley, C. L.; Bissell, M. L.; Cocolios, T. E.; Cooper, B. S.; de Groote, R. P.; Ekstrom, A.; Flanagan, K. T.; Forssen, C.; Franchoo, S.; Ruiz, R. F. Garcia; Gustafsson, F. P.; Hagen, G.; Jansen, G. R.; Kanellakopoulos, A.; Kortelainen, M.; Nazarewicz, W.; Neyens, G.; Papenbrock, T.; Reinhard, P. -G.; Ricketts, C. M.; Sahoo, B. K.; Vernon, A. R.; Wilkins, S. G.NATURE PHYSICSINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2021
Charge transport in DNA nanowires connected to carbon nanotubes10.1103/PhysRevB.92.075429Tan, Bikan; Hodak, Miroslav; Lu, Wenchang; Bernholc, J.PHYSICAL REVIEW BDDNTI015Sumpter, Bobby2015
Charged-particle distributions at low transverse momentum in root s=13 TeV pp interactions measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4335-yCollaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2016
Charm and strange quark masses and f(Ds) from overlap fermions10.1103/PhysRevD.92.034517Yang, Yi-Bo; Chen, Ying; Alexandru, Andrei; Dong, Shao-Jing; Draper, Terrence; Gong, Ming; Lee, Frank X.; Li, Anyi; Liu, Keh-Fei; Liu, Zhaofeng; Lujan, MichaelPHYSICAL REVIEW DALCCNPH102Liu, Keh-Fei2015
Charmed and phi meson decay constants from 2+1-flavor lattice QCD10.1088/1674-1137/abcd8fChen, Ying; Chiu, Wei-Feng; Gong, Ming; Liu, Zhaofeng; Ma, YunhengCHINESE PHYSICS CALCCNPH102Liu, Keh-Fei2021
Chelation and stabilization of berkelium in oxidation state plus IV10.1038/NCHEM.2759Deblonde, Gauthier J. -P.; Sturzbecher-Hoehne, Manuel; Rupert, Peter B.; An, Dahlia D.; Illy, Marie-Claire; Ralston, Corie Y.; Brabec, Jiri; de Jong, Wibe A.; Strong, Roland K.; Abergel, Rebecca J.NATURE CHEMISTRYINCITECHP101Dixon, David2017
Chemistry in confined spaces: reactivity of the Zn-MOF-74 channels10.1039/c6ta04388gZuluaga, S.; Fuentes-Fernandez, E. M. A.; Tan, K.; Arter, C. A.; Li, J.; Chabal, Y. J.; Thonhauser, T.JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY ADDCPH109Thonhauser, Timo2016
Chemistry on Quantum Computers with Virtual Quantum Subspace Expansion10.1021/acs.jctc.0c00447Urbanek, Miroslav; Camps, Daan; Van Beeumen, Roel; de Jong, Wibe A.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATIONDDCFD103Acharya, Sumanta2020
Chemomechanical Coupling in Hexameric Protein-Protein Interfaces Harnesses Energy within V-Type ATPases10.1021/jacs.6b10744Singharoy, Abhishek; Chipot, Christophe; Moradi, Mahmoud; Schulten, KlausJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETYINCITEBIP115Schulten,Klaus2017
Chimera: A Massively Parallel Code for Core-collapse Supernova Simulations10.3847/1538-4365/ab7affBruenn, Stephen W.; Blondin, John M.; Hix, W. Raphael; Lentz, Eric J.; Messer, O. E. Bronson; Mezzacappa, Anthony; Endeve, Eirik; Harris, J. Austin; Marronetti, Pedro; Budiardja, Reuben D.; Chertkow, Merek A.; Lee, Ching-TsaiASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIESINCITEAST137Hix, Raphael2020
China experiencing the recent warming hiatus10.1002/2014GL062773Li, Qingxiang; Yang, Su; Xu, Wenhui; Wang, Xiaolan L.; Jones, Phil; Parker, David; Zhou, Liming; Feng, Yang; Gao, YunGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
Chiral Effective Field Theory after Thirty Years: Nuclear Lattice Simulations10.1007/s00601-021-01701-5Lee, DeanFEW-BODY SYSTEMSINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2021
Chiral NNLOsat descriptions of nuclear multipole resonances within the random-phase approximation10.1103/PhysRevC.97.054306Wu, Q.; Hu, B. S.; Xu, F. R.; Ma, Y. Z.; Dai, S. J.; Sun, Z. H.; Jansen, G. R.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James2018
Chiral crossover in QCD at zero and non-zero chemical potentials HotQCD Collaboration10.1016/j.physletb.2019.05.013Bazavov, A.; Ding, H-T; Hegde, R.; Kaczmarek, O.; Karsch, F.; Karthik, N.; Laermann, E.; Lahiri, Anirban; Larsen, R.; Li, S-T; Mukherjee, Swagato; Ohno, H.; Petreczky, R.; Sandmeyer, H.; Schmidt, C.; Sharma, S.; Steinbrecher, R.PHYSICS LETTERS BINCITENPH125Mukherjee, Swagato2019
Choice of Irrigation Water Management Practice Affects Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall and Its Extremes10.1029/2019GL083875Devanand, Anjana; Huang, Maoyi; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Barik, Beas; Ghosh, SubimalGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSDDCLI106Ashfaq, Moetasim2019
Circulation weather types associated with extreme flood events in Northwestern Mediterranean10.1002/joc.5301Gilabert, Joan; Carmen Llasat, MariaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2018
Class imbalance in out-of-distribution datasets: Improving the robustness of the TextCNN for the classification of rare cancer types10.1016/j.jbi.2021.103957De Angeli, Kevin; Gao, Shang; Danciu, Ioana; Durbin, Eric B.; Wu, Xiao-Cheng; Stroup, Antoinette; Doherty, Jennifer; Schwartz, Stephen; Wiggins, Charles; Damesyn, Mark; Coyle, Linda; Penberthy, Lynne; Tourassi, Georgia D.; Yoon, Hong-JunJOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICSECP; ALCCMED106; MED107Brettin, Thomas; Gounley, John2022
Classical benchmarking of Gaussian Boson Sampling on the Titan supercomputer10.1007/s11128-020-02713-6Gupt, Brajesh; Arrazola, Juan Miguel; Quesada, Nicolas; Bromley, Thomas R.QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSINGDDPHY123Gupt, Brajesh2020
Classifying cancer pathology reports with hierarchical self-attention networks10.1016/j.artmed.2019.101726Gao, Shang; Qiu, John X.; Alawad, Mohammed; Hinkle, Jacob D.; Schaefferkoetter, Noah; Yoon, Hong-Jun; Christian, Blair; Fearn, Paul A.; Penberthy, Lynne; Wu, Xiao-Cheng; Coyle, Linda; Tourassi, Georgia; Ramanathan, ArvindARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINEALCCMED107Tourassi, Georgia2019
Cleaving Off Uranyl Oxygens through Chelation: A Mechanistic Study in the Gas Phase10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b01720Abergel, Rebecca J.; de Jong, Wibe A.; Deblonde, Gauthier J. -P.; Dau, Phuong D.; Captain, Ilya; Eaton, Teresa M.; Jian, Jiwen; van Stipclonk, Michael J.; Martens, Jonathan; Berden, Giel; Oomens, Jos; Gibson, John K.INORGANIC CHEMISTRYINCITECHP101Dixon, David2017
Climate Change Impacts on the South American Monsoon System and Its Surface-Atmosphere Processes Through RegCM4 CORDEX-CORE Projections10.1007/s41748-021-00265-yTeodoro, Thales Alves; Reboita, Michelle Simoes; Llopart, Marta; da Rocha, Rosmeri Porfirio; Ashfaq, MoetasimEARTH SYSTEMS AND ENVIRONMENTDDCLI143Collier, Nathaniel2021
Climate Impacts of CALIPSO-Guided Corrections to Black Carbon Aerosol Vertical Distributions in a Global Climate Model10.1002/2017GL074652Kovilakam, Mahesh; Mahajan, Salil; Saravanan, R.; Chang, PingGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSDDCLI106Evans, Katherine2017
Climate Science Performance, Data and Productivity on TitanMayer, Benjamin; Worley, Patrick; Gaddis, Abigail; Silva, RafaelPROCEEDINGS OF THE CRAY USER GROUPDD, ALCC, and INCITEcli049, cli101, cli106, cli107, cli112, cli115​-2015
Climate mitigation from vegetation biophysical feedbacks during the past three decades10.1038/NCLIMATE3299Zeng, Zhenzhong; Piao, Shilong; Li, Laurent Z. X.; Zhou, Liming; Ciais, Philippe; Wang, Tao; Li, Yue; Lian, Xu; Wood, Eric F.; Friedlingstein, Pierre; Mao, Jiafu; Estes, Lyndon D.; Myneni, Ranga B.; Peng, Shushi; Shi, Xiaoying; Seneviratne, Sonia I.; Wang, YingpingNATURE CLIMATE CHANGEALCCCLI112Thornton,Peter2017
Climate teleconnections and indicators of coastal systems response10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.01.009Gutierrez, Ofelia; Panario, Daniel; Nagy, Gustavo J.; Bidegain, Mario; Montes, CarlosOCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENTINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2016
Cloud Quantum Computing of an Atomic Nucleus10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.210501Dumitrescu, E. F.; McCaskey, A. J.; Hagen, G.; Jansen, G. R.; Morris, T. D.; Papenbrock, T.; Pooser, R. C.; Dean, D. J.; Lougovski, P.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2018
Clover: Compiler Directed Lightweight Soft Error Resilience10.1145/2670529.2754959Liu, Qingrui; Jung, Changhee; Lee, Dongyoon; Tiwari, DeveshACM SIGPLAN NOTICESSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
Cluster assisted water dissociation mechanism in MOF-74 and controlling it using helium10.1039/c6ta02501cZuluaga, Sebastian; Fuentes-Fernandez, Erika M. A.; Tan, Kui; Li, Jing; Chabal, Yves J.; Thonhauser, TimoJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY ADDCHP109Thonhauser, Timo2016
Cluster expansion modeling and Monte Carlo simulation of alnico 5-7 permanent magnets10.1063/1.4914036Manh Cuong Nguyen, undefined; Zhao, Xin; Wang, Cai-Zhuang; Ho, Kai-MingJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICSINCITEMAT046Harmon, Bruce2015
Cluster perturbation theory. II. Excitation energies for a coupled cluster target state10.1063/1.5053167Pawlowski, Filip; Olsen, Jeppe; Jorgensen, PoulJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSDDCHM138Pawlowski, Filip2019
Cluster perturbation theory. III. Perturbation series for coupled cluster singles and doubles excitation energies10.1063/1.5046935Baudin, Pablo; Pawlowski, Filip; Bykov, Dmytro; Liakh, Dmitry; Kristensen, Kasper; Olsen, Jeppe; Jorgensen, PoulJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSDDCHM138Pawlowski, Filip2019
Cluster perturbation theory. IV. Convergence of cluster perturbation series for energies and molecular properties10.1063/1.5053622Pawlowski, Filip; Olsen, Jeppe; Jorgensen, PoulJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSDDCHM138Pawlowski, Filip2019
Co-design of Advanced Architectures for Graph Analytics using Machine Learning10.1109/IPDPSW52791.2021.00053Kurte, Kuldeep; Imam, Neena; Kannan, Ramakrishnan; Hasan, S. M. Shamimul; Yoginath, Srikanth2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOPS (IPDPSW)DDCSC040Imam, Neena2021
Co-designing OpenMP Features Using OMPT and Simulation Tools10.1007/978-3-030-58144-2_12Baker, Matthew ; Hernandez, Oscar; Young, JeffreyLECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE: IWOMP 2020StaffSTF010Bernholdt, David2020
CoREC: Scalable and Resilient In-memory Data Staging for In-situ Workflows10.1145/3391448Duan, Shaohua; Subedi, Pradeep; Davis, Philip; Teranishi, Keita; Kolla, Hemanth; Gamell, Marc; Parashar, ManishACM TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL COMPUTINGDDCSC143Podhorszki, Norbert; Klasky, Scott2020
Coadsorbed Species Explain the Mechanism of Methanol Temperature-Programmed Desorption on CeO2(111)10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b02128Sutton, Jonathan E.; Overbury, Steven H.; Beste, ArianaJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CDDCHM110Beste, Ariana2016
Coalescence Prevention Algorithm for Level Set Method10.1115/1.4036246Talley, Matthew L.; Zimmer, Matthew D.; Bolotnov, Igor A.JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASMEALCCNFI011Clarno, Kevin2017
Coarse-to-Fine Multi-Task Training of Convolutional Neural Networks for Automated Information Extraction from Cancer Pathology Reports10.1109/BHI.2018.8333408Alawad, Mohammed; Yoon, Hon-Jun; Tourassi, Georgia D.2018 IEEE EMBS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL & HEALTH INFORMATICS (BHI)ALCCCSC264Tourassi, Georgia T.2018
Cobalt-based magnetic Weyl semimetals with high-thermodynamic stabilities10.1038/s41524-020-00461-wLuo, Wei; Nakamura, Yuma; Park, Jinseon; Yoon, MinaNPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALSALCCCHP107Jakowski, Jacek2021
Coexistence of Lipid Phases Stabilizes Interstitial Water in the Outer Layer of Mammalian Skin10.1016/j.bpj.2020.01.044MacDermaid, Christopher M.; Hall, Kyle Wm; DeVane, Russell H.; Klein, Michael L.; Fiorin, GiacomoBIOPHYSICAL JOURNALINCITECHM045Klein, Michael2020
Coexistence of spinodal instability and thermal nucleation in thin-film rupture: Insights from molecular levels10.1103/PhysRevE.89.032403Trung Dac Nguyen, undefined; Fuentes-Cabrera, Miguel; Fowlkes, Jason D.; Rack, Philip D.PHYSICAL REVIEW EesMAT054Brown,Michael2014
Coherent changes of southeastern equatorial and northern African rainfall during the last deglaciation10.1126/science.1259531Otto-Bliesner, Bette L.; Russell, James M.; Clark, Peter U.; Liu, Zhengyu; Overpeck, Jonathan T.; Konecky, Bronwen; deMenocal, Peter; Nicholson, Sharon E.; He, Feng; Lu, ZhengyaoSCIENCEINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2014
Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering on Ar-40 from first principles10.1103/PhysRevC.100.061304Payne, C. G.; Bacca, S.; Hagen, G.; Jiang, W. G.; Papenbrock, T.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2019
Cohesion and excitations of diamond-structure silicon by quantum Monte Carlo: Benchmarks and control of systematic biases10.1103/PhysRevB.103.205206Annaberdiyev, Abdulgani; Wang, Guangming; Melton, Cody A.; Bennett, M. Chandler; Mitas, LubosPHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2021
Cohesion energetics of carbon allotropes: Quantum Monte Carlo study10.1063/1.4867544Shin, Hyeondeok; Kang, Sinabro; Koo, Jahyun; Lee, Hoonkyung; Kim, Jeongnim; Kwon, YongkyungJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITEMAT044Kent, Paul2014
Cohesive energy and structural parameters of binary oxides of groups IIA and IIIB from diffusion quantum Monte Carlo10.1063/1.4947569Santana, Juan A.; Krogel, Jaron T.; Kent, Paul R. C.; Reboredo, Fernando A.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECPH103Ceperley, Daivid2016
Cold surges and dust events: Establishing the link between the East Asian Winter Monsoon and the Chinese loess record10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.04.015Wyrwoll, Karl-Heinz; Wei, Junhong; Lin, Zhaohui; Shao, Yaping; He, FengQUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWSINCITECLI017Washington,Warren2016
Collective rotation from ab initio theory10.1142/S0218301315410025Caprio, M. A.; Maris, P.; Vary, J. P.; Smith, R.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS E-NUCLEAR PHYSICSINCITENPH008Vary, James P.2015
Collisional Quenching of Highly Excited H-2 due to H-2 Collisions10.3847/1538-4357/aaccf8Wan, Yier; Yang, B. H.; Stancil, P. C.; Balakrishnan, N.; Parekh, Nikhil J.; Forrey, R. C.ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNALDDMPH109Stancil, Phillip2018
Colloquium: Astromaterial science and nuclear pasta10.1103/RevModPhys.89.041002Caplan, M. E.; Horowitz, C. J.REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICSINCITENPH008Vary, James2017
Columnar-to-equiaxed transition in a laser scan for metal additive manufacturing10.1088/1757-899X/861/1/012007Yuan, L.; Sabau, A. S.; StJohn, D.; Prasad, A.; Lee, P. D.INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODELLING OF CASTING, WELDING AND ADVANCED SOLIDIFICATION PROCESSES (MCWASP XV)ECPMAT190Turner, John2020
Combination of Searches for Invisible Higgs Boson Decays with the ATLAS Experiment10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.231801Collaboration, ATLASPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2019
Combinatorial BLAS 2.0: Scaling Combinatorial Algorithms on Distributed-Memory Systems10.1109/TPDS.2021.3094091Azad, Ariful; Selvitopi, Oguz; Hussain, Md Taufique; Gilbert, John R.; Buluc, AydinIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS2022
Combined light- and heat-induced shape memory behavior of anthracene-based epoxy elastomers10.1038/s41598-020-77246-0Li, Yuzhan; Goswami, Monojoy; Zhang, Yuehong; Liu, Tuan; Zhang, Jinwen; Kessler, Michael R.; Wang, Liwei; Rios, OrlandoSCIENTIFIC REPORTSDDCHM174Goswami, Monojoy2020
Combined measurements of Higgs boson production and decay using up to 80 fb(-1) of proton-proton collision data at root S=13 TeV collected with the ATLAS experiment10.1103/PhysRevD.101.012002Collaboration, ATLASPHYSICAL REVIEW DDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2020
Combined molecular and spin dynamics simulation of bcc iron with lattice vacancies10.1088/1742-6596/921/1/012007Mudrick, Mark; Eisenbach, Markus; Perera, Dilina; Stocks, G. Malcolm; Landau, David P.30TH WORKSHOP ON RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN COMPUTER SIMULATION STUDIES IN CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2017
Combining Phase Identification and Statistical Modeling for Automated Parallel Benchmark Generation10.1145/2858788.2688541Ye, Jin; Ma, Xiaosong; LIU, QING; LOGAN, JEREMY; KLASKY, SCOTT; Jong, Choi; PODHORSZKI, NORBERTPPoPP 2015 Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel ProgrammingDDCSC143Klasky, Scott A.2015
Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis to Query Characteristics of HPC Applications10.1109/IPDPSW52791.2021.00071Welch, Aaron; Hernandez, Oscar; Chapman, Barbara2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOPS (IPDPSW)ECPCSC372Chandrasekaran, Sunita2021
Comment on "Relating Chain Conformations to Extensional Stress in Entangled Polymer Melts"10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.059803Xu, Wen-Sheng; Lam, Christopher N.; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Wang, YangyangPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDDMAT168Sumpter, Bobby2019
Communicating the Impacts of Projected Climate Change on Heavy Rainfall Using a Weighted Ensemble Approach10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001614Markus, Momcilo; Angel, James; Byard, Gregory; McConkey, Sally; Zhang, Chen; Cai, Ximing; Notaro, Michael; Ashfaq, MoetasimJOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERINGDDCLI106Ashfaq, Moetasim2018
Communication Avoiding LU with Tournament Pivoting in SLATEAlomairy, Rabab; Gates, Mark; Cayrols, Sebastien; Sukkari, Dalal; Akbudak, Kadir; YarKhan, Asim; Bagwell, Paul; Dongarra, JackINNOVATIVE COMPUTING LABORATORYECP2022
Communication Characterization and Optimization of Applications Using Topology-Aware Task Mapping on Large Supercomputers10.1145/2851553.2851575Sreepathi, Sarat; D'Azevedo, Ed; Philip, Bobby; Worley, PatrickPROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 ACM/SPEC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING (ICPE'16)INCITECSC103Oliker, Lenoid2016
Communication-Avoiding Optimization Methods for Distributed Massive-Scale Sparse Inverse Covariance EstimationKoanantakool, Penporn; Morozov, Dmitriy; Ali, Alnur; Oliker, Leonid ; Azad, ArifulPROCEEDINGS OF THE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND STATISTICS (AISTATS) 2018,INCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2018
Communication-Avoiding Optimization Methods for Massive-Scale Graphical Model Structure LearningKoanantakool, Penporn; Ali, Alnur; Azad, Ariful; Buluc, Aydin; Morozov, DmitriyINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND STATISTICSINCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2018
Communication: On the stability of ice 0, ice i, and I-h10.1063/1.4900772Quigley, D.; Alfe, D.; Slater, B.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECPH005Alfe, Dario2014
Communication: Resolving the three-body contribution to the lattice energy of crystalline benzene: Benchmark results from coupled-cluster theory10.1063/1.4869686Kennedy, Matthew R.; McDonald, Ashley Ringer; DePrince, A. Eugene; Marshall, Michael S.; Podeszwa, Rafal; Sherrill, C. DavidJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECHM022Harrison, Robert2014
Communication: Water on hexagonal boron nitride from diffusion Monte Carlo10.1063/1.4921106Al-Hamdani, Yasmine S.; Ma, Ming; Alfe, Dario; von Lilienfeld, O. Anatole; Michaelides, AngelosJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECPH005Alfe, Dario2015
Community proteogenomics reveals the systemic impact of phosphorus availability on microbial functions in tropical soil10.1038/s41559-017-0463-5Yao, Qiuming; Li, Zhou; Song, Yang; Wright, S. Joseph; Guo, Xuan; Tringe, Susannah G.; Tfaily, Malak M.; Pasa-Tolic, Ljiljana; Hazen, Terry C.; Turner, Benjamin L.; Mayes, Melanie A.; Pan, ChongleNATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTIONDD, ALCCSYB103Pan, Chongle2018
Comparative Exploration of Hydrogen Sulfide and Water Transmembrane Free Energy Surfaces via Orthogonal Space Tempering Free Energy Sampling10.1002/jcc.23982Lv, Chao; Aitchison, Erick W.; Wu, Dongsheng; Zheng, Lianqing; Cheng, Xiaolin; Yang, WeiJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRYDDBIP023Cheng, Xiaolin2016
Comparative I/O Workload Characterization of Two Leadership Class Storage Clusters10.1145/2834976.2834985GUNASEKARAN, RAGHUL; ORAL, HAKKI; HILL, JASON; MILLER, ROSS; WANG, FEIYI; LEVERMAN, DUSTINPDSW '15 Proceedings of the 10th Parallel Data Storage WorkshopSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
Compare linear-system solver and preconditioner stacks with emphasis on GPU performance and propose phase-2 NGP solver development pathwayHu, Jonathan; Berger-Vergiat, Luc; Thomas, Stephen; Swirydowicz, Kasia; Yamazaki, Ichitaro; Mullowney, Paul; Ananthan, ShreyasSAND2020-5244RECPCFD116Rood, Jonathan; Sprague, Michael2020
Comparing High Performance Computing Accelerator Programming Models10.1007/978-3-030-34356-9_14Pophale, Swaroop; Boehm, Swen; Larrea, Veronica G. VergaraHIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING: ISC HIGH PERFORMANCE 2019 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPSStaffSTF016Larrea, Veronica G. Vergara2020
Comparing Managed Memory and UVM with and without Prefetching on NVIDIA Volta GPUsGayatri, Rahulkumar; Gott, Kevin; Deslippe, JackSC '19ALCCCSC190Straatsma, Tjerk2019
Comparing Trends in the Southern Annular Mode and Surface Westerly Jet10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0334.1Swart, Neil C.; Fyfe, John C.; Gillett, Nathan; Marshall, Gareth J.JOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
Comparing the Efficiency of In Situ Visualization Paradigms at Scale10.1007/978-3-030-20656-7_6Kress, James; Larsen, Matthew; Choi, Jong; Kim, Mark; Wolf, Matthew; Podhorszki, Norbert; Klasky, Scott; Childs, Hank; Pugmire, DavidHIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, ISC HIGH PERFORMANCE 2019DDCSC143Podhorszki, Norbert; Klasky, Scott2019
Comparing the Lasso Predictor-Selection and Regression Method with Classical Approaches of Precipitation Bias Adjustment in Decadal Climate Predictions10.1175/MWR-D-19-0302.1Li, Jingmin; Pollinger, Felix; Paeth, HeikoMONTHLY WEATHER REVIEWINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2020
Comparison between simulated and observed LHC beam backgrounds in the ATLAS experiment at E-beam=4 TeV10.1088/1748-0221/13/12/P12006Collaboration, ATLASJOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATIONDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2018
Comparison of CHARMM and OPLS-aa forcefield predictions for components in one model asphalt mixture10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117577Sonibare, Kolawole; Rathnayaka, Lasantha; Zhang, LiqunCONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALSBIF112INCITESmith, Jeremy2020
Comparison of Mechanisms for Low-Frequency Variability of Summer Arctic Sea Ice in Three Coupled Models10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0617.1Li, Dawei; Zhang, Rong; Knutson, ThomasJOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2018
Comparison of edge turbulence characteristics between DIII-D and C-Mod simulations with XGC110.1063/5.0008755Charidakos, I. Keramidas; Myra, J. R.; Ku, S.; Churchill, R. M.; Hager, R.; Chang, C. S.; Parker, S.PHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITE, ALCCENV003Chang, CS2020
Comparison of fixed charge and polarizable models for predicting the structural, thermodynamic, and transport properties of molten alkali chlorides10.1063/5.0023225Wang, Haimeng; DeFever, Ryan S.; Zhang, Yong; Wu, Fei; Roy, Santanu; Bryantsev, Vyacheslav S.; Margulis, Claudio J.; Maginn, Edward J.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSDDCHM134Bryantsev, Vyacheslav2020
Comparison of water nanodroplet properties on different graphite-based substrates10.1063/5.0042414Goswami, Monojoy; Kumar, Navin; Li, Yuzhan; Rios, Orlando; Akamo, Damilola O.; Hirschey, Jason; LaClair, Tim J.; Gluesenkamp, Kyle R.AIP ADVANCESDDCHM174Goswami, Monojoy2021
Competing Kinetics and He Bubble Morphology in W10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.105502Sandoval, Luis; Perez, Danny; Uberuaga, Blas P.; Voter, Arthur F.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSALCCFUS049Wirth, Brian2015
Competition and allostery govern substrate selectivity of cyclooxygenase-210.1073/pnas.1507307112Mitchener, Michelle M.; Hermanson, Daniel J.; Shockley, Erin M.; Brown, H. Alex; Lindsley, Craig W.; Reese, Jeff; Rouzer, Carol A.; Lopez, Carlos F.; Marnett, Lawrence J.PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICADDSYB100Lopez, Carlos2015
Competitive Interactions Within Cm(III) Solvation in Binary Water/Methanol Solutions10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b01214Kelley, Morgan P.; Yang, Ping; Clark, Sue B.; Clark, Aurora E.INORGANIC CHEMISTRY2018
Competitive lithium solvation of linear and cyclic carbonates from quantum chemistry10.1039/c5cp05121eBorodin, Oleg; Olguin, Marco; Ganesh, P.; Kent, Paul R. C.; Allen, Joshua L.; Henderson, Wesley A.PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICSDDMAT022Sumpter, Bobby2016
Compile-Time Library Call Detection Using CAASCADE and XALTZhao, Jisheng; Hernandez, Oscar R.; Budiardja, Reuben D.; Lopez, M. Graham; Sarkar, Vivek; Wells, Jack C.ISC HIGH PERFORMANCE 2018GeneralGEN010Bernholdt, David2019
Compiler Assisted Hybrid Implicit and Explicit GPU Memory Management under Unified Address Space10.1145/3295500.3356141Li, Lingda; Chapman, BarbaraPROCEEDINGS OF SC19: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSIS2019
Compiler-Directed Lightweight Checkpointing for Fine-Grained Guaranteed Soft Error RecoveryLiu, Qingrui; Jung, Changhee; Lee, Dongyoon; Tiwarit, DeveshSC '16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISSTAFFSTF008Sudharshan Sankaran Vazhkudai2016
Compiler-Directed Soft Error Detection and Recovery to Avoid DUE and SDC via Tail-DMR10.1145/2930667Liu, Qingrui; Jung, Changhee; Lee, Dongyoon; Tiwari, DeveshACM TRANSACTIONS ON EMBEDDED COMPUTING SYSTEMSGENERALGEN008Vazhkudai,Sudharshan Sankaran2017
Compiler-based code generation and autotuning for geometric multigrid on GPU-accelerated supercomputers10.1016/j.parco.2017.04.002Basu, Protonu; Williams, Samuel; Van Straalen, Brian; Oliker, Leonid; Colella, Phillip; Hall, MaryPARALLEL COMPUTINGINCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2017
Complex strain evolution of polar and magnetic order in multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films10.1038/s41467-018-06190-5Chen, Zuhuang; Chen, Zhanghui; Kuo, Chang-Yang; Tang, Yunlong; Dedon, Liv R.; Li, Qian; Zhang, Lei; Klewe, Christoph; Huang, Yen-Lin; Prasad, Bhagwati; Farhan, Alan; Yang, Mengmeng; Clarkson, James D.; Das, Sujit; Manipatruni, Sasikanth; Tanaka, A.; Shafer, Padraic; Arenholz, Elke; Scholl, Andreas; Chu, Ying-Hao; Qiu, Z. Q.; Hu, Zhiwei; Tjeng, Liu-Hao; Ramesh, Ramamoorthy; Wang, Lin-Wang; Martin, Lane W.NATURE COMMUNICATIONSINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2018
Complex-energy approach to sum rules within nuclear density functional theory10.1103/PhysRevC.91.044323Hinohara, Nobuo; Kortelainen, Markus; Nazarewicz, Witold; Olsen, ErikPHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James P.2015
Composability-Centered Convolutional Neural Network PruningPatton, Robert; Shen, Xipeng; Guan, Hui; Lim, Seung-HwanDDCSC160Patton, Robert2018
Composable Programming of Hybrid Workflows for Quantum Simulation10.1109/ICSA-C52384.2021.00028Thien Nguyen, undefined; Bassman, Lindsay; Lyakh, Dmitry; McCaskey, Alexander; Leyton-Ortega, Vicente; Pooser, Raphael; Elwasif, Wael; Humble, Travis S.; de Jong, Wibe A.2021 IEEE 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE COMPANION (ICSA-C)QuantumCSC409McCaskey, Alexander2021
Composition Dependence of Water Permeation Across Multicomponent Gel-Phase Bilayers10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b00747Hartkamp, Remco; Moore, Timothy C.; Iacovella, Christopher R.; Thompson, Michael A.; Bulsara, Pallav A.; Moore, David J.; McCabe, ClareJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BDDBIP140Hartkamp, Remco2018
Comprehensive Measurement and Analysis of the User-Perceived I/O Performance in a Production Leadership-Class Storage System10.1109/ICDCS.2017.257Wan, Lipeng; Wolf, Matthew; Wang, Feiyi; Choi, Jong Youl; Ostrouchov, George; Klasky, Scott2017 IEEE 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SYSTEMS (ICDCS 2017)DDCSC143Podhorszki, Norbert2017
Comprehensive comparison of pore-scale models for multiphase flow in porous media10.1073/pnas.1901619116Zhao, Benzhong; MacMinn, Christopher W.; Primkulov, Bauyrzhan K.; Chen, Yu; Valocchi, Albert J.; Zhao, Jianlin; Kang, Qinjun; Bruning, Kelsey; McClure, James E.; Miller, Cass T.; Fakhari, Abbas; Bolster, Diogo; Hiller, Thomas; Brinkmann, Martin; Cueto-Felgueroso, Luis; Cogswell, Daniel A.; Verma, Rahul; Prodanovic, Maga; Maes, Julien; Geiger, Sebastian; Vassvik, Morten; Hansen, Alex; Segre, Enrico; Holtzman, Ran; Yang, Zhibing; Yuan, Chao; Chareyre, Bruno; Juanes, RubenPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAINCITEENG101Miller, Cass2019
Comprehensive evaluation and parametric sensitivity of interatomic potential models for diffusion kinetics of Cr2O3 in molecular dynamics10.1063/1.5078639Wang, Jiaqi; Shin, Dongwon; Shin, SeunghaAIP ADVANCESDDMAT120Shin, Dongwon2019
Compton profile of VO2 across the metal-insulator transition: Evidence of a non-Fermi liquid metal10.1103/PhysRevB.99.075154Kylanpaa, Ilkka; Luo, Ye; Heinonen, Olle; Kent, Paul R. C.; Krogel, Jaron T.PHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2019
Computational Benefit of GPU Optimization for the Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling10.1029/2018MS001276Sun, Jian; Fu, Joshua S.; Drake, John B.; Zhu, Qingzhao; Haidar, Azzam; Gates, Mark; Tomov, Stanimire; Dongarra, JackJOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMS2018
Computational Biorheology of Human Blood Flow in Health and Disease10.1007/s10439-013-0922-3Fedosov, Dmitry A.; Dao, Ming; Karniadakis, George Em; Suresh, SubraANNALS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGINCITEBIP017Karniadakis, George2014
Computational Campaign on the MTU T161 Cascade10.1007/978-3-030-62048-6_18Rasquin, M.; Hillewaert, K.; Colombo, A.; Bassi, F.; Massa, F.; Puri, K.; Iyer, A. S.; Abe, Y.; Witherden, F. D.; Vermeire, B. C.; Vincent, P. E.TILDA: TOWARDS INDUSTRIAL LES/DNS IN AERONAUTICS. NOTES ON NUMERICAL FLUID MECHANICS AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY DESIGNINCITEARD121Vincent, Peter2021
Computational Characterization and Boundary Condition Models of a Jet Interaction Fluidic Oscillator10.2514/1.J060182Koukpaizan, Nicholson K.; Glezer, Ari; Smith, Marilyn J.AIAA JOURNALStaffSTF006Roth, Phil2021
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations of Taylor Bubbles in Vertical and Inclined Pipes with Upward and Downward Liquid Flow10.2118/205373-PALizarraga-Garcia, E.; Buongiorno, J.; Al-Safran, E.SPE JOURNAL2021
Computational Nuclear Physics and Post Hartree-Fock Methods10.1007/978-3-319-53336-0_8Hjorth-Jensen, M.; Lietz, Justin; Sam, Novario; HAGEN, GAUTE; JANSEN, GUSTAVAN ADVANCED COURSE IN COMPUTATIONAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS. LECTURE NOTES IN PHYSICSinciteNPH008Vary,James2017
Computational Nuclear Physics: Key to Discovery OpportunitiesVary, JamesINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR THEORY IN THE SUPERCOMPUTING ERA (NTSE 2013)INCITENPH008Vary, James2014
Computational Study of Short-Pulse Laser-Induced Generation of Crystal Defects in Ni-Based Single-Phase Binary Solid-Solution Alloys10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b09922He, Miao; Wu, Chengping; Shugaev, Maxim V.; Samolyuk, German D.; Zhigilei, Leonid V.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CINCITEMAT130Zhigilei, Leonid2019
Computational approaches to detect allosteric pathways in transmembrane molecular machines10.1016/j.bbamem.2016.01.010Stolzenberg, Sebastian; Michino, Mayako; LeVine, Michael V.; Weinstein, Harel; Shi, LeiBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANESALCCBIP109Weinstein, Harel2016
Computational homogenization at extreme scales10.1016/j.eml.2015.12.009Mosby, Matthew; Matous, KarelEXTREME MECHANICS LETTERSALCCCSC188Voigt, Robert2016
Computational investigations of Dienes defect- and vacancy-induced changes in the electronic and vibrational properties of carbon fiber structural units10.1039/d1cp03930jIsbill, Sara B.; Shields, Ashley E.; Kapsimalis, Roger J.; Niedziela, J. L.PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICSALCCCHM161Shields, Ashley2021
Computational modeling of the N-terminus of the human dopamine transporter and its interaction with PIP2-containing membranes10.1002/prot.24792Khelashvili, George; Doktorova, Milka; Sahai, Michelle A.; Johner, Niklaus; Shi, Lei; Weinstein, HarelPROTEINS-STRUCTURE FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICSALCCBIP109Weinstein, Harel2015
Computations of permeability of large rock images by dual grid domain decomposition10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.02.002Wang, Ying Da; Chung, Traiwit; Armstrong, Ryan T.; McClure, James E.; Mostaghimi, PeymanADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCESESBIP176McClure, James2019
Computer Simulations of Bottle Brushes: From Melts to Soft Networks10.1021/acs.macromol.5b00682Cao, Zhen; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Sheiko, Sergei S.; Dobrynin, Andrey V.MACROMOLECULESESMAT049Hill, Judith2015
Computer-aided Veress needle guidance using endoscopic optical coherence tomography and convolutional neural networks10.1002/jbio.202100347Wang, Chen; Reynolds, Justin C.; Calle, Paul; Ladymon, Avery D.; Yan, Feng; Yan, Yuyang; Ton, Sam; Fung, Kar-ming; Patel, Sanjay G.; Yu, Zhongxin ; Pan, Chongle; Tang, QinggongJOURNAL OF BIOPHOTONICS2022
Computing the dipole polarizability of Ca-48 with increased precision10.1103/PhysRevC.98.014324Miorelli, M.; Bacca, S.; Hagen, G.; Papenbrock, T.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2018
Computing the non-Markovian coarse-grained interactions derived from the Mori-Zwanzig formalism in molecular systems: Application to polymer melts10.1063/1.4973347Li, Zhen; Lee, Hee Sun; Darve, Eric; Karniadakis, George EmJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITEBIP118Karniadakis, George2017
Computing the reconnection rate in turbulent kinetic layers by using electron mixing to identify topology10.1063/1.4875730Daughton, W.; Nakamura, T. K. M.; Karimabadi, H.; Roytershteyn, V.; Loring, B.PHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITEFUS034Daughton, William2014
Concentrations of dark haloes emerge from their merger histories10.1093/mnras/staa2733Wang, Kuan; Mao, Yao-Yuan; Zentner, Andrew R.; Lange, Johannes U.; van den Bosch, Frank C.; Wechsler, Risa H.MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETYINCITEAST102Warren, Michael2020
Configuration and performance of the ATLAS b-jet triggers in Run 210.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09775-5Collaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2021
Conformational Dynamics of AcrA Govern Multidrug Efflux Pump Assembly10.1021/acsinfecdis.9b00273Hazel, Anthony J.; Abdali, Narges; Leus, Inga; Parks, Jerry M.; Smith, Jeremy C.; Zgurskaya, Helen; Gumbart, James C.ACS INFECTIOUS DISEASESINCITEBIF112Smith, Jeremy2019
Conformational Dynamics on the Extracellular Side of LeuT Controlled by Na+ and K+ Ions and the Protonation State of Glu(290)10.1074/jbc.M116.731455Khelashvili, George; Schmidt, Solveig Gaarde; Shi, Lei; Javitch, Jonathan A.; Gether, Ulrik; Loland, Claus J.; Weinstein, HarelJOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRYALCCBIP109Weinstein, Harel2016
Conformational Flexibility Enables the Function of a BECN1 Region Essential for Starvation-Mediated Autophagy10.1021/acs.biochem.5b01264Mei, Yang; Ramanathan, Arvind; Glover, Karen; Stanley, Christopher; Sanishvili, Ruslan; Chakravarthy, Srinivas; Yang, Zhongyu; Colbert, Christopher L.; Sinha, Sangita C.BIOCHEMISTRYDDLSC103Arvind, Ramanathan2016
Conformations of Organophosphine Oxides10.1021/acs.jpca.5b04687De Silva, Nuwan; Zahariev, Federico; Hay, Benjamin P.; Gordon, Mark S.; Windus, Theresa L.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY ADDCHM101Windus, Theresa2015
Confronting Weather and Climate Models with Observational Data from Soil Moisture Networks over the United States10.1175/JHM-D-15-0196.1Dirmeyer, Paul A.; Wu, Jiexia; Norton, Holly E.; Dorigo, Wouter A.; Quiring, Steven M.; Ford, Trenton W.; Santanello, Joseph A.; Bosilovich, Michael G.; Ek, Michael B.; Koster, Randal D.; Balsamo, Gianpaolo; Lawrence, David M.JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2016
Confronting the "Indian summer monsoon response to black carbon aerosol" with the uncertainty in its radiative forcing and beyond10.1002/2016JD024866Kovilakam, Mahesh; Mahajan, SalilJOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERESDDCLI106Evans, Katherine2016
Conjunctive management of surface and groundwater resources under projected future climate change scenarios10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.06.021Mani, Amir; Tsai, Frank T. -C.; Kao, Shih-Chieh; Naz, Bibi S.; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Rastogi, DeekshaJOURNAL OF HYDROLOGYDDCLI106Evans,Katherine2016
Connected and Disconnected Sea Partons from CT18 Parametrization of PDFsHou, Tie-Jiun ; Liang, Jian; Liu, Keh-Feh; Yan, Mengshi; Yuan, C.-P.PROCEEDINGS FOR THE XXVIII INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DEEP-INELASTIC SCATTERING AND RELATED SUBJECTSDDLGT106Liu, Keh-Feh2021
Connecting physical resonant amplitudes and lattice QCD10.1016/j.physletb.2016.03.043Bolton, Daniel R.; Briceno, Raul A.; Wilson, David J.PHYSICS LETTERS BALCCNPH103Edwards, Robert2016
Connections between the Speciation and Solubility of Ni(II) and Co(II) in Molten ZnCl210.1021/acs.jpcb.0c00195Gill, Simerjeet K.; Huang, Jiahao; Mausz, Julia; Gakhar, Ruchi; Roy, Santanu; Vila, Fernando; Topsakal, Mehmet; Phillips, William C.; Layne, Bobby; Mahurin, Shannon; Halstenberg, Phillip; Dai, Sheng; Wishart, James F.; Bryantsev, Vyacheslav S.; Frenkel, AnatolyJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BDDCHm134Bryantsev, Vyacheslav2020
Conquering Big Data with High Performance Computing10.1007/978-3-319-33742-5Ciccoti, Pietro; ORAL, HAKKI; Kestor, Gokcen; Gioiosa, Roberto; Strande, Shawn; Taufer, Michela; ROGERS II, JAMES; ABBASI, MOHAMMAD; HILL, JASON; Carrington, LauraConquering Big Data with High Performance ComputingSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2016
Conservation of Dynamics Associated with Biological Function in an Enzyme Superfamily10.1016/j.str.2018.01.015Narayanan, Chitra; Bernard, David N.; Bafna, Khushboo; Gagne, Donald; Chennubhotla, Chakra S.; Doucet, Nicolas; Agarwal, Pratul K.STRUCTUREALCCBIP130Agarwal, Prakul2018
Consistency tests of classical and quantum models for a quantum annealer10.1103/PhysRevA.91.042314Albash, Tameem; Vinci, Walter; Mishra, Anurag; Warburton, Paul A.; Lidar, Daniel A.PHYSICAL REVIEW AALCCPHY103Hen, Itay2015
Consistent evidence of increasing Antarctic accumulation with warming10.1038/nclimate2574Frieler, Katja; Clark, Peter U.; He, Feng; Buizert, Christo; Reese, Ronja; Ligtenberg, Stefan R. M.; van den Broeke, Michiel R.; Winkelmann, Ricarda; Levermann, AndersNATURE CLIMATE CHANGEINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2015
Constellation: A Science Graph Network for Scalable Data and Knowledge Discovery in Extreme-Scale Scientific Collaborations10.1109/BigData.2016.7840959Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.; Harney, John; Gunasekaran, Raghul; Stansberry, Dale; Lim, Seung-Hwan; Barron, Tom; Nash, Andrew; Ramanathan, Arvind2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA (BIG DATA)staffSTF008Vazhkudai,Sudharshan Sankaran2016
Constraining the parameter space of a quantum spin liquid candidate in applied field with iterative optimization10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.033050Steinhardt, William; Shi, Zhenzhong; Samarakoon, Anjana; Dissanayake, Sachith; Graf, David; Liu, Yaohua; Zhu, Wei; Marjerrison, Casey; Batista, Cristian D.; Haravifard, SaraPHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCHINCITECPH102Maier, Thomas2021
Constraints on charm-anticharm asymmetry in the nucleon from lattice QCD10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135633Sufian, Raza Sabbir; Liu, Tianbo; Alexandru, Andrei; Brodsky, Stanley J.; de Teramond, Guy F.; Dosch, Hans Guenter; Draper, Terrence; Liu, Keh-Fei; Yang, Yi-BoPHYSICS LETTERS BALCCNPH102Liu, Keh-Fei2020
Constructing Current Singularity in a 3D Line-tied Plasma10.3847/1538-4357/aa9b84Zhou, Yao; Huang, Yi-Min; Qin, Hong; Bhattacharjee, A.ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNALINCITEFUS109Bhattacharjee, Amitava2018
Constructing a new predictive scaling formula for ITER's divertor heat-load width informed by a simulation-anchored machine learning10.1063/5.0027637Chang, C. S.; Ku, S.; Hager, R.; Churchill, R. M.; Hughes, J.; Koechl, F.; Loarte, A.; Parail, V.; Pitts, R. A.PHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITEPHYS122Chang, C. S.2021
Constructing atomic structural models into cryo-EM densities using molecular dynamics - Pros and cons10.1016/j.jsb.2018.08.003Wang, Yuhang; Shekhar, Mrinal; Thifault, Darren; Williams, Christopher J.; McGreevy, Ryan; Richardson, Jane; Singharoy, Abhishek; Tajkhorshid, EmadJOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGYINCITEBIP115Abhishek Singharoy2018
Constructing large scale surrogate models from big data and artificial intelligence10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.155Edwards, Richard E.; New, Joshua; Parker, Lynne E.; Cui, Borui; Dong, JinAPPLIED ENERGYDDCSC162New, Joshua2017
Contamination Control and Assay Results for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR Ultra Clean Components10.1063/1.5019001Christofferson, C. D.; Abgrall, N.; Alvis, S. I.; Arnquist, I. J.; Avignone, F. T.; Barabash, A. S.; Barton, C. J.; Bertrand, F. E.; Bode, T.; Bradley, A. W.; Brudanin, V.; Busch, M.; Buuck, M.; Caldwell, T. S.; Chan, Y-D.; Chu, P-H.; Cuesta, C.; Detwiler, J. A.; Dunagan, C.; Efremenko, Yu.; Ejiri, H.; Elliott, S. R.; Gilliss, T.; Giovanetti, G. K.; Green, M. P.; Gruszko, J.; Guinn, I. S.; Guiseppe, V. E.; Haufe, C. R.; Hehn, L.; Henning, R.; Hoppe, E. W.; Howe, M. A.; Keeter, K. J.; Kidd, M. F.; Konovalov, S. I.; Kouzes, R. T.; Lopez, A. M.; Martin, R. D.; Massarczyk, R.; Meijer, S. J.; Mertens, S.; Myslik, J.; O'Shaughnessy, C.; Othman, G.; Poon, A. W. P.; Radford, D. C.; Rager, J.; Reine, A. L.; Rielage, K.; Robertson, R. G. H.; Rouf, N. W.; Shanks, B.; Shirchenko, M.; Suriano, A. M.; Tedeschi, D.; Trimble, J. E.; Varner, R. L.; Vasilyev, S.; Vetter, K.; Vorren, K.; White, B. R.; Wilkerson, J. F.; Wiseman, C.; Xu, W.; Yakushev, E.; Yu, C-H.; Yumatov, V.; Zhitnikov, I.; Zhu, B. X.LOW RADIOACTIVITY TECHNIQUES 2017 (LRT 2017)DDNPH016Varner, Robert2018
Continental heat anomalies and the extreme melting of the Greenland ice surface in 2012 and 188910.1002/2014JD021470Neff, William; Compo, Gilbert P.; Ralph, F. Martin; Shupe, Matthew D.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERESINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2014
Continuous momentum dependence in the dynamical cluster approximation10.1103/PhysRevB.101.195114Haehner, Urs R.; Maier, Thomas A.; Schulthess, Thomas C.PHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITECPH102Maier, Thomas2020
Continuous-energy Monte Carlo neutron transport on GPUs in the Shift code10.1016/j.anucene.2019.01.012Hamilton, Steven P.; Evans, Thomas M.ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGYALCCCSC249Kothe, Doug2019
Continuum and three-nucleon force effects on Be-9 energy levels10.1103/PhysRevC.91.021301Langhammer, Joachim; Navratil, Petr; Quaglioni, Sofia; Hupin, Guillaume; Calci, Angelo; Roth, RobertPHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James P.2015
Continuum-scale modeling of helium bubble bursting under plasma-exposed tungsten surfaces10.1088/1741-4326/aae8efBlondel, Sophie; Bernholdt, David E.; Hammond, Karl D.; Wirth, Brian D.NUCLEAR FUSIONALCCFUS0492018
Contrasting interannual and multidecadal NAO variability10.1007/s00382-014-2237-yWoollings, T.; Franzke, C.; Hodson, D. L. R.; Dong, B.; Barnes, E. A.; Raible, C. C.; Pinto, J. G.CLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
Contribution of environmental forcings to US runoff changes for the period 1950-201010.1088/1748-9326/aabb41Forbes, Whitney L.; Mao, Jiafu; Jin, Mingzhou; Kao, Shih-Chieh; Fu, Wenting; Shi, Xiaoying; Riccuito, Daniel M.; Thornton, Peter E.; Ribes, AurElien; Wang, Yutao; Piao, Shilong; Zhao, Tianbao; Schwalm, Christopher R.; Hoffman, Forrest M.; Fisher, Joshua B.; Ito, Akihiko; Poulter, Ben; Fang, Yuanyuan; Tian, Hanqin; Jain, Atul K.; Hayes, Daniel J.ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERSDDCLI106Evans, Katherine2018
Contribution of the QCD Theta-term to the nucleon electric dipole moment10.1103/PhysRevD.103.114507Bhattacharya, Tanmoy; Cirigliano, Vincenzo; Gupta, Rajan; Mereghetti, Emanuele; Yoon, BoramPHYSICAL REVIEW DINCITEHEP133Gupta, Rajan2021
Controllable conversion of quasi-freestanding polymer chains to graphene nanoribbons10.1038/ncomms14815Ma, Chuanxu; Xiao, Zhongcan; Zhang, Honghai; Liang, Liangbo; Huang, Jingsong; Lu, Wenchang; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Hong, Kunlun; Bernholc, J.; Li, An-PingNATURE COMMUNICATIONSCourtseyTMP0052017
Controlling excited-state contamination in nucleon matrix elements10.1103/PhysRevD.93.114506Yoon, Boram; Gupta, Rajan; Bhattacharya, Tanmoy; Engelhardt, Michael; Green, Jeremy; Joo, Balint; Lin, Huey-Wen; Negele, John; Orginos, Kostas; Pochinsky, Andrew; Richards, David; Syritsyn, Sergey; Winter, FrankPHYSICAL REVIEW DALCCNPH110Gupta, Rajan2016
Convergence analysis of Anderson‐type acceleration of Richardson's iteration10.1002/nla.2241Lupo Pasini, MassimilianoNUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA WITH APPLICATIONSStaffSTF0062019
Convergence of Eigenvector Continuation10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.032501Sarkar, Avik; Lee, DeanPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2021
Convergence of artificial intelligence and high performance computing on NSF-supported cyberinfrastructure10.1186/s40537-020-00361-2Huerta, E. A.; Khan, Asad; Davis, Edward; Bushell, Colleen; Gropp, William D.; Katz, Daniel S.; Kindratenko, Volodymyr; Koric, Seid; Kramer, William T. C.; McGinty, Brendan; McHenry, Kenton; Saxton, AaronJOURNAL OF BIG DATADDAST164Huerta, Eliu2020
Cooling a mechanical resonator with nitrogen-vacancy centres using a room temperature excited state spin-strain interaction10.1038/ncomms14358MacQuarrie, E. R.; Otten, M.; Gray, S. K.; Fuchs, G. D.NATURE COMMUNICATIONSDDNTI104Min, Misun2017
Cooling the Data Center: Design of a Mechanical Controls Owner Project Requirements (OPR) Template10.1109/Cluster48925.2021.00085Robila, Stefan A.; Grant, David; DePrater, Chris; Sorell, Vali; Rodgers, Terry L.; Martinez, David; Novotny, Shlomo2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER 2021)2021
Cooperative Interplay of van der Waals Forces and Quantum Nuclear Effects on Adsorption: H at Graphene and at Coronene10.1021/nn505578xDavidson, Erlend R. M.; Klimes, Jiri; Alfe, Dario; Michaelides, AngelosACS NANOINCITECPH005Alfe, Dario2014
Coordinate-space solver for superfluid many-fermion systems with the shifted conjugate-orthogonal conjugate-gradient method10.1103/PhysRevC.95.044302Jin, Shi; Bulgac, Aurel; Roche, Kenneth; Wlazlowski, GabrielPHYSICAL REVIEW CALCCNPH114Bulgac, Aurel2017
Coordinating Garbage Collection for Arrays of Solid-State Drives10.1109/TC.2012.256Kim, Youngjae; Lee, Junghee; Oral, Sarp; Dillow, David A.; Wang, Feiyi; Shipman, Galen M.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS2014
Copper(I)-Based Highly Emissive All-Inorganic Rare-Earth Halide Clusters10.1016/j.matt.2019.05.027Lin, Jia; Chen, Hong; Kang, Jun; Quan, Li Na; Lin, Zhenni; Kong, Qiao; Lai, Minliang; Yu, Sunmoon; Wang, Lei; Wang, Lin-Wang; Toney, Michael F.; Yang, PeidongMATTERINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2019
Corrections to the hadron resonance gas from lattice QCD and their effect on fluctuation-ratios at finite density10.1103/PhysRevD.104.094508Bellwied, Rene; Ratti, Claudia; Borsanyi, Szabolcs; Parotto, Paolo; Fodor, Zoltan; Guenther, Jana N.; Katz, Sandor D.; Pasztor, Attila; Pesznyak, David; Szabo, Kalman K.PHYSICAL REVIEW DINCITELGT108Ratti, Claudia2021
Correlating structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of epitaxial VSe2 thin films10.1103/PhysRevB.102.115149Chen, Guannan; Howard, Sean T.; Maghirang, Aniceto B.; Kien Nguyen Cong, undefined; Villaos, Rovi Angelo B.; Feng, Liang-Ying; Cai, Kehan; Ganguli, Somesh C.; Swiech, Waclaw; Morosan, Emilia; Oleynik, Ivan I.; Chuang, Feng-Chuan; Lin, Hsin; Madhavan, VidyaPHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITEMAT198Oleynik, Ivan2020
Cosmic Chandlery with Thermonuclear Supernovae10.1088/1742-6596/837/1/012005Calder, A. C.; Krueger, B. K.; Jackson, A. P.; Willcox, D. E.; Miles, B. J.; Townsley, D. M.11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL MODELING OF SPACE PLASMA FLOWS (ASTRONUM-2016)INCITEAST106Zingale, Michael2017
Cosmic Dawn (CoDa): the first radiation-hydrodynamics simulation of reionization and galaxy formation in the Local Universe10.1093/mnras/stw2036Ocvirk, Pierre; Gillet, Nicolas; Shapiro, Paul R.; Aubert, Dominique; Iliev, Ilian T.; Teyssier, Romain; Yepes, Gustavo; Choi, Jun-Hwan; Sullivan, David; Knebe, Alexander; Gottloeber, Stefan; D'Aloisio, Anson; Park, Hyunbae; Hoffman, Yehuda; Stranex, TimothyMONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETYINCITEAST031Shapiro, Paul2016
Cosmic Dawn II (CoDa II): a new radiation-hydrodynamics simulation of the self-consistent coupling of galaxy formation and reionization10.1093/mnras/staa1266Ocvirk, Pierre; Aubert, Dominique; Sorce, Jenny G.; Shapiro, Paul R.; Deparis, Nicolas; Dawoodbhoy, Taha; Lewis, Joseph; Teyssier, Romain; Yepes, Gustavo; Gottlober, Stefan; Ahn, Kyungjin; Iliev, Ilian T.; Hoffman, YehudaMONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETYINCITEAST031Ocvirk, Pierre2020
Cosolvent pretreatment in cellulosic biofuel production: effect of tetrahydrofuran-water on lignin structure and dynamics10.1039/c5gc01952dSmith, Micholas Dean; Mostofian, Barmak; Cheng, Xiaolin; Petridis, Loukas; Cai, Charles M.; Wyman, Charles E.; Smith, Jeremy C.GREEN CHEMISTRYINCITEBIP141Smith, Jeremy2016
Coulomb sum rule for He-4 and O-16 from coupled-cluster theory10.1103/PhysRevC.102.064312Sobczyk, J. E.; Acharya, B.; Bacca, S.; Hagen, G.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2020
Coupled Diffusion in Lipid Bilayers upon Close Approach10.1021/ja508803dPronk, Sander; Lindahl, Erik; Kasson, Peter M.JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETYINCITECSC102Smith, Lorna2015
Coupled pi pi, K(K)over-bar scattering in P-wave and the rho resonance from lattice QCD10.1103/PhysRevD.92.094502Wilson, David J.; Briceno, Raul A.; Dudek, Jozef J.; Edwards, Robert G.; Thomas, Christopher E.PHYSICAL REVIEW DALCCNPH103Edwards, Robert2015
Coupled-Cluster Calculations of Neutrinoless Double-beta Decay in Ca-4810.1103/PhysRevLett.126.182502Novario, S.; Gysbers, P.; Engel, J.; Hagen, G.; Jansen, G. R.; Morris, T. D.; Navratil, P.; Papenbrock, T.; Quaglioni, S.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH123Haugen, Gaute2021
Coupled-channel D pi, D eta and D-s(K)over-bar scattering from lattice QCD10.1007/JHEP10(2016)011Moir, Graham; Peardon, Michael; Ryan, Sinead M.; Thomas, Christopher E.; Wilson, David J.JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICSINCITELGT003Mackenzie, Paul2016
Coupled-cluster calculations of nucleonic matter10.1103/PhysRevC.89.014319Hagen, G.; Papenbrock, T.; Ekstroem, A.; Wendt, K. A.; Baardsen, G.; Gandolfi, S.; Hjorth-Jensen, M.; Horowitz, C. J.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James2014
Coupling Exascale Multiphysics Applications: Methods and Lessons Learned10.1109/eScience.2018.00133Choi, Jong Youl; Chang, Choong-Seock; Dominski, Julien; Klasky, Scott; Merlo, Gabriele; Suchyta, Eric; Ainsworth, Mark; Allen, Bryce; Cappello, Franck; Churchill, Michael; Davis, Philip; Di, Sheng; Eisenhauer, Greg; Ethier, Stephane; Foster, Ian; Geveci, Berk; Guo, Hanqi; Huck, Kevin; Jenko, Frank; Kim, Mark; Kress, James; Ku, Seung-Hoe; Liu, Qing; Logan, Jeremy; Malony, Allen; Mehta, Kshitij; Moreland, Kenneth; Munson, Todd; Parashar, Manish; Peterka, Tom; Podhorszki, Norbert; Pugmire, Dave; Tugluk, Ozan; Wang, Ruonan; Whitney, Ben; Wolf, Matthew; Wood, Chad2018 IEEE 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-SCIENCE (E-SCIENCE 2018)ALCCCSC249, CSC250, CSC251Kothe, Doug2018
Coupling extended magnetohydrodynamic fluid codes with radiofrequency ray tracing codes for fusion modeling10.1016/, Thomas G.; Held, Eric D.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSDDFUS045Jenkins, Thomas2015
Coupling of regional geophysics and local soil-structure models in the EQSIM fault-to-structure earthquake simulation framework10.1177/10943420211019118McCallen, David; Tang, Houjun; Wu, Suiwen; Eckert, Eric; Huang, Junfei; Peterson, N. AndersINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSECPGEO130McCallen, David2021
Coupling of vortex breakdown and stability in a swirling flow10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.084701Chan, San To; Ault, Jesse T.; Haward, Simon J.; Meiburg, E.; Shen, Amy Q.PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDSDDCFD108Ault, Jesse2019
Coupling the Lorentz Integral Transform (LIT) and the Coupled Cluster (CC) Methods: A Way Towards Continuum Spectra of "Not-So-Few-Body" Systems10.1007/s00601-013-0772-4Orlandini, Giuseppina; Bacca, Sonia; Barnea, Nir; Hagen, Gaute; Miorelli, Mirko; Papenbrock, ThomasFEW-BODY SYSTEMSINCITENPH008Vary, James2014
CrI3 revisited with a many-body ab initio theoretical approach10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.064006Ichibha, Tom; Dzubak, Allison L.; Krogel, Jaron T.; Cooper, Valentino R.; Reboredo, Fernando A.PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALSINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2021
Cross-scale efficient tensor contractions for coupled cluster computations through multiple programming model backends10.1016/j.jpdc.2017.02.010Ibrahim, Khaled Z.; Epifanovsky, Evgeny; Williams, Samuel; Krylov, Anna I.JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTINGInciteCSC103Oliker,Leonid2017
Cross-section measurements of the Higgs boson decaying into a pair of tau-leptons in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector10.1103/PhysRevD.99.072001Collaboration, ATLASPHYSICAL REVIEW DDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2019
Cross-verification of the global gyrokinetic codes GENE and XGC10.1063/1.5036563Merlo, G.; Dominski, J.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Chang, C. S.; Jenko, F.; Ku, S.; Lanti, E.; Parker, S.PHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITEPHY122Chang, C.S.2018
Cryo-EM and MD infer water-mediated proton transport and autoinhibition mechanisms of V-o complex10.1126/sciadv.abb9605Roh, Soung-Hun; Shekhar, Mrinal; Pintilie, Grigore; Chipot, Christophe; Wilkens, Stephan; Singharoy, Abhishek; Chiu, WahSCIENCE ADVANCESINCITEBIP115Singharoy, Abhishek2020
CryoFold: Determining protein structures and data-guided ensembles from cryo-EM density maps10.1016/j.matt.2021.09.004Shekhar, Mrinal; Terashi, Genki; Gupta, Chitrak; Sarkar, Daipayan; Debussche, Gaspard; Sisco, Nicholas J.; Nguyen, Jonathan; Mondal, Arup; Vant, John; Fromme, Petra; Van Horn, Wade D.; Tajkhorshid, Emad; Kihara, Daisuke; Dill, Ken; Perez, Alberto; Singharoy, AbhishekMATTERINCITEBIP115Singhary, Abhishek2021
Crystal Structures, Surface Stability, and Water Adsorption Energies of La-Bastnasite via Density Functional Theory and Experimental Studies10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b04747Srinivasan, Sriram Goverapet; Shivaramaiah, Radha; Kent, Paul R. C.; Stack, Andrew G.; Navrotsky, Alexandra; Riman, Richard; Anderko, Andre; Bryantsev, Vyacheslav S.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CDDCHM116Bryantsev, Vyacheslav2016
Crystal structure of silver pentazolates AgN5 and AgN610.1039/d1dt02319eWilliams, Ashley S.; Cong, Kien Nguyen; Gonzalez, Joseph M.; Oleynik, Ivan I.DALTON TRANSACTIONSINCITEMAT198Oleynik, Ivan2021
Curvature of the freeze-out line in heavy ion collisions10.1103/PhysRevD.93.014512Bazavov, A.; Ding, H. -T.; Hegde, P.; Kaczmarek, O.; Karsch, F.; Laermann, E.; Mukherjee, Swagato; Ohno, H.; Petreczky, P.; Schmidt, C.; Sharma, S.; Soeldner, W.; Wagner, M.PHYSICAL REVIEW DALCCNPH109Mukherjee, Swagato2016
Curved-line search algorithm for ab initio atomic structure relaxation10.1103/PhysRevB.96.115141Chen, Zhanghui; Li, Jingbo; Li, Shushen; Wang, Lin-WangPHYSICAL REVIEW BIncite, ALCC, DDNTI009Wang,Lin-Wang2017
Cycloaddition between nitrogen-doped graphene (6 pi-component) and benzene (4 pi-component): a theoretical approach using density functional theory with vdW-DF correction10.1039/d0cp06082hRangel-Cortes, E.; Pescador-Rojas, J. A.; Cardozo-Mata, V. A.; Hernandez-Hernandez, A.; Vallejo-Castaneda, E.; Hernandez-Hernandez, L. A.; Romero-Cortes, T.PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICSDDMAT164Vallejo, Emmanuel2021
Cytoskeleton Remodeling Induces Membrane Stiffness and Stability Changes of Maturing Reticulocytes10.1016/j.bpj.2018.03.004Li, He; Yang, Jun; Chu, Trang T.; Naidu, Renugah; Lu, Lu; Chandramohanadas, Rajesh; Dao, Ming; Karniadakis, George EmBIOPHYSICAL JOURNALALCCSYB102Karniadakis, George Em2018
DCA plus plus : A software framework to solve correlated electron problems with modern quantum cluster methods10.1016/j.cpc.2019.01.006Haehner, Urs R.; Alvarez, Gonzalo; Maier, Thomas A.; Solca, Raffaele; Staar, Peter; Summers, Michael S.; Schulthess, Thomas C.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITECHP102Maier, Thomas2020
DCA plus plus project: Sustainable and scalable development of a high-performance research code10.1088/1742-6596/1290/1/012017Hahner, U. R.; Balduzzi, G.; Doak, P. W.; Maier, T. A.; Solca, R.; Schulthess, T. C.XXX IUPAP CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSINCITECLI137Maier, Thomas2019
DESIGN OF A CODE-AGNOSTIC DRIVER APPLICATION FOR HIGH-FIDELITY COUPLED NEUTRONICS AND THERMAL-HYDRAULIC SIMULATIONS10.1051/epjconf/202124706053Romano, Paul K.; Hamilton, Steven P.; Rahaman, Ronald O.; Novak, April; Merzari, Elia; Harper, Sterling M.; Shriwise, Patrick C.EPJ WEB OF CONFERENCESECPCSC404Hamilton, Steven2021
DETECTION OF LENSING SUBSTRUCTURE USING ALMA OBSERVATIONS OF THE DUSTY GALAXY SDP. 8110.3847/0004-637X/823/1/37Hezaveh, Yashar D.; Dalal, Neal; Marrone, Daniel P.; Mao, Yao-Yuan; Morningstar, Warren; Wen, Di; Blandford, Roger D.; Carlstrom, John E.; Fassnacht, Christopher D.; Holder, Gilbert P.; Kemball, Athol; Marshall, Philip J.; Murray, Norman; Levasseur, Laurence Perreault; Vieira, Joaquin D.; Wechsler, Risa H.ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNALINCITEAST102Warren, Michael S.2016
DFTB plus , a software package for efficient approximate density functional theory based atomistic simulations10.1063/1.5143190Hourahine, B.; Aradi, B.; Blum, V.; Bonafe, F.; Buccheri, A.; Camacho, C.; Cevallos, C.; Deshaye, M. Y.; Dumitrica, T.; Dominguez, A.; Ehlert, S.; Elstner, M.; van der Heide, T.; Hermann, J.; Irle, S.; Kranz, J. J.; Koehler, C.; Kowalczyk, T.; Kubar, T.; Lee, I. S.; Lutsker, V.; Maurer, R. J.; Min, S. K.; Mitchell, I.; Negre, C.; Niehaus, T. A.; Niklasson, A. M. N.; Page, A. J.; Pecchia, A.; Penazzi, G.; Persson, M. P.; Rezac, J.; Sanchez, C. G.; Sternberg, M.; Stoehr, M.; Stuckenberg, F.; Tkatchenko, A.; Yu, V. W. -z.; Frauenheim, T.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSDDCHM152Irle, Stephan2020
DIRAQ: scalable in situ data- and resource-aware indexing for optimized query performance10.1007/s10586-014-0358-zLakshminarasimhan, Sriram; Zou, Xiaocheng; Boyuka, David A.; Pendse, Saurabh V.; Jenkins, John; Vishwanath, Venkatram; Papka, Michael E.; Klasky, Scott; Samatova, Nagiza F.CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONSStaffDDCSC025Klasky, Scott2014
DIST: A dislocation-simulation toolkit10.1016/j.cpc.2018.06.021Pei, ZongruiCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS2018
DMS role in ENSO cycle in the tropics10.1002/2016JD025333Xu, Li; Cameron-Smith, Philip; Russell, Lynn M.; Ghan, Steven J.; Liu, Ying; Elliott, Scott; Yang, Yang; Lou, Sijia; Lamjiri, Maryam A.; Manizza, ManfrediJOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERESALCCCLI112Thornton, Peter2016
DNS and LES of turbulent flow in a closed channel featuring a pattern of hemispherical roughness elements10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2015.01.002Chatzikyriakou, D.; Buongiorno, J.; Caviezel, D.; Lakehal, D.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND FLUID FLOWALCCNFI013Turner, John2015
DNS of a turbulent lifted DME jet flame10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.04.007Minamoto, Yuki; Chen, Jacqueline H.COMBUSTION AND FLAMEINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2016
DNS of turbulent flow with hemispherical wall roughness10.1080/14685248.2014.989231Mishra, Anand V.; Bolotnov, Igor A.JOURNAL OF TURBULENCEALCCNFI012Turner, John2015
DYFLOW: A flexible framework for orchestrating scientific workflows on supercomputers10.1145/3458744.3474037Singhal, Swati; Sussman, Alan; Wolf, Matthew; Choi, Jong Youl; Mehta, Kshitij50TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING WORKSHOPECPCSC299Foster, Ian2021
Daily to Decadal Modulation of Jet Variability10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0286.1Woollings, Tim; Barnes, Elizabeth; Hoskins, Brian; Kwon, Young-Oh; Lee, Robert W.; Li, Camille; Madonna, Erica; McGraw, Marie; Parker, Tess; Parker, Tess; Rodrigues, Regina; Spensberger, Clemens; Williams, KeithJOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2018
Damage at a tungsten surface induced by impacts of self-atoms10.1016/j.jnucmat.2015.09.049Wu, Yong; Krstic, Predrag; Zhou, Fu Yang; Meyer, FredJOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALSDDPMPH100Krstic, Predrag2015
Dark matter interpretations of ATLAS searches for the electroweak production of supersymmetric particles in root s=8 TeV proton-proton collisions10.1007/JHEP09(2016)175Collaboration, ATLASJOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICSDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2016
Darshan Evaluation at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing FacilityORAL, HAKKI; ZIMMER, CHRISTOPHER; LARREA, VERONICAORNL/TM-2016/170STAFFSTAFFSTAFF2016
Data Federation Challenges in Remote Near-Real-Time Fusion Experiment Data Processing10.1007/978-3-030-63393-6_19Choi, Jong; Wang, Ruonan; Churchill, R. Michael; Kube, Ralph ; Choi, Minjun; Park, Jinseop; Logan, Jeremy; Mehta, Kshitij; Eisenhauer, Greg; Podhorszki, Norbert; Wolf, Matthew; Chang, C. S.; Klasky, ScottSMC 2020INCITEPHY122Chang, C.S.2020
Data Integration in Poplar: 'Omics Layers and Integration Strategies10.3389/fgene.2019.00874Weighill, Deborah; Tschaplinski, Timothy J.; Tuskan, Gerald A.; Jacobson, DanielFRONTIERS IN GENETICSINCITEBIFJacobson, Daniel2019
Data Jockey: Automatic Data Management for HPC Multi-Tiered Storage Systems10.1109/IPDPS.2019.00061Oral, Hakki; Ghoshal, Devarshi; Ramakrishnan, Lavanya; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan; Shin, Woong; Brumgard, Christopher; Xie, Bing2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM (IPDPS)2019
Data Management Challenges of Exascale Scientific Simulations: A Case Study with the Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code and ADIOSKlasky, Scott; Wang, H; Wang, W; Li, J; Lin, Zhihong; Wolf, Matthew; Mehta, Kshitij; Wan, LipengPROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL METHODSECPCSC303Klasky, Scott2019
Data Movement in Data-Intensive High Performance Computing10.1007/978-3-319-33742-5_3Cicotti, Pietro; Oral, Sarp; Kestor, Gokcen; Gioisa, Roberto; Strande, Shawn; Taufer, Michela; Rogers, James; Abbasi, Hasan; Hill, Jason; Carrington, LauraConquering Big Data with High Performance ComputingSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2016
Data Transfer Study for HPSS ArchivingWynne, James; Parete-Koon, Suzanne; Mitchell, Quinn; White, Stanley; Barron, ThomasPROCEEDINGS OF THE CRAY USER GROUPSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
Data and Workflow Management for Exascale Global Adjoint TomographyLefebvre, Mattieu; Chen, Yangkang; Lei, Wenjie; Luet, David; Ruan, Youyi; Bozdag, Ebru; Hill, Judith; Komatitsch, Dimitri; Krischer, Lion; Peter, Daniel; Podhorszki, Norbert; Smith, James; Tromp, JeroenEXASCALE SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS: SCALABILITY AND PERFORMANCE PORTABILITYESPCSC190SPECFEMStraatsma, Tjerk2018
Data optimization for large batch distributed training of deep neural networks10.1109/CSCI51800.2020.00225Shankar, Mallikarjun; Yin, Junqi; Gahlot, Shubhankar2020 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCEStaffGEN011Shankar, Mallikarjun2020
Data-driven Modeling of Hemodynamics and its Role on Thrombus Size and Shape in Aortic Dissections10.1038/s41598-018-20603-xYazdani, Alireza; Li, He; Bersi, Matthew R.; Di Achille, Paolo; Insley, Joseph; Humphrey, Jay D.; Karniadakis, George EmSCIENTIFIC REPORTSALCCSYB102Karniadakis, George2018
Data-driven dimensional analysis of heat transfer in irradiated particle-laden turbulent flow10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2019.103198Jofre, Lluis; del Rosario, Zachary R.; Iaccarino, GianlucaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOWALCCCSC188Voigt, Robert2020
Data-guided Multi-Map variables for ensemble refinement of molecular movies10.1063/5.0022433Vant, John W.; Sarkar, Daipayan; Streitwieser, Ellen; Fiorin, Giacomo; Skeel, Robert; Vermaas, Josh V.; Singharoy, AbhishekJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITEBIP115Singharoy, Abhishek2020
DataFed: Towards Reproducible Research via Federated Data Management10.1109/CSCI49370.2019.00245Stansberry, Dale; Somnath, Suhas; Breet, Jessica; Shutt, Gregory; Shankar, Mallikarjun2019 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (CSCI 2019)2019
DeStager: feature guided in-situ data management in distributed deep memory hierarchies10.1007/s10619-018-7235-3Zhang, Xuechen; Zheng, Fang; Nguyen, BaoDISTRIBUTED AND PARALLEL DATABASESDDCSC143Scott Klasky2018
Decadal Covariability of the Northern Wintertime Land Surface Temperature and Atmospheric Circulation10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00266.1Yu, B.; Wang, X. L.; Zhang, X. B.; Cole, J.; Feng, Y.JOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2014
Decadal Shift of NAO-Linked Interannual Sea Level Variability along the US Northeast Coast10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0403.1Kenigson, Jessica S.; Han, Weiqing; Rajagopalan, Balaji; Yanto, undefined; Jasinski, MikeJOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2018
Decadal-scale variability in hazardous winds in northern Switzerland since end of the 19th century10.1002/asl2.467Welker, Christoph; Martius, OliviaATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2014
Decays of an exotic 1(-+) hybrid meson resonance in QCD10.1103/PhysRevD.103.054502Woss, Antoni J.; Dudek, Jozef J.; Edwards, Robert G.; Thomas, Christopher E.; Wilson, David J.PHYSICAL REVIEW DALCCLGT112Edwards, Robert2021
Deciphering chemical order/disorder and material properties at the single-atom level10.1038/nature21042Yang, Yongsoo; Chen, Chien-Chun; Scott, M. C.; Ophus, Colin; Xu, Rui; Pryor, Alan; Wu, Li; Sun, Fan; Theis, Wolfgang; Zhou, Jihan; Eisenbach, Markus; Kent, Paul R. C.; Sabirianov, Renat F.; Zeng, Hao; Ercius, Peter; Miao, JianweiNATUREINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2017
Decisive role of magnetism in the interaction of chromium and nickel solute atoms with 1/2 -screw dislocation core in body-centered cubic iron10.1016/j.actamat.2016.08.074Odbadrakh, Kh.; Samolyuk, G.; Nicholson, D.; Osetsky, Y.; Stoller, R. E.; Stocks, G. M.ACTA MATERIALIAINCITEMAT020Eisenbach,Markus2016
Decoding Liquid Crystal Oligomer Phase Transitions: Toward Molecularly Engineered Shape Changing Materials10.1021/acs.macromol.9b01218Guo, Yuanhang; Lee, Jieun; Son, Jinha; Ahn, Suk-kyun; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Sumpter, Bobby G.MACROMOLECULESDDMAT168Sumpter, Bobby2019
Deconstructing the Confinement Effect upon the Organization and Dynamics of Water in Hydrophobic Nanoporous Materials: Lessons Learned from Zeolites10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b04991Zhou, Tiecheng; Bai, Peng; Siepmann, J. Ilja; Clark, Aurora E.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C2017
Deconstruction of biomass enabled by local demixing of cosolvents at cellulose and lignin surfaces10.1073/pnas.1922883117Pingali, Sai Venkatesh; Smith, Micholas Dean; Liu, Shih-Hsien; Rawal, Takat B.; Pu, Yunqiao; Shah, Riddhi; Evans, Barbara R.; Urban, Volker S.; Davison, Brian H.; Cai, Charles M.; Ragauskas, Arthur J.; O'Neill, Hugh M.; Smith, Jeremy C.; Petridis, LoukasPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAINCITEBIF112Smith, Jeremy2020
Decoupling between Shockley partials and stacking faults strengthens multiprincipal element alloys10.1073/pnas.2114167118Pei, Zongrui; Zhang, Siyuan; Lei, Yinkai; Zhang, Fan; Chen, MingweiPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2021
Deep Eutectic Solvents: Molecular Simulations with a First-Principles Polarizable Force Field10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c01692Jeong, Kyeong-jun; McDaniel, Jesse G.; Yethiraj, ArunJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BDDCHM132Yethiraj, Arun2021
Deep Gaze Velocity Analysis During Mammographic Reading for Biometric Identification of Radiologists10.7771/2327-2937.1088Yoon, Hong-Jun; Alamudun, Folami; Hudson, Kathy; Morin-Ducote, Garmetta; Tourassi, GeorgiaJOURNAL OF HUMAN PERFORMANCE IN EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS2018
Deep Generative Model Driven Protein Folding Simulations10.3233/APC200023Ma, Heng; Bhowmik, Debsindhu; Lee, Hyungro; Turilli, Matteo; Young, Michael; Jha, Shantenu; Ramanathan, ArvindPARALLEL COMPUTING: TECHNOLOGY TRENDSALCCLRN005Bhatia, Harsh2020
Deep Learning Emulation of Subgrid-Scale Processes in Turbulent Shear Flows10.1029/2020GL087005Pal, AnikeshGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSINCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2020
Deep Learning Enabled National Cancer SurveillanceTourassi, Georgia2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA (BIG DATA)2017
Deep Learning for Automated Extraction of Primary Sites From Cancer Pathology Reports10.1109/JBHI.2017.2700722Qiu, John X.; Yoon, Hong-Jun; Fearn, Paul A.; Tourassi, Georgia D.IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICSddMED103Tourassi,Georgia2018
Deep Learning on the 2-Dimensional Ising Model to Extract the Crossover RegionWalker, Nicholas; Tam, Ka-Ming; Jarrell, MarkICML 2019 WORKSHOP ON THEORETICAL PHYSICS FOR DEEP LEARNING.INCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2019
Deep Radiogenomics for Predicting Clinical Phenotypes in Invasive Breast Cancer10.1117/12.2318508Yoon, Hong-Jun; Ramanathan, Arvind; Alamudun, Folami; Tourassi, Georgia14TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON BREAST IMAGING (IWBI 2018)2018
Deep active learning for classifying cancer pathology reports10.1186/s12859-021-04047-1De Angeli, Kevin; Gao, Shang; Alawad, Mohammed; Yoon, Hong-Jun; Schaefferkoetter, Noah; Wu, Xiao-Cheng; Durbin, Eric B.; Doherty, Jennifer; Stroup, Antoinette; Coyle, Linda; Penberthy, Lynne; Tourassi, GeorgiaBMC BIOINFORMATICSECPMED106Stevens, Rick2021
Deep clustering of protein folding simulations10.1186/s12859-018-2507-5Bhowmik, Debsindhu; Gao, Shang; Young, Michael T.; Ramanathan, ArvindBMC BIOINFORMATICSDDsCSC237Ramanathan, Arvind2018
Deep data analysis via physically constrained linear unmixing: universal framework, domain examples, and a community-wide platform10.1186/s40679-018-0055-8Kannan, R.; Ievlev, A. V.; Laanait, N.; Ziatdinov, M. A.; Vasudevan, R. K.; Jesse, S.; Kalinin, S. V.ADVANCED STRUCTURAL AND CHEMICAL IMAGINGDDCSC280Kannan, Ramakrishnan2018
Deep learning based surrogate models for first-principles global simulations of fusion plasmas10.1088/1741-4326/ac32f1Dong, G.; Wei, X.; Bao, J.; Brochard, G.; Lin, Z.; Tang, W.NUCLEAR FUSIONINCITEPHY130Lin, Zhihong2021
Deep learning on the 2-dimensional Ising model to extract the crossover region with a variational autoencoder10.1038/s41598-020-69848-5Walker, Nicholas; Tam, Ka-Ming; Jarrell, MarkSCIENTIFIC REPORTSINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2020
Deep-learning-aided forward optical coherence tomography endoscope for percutaneous nephrostomy guidance10.1364/BOE.421299Wang, Chen; Calle, Paul; Ton, Nu Bao Tran; Zhang, Zuyuan; Yan, Feng; Yu, ZhongxinBIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESSDDBIF121Pan, Chongle2021
DeepDriveMD: Deep-Learning Driven Adaptive Molecular Simulations for Protein Folding10.1109/DLS49591.2019.00007Lee, Hyungro; Ma, Heng; Turilli, Matteo; Bhowmik, Debsindhu; Jha, Shantenu; Ramanathan, ArvindPROCEEDINGS OF 2019 IEEE/ACM THIRD WORKSHOP ON DEEP LEARNING ON SUPERCOMPUTERS (DLS)2019
DeepPDF: A Deep Learning Approach to Extracting Text from PDFsStahl, Christopher; Young, Steven; Herrmannova, Drahomira; Patton, Robert; Wells, JackWOSP - 7TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MINING SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS2018
Defect Genome of Cubic Perovskites for Fuel Cell Applications10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b08716Balachandran, Janakiraman; Lin, Lianshan; Anchell, Jonathan S.; Bridges, Craig A.; Ganesh, P.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CDDCPH108Ganesh, Panchapakesan2017
Defining the genetic components of callus formation: A GWAS approach10.1371/journal.pone.0202519Tuskan, Gerald A.; Mewalal, Ritesh; Gunter, Lee E.; Palla, Kaitlin J.; Carter, Kelsey; Jacobson, Daniel A.; Jones, Piet C.; Garcia, Benjamin J.; Weighill, Deborah A.; Hyatt, Philip D.; Yang, Yongil; Zhang, Jin; Reis, Nicholas; Chen, Jin-Gui; Muchero, WellingtonPLOS ONEDDBIE104Jacobson, Dan2018
Deglacial Tropical Atlantic subsurface warming links ocean circulation variability to the West African Monsoon10.1038/s41598-017-15637-6Schmidt, Matthew W.; Chang, Ping; Parker, Andrew O.; Ji, Link; He, FengSCIENTIFIC REPORTS2017
Dehydration of multilamellar fatty acid membranes: Towards a computational model of the stratum corneum10.1063/1.4902363MacDermaid, Christopher M.; DeVane, Russell H.; Klein, Michael L.; Fiorin, GiacomoJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECHM045Klein, Michael2014
Delayed Slater determinant update algorithms for high efficiency quantum Monte Carlo10.1063/1.4998616McDaniel, T.; D'Azevedo, E. F.; Li, Y. W.; Wong, K.; Kent, P. R. C.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2017
Delayed Update Algorithms for Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation on GPU10.1145/2949550.2949579McDaniel, Tyler; D'Azevedo, Ed; Li, Ying Wai; Kent, Paul; Wong, Ming; Wong, KwaiPROCEEDINGS OF XSEDE16: DIVERSITY, BIG DATA, AND SCIENCE AT SCALEInciteMat151Kent,Paul2016
Delayed charge recovery discrimination of passivated surface alpha events in P-type point-contact detectors10.1088/1742-6596/888/1/012079Gruszko, J.XXVII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEUTRINO PHYSICS AND ASTROPHYSICS (NEUTRINO2016)2017
Delivering Science on Day One10.1109/MCSE.2016.22Williams, Timothy J.COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERINGALCCCSC192Straatsma, Tjerk2016
Delta isobars and nuclear saturation10.1103/PhysRevC.97.024332Ekstroem, A.; Hagen, G.; Morris, T. D.; Papenbrock, T.; Schwartz, P. D.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James2018
Demonstrating GPU code portability and scalability for radiative heat transfer computations10.1016/j.jocs.2018.06.005Peterson, Brad; Humphrey, Alan; Holmen, John; Harman, Todd; Berzins, Martin; Sunderland, Dan; Edwards, H. CarterJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCEALCCCSC188Voigt, Robert2018
Demonstration of a Scaling Advantage for a Quantum Annealer over Simulated Annealing10.1103/PhysRevX.8.031016Albash, Tameem; Lidar, Daniel A.PHYSICAL REVIEW X2018
Density Functional Studies of Stoichiometric Surfaces of Orthorhombic Hybrid Perovskite CH3NH3PbI310.1021/jp511123sWang, Yun; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Huang, Jingsong; Zhang, Haimin; Liu, Porun; Yang, Huagui; Zhao, HuijunJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CDDMAT101Sumpter, Bobby2015
Density functional theory based neural network force fields from energy decompositions10.1103/PhysRevB.99.064103Huang, Yufeng; Kang, Jun; Goddard, William A.; Wang, Lin-WangPHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2019
Density-fitted singles and doubles coupled cluster on graphics processing units10.1080/00268976.2013.874599DePrince, A. Eugene; Kennedy, Matthew R.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Sherrill, C. DavidMOLECULAR PHYSICS2014
Density-functional Monte-Carlo simulation of CuZn order-disorder transition10.1103/PhysRevB.93.024203Khan, S. N.; Eisenbach, MarkusPHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Marcus2016
Deriving models for the Kitaev spin-liquid candidate material alpha-RuCl3 from first principles10.1103/PhysRevB.100.075110Eichstaedt, Casey; Zhang, Yi; Laurell, Pontus; Okamoto, Satoshi; Eguiluz, Adolfo G.; Berlijn, TomPHYSICAL REVIEW BDDMAT160Eguiluz, Adolfo2019
Describing rainfall in northern Australia using multiple climate indices10.5194/bg-14-597-2017Rogers, Cassandra Denise Wilks; Beringer, JasonBIOGEOSCIENCESINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2017
Description of induced nuclear fission with Skyrme energy functionals. II. Finite temperature effects10.1103/PhysRevC.91.034327Schunck, N.; Duke, D.; Carr, H.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James P.2015
Description of induced nuclear fission with Skyrme energy functionals: Static potential energy surfaces and fission fragment properties10.1103/PhysRevC.90.054305Schunck, N.; Duke, D.; Carr, H.; Knoll, A.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James2014
Description of the LASSO Alpha 1 ReleaseDOI: 10.2172/1373564Gustafson Jr., WI; Vogelmann, AM; Cheng, X; Endo, S; Krishna, B; Li, Z; Toto, T; Xiao, HDOE/SC-ARM-TR-194DDCLI120Gustafson, William2017
Description of the LASSO Alpha 2 Release10.2172/1376727Gustafson, William; Vogelmann, Andrew; Cheng, Xiaoping; Endo, Satoshi; Krishna, Bhargavi; Z., Li; Toto, Tami; Xiao, H.DOE/SC-ARM-TR-199DDCLI120Gustafson, William2017
Design Space Exploration of Emerging Memory Technologies for Machine Learning Applications10.1109/IPDPSW52791.2021.00075Hasan, S. M. Shamimul; Imam, Neena; Kannan, Ramakrishnan; Yoginath, Srikanth; Kurte, Kuldeep2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOPS (IPDPSW)DDCSC040Imam, Neena2021
Design and Analysis of Fault Tolerance Mechanisms for Big Data TransfersKasu, Preethika; Kim, Youngjae; Park, Sungyong; ATCHLEY, EDWARD; VALLEE, GEOFFROYIEEE Cluster 2016STAFFSTAFFSTAFF2016
Design and Implementation of Full-Scale Industrial Control System Test Bed for Assessing Cyber-Security Defenses10.1109/WoWMoM49955.2020.00064Gillen, Robert E.; Anderson, Laura Ann; Craig, Christopher; Johnson, Jordan; Columbia, Adam; Anderson, Rachel; Craig, Andrew; Scott, Stephen L.2020 21ST IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON A WORLD OF WIRELESS, MOBILE AND MULTIMEDIA NETWORKS (IEEE WOWMOM 2020)2020
Design and Performance Characterization of RADICAL-Pilot on Leadership-Class Platforms10.1109/TPDS.2021.3105994Merzky, Andre; Turilli, Matteo; Titov, Mikhail; Al-Saadi, Aymen; Jha, ShantenuIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMSDDCSC393Jha, Shantenu2022
Design for a Soft Error Resilient Dynamic Task-based Runtime10.1109/IPDPS.2015.81Cao, Chongxiao; Herault, Thomas; Bosilca, George; Dongarra, Jack2015 IEEE 29TH INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM (IPDPS)INCITECSC103Oliker,Leonid2015
Designing Service-Oriented Tools for HPC Account Management and ReportingCarlyle, Adam; French, Robert; Renaud, WilliamPROCEEDINGS OF THE CRAY USER GROUPSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2014
Designing a graphics processing unit accelerated petaflop capable lattice Boltzmann solver: Read aligned data layouts and asynchronous communication10.1177/1094342016658109Robertsen, Fredrik; Westernolm, Jan; Mattila, KeijoINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSinciteCSC102Smith,Lorna2016
Designing functionality in perovskite thin films using ion implantation techniques: Assessment and insights from first-principles calculations10.1038/s41598-017-11158-4Sharma, Vinit; Herklotz, Andreas; Ward, Thomas Zac; Reboredo, Fernando A.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS2017
Destabilization of a planar liquid stream by a co-flowing turbulent gas stream10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2019.103121Jiang, Delin; Ling, YueINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOWDDCFD104Ling, Yue2020
Detailed Aerodynamic Characterization and Optimization of a Pickup Truck Using Adaptive Sampling based DOE10.4271/2018-01-0743Jeyasingham, Sam; Srinivasan, KumarSAE TECHNICAL PAPERDDARD111Srinivasan, Kumar2018
Determination of electronic couplings in the singlet fission process using a nonorthogonal configuration interaction approach10.1016/bs.aiq.2019.05.004Suarez, Luis Enrique Aguilar; Kathir, R. K.; Siagri, Enrico; Havenith, Remco W. A.; Faraji, ShirinSTATE OF THE ART OF MOLECULAR ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE COMPUTATIONS: CORRELATION METHODS, BASIS SETS AND MOREESCHM144Havenith, Remco2019
Determination of jet calibration and energy resolution in proton-proton collisions at s=8 TeV using the ATLAS detector10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-08477-8Collaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2020
Determination of the strong coupling constant alpha(s) from transverse energy-energy correlations in multijet events at root s=8 TeV using the ATLAS detector10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-5442-0Collaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2017
Deterministic ground motion simulations with shallow crust nonlinearity at Garner Valley in Southern California10.1002/eqe.3360Seylabi, Elnaz; Restrepo, Doriam; Taborda, Ricardo; Asimaki, DomnikiEARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL DYNAMICSINCITEGEO112Goulet, Christine2020
Deterministically estimated fission source distributions for Monte Carlo k-eigenvalue problems10.1016/j.anucene.2018.04.039Biondo, Elliott D.; Davidson, Gregory G.; Pandya, Tara M.; Hamilton, Steven P.; Evans, Thomas M.ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGYALCCNFI011Pandya, Tara2018
Deuteron-induced nucleon transfer reactions within an ab initio framework: First application to p-shell nuclei10.1103/PhysRevC.93.054606Raimondi, Francesco; Hupin, Guillaume; Navratil, Petr; Quaglioni, SofiaPHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James2016
Developing A Large Time Step, Robust, and Low Communication Multi-Moment PDE Integration Scheme for Exascale Applications10.1016/j.procs.2015.05.413Norman, Matthew R.INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE, ICCS 2015 COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AT THE GATES OF NATURE2015
Developing MiniApps on Modern Platforms Using Multiple Programming Models10.1109/CLUSTER.2015.130Messer, O. E. B.; D'Azevedo, E.; Hill, J.; Joubert, W.; Laosooksathit, S.; Tharrington, A.2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING - CLUSTER 2015STAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
Development of COBRA-TF for Modeling Full-Core Reactor Operating CyclesSALKO, ROBERT; LANGE, TRAVIS; Kucukboyaci, Vefa; Sung, Yixing; Palmtag, Scott; GEHIN, JESS; Avramova, MariaAdvances in Nuclear Fuel Management VALCCNFI011Turner, John2015
Development of Finite Element Field Solver in Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code10.4208/cicp.OA-2017-0139Feng, Hongying; Zhang, Wenlu; Lin, Zhihong; Zhufu, Xiaohe; Xu, Jin; Cao, Jintao; Li, DingCOMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS2018
Development of Opposed-Piston Variable Compression Ratio Engine for Automotive ApplicationsEdwards, K. Dean; Finney, Charles E.A.; Naber, Clayton; Banerjee, Siddhartha; Willcox, MichaelORNL/TM-2019/1127, CRADA/NFE-16-06356DDCMB129Naber, Clayton2019
Development of QMCPACK for Exascale Scientific ComputingBenali, Anouar ; Ceperley, David M.; D'Azevedo, Eduardo; Dewing, Mark; Kent, Paul R.C.; Kim, Jeongnim; Krogel, Jaron T.; Li, Ying Wai; Luo, Ye; McDaniel, Tyler; Morales, Miguel A.; Mathuriya, Amrita ; Shulenburger, Luke; Tubman, Norm M.EXASCALE SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS: SCALABILITY AND PERFORMANCE PORTABILITYESPCSC190QMCPACKStraatsma, Tjerk2018
Development of a CPU/GPU portable software library for Lagrangian-Eulerian simulations of liquid sprays10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103293Ge, Wenjun; Sankaran, Ramanan; Chen, Jacqueline H.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOWINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2020
Development of a Kr-83m source for the calibration of the CENNS-10 liquid argon detector10.1088/1748-0221/16/04/P04002Akimov, D.; An, P.; Awe, C.; Barbeau, P. S.; Becker, B.; Belov, undefined; Bernardi, undefined; Blackston, M. A.; Blokland, L.; Bolozdynya, A.; Cabrera-Palmer, B.; Chen, N.; Chernyak, D.; Conley, E.; Daughhetee, J.; Coello, M. del Valle; Detwiler, J. A.; Durand, M. R.; Efremenko, Y.; Elliott, S. R.; Fabris, L.; Febbraro, M.; Fox, W.; Galindo-Uribarri, A.; Rosso, A. Gallo; Green, M. P.; Hansen, K. S.; Heath, M. R.; Hedges, S.; Hughes, M.; Johnson, T.; Khromov, A.; Konovalov, A.; Kozlova, E.; Kumpan, A.; Li, L.; Librande, J. T.; Link, J. M.; Liu, J.; Mann, K.; Markoff, D. M.; McGoldrick, O.; Mueller, P. E.; Newby, J.; Parno, D. S.; Penttila, S.; Pershey, D.; Radford, D.; Rapp, R.; Ray, H.; Raybern, J.; Razuvaeva, O.; Reyna, D.; Rich, G. C.; Rudik, D.; Runge, J.; Salvat, D. J.; Scholberg, K.; Shakirov, A.; Simakov, G.; Sinev, G.; Snow, W. M.; Sosnovtsev, undefined; Suh, B.; Tayloe, R.; Tellez-Giron-Flores, K.; Thornton, R. T.; Tolstukhin, undefined; Vanderwerp, J.; Varner, R. L.; Venkataraman, R.; Virtue, C. J.; Visser, G.; Wiseman, C.; Wongjirad, T.; Yang, J.; Yen, Y-R; Yoo, J.; Yu, C-H; Zettlemoyer, J.JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATIONDDHEP106Newby, Robert2021
Development of mpi_EPIC model for global agroecosystem modeling10.1016/j.compag.2014.12.004Kang, S.; Wang, D.; Nichols, J. A.; Schuchart, J.; Kline, K. L.; Wei, Y.; Ricciuto, D. M.; Wullschleger, S. D.; Post, W. M.; Izaurralde, R. C.COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTUREINCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2015
Development of soft-sphere contact models for thermal heat conduction in granular flows10.1002/aic.15331Morris, A. B.; Pannala, S.; Ma, Z.; Hrenya, C. M.AICHE JOURNALALCCPHY104Hrenya, Christine2016
Diagnosing United States hurricane landfall risk: An alternative to count-based methodologies10.1002/2016GL070117Staehling, Erica M.; Truchelut, Ryan E.GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSINCITESurface Input Reanalysis for Climate ApplicationsCompo, Gilbert2016
Diagnosing autonomous vehicle driving criteria with an adversarial evolutionary algorithm10.1145/3449726.3459573Coletti, Mark A.; Gao, Shang; Paulissen, Spencer; Haas, Nicholas Quentin; Patton, Robert; ,GECCO '21: PROCEEDINGS OF THE GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE COMPANIONALCCLRN013Patton, Robert2021
Diagnosing the Causes and Severity of One-Sided Message Contention10.1145/2688500.2688516Tallent, Nathan R.; Vishnu, Abhinav; Van Dam, Hubertus; Daily, Jeff; Kerbyson, Darren J.; Hoisie, AdolfyACM SIGPLAN NOTICESINCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2015
Did the GPU obfuscate the load imbalance in my MPI simulation?10.1109/HiPar54615.2021.00008Eberius, David; Boehme, David; Pearce, Olga2021 IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON HIERARCHICAL PARALLELISM FOR EXASCALE COMPUTING (HIPAR)ECPCSC434Messer, Bronson2021
Dielectric Properties of Water Ice, the Ice Ih/XI Phase Transition, and an Assessment of Density Functional Theory10.1021/jp4103355Schoenherr, Mandes; Slater, Ben; Hutter, Juerg; VandeVondele, JoostJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BINCITECHM026Mundy, Christopher2014
Differences in resource use lead to coexistence of seed-transmitted microbial populations10.1038/s41598-019-42865-9Torres-Cortes, G.; Garcia, B. J.; Compant, S.; Rezki, S.; Jones, P.; Preveaux, A.; Briand, M.; Roulet, A.; Bouchez, O.; Jacobson, D.; Barret, M.SCIENTIFIC REPORTSESSYB105Jacobson, Daniel2019
Different dynamics and pathway of disulfide bonds reduction of two human defensins, a molecular dynamics simulation study10.1002/prot.25247Zhang, LiqunPROTEINS-STRUCTURE FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICSDDLSC105Zhang, Liqun2017
Different long-term trends of extra-tropical cyclones and windstorms in ERA-20C and NOAA-20CR reanalyses10.1002/asl.694Befort, Daniel J.; Wild, Simon; Kruschke, Tim; Ulbrich, Uwe; Leckebusch, Gregor C.ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERSINCITE2016
Differential cross-section measurements for the electroweak production of dijets in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions at ATLAS10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-08734-wCollaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Pantikin, Sergey2021
Differentiating the role of lithium and oxygen in retaining deuterium on lithiated graphite plasma-facing components10.1063/1.4874340Taylor, C. N.; Allain, J. P.; Luitjohan, K. E.; Krstic, P. S.; Dadras, J.; Skinner, C. H.PHYSICS OF PLASMASinciteMPH001Pindzola,Michael Stuart2014
Diffusion Monte Carlo: A pathway towards an accurate theoretical description of manganese oxides10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.2.085801Saritas, Kayahan; Krogel, Jaron T.; Kent, P. R. C.; Reboredo, Fernando A.PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALSINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2018
Diffusion of Sticky Nanoparticles in a Polymer Melt: Crossover from Suppressed to Enhanced Transport10.1021/acs.macromol.7b02695Carroll, Bobby; Bocharova, Vera; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Kisliuk, Alexander; Cheng, Shiwang; Yamamoto, Umi; Schweizer, Kenneth S.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Sokolov, Alexei P.MACROMOLECULESDDMAT168Sumpter, Bobby2018
Diffusion of Thin Nanorods in Polymer Melts10.1021/acs.macromol.1c00989Wang, Jiuling; O'Connor, Thomas C.; Grest, Gary S.; Zheng, Yitong; Rubinstein, Michael; Ge, TingMACROMOLECULESALCCNTI109Grest, Gary2021
Diffusion quantum Monte Carlo and density functional calculations of the structural stability of bilayer arsenene10.1063/1.5026120Kadioglu, Yelda; Santana, Juan A.; Ozaydin, H. Duygu; Ersan, Fatih; Akturk, O. Uzengi; Akturk, Ethem; Reboredo, Fernando A.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2018
Diffusion quantum Monte Carlo calculations of SrFeO3 and LaFeO310.1063/1.4994083Santana, Juan A.; Krogel, Jaron T.; Kent, Paul R. C.; Reboredo, Fernando A.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2017
Diffusiophoresis in narrow channel flows10.1017/jfm.2018.618Ault, Jesse T.; Shin, Sangwoo; Stone, Howard A.JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS2018
Diffusiophoresis in one-dimensional solute gradients10.1039/c7sm01588gAult, Jesse T.; Warren, Patrick B.; Shin, Sangwoo; Stone, Howard A.SOFT MATTER2017
Dijet Resonance Search with Weak Supervision Using root S=13 TeV pp Collisions in the ATLAS Detector10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.131801Collaboration, ATLASPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2020
Dijet azimuthal correlations and conditional yields in pp and p plus Pb collisions ats root S-NN=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector10.1103/PhysRevC.100.034903Collaboration, ATLASPHYSICAL REVIEW CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2019
Diogenes: looking for an honest CPU/GPU performance measurement tool10.1145/3295500.3356213Welton, Benjamin; Miller, Barton P.SC '19INCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2019
Direct Numerical Simulations of Multiphase Flows: Opportunities and Challenges10.1063/5.0027046Tryggvason, Gretar; Lu, JiacaiINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ICNAAM 2019DDNFI012Pandya, Tara2020
Direct Observations of Particle Dynamics in Magnetized Collisionless Shock Precursors in Laser-Produced Plasmas10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.245001Schaeffer, D. B.; Fox, W.; Follett, R. K.; Fiksel, G.; Li, C. K.; Matteucci, J.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Germaschewski, K.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSALCCAST147Fox, William2019
Direct atomic fabrication and dopant positioning in Si using electron beams with active real-time image-based feedback10.1088/1361-6528/aabb79Jesse, Stephen; Hudak, Bethany M.; Zarkadoula, Eva; Song, Jiaming; Maksov, Artem; Fuentes-Cabrera, Miguel; Ganesh, Panchapakesan; Kravchenko, Ivan; Snijders, Panchapakesan C.; Lupini, Andrew R.; Borisevich, Albina Y.; Kalinin, Sergei V.NANOTECHNOLOGYDDCPH108Ganesh, Panchapakesan2018
Direct numerical simulation of a high Ka CH4/air stratified premixed jet flame10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.03.025Wang, Haiou; Hawkes, Evatt R.; Savard, Bruno; Chen, Jacqueline H.COMBUSTION AND FLAMEINCITECMB103Chen, Jackie2018
Direct numerical simulation of a temporally evolving air/n-dodecane jet at low-temperature diesel-relevant conditions10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.02.020Borghesi, Giulio; Krisman, Alexander; Lu, Tianfeng; Chen, Jacqueline H.COMBUSTION AND FLAMEINCITECMB103Chen, Jackie2018
Direct numerical simulations of autoignition in stratified dimethyl-ether (DME)/air turbulent mixtures10.1016/j.combustflame.2014.08.021Bansal, Gaurav; Mascarenhas, Ajith; Chen, Jacqueline H.COMBUSTION AND FLAMEINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2015
Direct numerical simulations of bubbly flows10.1299/mer.15-00220Tryggvason, Gretar; Lu, JiacaiMECHANICAL ENGINEERING REVIEWS2015
Direct numerical simulations of premixed and stratified flame propagation in turbulent channel flow10.1103/PhysRevFluids.3.110507Gruber, Andrea; Richardson, Edward S.; Aditya, Konduri; Chen, Jacqueline H.PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS2018
Direct numerical simulations of reacting flows with detailed chemistry using many-core/GPU acceleration10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.03.074Perez, Francisco E. Hernandez; Mukhadiyev, Nurzhan; Xu, Xiao; Sow, Aliou; Lee, Bok Jik; Sankaran, Ramanan; Im, Hong G.COMPUTERS & FLUIDSINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2018
Direct numerical simulations of turbulent reacting flows with shock waves and stiff chemistry using many-core/GPU acceleration10.1016/j.compfluid.2020.104787Desai, Swapnil; Kim, Yu Jeong; Song, Wonsik; Luong, Minh Bau; Perez, Francisco E. Hernandez; Sankaran, Ramanan; Im, Hong G.COMPUTERS & FLUIDSINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2021
Direct observation of ion acceleration from a beam-driven wave in a magnetic fusion experiment10.1038/s41567-018-0389-0Magee, R.M.; Necas, A.; Clary, R.; Korepanov, S.; Nicks, S.NATURE PHYSICSDDFUS114Fulton, Daniel2019
Direct top-quark decay width measurement in the t(t)over-bar lepton+jets channel at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS experiment10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-5595-5Collaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2018
Directed assembly of layered perovskite heterostructures as single crystals10.1038/s41586-021-03810-xAubrey, Michael L.; Valdes, Abraham Saldivar; Filip, Marina R.; Connor, Bridget A.; Lindquist, Kurt P.; Neaton, Jeffrey B.; Karunadasa, HemamalaNATUREINCITEMAT209Deslippe, Jack2021
Directing Anisotropic Assembly of Metallic Nanoclusters by Exploiting Linear Trio Interactions and Quantum Size Effects: Au Chains on Ag(100) Thin Films10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b00636Han, Yong; Evans, James W.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERSDDMAT112Han, Yong2015
Discarding Information from Previous Iterations in an Optimal Way To Solve the Coupled Cluster Amplitude Equations10.1021/ct501114qEttenhuber, Patrick; Jorgensen, PoulJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATIONINCITECHP100Jorgensen, Poul2015
Discrepancy between experimental and theoretical beta-decay rates resolved from first principles10.1038/s41567-019-0450-7Gysbers, P.; Hagen, G.; Holt, J. D.; Jansen, G. R.; Morris, T. D.; Navratil, P.; Papenbrock, T.; Quaglioni, S.; Schwenk, A.; Stroberg, S. R.; Wendt, K. A.NATURE PHYSICSINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2019
Discrete Event Execution with One-Sided and Two-Sided GVT Algorithms on 216,000 Processor Cores10.1145/2611561Perumalla, Kalyan S.; Park, Alfred J.; Tipparaju, VinodACM TRANSACTIONS ON MODELING AND COMPUTER SIMULATIONDDCSC088Perumalla, Kalyan2014
Disentangling redshift-space distortions and non-linear bias using the 2D power spectrum10.1093/mnras/stv2989Jennings, Elise; Wechsler, Risa H.; Skillman, Samuel W.; Warren, Michael S.MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETYINCITEAST102Warren, Michael2016
Dislocation core structures and Peierls stresses of the high-entropy alloy NiCoFeCrMn and its subsystems10.1016/j.matdes.2019.107955Liu, Xianglin; Pei, Zongrui; Eisenbach, MarkusMATERIALS & DESIGNINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2019
Dispersity-Driven Stabilization of Coexisting Morphologies in Asymmetric Diblock Copolymer Thin Films10.1021/acs.macromol.0c01722Mahalik, Jyoti P.; Li, Wei; Savici, Andrei T.; Hahn, Steven; Lauter, Hans; Ambaye, Haile; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Lauter, Valeria; Kumar, RajeevMACROMOLECULESDDMAT177Fuentes-Cabrera, Miguel2021
Distributed Bayesian optimization of deep reinforcement learning algorithms10.1016/j.jpdc.2019.07.008Young, M. Todd; Hinkle, Jacob D.; Kannan, Ramakrishnan; Ramanathan, ArvindJOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTINGALCCMED107Tourassi, Georgia2020
Distributed File Recovery on the Lustre Distributed File SystemAlbano, J.; Seker, R.; Babiceanu, R.; Oral, S.Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on the Lustre Ecosystem: Enhancing Lustre Support for Diverse WorlkoadsSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2016
Distributed Workflows for Modeling Experimental Data10.1109/HPEC.2017.8091071Lynch, Vickie E.; Calvo, Jose Borreguero; Deelman, Ewa; da Silva, Rafael Ferreira; Goswami, Monojoy; Hui, Yawei; Lingerfelt, Eric; Vetter, Jeffrey S.2017 IEEE HIGH PERFORMANCE EXTREME COMPUTING CONFERENCE (HPEC)DDMAT049Park, Byung2017
Distributed and cloud-based multi-model analytics experiments on large volumes of climate change data in the Earth System Grid Federation eco-system10.1109/BigData.2016.7840941Fiore, S.; Plociennik, M.; Doutriaux, C.; Palazzo, C.; Boutte, J.; Zok, T.; Elia, D.; Owsiak, M.; D'Anca, A.; Shaheen, Z.; Bruno, R.; Fargetta, M.; Caballer, M.; Molto, G.; Blanquer, I.; Barbera, R.; David, M.; Donvito, G.; Williams, D. N.; Anantharaj, V.; Salomoni, D.; Aloisio, G.2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA (BIG DATA)DDCLI900Valentine Anatharaj2016
Distributed-Memory Parallel Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix FactorizationEswar, Srinivas; Hayashi, Koby; Ballard, Grey; Kannan, Ramakrishnan; Vuduc, Richard; Park, HaesunPROCEEDINGS OF SC20: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSIS (SC20)DDCSC345Kannan, Ramakrishnan2020
Distributed-memory multi-GPU block-sparse tensor contraction for electronic structure10.1109/IPDPS49936.2021.00062Herault, Thomas; Robert, Yves; Bosilca, George; Harrison, Robert J.; Lewis, Cannada A.; Valeev, Edward F.; Dongarra, Jack J.2021 IEEE 35TH INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM (IPDPS)ECPCSC312Bouteiller, Aurelien; Dongarra, Jack; Herault, Thomas2021
Distribution of Chains in Polymer Brushes Produced by a "Grafting From" Mechanism10.1021/acs.macromol.5b02261Martinez, Andre P.; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Dobrynin, Andrey V.; Adamsont, Douglas H.MACROMOLECULESEarly ScienceMAT054Hill, Judith2016
Diverse and divergent protein post-translational modifications in two growth stages of a natural microbial community10.1038/ncomms5405Li, Zhou; Wang, Yingfeng; Yao, Qiuming; Justice, Nicholas B.; Ahn, Tae-Hyuk; Xu, Dong; Hettich, Robert L.; Banfield, Jillian F.; Pan, ChongleNATURE COMMUNICATIONSALCCBIP108Pan, Chongle2014
Diving into Petascale Production File Systems through Large Scale Profiling and Analysis10.1145/3149393.3149399Wang, Feiyi; Sim, Hyogi; Harr, Cameron; Oral, SarpPROCEEDINGS OF PDSW-DISCS 2017: 2ND JOINT INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PARALLEL DATA STORAGE & DATA INTENSIVE SCALABLE COMPUTING SYSTEMS2017
Do dispersive waves play a role in collisionless magnetic reconnection?10.1063/1.4865579Liu, Yi-Hsin; Daughton, W.; Karimabadi, H.; Li, H.; Gary, S. PeterPHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITEFUS034Daughton, William2014
Domain decomposition in the GPU-accelerated Shift Monte Carlo code q10.1016/j.anucene.2021.108687Hamilton, Steven P.; Evans, Thomas M.; Royston, Katherine E.; Biondo, Elliott D.ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGYECPCSC254Hamilton, Steve2022
Domain-specific virtual processors as a portable programming and execution model for parallel computational workloads on modern heterogeneous high-performance computing architectures10.1002/qua.25926Lyakh, DmitryINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRYDDCSC290Zandi, Helia2019
Domains and defects in nuclear pasta10.1103/PhysRevC.98.055801Schneider, A. S.; Caplan, M. E.; Berry, D. K.; Horowitz, C. J.PHYSICAL REVIEW C2018
Dominant patterns of US warm season precipitation variability in a fine resolution observational record, with focus on the southwest10.1002/joc.3716Ciancarelli, Brittany; Castro, Christopher L.; Woodhouse, Connie; Dominguez, Francina; Chang, Hsin-I; Carrillo, Carlos; Griffin, DanielINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2014
Dominating Controls for Wetter South Asian Summer Monsoon in the Twenty-First Century10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00355.1Mei, Rui; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Rastogi, Deeksha; Leung, L. Ruby; Dominguez, FrancinaJOURNAL OF CLIMATEDDATM005Ashfaq, Moetasim2015
Dominating Roles of Ice Sheets and Insolation in Variation of Tropical Cyclone Genesis Potential Over the North Atlantic During the Last 21,000 Years10.1002/2017GL075786Yan, Qing; Zhang, ZhongshiGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2017
Doping a bad metal: Origin of suppression of the metal-insulator transition in nonstoichiometric VO210.1103/PhysRevB.101.155129Ganesh, P.; Lechermann, Frank; Kylanpaa, Ilkka; Krogel, Jaron T.; Kent, Paul R. C.; Heinonen, OllePHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2020
Double membrane formation in heterogeneous vesicles10.1039/d0sm01167cBolmatov, Dima; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Katsaras, John; Lavrentovich, Maxim O.SOFT MATTERDD (Both)BIP151, MAT201Carrillo, Jan-Michael; Ganesh, P.2020
Double-beta decay matrix elements from lattice quantum chromodynamics10.1103/PhysRevD.96.054505Tiburzi, Brian C.; Wagman, Michael L.; Winter, Frank; Chang, Emmanuel; Davoudi, Zohreh; Detmold, William; Orginos, Kostas; Savage, Martin J.; Shanahan, Phiala E.PHYSICAL REVIEW DALCC, INCITENPH115, LGT003Savage, Martin2017
Double-difference measurements in global full-waveform inversions10.1093/gji/ggz444Orsvuran, Ridvan; Bozdag, Ebru; Modrak, Ryan; Lei, Wenjie; Ruan, YouyiGEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONALINCITEGEO111Tromp, Jeroen2020
Doubling of US Population Exposure to Climate Extremes by 205010.1029/2019EF001421Batibeniz, Fulden; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Diffenbaugh, Noah S.; Key, Kesondra; Evans, Katherine J.; Turuncoglu, Ufuk Utku; Onol, BarisEARTHS FUTUREDDCLI138Ashfaq, Moetasim2020
Downregulation of pectin biosynthesis gene GAUT4 leads to reduced ferulate and lignin-carbohydrate cross-linking in switchgrass10.1038/s42003-018-0265-6Li, Mi; Yoo, Chang Geun; Pu, Yunqiao; Biswal, Ajaya K.; Tolbert, Allison K.; Mohnen, Debra; Ragauskas, Arthur J.COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY2019
Drift-wave stability in the field-reversed configuration10.1063/1.4993630Lau, C. K.; Fulton, D. P.; Holod, I.; Lin, Z.; Binderbauer, M.; Tajima, T.; Schmitz, L.PHYSICS OF PLASMASALCCFUS041Lin, Zhihong2017
Drivers and potential predictability of summer time North Atlantic polar front jet variability10.1007/s00382-016-3307-0Hall, Richard J.; Jones, Julie M.; Hanna, Edward; Scaife, Adam A.; Erdelyi, RobertCLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITE2017
Drought and immunity determine the intensity of West Nile virus epidemics and climate change impacts10.1098/rspb.2016.2078Paull, Sara H.; Horton, Daniel E.; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Rastogi, Deeksha; Kramer, Laura D.; Diffenbaugh, Noah S.; Kilpatrick, A. Marm.PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESDDCLI106Evans, Katherine2017
Dual Lewis site creation for activation of methanol on Fe3O4(111) thin films10.1039/c9sc06149eXu, Fang; Chen, Wei; Walenta, Constantin A.; O'Connor, Christopher R.; Friend, Cynthia M.CHEMICAL SCIENCEDDCHP106Sautet, Philippe2020
DuoModel: Leveraging Reduced Model for Data Reduction and Re-Computation on HPC Storage10.1109/LCOS.2018.2855118Luo, Huizhang; Liu, Qing; Qiao, Zhenbo; Wang, Jinzhen; Wang, MengxiaoIEEE LETTERS OF THE COMPUTER SOCIETYDDCSC143Klasky, Scott2018
Dust-Polarization Maps for Local Interstellar Turbulence10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.021104Kritsuk, Alexei G.; Flauger, Raphael; Ustyugov, Sergey D.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITE2018
Dynamic Connection between Enzymatic Catalysis and Collective Protein Motions10.1021/acs.biochem.1c00221Ojeda-Day, Pedro; Mushtaq, Ameeq UI; Rogne, Per; Verma, Apoorv; Ovchinnikov, Victor; Grundstrom, Christin; Dulko-Smith, Beata; Sauer, Uwe H.; Wolf-Watz, Magnus; Nam, KwanghoBIOCHEMISTRYDDCHM124Nam, Kwangho2021
Dynamic Data Driven Image Reconstruction Using Multiple GPUsWijayasiri, Adeesha; Banerjee, Tania; Ranka, Sanjay; Sahni, Sartaj; Schmalz, Mark2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SIGNAL PROCESSING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (ISSPIT)ALCCCSC188Voigt, Robert2016
Dynamic Data-Driven SAR Image Reconstruction Using Multiple GPUs10.1109/JSTARS.2018.2873198Wijayasiri, Adeesha; Banerjee, Tania; Ranka, Sanjay; Sahni, Sartaj; Schmalz, MarkIEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSINGALCCCSC188Voigt, Robert2018
Dynamic Disorder and Potential Fluctuation in Two-Dimensional Perovskite10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b01501Kang, Jun; Wang, Lin-WangJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERSIncite,ALCC,DDNTI009Wang,Lin-Wang2017
Dynamic Profiling of beta-Coronavirus 3CL M-pro Protease Ligand-Binding Sites10.1021/acs.jcim.1c00449Cho, Eunice; Rosa, Margarida; Anjum, Ruhi; Mehmood, Saman; Soban, Mariya; Mujtaba, Moniza; Bux, Khair; Moin, Syed T.; Tanweer, Mohammad; Dantu, Sarath; Pandini, Alessandro; Yin, Junqi; Ma, Heng; Ramanathan, Arvind; Islam, Barira; Mey, Antonia S. J. S.; Bhowmik, Debsindhu; Haider, ShozebJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELINGALCCLRN005Bhatia, Harsh2021
Dynamic implicit 3D adaptive mesh refinement for non-equilibrium radiation diffusion10.1016/, B.; Wang, Z.; Berrill, M. A.; Birke, M.; Pernice, M.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSinciteNFI004Evans, Thomas Michael2014
Dynamical and thermal magnetic properties of the Kitaev spin liquid candidate alpha-RuCl310.1038/s41535-019-0203-yLaurell, Pontus; Okamoto, SatoshiNPJ QUANTUM MATERIALSINCITECPH102Maier, Thomas2020
Dynamical disparity between hydration shell water and RNA in a hydrated RNA system10.1103/PhysRevE.98.062407Bhowmik, Debsindhu; Ganesh, P.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Goswami, MonojoyPHYSICAL REVIEW E2018
Dynamically-coupled partial-waves in rho pi isospin-2 scattering from lattice QCD10.1007/JHEP07(2018)043Woss, Antoni J.; Thomas, Christopher E.; Dudek, Jozef J.; Edwards, Robert G.; Wilson, David J.JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICSALCCNPH103Edwards, Robert2018
Dynamics of Charged Species in Ionic-Neutral Block Copolymer and Surfactant Complexes10.1021/acsjpcb.7b05047Borreguero, Jose M.; Pincus, Philip A.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Goswami, MonojoyJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BddMAT049Park, Byung Hoon2017
Dynamics of Fragmented Condensates and Macroscopic Entanglement10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.052501Bulgac, Aurel; Jin, ShiPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSALCCNPH014Bulgac,Aurel2017
Dynamics of Laterally Propagating Flames in X-Ray Bursts. I. Burning Front Structure10.3847/1538-4357/ab80bcEiden, Kiran; Zingale, Michael; Harpole, Alice; Willcox, Donald; Cavecchi, Yuri; Katz, Max P.ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNALINCITEAST106Zingale, Michael2020
Dynamics of Laterally Propagating Flames in X-Ray Bursts. II. Realistic Burning and Rotation10.3847/1538-4357/abee87Harpole, A.; Ford, N. M.; Eiden, K.; Zingale, M.; Willcox, D. E.; Cavecchi, Y.; Katz, M. P.ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNALECP; INCITEAST136; AST106Kasen, Daniel; Zingale, Michael2021
Dynamics of water bound to crystalline cellulose10.1038/s41598-017-12035-wO'Neill, Hugh; Pingali, Sai Venkatesh; Petridis, Loukas; He, Junhong; Mamontov, Eugene; Hong, Liang; Urban, Volker; Evans, Barbara; Langan, Paul; Smith, Jeremy C.; Davison, Brian H.SCIENTIFIC REPORTSinciteBIP141Smith,Jeremy2017
Dynamies of the Mediterranean droughts from 850 to 2099 CE in the Community Earth System Model10.5194/cp-17-887-2021Kim, Woon Mi; Raible, Christoph C.CLIMATE OF THE PASTINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2021
ECP Milestone Report: High-order algorithmic developments and optimizations for large-scale GPU-accelerated simulationsKolev, Tzanio; Fischer, Paul; Austin, Anthony P.; Barker, Andrew T.; Beams, Natalie; Brown, Jed; Camier, Jean-Sylvain; Chalmers, Noel; Dobrev, Veselin; Dudouit, Yohann; Ghaffari, LeilaOFFICE OF ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING RESEARCH OFFICE OF SCIENCEECPCSC262Kolev, Tzanio2021
EMMA: an adaptive mesh refinement cosmological simulation code with radiative transfer10.1093/mnras/stv1896Aubert, Dominique; Deparis, Nicolas; Ocvirk, PierreMONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETYINCITEAST031Shapiro, Paul2015
ENERGY CONSERVATION THROUGH CLONED EXECUTION OF SIMULATIONS6138f78c816793a8d8b5f39fYoginath, Srikanth B.; Alain, Maksudul; Perumalla, Kalyan S.2019 WINTER SIMULATION CONFERENCE (WSC)DDCSC181Perumalla, Kalyan2019
ENSO teleconnections in an ensemble of CORDEX-CORE regional simulations10.1007/s00382-020-05594-8Torres-Alavez, Jose Abraham; Giorgi, Filippo; Kucharski, Fred; Coppola, Erika; Castro-Garcia, LorenaCLIMATE DYNAMICSDDCLI138Ashfaq, Moetasim2021
ENZO: AN ADAPTIVE MESH REFINEMENT CODE FOR ASTROPHYSICS10.1088/0067-0049/211/2/19Bryan, Greg L.; Norman, Michael L.; O'Shea, Brian W.; Abel, Tom; Wise, John H.; Turk, Matthew J.; Reynolds, Daniel R.; Collins, David C.; Wang, Peng; Skillman, Samuel W.; Smith, Britton; Harkness, Robert P.; Bordner, James; Kim, Ji-hoon; Kuhlen, Michael; Xu, Hao; Goldbaum, Nathan; Hummels, Cameron; Kritsuk, Alexei G.; Tasker, Elizabeth; Skory, Stephen; Simpson, Christine M.; Hahn, Oliver; Oishi, Jeffrey S.; So, Geoffrey C.; Zhao, Fen; Cen, Renyue; Li, YuanASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIESINCITEAST025Norman, Michael2014
EQSIM-A multidisciplinary framework for fault-to-structure earthquake simulations on exascale computers part I: Computational models and workflow10.1177/8755293020970982McCallen, David; Petersson, Anders; Rodgers, Arthur; Pitarka, Arben; Miah, Mamun; Petrone, Floriana; Sjogreen, Bjorn; Abrahamson, Norman; Tang, HoujunEARTHQUAKE SPECTRAECPGEO130McCallen, David2021
EStability and accuracy of 3D neutron transport simulations using the 2D/1D method in MPACT10.1016/, Benjamin; Stimpson, Shane; Kelley, Blake W.; Young, Mitchell T. H.; Kochunas, Brendan; Graham, Aaron; Larsen, Edward W.; Downar, Thomas; Godfrey, AndrewJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSALCCNFI011, NFI012, and NFI013Clarno, Kevin2016
EXAGRAPH: Graph and combinatorial methods for enabling exascale applications10.1177/10943420211029299Acer, Seher; Azad, Ariful; Boman, Erik G.; Buluc, Aydin; Devine, Karen D.; Ferdous, S. M.; Gawande, Nitin; Ghosh, Sayan; Halappanavar, Mahantesh; Kalyanaraman, Ananth; Khan, Arif; Minutoli, Marco; Pothen, Alex; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran; Selvitopi, Oguz; Tallent, Nathan R.; Tumeo, AntoninoINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSECPCSC391Carr, Earl2021
EXPLOITING MULTIPLE LEVELS OF PARALLELISM IN SPARSE MATRIX-MATRIX MULTIPLICATION10.1137/15M104253XAzad, Ariful; Ballard, Grey; Buluc, Aydin; Demmel, James; Grigori, Laura; Schwartz, Oded; Toledo, Sivan; Williams, SamuelSIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTINGINCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2016
Early Evaluation of Fugaku A64FX Architecture Using Climate Workloads10.1109/Cluster48925.2021.00107Sreepathi, Sarat; Taylor, Mark2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER 2021)ECPCLI133Taylor, Mark2021
Early Experiences Evaluating the HPE/Cray Ecosystem for AMD GPUsBudiardja, Reuben; Melesse Vergara, Veronica; Joubert, WayneCRAY USER GROUP 2021 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGSStaffStaff2021
Early Experiences Porting the NAMD and VMD Molecular Simulation and Analysis Software to GPU-Accelerated OpenPOWER Platforms10.1007/978-3-319-46079-6_14Stone, John E.; Hynninen, Antti-Pekka; Phillips, James C.; Schulten, KlausHIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, ISC HIGH PERFORMANCE 2016 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPSINCITEBIP115Schulten,Klaus2016
Early Experiences Writing Performance Portable OpenMP 4 CodesLARREA, VERONICA; JOUBERT, WAYNE; LOPEZ, MATTHEW; HERNANDEZ, OSCARCray User Group 2016STAFFSTAFFSTAFF2016
Early experience in ultra-scale E3SM land model development on SUMMITWang, Dali; Thornton, Peter; Schwartz, Peter; Yuan, FengmingPROCEEDINGS OF 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING AND SOFTWAREDDCLI144Thornton, Peter2020
Early experiences on Summit: Data analytics and AI applications10.1147/JRD.2019.2944146Womble, D. E.; Shankar, M.; Joubert, W.; Johnston, J. T.; Wells, J. C.; Nichols, J. A.IBM JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTStaff2019
Early-Holocene greening of the Afro-Asian dust belt changed sources of mineral dust in West Asia10.1016/j.epsl.2017.10.001Sharifi, Arash; Murphy, Lisa N.; Pourmand, Ali; Clement, Amy C.; Canuel, Elizabeth A.; Beni, Abdolmajid Naderi; Lahijani, Hamid A. K.; Delanghe, Doriane; Ahmady-Birgani, HesamEARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERSINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2018
Earth Scientists Shake Things up on Titan10.1109/MCSE.2017.3151248Bethea, KatieCOMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERINGINCITEJordan, Tom2017
Eddy fluxes and sensitivity of the water cycle to spatial resolution in idealized regional aquaplanet model simulations10.1007/s00382-013-1857-yHagos, Samson; Leung, L. Ruby; Gustafson, William I.; Singh, BalwinderCLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2014
Editorial: Quantum Information and Quantum Computing for Chemical Systems10.3389/fphy.2021.753618Kais, Sabre; Humble, Travis; Kowalski, Karol; Tavernelli, Ivano; Walther, Philip; Du, JiangfengFRONTIERS IN PHYSICSQuantumCHM172Humble, Travis2021
Effect of Differential Diffusion on Flame Stabilization in a Syngas Jet in Turbulent Cross-flowKolla, H.; Grout, R.W.; Gruber, A.; Chen, J.H.SAND2015-9395CINCITEChen, Jacqueline2015
Effect of Frustrated Rotations on the Pre-Exponential Factor for Unimolecular Reactions on Surfaces: A Case Study of Alkoxy Dehydrogenation10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b10017Chen, Wei; Sun, Lixin; Kozinsky, Boris; Friend, Cynthia M.; Kaxiras, Efthimios; Sautet, Philippe; Madix, Robert J.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CDDCHP106Sautet, Philippe2020
Effect of Pnictogen Height on Spin Waves in Iron Pnictides10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.217202Zhang, Chenglin; Harriger, Leland W.; Yin, Zhiping; Lv, Weicheng; Wang, Miaoyin; Tan, Guotai; Song, Yu; Abernathy, D. L.; Tian, Wei; Egami, Takeshi; Haule, Kristjan; Kotliar, Gabriel; Dai, PengchengPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDDCPH010Kotliar, Gabriel; Haule,Kritjan2014
Effect of a liquid environment on single-pulse generation of laser induced periodic surface structures and nanoparticles10.1039/d0nr00269kShih, Cheng-Yu; Gnilitskyi, Iaroslav; Shugaev, Maxim; Skoulas, Evangelos; Stratakis, Emmanuel; Zhigilei, LeonidNANOSCALEINCITEMAT130Zhigilei, Leonid2020
Effect of fuel composition and differential diffusion on flame stabilization in reacting syngas jets in turbulent cross-flow10.1016/j.combustflame.2015.06.013Minamoto, Yuki; Kolla, Hemanth; Grout, Ray W.; Gruber, Andrea; Chen, Jacqueline H.COMBUSTION AND FLAMEINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2015
Effect of hexagonal patterned arrays and defect geometry on the critical current of superconducting films10.1103/PhysRevB.95.075303Sadovskyy, I. A.; Wang, Y. L.; Xiao, Z. -L.; Kwok, W. -K.; Glatz, A.PHYSICAL REVIEW BDDCHP111Glatz, Andreas2017
Effect of nickel on the kinematic stability of retained austenite in carburized bearing steels - In-situ neutron diffraction and crystal plasticity modeling of uniaxial tension tests in AISI 8620, 4320 and 3310 steels10.1016/j.ijplas.2020.102748Bedekar, Vikram; Voothaluru, Rohit; Yu, Dunji; Wong, Adriel; Galindo-Nava, Enrique; Gorti, Sarma B.; An, Ke; Hyde, R. ScottINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITYALCCMAT143El-Wardany, Tahany2020
Effect of resonant magnetic perturbations on microturbulence in DIII-D pedestal10.1088/0029-5515/57/1/016005Holod, I.; Lin, Z.; Taimourzadeh, S.; Nazikian, R.; Spong, D.; Wingen, A.NUCLEAR FUSIONDDFUS107Lin, Zhihong2017
Effect of trailing-edge boundary conditions on acoustic feedback loops in high-pressure turbines10.1016/j.jsv.2019.114917Sandberg, R. D.; Wheeler, A. P. S.JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATIONINCITETUR105Michelassi, Vittorio2019
Effect of uncertainty in surface mass balance-elevation feedback on projections of the future sea level contribution of the Greenland ice sheet10.5194/tc-8-195-2014Edwards, T. L.; Fettweis, X.; Gagliardini, O.; Gillet-Chaulet, F.; Goelzer, H.; Gregory, J. M.; Hoffman, M.; Huybrechts, P.; Payne, A. J.; Perego, M.; Price, S.; Quiquet, A.; Ritz, C.CRYOSPHEREALCCCLI062Price, Stephen2014
Effective Running of End-to-end HPC Workflows on Emerging Heterogeneous Architectures10.1109/CLUSTER.2017.22Tang, Kun; Tiwari, Devesh; Gupta, Saurabh; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.; He, Xubin2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER)STAFFSTF008Vazhkudai, Sudharshan2017
Effective Vectorization with OpenMP 4.5DOI: 10.2172/1351758HUBER, JOSEPH; HERNANDEZ, OSCAR; LOPEZ, MATTHEWORNL/TM-2016/391GENERALGEN0102017
Effective pairing interaction in a system with an incipient band10.1103/PhysRevB.99.140504Maier, T. A.; Mishra, V.; Balduzzi, G.; Scalapino, D. J.PHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITECPH102Maier, Thomas2019
Effective shell-model interaction for nuclei "southeast" of Sn-10010.1103/PhysRevC.104.064310Sun, Z. H.; Hagen, G.; Jansen, G. R.; Papenbrock, T.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2021
Effects of Photoionization and Photoheating on Ly alpha Forest Properties from Cholla Cosmological Simulations10.3847/1538-4357/abed5aVillasenor, Bruno; Robertson, Brant; Madau, Piero; Schneider, EvanASTROPHYSICAL JOURNALDDAST149Robertson, Brant2021
Effects of Sublattice Symmetry and Frustration on Ionic Transport in Garnet Solid Electrolytes10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.055901Kozinsky, Boris; Akhade, Sneha A.; Hirel, Pierre; Hashibon, Adham; Elsaesser, Christian; Mehta, Prateek; Logeat, Alan; Eisele, UlrichPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITEMAT045Kozinsky, Boris2016
Effects of Three-Nucleon Forces and Two-Body Currents on Gamow-Teller Strengths10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.262504Ekstrom, A.; Jansen, G. R.; Wendt, K. A.; Hagen, G.; Papenbrock, T.; Bacca, S.; Carlsson, B.; Gazit, D.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH008Vary, James2014
Effects of carotenoids on lipid bilayers10.1039/c7cp07126dJohnson, Quentin R.; Mostofian, Barmak; Gomez, Gabriel Fuente; Smith, Jeremy C.; Cheng, XiaolinPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICSALCCBIP107Smith, Jeremy2018
Effects of climate change on probable maximum precipitation: A sensitivity study over the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basin10.1002/2016JD026001Rastogi, Deeksha; Kao, Shih-Chieh; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Mei, Rui; Kabela, Erik D.; Gangrade, Sudershan; Naz, Bibi S.; Preston, Benjamin L.; Singh, Nagendra; Anantharaj, Valentine G.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERESDDCLI106Evans, Katherine2017
Effects of climate change on streamflow extremes and implications for reservoir inflow in the United States10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.11.027Naz, Bibi S.; Kao, Shih-Chieh; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Gao, Huilin; Rastogi, Deeksha; Gangrade, SudershanJOURNAL OF HYDROLOGYDDCLI105Ashfaq, Moetasim2018
Effects of electron correlations on transport properties of iron at Earth's core conditions(Retracted article.See vol.536,pg.112,2016)10.1038/nature14090Zhang, Peng; Cohen, R. E.; Haule, K.NATUREALCCCPH105Kotliar, Gabriel2015
Effects of equilibrium radial electric field on ion temperature gradient instability in the scrape-off layer of a field-reversed configuration10.1088/1361-6587/abf403Wang, W. H.; Bao, J.; Wei, X. S.; Lin, Z.; Choi, G. J.; Dettrick, S.; Kuley, A.; Lau, C.; Liu, P. F.; Tajima, T.PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSIONINCITEPHY130Lin, Zhihong2021
Effects of magnetic islands on bootstrap current in toroidal plasmas10.1088/1741-4326/57/3/036009Dong, G.; Lin, Z.NUCLEAR FUSIONDDFUS107Lin, Zhihong2017
Effects of magnetic islands on drift wave instability10.1063/1.4903910Jiang, P.; Lin, Z.; Holod, I.; Xiao, C.PHYSICS OF PLASMASALCCFUS041Lin, Zhihong2014
Effects of resonant magnetic perturbations on radial electric fields in DIII-D tokamak10.1088/2058-6272/ac190eFu, Jingyuan; Liu, Pengfei; Wei, Xishuo; Lin, Zhihong; Ferraro, Nathaniel Mandrachia; Nazikian, RaffiPLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYDDPHY130Lin, Zhihong2021
Effects of sodium and calcium chloride ionic stresses on model yeast membranes revealed by molecular dynamics simulation10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2020.104980Smith, Micholas Dean; Smith, Jeremy C.CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF LIPIDSINCITEBIF112Smith, Jeremy2020
Effects of the Mount Pinatubo eruption on decadal climate prediction skill of Pacific sea surface temperatures10.1002/2015GL066608Meehl, Gerald A.; Teng, Haiyan; Maher, Nicola; England, Matthew H.GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2015
Effects of zonal flows on ion temperature gradient instability in the scrape-off layer of a field-reversed configuration10.1088/1741-4326/ac3023Wei, X. S.; Wang, W. H.; Lin, Z.; Choi, G. J.; Dettrick, S.; Lau, C.; Liu, P. F.; Tajima, T.NUCLEAR FUSIONDDPHY130Lin, Zhihong2021
Efficacy of the SU(3) scheme for ab initio large-scale calculations beyond the lightest nuclei10.1016/j.cpc.2016.06.006Dytrych, T.; Maris, P.; Launey, K. D.; Draayer, J. P.; Vary, J. P.; Langr, D.; Saule, E.; Caprio, M. A.; Catalyurek, U.; Sosonkina, M.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITENPH008Vary,James2016
Efficient Breadth First Search on Multi-GPU Systems Using GPU-Centric OpenSHMEM10.1007/978-3-319-73814-7_6Potluri, Sreeram; Goswami, Anshuman; Venkata, Manjunath Gorentla; Imam, NeenaOPENSHMEM AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES: BIG COMPUTE AND BIG DATA CONVERGENCE, OPENSHMEM 2017DDCSC040Imam, Neena2018
Efficient Electronic Structure Theory via Hierarchical Scale-Adaptive Coupled-Cluster Formalism: I. Theory and Computational Complexity Analysis10.1080/00268976.2017.1367856LIAKH, DMYTROMOLECULAR PHYSICS2017
Efficient Quantum Gate Discovery with Optimal Control10.1109/QCE52317.2021.00062Humble, Travis; Kairys, PaulIEEE XPLORE DIGITAL LIBRARYQuantumCSC406Humble, Travis2021
Efficient exascale discretizations: High-order finite element methods10.1177/10943420211020803Kolev, Tzanio; Fischer, Paul; Min, Misun; Dongarra, Jack; Brown, Jed; Dobrev, Veselin; Warburton, Tim; Tomov, Stanimire; Shephard, Mark S.; Abdelfattah, Ahmad; Barra, Valeria; Beams, Natalie; Camier, Jean-Sylvain; Chalmers, Noel; Dudouit, Yohann; Karakus, Ali; Karlin, Ian; Kerkemeier, Stefan; Lan, Yu-Hsiang; Medina, David; Merzari, Elia; Obabko, Aleksandr; Pazner, Will; Rathnayake, Thilina; Smith, Cameron W.; Spies, Lukas; Swirydowicz, Kasia; Thompson, Jeremy; Tomboulides, Ananias; Tomov, VladimirINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSECPCSC262Kolev, Tzanio2021
Efficient gradient computation for dynamical models10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.04.040Sengupta, B.; Friston, K. J.; Penny, W. D.NEUROIMAGEDDMED003Sengupta, Biswa2014
Efficient linear-scaling second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory: The divide-expand-consolidate RI-MP2 model10.1063/1.4940732Baudin, Pablo; Ettenhuber, Patrick; Reine, Simen; Kristensen, Kasper; Kjaergaard, ThomasJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECHP100Jørgensen, Poul2016
Efficient solution of the multichannel Luscher determinant condition through eigenvalue decomposition10.1103/PhysRevD.101.114505Woss, Antoni J.; Wilson, David J.; Dudek, Jozef J.PHYSICAL REVIEW DALCCNPH134Orgios, Kostas2020
Efficient three-dimensional Poisson solvers in open rectangular conducting pipe10.1016/j.cpc.2016.02.012Qiang, JiCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSDDAPH110Qiang, Ji2016
Eigenvalue Solvers for Modeling Nuclear Reactors on Leadership Class Machines10.1080/00295639.2017.1413875Slaybaugh, R. N.; Ramirez-Zweiger, M.; Pandya, Tara; Hamilton, Steven; Evans, T. M.NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING2018
Eigenvector Continuation with Subspace Learning10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.032501Frame, Dillon; He, Rongzheng; Ipsen, Ilse; Lee, Daniel; Lee, Dean; Rrapaj, ErmalPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2018
Elastic Antiproton-Nucleus Scattering from Chiral Forces10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.162501Vorabbi, Matteo; Gennari, Michael; Finelli, Paolo; Giusti, Carlotta; Navratil, PetrPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH008Vary, James2020
Elastic distributed training with fast convergence and efficient resource utilization10.1109/ICMLA52953.2021.00160Cong, Guojing; ,2021 20TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING AND APPLICATIONS (ICMLA)2022
Electric Dipole Polarizability of Ca-48 and Implications for the Neutron Skin10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.252501Birkhan, J.; Miorelli, M.; Bacca, S.; Bassauer, S.; Bertulani, C. A.; Hagen, G.; Matsubara, H.; von Neumann-Cosel, P.; Papenbrock, T.; Pietralla, N.; Ponomarev, V. Yu.; Richter, A.; Schwenk, A.; Tamii, A.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH008Vary,James2017
Electric dipole polarizability from first principles calculations10.1103/PhysRevC.94.034317Miorelli, M.; Bacca, S.; Barnea, N.; Hagen, G.; Jansen, G. R.; Orlandini, G.; Papenbrock, T.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James2016
Electrical resistivity of solid and liquid Cu up to 5 GPa: Decrease along the melting boundary10.1016/j.jpcs.2017.06.030Ezenwa, Innocent C.; Secco, Richard A.; Yong, Wenjun; Pozzo, Monica; Alfe, DarioJOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDSDDCHP005Alfe, Dario2017
Electromagnetic particle simulation of the effect of toroidicity on linear mode conversion and absorption of lower hybrid waves10.1088/0029-5515/56/6/066007Bao, J.; Lin, Z.; Kuley, A.; Wang, Z. X.NUCLEAR FUSIONDDFUS107Lin, Zhihong2016
Electron Confinement and Magnetism of (LaTiO3)(1)/(SrTiO3)(5) Heterostructure: A Diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo Study10.1021/acs.jctc.9b00678Santana, Juan A.; Krogel, Jaron T.; Okamoto, Satoshi; Reboredo, Fernando A.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATIONINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2020
Electron acceleration by parallel and perpendicular electric fields during magnetic reconnection without guide field10.1002/2015JA021548Bessho, N.; Chen, L. -J.; Germaschewski, K.; Bhattacharjee, A.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICSDDPHY101Bhattacharjee, Amitava2015
Electron efficiency measurements with the ATLAS detector using 2012 LHC proton-proton collision data10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-4756-2Collaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2017
Electron energization and structure of the diffusion region during asymmetric reconnection10.1002/2016GL068243Chen, Li-Jen; Hesse, Michael; Wang, Shan; Bessho, Naoki; Daughton, WilliamGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSINCITEFUS104Daughton, William2016
Electron spin mediated distortion in metallic systems10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.04.025Anand, G.; Eisenbach, Markus; Goodall, Russell; Freeman, Colin L.SCRIPTA MATERIALIAINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2020
Electron-impact ionization of the N atom10.1088/0953-4075/48/2/025203Abdel-Naby, S. A.; Pindzola, M. S.; Pearce, A. J.; Ballance, C. P.; Loch, S. D.JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICSINCITECHM052Pindzola, Michael2015
Electron-impact ionization of the inner subshells of uranium10.1103/PhysRevA.90.022708Pindzola, M. S.PHYSICAL REVIEW AINCITECHM052Pindzola, Michael2014
Electronic Effects on the Mechanical Properties of High-Entropy Alloys10.1007/978-3-030-77641-1_6Egami, Takeshi; Odbadrakh, Khorgolkhuu; Oh, HyunseokHIGH-ENTROPY MATERIALS: THEORY, EXPERIMENTS, AND APPLICATIONS2022
Electronic Properties of Electrical Vortices in Ferroelectric Nanocomposites from Large-Scale Ab Initio Computations10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b00307Gui, Zhigang; Wang, Lin-Wang; Bellaiche, L.NANO LETTERSINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2015
Electronic and Quantum Transport Properties of Atomically Identified Si Point Defects in Graphene10.1021/jz500403hLopez-Bezanilla, Alejandro; Zhou, Wu; Idrobo, Juan-CarlosJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERSDDCHM030Sumpter, Bobby2014
Electronic and Quantum Transport Properties of Substitutionally Doped Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes10.1021/jp410648pLopez-Bezanilla, AlejandroJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C2014
Electronic correlations and transport in iron at Earth's core conditions10.1038/s41467-020-18003-9Pourovskii, L. V.; Mravlje, J.; Pozzo, M.; Alfe, D.NATURE COMMUNICATIONSINCITECPH005Alfe, Dario2020
Electronic couplings for singlet fission: Orbital choice and extrapolation to the complete basis set limit10.1002/jcc.26458Speelman, Tom; Cunha, Ana V.; Kathir, R.K.; Havenith, Remco W. A.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRYDDCHM156Havenith, Remco2020
Electronic properties of doped and defective NiO: A quantum Monte Carlo study10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.1.073603Shin, Hyeondeok; Luo, Ye; Ganesh, Panchapakesan; Balachandran, Janakiraman; Krogel, Jaron T.; Kent, Paul R. C.; Benali, Anouar; Heinonen, OllePHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALSINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2017
Electronic structure and atomic level complexity in Al0.5TiZrPdCuNi high-entropy alloy in glass phase10.1063/1.5110519Odbadrakh, Kh.; Enkhtor, L.; Amartaivan, Ts.; Nicholson, D. M.; Stocks, G. M.; Egami, T.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICSINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2019
Electrons to Reactors Multiscale Modeling: Catalytic CO Oxidation over RuO210.1021/acscatal.8b00713Sutton, Jonathan E.; Lorenzi, Juan M.; Krogel, Jaron T.; Xiong, Qingang; Pannala, Sreekanth; Matera, Sebastian; Savare, AdityaACS CATALYSIS2018
Elevated temperature alters proteomic responses of individual organisms within a biofilm community10.1038/ismej.2014.113Mosier, Annika C.; Li, Zhou; Thomas, Brian C.; Hettich, Robert L.; Pan, Chongle; Banfield, Jillian F.ISME JOURNALALCCBIP108Pan, Chongle2015
Elucidating Ionic Correlations Beyond Simple Charge Alternation in Molten MgCl2-KCI Mixtures10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b02845Wu, Fei; Roy, Santanu; Ivanov, Alexander S.; Gill, Simerjeet K.; Topsakal, Mehmet; Dooryhee, Eric; Abeykoon, Milinda; Kwon, Gihan; Gallington, Leighanne C.; Halstenberg, Phillip; Layne, Bobby; Ishii, Yoshiki; Mahurin, Shannon M.; Dai, Sheng; Bryantsev, Vyacheslav S.; Margulis, Claudio J.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERSDDCHM134Bryantsev, Vyacheslav2019
Elucidating Ionic Correlations Beyond Simple Charge Alternation in Molten MgCl2-KCl Mixtures (vol 10, pg 7603, 2019)10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c00623Wu, Fei; Roy, Santanu; Ivanov, Alexander S.; Gill, Simerjeet K.; Topsakal, Mehmet; Dooryhee, Eric; Abeykoon, Milinda; Kwon, Gihan; Gallington, Leighanne C.; Halstenberg, Phillip; Layne, Bobby; Ishii, Yoshiki; Mahurin, Shannon M.; Dai, Sheng; Bryantsev, Vyacheslav S.; Margulis, Claudio J.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERSDDCHM174Goswami, Monojoy2021
Elucidating the Stability and Reactivity of Surface Intermediates on Single-Atom Alloy Catalysts10.1021/acscatal.8b00881Darby, Matthew T.; Reocreux, Romain; Sykes, E. Charles. H.; Michaelides, Angelos; Stamatakis, MichailACS CATALYSISDDMAT128Kaxiras, Efthimios2018
Emergence of a Pseudogap in the BCS-BEC Crossover10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.060403Richie-Halford, Adam; Drut, Joaquin E.; Bulgac, AurelPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH126Bulgac, Aurel2020
Emergence of robust anthropogenic increase of heat stress-related variables projected from CORDEX-CORE climate simulations10.1007/s00382-020-05398-wIm, Eun-Soon; Nguyen-Xuan Thanh, undefined; Qiu, Liying; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Gao, Xuejie; Yao, Tong; Torma, Csaba; Adeniyi, Mojisola O.; Das, Sushant; Giuliani, Graziano; Coppola, Erika; Giorgi, FilippoCLIMATE DYNAMICSDDCLI138Ashfaq, Moetasim2021
Emergent properties of nuclei from ab initio coupled-cluster calculations10.1088/0031-8949/91/6/063006Hagen, G.; Hjorth-Jensen, M.; Jansen, G. R.; Papenbrock, T.PHYSICA SCRIPTAINCITENPH008Vary,James2016
Emerging Frameworks for Advancing Scientific Workflows Research, Development, and Education10.1109/WORKS54523.2021.00015Casanova, Henri; Deelman, Ewa; Gesing, Sandra; Hildreth, Michael; Hudson, Stephen2021 IEEE WORKSHOP ON WORKFLOWS IN SUPPORT OF LARGE-SCALE SCIENCE (WORKS)DDCSC355Deelman, Ewa2021
Emulation to simulate low-resolution atmospheric data10.1080/00207160.2013.852663Rao, Vishwas; Archibald, Rick; Evans, Katherine J.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICSDDCLI049Hack, James2014
Enabling Execution of a Legacy CFD Mini Application on Accelerators Using OpenMP10.1007/978-3-030-50743-5_14Nompelis, Ioannis; Jost, Gabriele; Koniges, Alice; Daley, Christopher; Eder, David; Stone, ChristopherISC HIGH PERFORMANCE 2020TrainingGEN128Papatheodore, Thomas2020
Enabling NVM for Data-Intensive Scientific ServicesCarns, Philip; Jenkins, John; Seo, Sangmin; Snyder, Shane; Ross, Rob; Cranor, Chuck; ATCHLEY, EDWARD; Hoefler, TorstenINFLOW '16 4th Workshop on Interactions of NVM/Flash with Operating Systems and Workloads2016
Enabling One-sided Communication Semantics on ARM10.1109/IPDPSW.2017.62Shamis, Pavel; Lopez, M. Graham; Shainer, Gilad2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOPS (IPDPSW)DDCSC040Imam, Neena2017
Enabling particle applications for exascale computing platforms10.1177/10943420211022829Mniszewski, Susan M.; Belak, James; Fattebert, Jean-Luc; Negre, Christian F. A.; Slattery, Stuart R.; Adedoyin, Adetokunbo A.; Bird, Robert F.; Chang, Choongseok; Chen, Guangye; Ethier, Stephane; Fogerty, Shane; Habib, Salman; Junghans, Christoph; Lebrun-Grandie, Damien; Mohd-Yusof, Jamaludin; Moore, Stan G.; Osei-Kuffuor, Daniel; Plimpton, Steven J.; Pope, Adrian; Reeve, Samuel Temple; Ricketson, Lee; Scheinberg, Aaron; Sharma, Amil Y.; Wall, Michael E.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSINCITEPHY122Chang, C.S.2021
Enabling real-time multi-messenger astrophysics discoveries with deep learning10.1038/s42254-019-0097-4Huerta, E. A.; Allen, Gabrielle; Andreoni, Igor; Antelis, Javier M.; Bachelet, Etienne; Berriman, G. Bruce; Bianco, Federica B.; Biswas, Rahul; CarrascoKind, Matias; Chard, Kyle; Cho, Minsik; Cowperthwaite, Philip S.; Etienne, Zachariah B.; Fishbach, Maya; Forster, Francisco; George, Daniel; Gibbs, Tom; Graham, Matthew; Gropp, William; Gruendl, Robert; Gupta, Anushri; Haas, Roland; Habib, Sarah; Jennings, Elise; Johnson, Margaret W. G.; Katsavounidis, Erik; Katz, Daniel S.; Khan, Asad; Kindratenko, Volodymyr; Kramer, William T. C.; Liu, Xin; Mahabal, Ashish; Marka, Zsuzsa; McHenry, Kenton; Miller, J. M.; Moreno, Claudia; Neubauer, M. S.; Oberlin, Steve; Olivas, Alexander R.; Petravick, Donald; Rebei, Adam; Rosofsky, Shawn; Ruiz, Milton; Saxton, Aaron; Schutz, Bernard F.; Schwing, Alex; Seidel, Ed; Shapiro, Stuart L.; Shen, Hongyu; Shen, Yue; Singer, Leo P.; Sipocz, Brigitta M.; Sun, Lunan; Towns, John; Tsokaros, Antonios; Wei, Wei; Wells, Jack; Williams, Timothy J.; Xiong, Jinjun; Zhao, ZhizhenNATURE REVIEWS PHYSICSDDAST154Moesta, Phillip2019
Enabling simulation at the fifth rung of DFT: Large scale RPA calculations with excellent time to solution10.1016/j.cpc.2014.10.021Del Ben, Mauro; Schuett, Ole; Wentz, Tim; Messmer, Peter; Hutter, Juerg; VandeVondele, JoostCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSDDCSC122Zeller, Cyrill2015
Encoder-decoder neural network for solving the nonlinear Fokker-Planck-Landau collision operator in XGC10.1017/S0022377821000155Miller, M. A.; Churchill, R. M.; Dener, A.; Chang, C. S.; Munson, T.; Hager, R.JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICSINCITEPHY122Chang, C. S.2021
End-to-end I/O Portfolio for the Summit Supercomputing Ecosystem10.1145/3295500.3356157Oral, Sarp; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.; Wang, Feiyi; Zimmer, Christopher; Brumgard, Christopher; Hanley, Jesse; Markomanolis, George; Miller, Ross; Leverman, Dustin; Atchley, Scott; Larrea, Veronica VergaraPROCEEDINGS OF SC19: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISStaff2019
Energy Efficient Stochastic-Based Deep Spiking Neural Networks for Sparse Datasets10.1109/BigData.2017.8257939Alawad, Mohammed; Yoon, Hong-Jun; Tourassi, Georgia2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA (BIG DATA)ALCCCSC249, CSC250, CSC251Kothe, Doug2018
Energy Management Policies in Distributed Residential Energy Systems10.1007/978-3-319-45940-0_11Duan, Sisi; Sun, JingtaoINTERNET AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING SYSTEMS, IDCS 20162016
Energy benchmarks for methane-water systems from quantum Monte Carlo and second-order Moller-Plesset calculations10.1063/1.4926444Gillan, M. J.; Alfe, D.; Manby, F. R.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECPH005Alfe, Dario2015
Energy transduction and alternating access of the mammalian ABC transporter P-glycoprotein10.1038/nature21414Verhalen, Brandy; Dastvan, Reza; Thangapandian, Sundarapandian; Peskova, Yelena; Koteiche, Hanane A.; Nakamoto, Robert K.; Tajkhorshid, Emad; Mchaourab, Hassane S.NATUREINCITEBIP117Tajkhorshid,Emad2017
Energy-Dependent pi(+) pi(+) pi(+) Scattering Amplitude from QCD10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.012001Hansen, Maxwell T.; Briceno, Raul A.; Edwards, Robert G.; Thomas, Christopher E.; Wilson, David J.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSECPLGT104Kronfeld, Andreas2021
Engineering Auger recombination in colloidal quantum dots via dielectric screening10.1038/s41467-019-09737-2Hou, Xiaoqi; Kang, Jun; Qin, Haiyan; Chen, Xuewen; Ma, Junliang ; Zhou, JianhaiNATURE COMMUNICATIONSINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2019
Engineering Edge States of Graphene Nanoribbons for Narrow-Band Photoluminescence10.1021/acsnano.0c01737Ma, Chuanxu; Xiao, Zhongcan; Puretzky, Alexander A.; Wang, Hao; Mohsin, Ali; Huang, Jingsong; Liang, Liangbo; Luo, Yingdong; Lawrie, Benjamin J.; Gu, Gong; Lu, Wenchang; Hong, Kunlun; Bernholc, Jerzy; Li, An-PingACS NANOESCHM147Bernholc, Jerzy Jerry2020
Engineering Scale Simulation of Nonequilibrium Network Phases for Battery Electrolytes10.1021/acs.macromol.8b02703Schneider, Ludwig Y.; Mueller, MarcusMACROMOLECULESDDMAT148Muller, Marcus2019
Engineering an Insulating Ferroelectric Superlattice with a Tunable Band Gap from Metallic Components10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.177603Ghosh, Saurabh; Borisevich, Albina Y.; Pantelides, Sokrates T.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDDMAT136Ghosh, Saurabh2017
Engineering atomic-level complexity in high-entropy and complex concentrated alloys10.1038/s41467-019-10012-7Oh, Hyun Seok; Kim, Sang Jun; Odbadrakh, Khorgolkhuu; Ha Ryu, Wook; Yoon, Kook Noh; Mu, Sai; Koermann, Fritz; Ikeda, Yuji; Tasan, Cemal Cem; Raabe, Dierk; Egami, Takeshi; Park, Eun SooNATURE COMMUNICATIONSINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2019
Enhanced Dynamics of Hydrated tRNA on Nanodiamond Surfaces: A Combined Neutron Scattering and MD Simulation Study10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b07511Dhindsa, Gurpreet K.; Bhowmik, Debsindhu; Goswami, Monojoy; O'Neill, Hugh; Mamontov, Eugene; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Hong, Liang; Ganesh, Panchapakesan; Chu, Xiang-qiangJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BDDCPH108Panchapakesan, Ganesh2016
Enhanced Phase Segregation Induced by Dipolar Interactions in Polymer Blends10.1021/ma501067rKumar, Rajeev; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Muthukumar, M.MACROMOLECULESdd, inciteNTI015, MAT101Sumpter,Bobby, Kent,Paul2014
Enhanced burning rates in hydrogen-enriched turbulent premixed flames by diffusion of molecular and atomic hydrogen10.1016/j.combustflame.2021.111740Rieth, Martin; Gruber, Andrea; Williams, Forman A.; Chen, Jacqueline H.COMBUSTION AND FLAMEINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2021
Enhanced sampling simulation analysis of the structure of lignin in the THF-water miscibility gap10.1039/c5cp07088kSmith, Micholas Dean; Petridis, Loukas; Cheng, Xiaolin; Mostofian, Barmak; Smith, Jeremy C.PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICSALCCBIP107Smith, Jeremy2016
Enhancing Cation Diffusion and Suppressing Anion Diffusion via Lewis-Acidic Polymer Electrolytes10.1021/acs.jpclett.6b02662Savoie, Brett M.; Webb, Michael A.; Miller, Thomas F.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERSINCITECHM114Miller III, Thomas F.2017
Enhancing Monte Carlo proxy applications on GPUsShriver, Forrest ; Lee, Seyong; Hamilton, Steven; Vetter, Jeffrey; Watson, JustinPMBS '19ECPCSC254Hamilton, Steven2019
Enhancing neutrino event reconstruction with pixel-based 3D readout for liquid argon time projection chambers10.1088/1748-0221/15/04/P04009Adams, C.; Del Tutto, M.; Asaadi, J.; Bernstein, M.; Church, E.; Guenette, R.; Rojas, J. M.; Sullivan, H.; Tripathi, A.JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATIONDDNPH133Chruch, Eric2020
Enhancing selectivity of cation exchange with anion receptors10.1039/c9cc00287aWilliams, Neil J.; Roy, Santanu; Reynolds, Campbell O.; Custelcean, Radu; Bryantsev, Vyacheslav S.; Moyer, Bruce A.CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONSDDCHM116Bryantsev, Vyacheslav2019
Ensemble Grouping Strategies for Embedded Stochastic Collocation Methods Applied to Anisotropic Diffusion Problems10.1137/16M1066324D'Elia, M.; Edwards, H. C.; Hu, J.; Phipps, E.; Rajamanickam, S.SIAM-ASA JOURNAL ON UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATIONDDCSC200Phipps, Eric2018
Ensemble average and nearest particle statistics in disperse multiphase flows10.1017/jfm.2020.974Zhang, Duan Z.JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICSECPMAT190Turner, John2020
Ensemble-based docking: From hit discovery to metabolism and toxicity predictions10.1016/j.bmc.2016.07.064Evangelista, Wilfredo; Weir, Rebecca L.; Ellingson, Sally R.; Harris, Jason B.; Kapoor, Karan; Smith, Jeremy C.; Baudry, JeromeBIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRYDDBIO026Baudry,Jerome2016
Ensemble-based flood vulnerability assessment for probable maximum flood in a changing environment10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.06.027Gangrade, Sudershan; Kao, Shih-Chieh; Dullo, Tigstu T.; Kalyanapu, Alfred J.; Preston, Benjamin L.JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGYDDCLI105Ashfaq, Moetasim2019
Ensemble-based replica exchange alchemical free energy methods: the effect of protein mutations on inhibitor binding10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01118Bhati, Agastya P.; Wan, Shunzhou; Coveney, Peter VivianJOURNAL CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATIONINCITECHM126Coveney, Peter2018
Ensembles of Networks Produced from Neural Architecture SearchPotok, Thomas; Young, Steven; Herron, EmilyPROCEEDINGS OF THE WORKSHOP ON MACHINE LEARNING ON HPC SYSTEMS (MLHPCS) IN CONJUNCTION WITH ISCDDCSC368Patton, Robert2020
Ensuring statistical reproducibility of ocean model simulations in the age of hybrid computing10.1145/3468267.3470572Mahajan, SalilPROCEEDINGS OF THE PLATFORM FOR ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING CONFERENCE (PASC)INCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2021
Entropy-Stable Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Large-Eddy Simulation of Transitional and Turbulent FlowsFernandez, PabloMASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYINCITE, DDARD120Medic, Gorazd2018
Envisioning how the prototypic molecular machine TFIIH functions in transcription initiation and DNA repair10.1016/j.dnarep.2020.102972Tsutakawa, Susan E.; Tsai, Chi-Lin; Yan, Chunli; Bralic, Amer; Chazin, Walter J.; Hamdan, Samir M.; Scharer, Orlando D.; Ivanov, Ivaylo; Tainer, John A.DNA REPAIRINCITEBIP174Ivanov, Ivaylo2020
Enzymatic Mechanism of Copper-Containing Nitrite Reductase10.1021/bi5007767Li, Yan; Hodak, Miroslav; Bernholc, J.BIOCHEMISTRYDDMAT101Sumpter, Bobby2015
Epigenetic effects of paternal cocaine on reward stimulus behavior and accumbens gene expression in mice10.1016/j.bbr.2019.02.043Yaw, Alexandra M.; Prosser, Rebecca A.; Jones, Piet C.; Garcia, Benjamin J.; Jacobson, Daniel A.; Glass, J. DavidBEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCHESSYB105Jacobson, Daniel2019
Equations of state and stability of MgSiO3 perovskite and post-perovskite phases from quantum Monte Carlo simulations10.1103/PhysRevB.90.184103Lin, Yangzheng; Cohen, R. E.; Stackhouse, Stephen; Driver, Kevin P.; Militzer, Burkhard; Shulenburger, Luke; Kim, JeongnimPHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITECPH103Ceperley, David2014
Equatorial coordination of uranyl: Correlating ligand charge donation with the O-yl-U-O-yl asymmetric stretch frequency10.1016/j.jorganchem.2017.10.010Gibson, John K.; de Jong, Wibe A.; van Stipdonk, Michael J.; Martens, Jonathan; Berden, Giel; Oomens, JosJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRYINCITECHP101Dixon, David2018
Equilibrium clumped-isotope effects in doubly substituted isotopologues of ethane10.1016/j.gca.2016.10.001Webb, Michael A.; Wang, Yimin; Braams, Bastiaan J.; Bowman, Joel M.; Miller, Thomas F.GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTAINCITECHM114Miller, Thomas2017
Error analysis in nuclear density functional theory10.1088/0954-3899/42/3/034024Schunck, Nicolas; McDonnell, Jordan D.; Sarich, Jason; Wild, Stefan M.; Higdon, DaveJOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICSINCITENPH008Vary, James P.2015
Error controlling of the combined Cluster-Expansion and Wang-Landau Monte-Carlo method and its application to FeCo10.1016/j.cpc.2018.09.017Pei, Zongrui; Eisenbach, Markus; Mu, Sai; Stocks, G. MalcolmCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2019
Error detection on quantum computers improving the accuracy of chemical calculations10.1103/PhysRevA.102.022427Urbanek, Miroslav; Nachman, Benjamin; de Jong, Wibe A.PHYSICAL REVIEW AQuantumCHM170de Jong, Wibe Albert2020
Error-mitigated data-driven circuit learning on noisy quantum hardware10.1007/s42484-020-00021-xHamilton, Kathleen E.; Pooser, Raphael C.QUANTUM MACHINE INTELLIGENCEQuantumCSC407; LRN010Pooser; Hamilton2020
Essential elements for nuclear binding10.1016/j.physletb.2019.134863Lu, Bing-Nan; Li, Ning; Elhatisari, Serdar; Lee, Dean; Epelbaum, Evgeny; Meissner, Ulf-GPHYSICS LETTERS BINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2019
Essential ingredients in core-collapse supernovae10.1063/1.4870009Hix, W. Raphael; Lentz, Eric J.; Endeve, Eirik; Baird, Mark; Chertkow, M. Austin; Harris, J. Austin; Messer, O. E. Bronson; Mezzacappa, Anthony; Bruenn, Stephen; Blondin, JohnAIP ADVANCESINCITEAST005Lentz, Eric2014
Establishing the quantum supremacy frontier with a 281 Pflop/s simulation10.1088/2058-9565/ab7eebVillalonga, Benjamin; Lyakh, Dmitry; Boixo, Sergio; Neven, Hartmut; Humble, Travis S.; Biswas, Rupak; Rieffel, Eleanor G.; Ho, Alan; Mandra, SalvatoreQUANTUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYDDPHY136Mandra, Salvatore2020
Estimate of the hadronic vacuum polarization disconnected contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon from lattice QCD10.1103/PhysRevD.93.074509Chakraborty, Bipasha; Davies, C. T. H.; Koponen, J.; Lepage, G. P.; Peardon, M. J.; Ryan, S. M.PHYSICAL REVIEW DINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2016
Estimating Submicron Aerosol Mixing State at the Global Scale With Machine Learning and Earth System Modeling10.1029/2020EA001500Zheng, Zhonghua; Curtis, Jeffrey H.; Yao, Yu; Gasparik, Jessica T.; Anantharaj, Valentine G.; Zhao, Lei; West, Matthew; Riemer, NicoleEARTH AND SPACE SCIENCEDDCLI900Anantharaj, Valentine2021
Estimating the density of states of frustrated spin systems10.1088/1367-2630/ab2e39Barash, Lev; Marshall, Jeffrey; Weigel, Martin; Hen, ItayNEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICSALCCPHY103Hen, Itay2019
Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis of Impacts of Future Heat Waves on Mortality in the Eastern United States10.1289/ehp.1306670Wu, Jianyong; Zhou, Ying; Gao, Yang; Fu, Joshua S.; Johnson, Brent A.; Huang, Cheng; Kim, Young-Min; Liu, YangENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVESINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2014
Estimation of Site Ampllification from Geotechnical Array Data Using Neural Networks10.1785/0120200346Roten, Daniel; Olsen, Kim B.BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICAINCITEGEO112Goulet, Christine2021
Estimation of future PM2.5- and ozone-related mortality over the continental United States in a changing climate: An application of high-resolution dynamical downscaling technique10.1080/10962247.2015.1033068Sun, Jian; Fu, Joshua S.; Huang, Kan; Gao, YangJOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATIONINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2015
Evaluating Burst Buffer Placement in HPC SystemsMubarak, Misbah; Khetawat, Harsh; Mueller, Frank; Atchley, Edward; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan; Zimmer, ChristopherPROCEEDINGS OF THE 2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTINGStaffGEN008Vazhkudai, Sudharshan2019
Evaluating Carbon Extremes in a Coupled Climate-Carbon Cycle Simulation10.1109/ICDMW.2019.00052Xu, Min; Mahajan, Salil; Hoffman, Forrest M.; Shi, Xiaoying2019 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA MINING WORKSHOPS (ICDMW)INCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2019
Evaluating Climate Models with the CLIVAR 2020 ENSO Metrics Package10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0337.1Planton, Yann Y.; Guilyardi, Eric; Wittenberg, Andrew T.; Lee, Jiwoo; Gleckler, Peter J.; Bayr, Tobias; McGregor, Shayne; McPhaden, Michael J.; Power, Scott; Roehrig, Romain; Vialard, Jerome; Voldoire, AuroreBULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2021
Evaluating HPC Networks via Simulation of Parallel WorkloadsJain, Nikhil; Bhatele, Abhinav; White, Sam; Gamblin, Todd; Kale, Laxmikant V.SC '16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISALCCCSC189Bhatele, Abhinav2016
Evaluating Modern GPU Interconnect: PCIe, NVLink, NV-SLI, NVSwitch and GPUDirect10.1109/TPDS.2019.2928289Li, Ang; Song, Shuaiwen Leon; Chen, Jieyang; Li, Jiajia; Liu, Xu; Tallent, Nathan R.; Barker, Kevin J.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMSECPCSC297Roche, Kenneth2020
Evaluating Online Global Recovery with Fenix using Application-aware In-memory Checkpointing Techniques10.1109/ICPPW.2016.56Gamell, Marc; Katz, Daniel S.; Teranishi, Keita; Heroux, Michael A.; Van der Wijngaart, Rob F.; Mattson, Timothy G.; Parashar, ManishPROCEEDINGS OF 45TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING WORKSHOPS (ICPPW 2016)2016
Evaluating Performance Portability of Accelerator Programming Models using SPEC ACCEL 1.2 BenchmarksBoehm, Swen; Pophale, Swasroop; Vergara Larrea, Veronica ; Hernandezx, OscarLECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE2018
Evaluating Performance and Portability of a core bioinformatics kernel on multiple vendor GPUs10.1109/P3HPC54578.2021.00010Haseeb, Mohammad; Ding, Nan; Deslippe, Jack; Awan, Muanz2021 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PERFORMANCE, PORTABILITY AND PRODUCTIVITY IN HPC (P3HPC)ECPBIF115Yelick, Katherine2021
Evaluating Performance of OpenMP Tasks in a Seismic Stencil Application10.1007/978-3-030-58144-2_5Raut, Eric; Meng, Jie; Araya-Polo, Mauricio; Chapman, BarbaraLECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE: IWOMP 2020DDCSC401Chapman, Barbara2020
Evaluating Scientific Workflow Engines for Data and Compute Intensive DiscoveriesSingh, Rina; Graves, Jeffrey A.; Anantharaj, Valentine; Sukumar, Sreenivas R.2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA (BIG DATA)2019
Evaluating Support for OpenMP Offload Features10.1145/3229710.3229717Diaz, Jose Monsalve; Pophale, Swaroop; Friedline, Kyle; Hernandez, Oscar; Bernholdt, David E.; Chandrasekaran, SunitaACM DIGITAL LIBRARYSTAFFGEN010Bernholdt, David2018
Evaluating Text Analytic Frameworks for Mental Health Surveillance10.1109/ICDEW.2018.00014Mayer, Benjamin; Arnold, Josh; Begoli, Edmon; Rush, Everett; Drewry, Michael; Brown, Kris; Ponce, Eduardo; Srinivasan, Sudarshan2018 IEEE 34TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING WORKSHOPS (ICDEW)2018
Evaluating asynchronous Schwarz solvers on GPUs10.1177/1094342020946814Nayak, Pratik; Cojean, Terry; Anzt, HartwigINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSGeneralGEN010Bernholdt, David2021
Evaluating decadal predictions of northern hemispheric cyclone frequencies10.3402/tellusa.v66.22830Kruschke, Tim; Rust, Henning W.; Kadow, Christopher; Leckebusch, Gregor C.; Ulbrich, UweTELLUS SERIES A-DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2014
Evaluating precipitation, streamflow, and inundation forecasting skills during extreme weather events: A case study for an urban watershed10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127126Li, Xudong; Rankin, Cheryl; Gangrade, Sudershan; Zhao, Gang; Lander, Kris; Voisin, Nathalie; Shao, Manqing; Morales-Hernandez, Mario; Kao, Shih-Chieh; Gao, HuilinJOURNAL OF HYDROLOGYDDCLI138Ashfaq, Moetasim2021
Evaluating the performance of parallel subsurface simulators: An illustrative example with PFLOTRAN10.1002/2012WR013483Hammond, G. E.; Lichtner, P. C.; Mills, R. T.WATER RESOURCES RESEARCHESGEO003Lichtner, Peter2014
Evaluation and modification of ELM seasonal deciduous phenology against observations in a southern boreal peatland forest10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108556Meng, Lin; Mao, Jiafu; Ricciuto, Daniel M.; Shi, Xiaoying; Richardson, Andrew D.; Hanson, Paul J.; Warren, Jeffrey M.; Zhou, Yuyu; Li, Xuecao; Zhang, Li; Schadel, ChristinaAGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGYCADES2021
Evaluation of Clouds in Version 1 of the E3SM Atmosphere Model With Satellite Simulators10.1029/2018MS001562Zhang, Yuying; Xie, Shaocheng; Lin, Wuyin; Klein, Stephen A.; Zelinka, Mark; Ma, Po-Lun; Rasch, Philip J.; Qian, Yun; Tang, Qi; Ma, Hsi-YenJOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMSINCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2019
Evaluation of Directive-based GPU Programming Models on a Block Eigensolver with Consideration of Large Sparse MatricesRabbi, Fazlay; Daley, Christopher S.; Aktulga, Hasan Metin; Wright, Nicholas J.WACCPD '19INCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2019
Evaluation of In-Situ Analysis Strategies at Scale for Power Efficiency and Scalability10.1109/CCGrid.2016.95Rodero, Ivan; Parashar, Manish; Landge, Aaditya G.; Kumar, Sidharth; Pascucci, Valerio; Bremer, Peer-Timo2016 16TH IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CLUSTER, CLOUD AND GRID COMPUTING (CCGRID)DDCSC143Klasky, Scott2016
Evaluation of Length Scales and Meshing Requirements for Resolving Two-Phase Flow Regime Transitions Using the Level Set Method10.1115/1.4049934Zimmer, Matthew D.; Bolotnov, Igor A.JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASMEALCCNFI012Pandya, Tara Marie2021
Evaluation of Machine Learning Approaches to Estimate Aerosol Mixing State Metrics in Atmospheric ModelsZheng, Zhonghua; Riemer, Nicole; West, Matthew; Anantharaj, Valentine G.ORNL/TM-2019/1109GeneralGEN011Shankar, Mallikarjun2019
Evaluation of PETSc on a Heterogeneous Architecture the OLCF Summit System Part I: Vector Node PerformanceMorgan, Hannah ; Mills, Richard Tran; Smith, BarryANL-19/4ECPCSC314Smith, Barry2020
Evaluation of UCX for Implementing OpenSHMEM Programming Model10.1007/978-3-319-50995-2_8Baker, Matthew; Aderholdt, Ferrol; Venkata, Manjunath Gorentla; Shamis, PavelOPENSHMEM AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES. ENHANCING OPENSHMEM FOR HYBRID ENVIRONMENTSDDCSC040Imam, Neena2016
Evaluation of convection-permitting model simulations of cloud populations associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation using data collected during the AMIE/DYNAMO field campaign10.1002/2014JD022143Hagos, Samson; Feng, Zhe; Burleyson, Casey D.; Lim, Kyo-Sun Sunny; Long, Charles N.; Wu, Di; Thompson, GregJOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERESINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2014
Evaluation of downscaled wind speeds and parameterised gusts for recent and historical windstorms in Switzerland10.3402/tellusa.v68.31820Stucki, Peter; Dierer, Silke; Welker, Christoph; Gomez-Navarro, Juan Jose; Raible, Christoph C.; Martius, Olivia; Bronnimann, StefanTELLUS SERIES A-DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2016
Evaluation of oceanic transport parameters using transient tracers from observations and model output10.1016/j.ocemod.2013.11.001Trossman, D. S.; Thompson, L.; Mecking, S.; Warner, M. J.; Bryan, F. O.; Peacock, S.OCEAN MODELLINGINCITE2014
Evidence for Bolgiano-Obukhov scaling in rotating stratified turbulence using high-resolution direct numerical simulations10.1063/1.4921076Rosenberg, D.; Pouquet, A.; Marino, R.; Mininni, P. D.PHYSICS OF FLUIDSINCITE, STAFFENP008, STAFFKurien, Susan2015
Evidence for Higgs boson decays to a low-mass dilepton system and a photon in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136412Collaboration, ATLASPHYSICS LETTERS BDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2021
Evidence for electroweak production of two jets in association with a Z gamma pair in pp collisions at root S=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135341Collaboration, ATLASPHYSICS LETTERS BDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2020
Evidence for light-by-light scattering in heavy-ion collisions with the ATLAS detector at the LHC10.1038/NPHYS4208Collaboration, ATLASNATURE PHYSICSDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2017
Evidence for prevalent Z=6 magic number in neutron-rich carbon isotopes10.1038/s41467-018-04024-yTran, D. T.; Ong, H. J.; Hagen, G.; Morris, T. D.; Aoi, N.; Suzuki, T.; Kanada-En'yo, Y.; Geng, L. S.; Terashima, S.; Tanihata, I.; Nguyen, T. T.; Ayyad, Y.; Chan, P. Y.; Fukuda, M.; Geissel, H.; Harakeh, M. N.; Hashimoto, T.; Hoang, T. H.; Ideguchi, E.; Inoue, A.; Jansen, G. R.; Kanungo, R.; Kawabata, T.; Khiem, L. H.; Lin, W. P.; Matsuta, K.; Mihara, M.; Momota, S.; Nagae, D.; Nguyen, N. D.; Nishimura, D.; Otsuka, T.; Ozawa, A.; Ren, P. P.; Sakaguchi, H.; Scheidenberger, C.; Tanaka, J.; Takechi, M.; Wada, R.; Yamamoto, T.NATURE COMMUNICATIONSINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2018
Evidence for stable square ice from quantum Monte Carlo10.1103/PhysRevB.94.220102Chen, Ji; Zen, Andrea; Brandenburg, Jan Gerit; Alfe, Dario; Michaelides, AngelosPHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITE, DDCPH005Alfe, Darrio2016
Evidence for the H -> b(b)over-bar decay with the ATLAS detector10.1007/JHEP12(2017)024Collaboration, ATLASJOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICSDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2017
Evidence for the associated production of the Higgs boson and a top quark pair with the ATLAS detector10.1103/PhysRevD.97.072003Collaboration, ATLASPHYSICAL REVIEW DDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2018
Evidence for tttt production in the multilepton final state in proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-08509-3Collaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2020
Evolution and forcing mechanisms of El Nino over the past 21,000 years10.1038/nature13963Liu, Zhengyu; Lu, Zhengyao; Wen, Xinyu; Otto-Bliesner, B. L.; Timmermann, A.; Cobb, K. M.NATUREINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2014
Evolution of plumes and turbulent dynamics in deep-ocean convection10.1017/jfm.2020.94Pal, Anikesh; Chalamalla, Vamsi K.JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICSINCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2020
Evolution of spin excitations from bulk to monolayer FeSe10.1038/s41467-021-23317-3Pelliciari, Jonathan; Karakuzu, Seher; Song, Qi; Arpaia, Riccardo; Nag, Abhishek; Rossi, Matteo; Li, Jiemin; Yu, Tianlun; Chen, Xiaoyang; Peng, Rui; Garcia-Fernandez, Mirian; Walters, Andrew C.; Wang, Qisi; Zhao, Jun; Ghiringhelli, Giacomo; Feng, Donglai; Maier, Thomas A.; Zhou, Ke-Jin; Johnston, Steven; Comin, RiccardoNATURE COMMUNICATIONSINCITECPH102Maier, Thomas2021
Evolution of the Deterministic Collapse Barrier of the Field Clusters as a Probe of Cosmology10.3847/1538-4357/ab63ceRyu, Suho; Lee, JounghunASTROPHYSICAL JOURNALINCITEHEP100Heitmann, Katrin2020
Evolution of the deep Atlantic water masses since the last glacial maximum based on a transient run of NCAR-CCSM310.1007/s00382-015-2876-7Marson, Juliana M.; Mysak, Lawrence A.; Mata, Mauricio M.; Wainer, IlanaCLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2016
Evolutionary Divergence of the C-terminal Domain of Complexin Accounts for Functional Disparities between Vertebrate and Invertebrate Complexins10.3389/fnmol.2017.00146Wragg, Rachel T.; Parisotto, Daniel A.; Li, Zhenlong; Terakawa, Mayu S.; Snead, David; Basu, Ishani; Weinstein, Harel; Eliezer, David; Dittman, Jeremy S.FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCEALCCBIP109Weinstein, Harel2017
Evolving Energy Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks10.1109/BigData47090.2019.9006239Patton, Robert; Potok, Thomas; Rose, Derek; Young, Steven; Schuman, Catherine; Parsa, Maryam; Kay, William; Johnston, Jeremy; Devineni, Pravallika2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA (BIG DATA)DDCSC160Patton, Robert2019
Evolving Larger Convolutional Layer Kernel Sizes for a Settlement Detection Deep-Learner on Summit10.1109/DLS49591.2019.00010Coletti, Mark; Lunga, Dalton; Bassett, Jeffrey K.; Rose, Amy2019 IEEE/ACM THIRD WORKSHOP ON DEEP LEARNING ON SUPERCOMPUTERS (DLS)DDGEO121Coletti, Mark2019
ExaAM: Metal additive manufacturing simulation at the fidelity of the microstructure10.1177/10943420211042558Turner, John A.; Belak, James; Barton, Nathan; Bement, Matthew; Carlson, Neil; Carson, Robert; DeWitt, Stephen; Fattebert, Jean-Luc; Hodge, Neil; Jibben, Zechariah; King, Wayne; Levine, Lyle; Newman, Christopher; Plotkowski, Alex; Radhakrishnan, Balasubramaniam; Reeve, Samuel Temple; Rolchigo, Matthew; Sabau, Adrian; Slattery, Stuart; Stump, BenjaminINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS2022
ExaSGD: 2021 Kernel Thrust ActivitiesChiang, N. ; Peles, S.; Petra, C. G.; Regev, S.; Swirydowicz, K.; Wang, J.LLNL-TR-828464ECPCSC359Peles, Slaven2021
Exascale Deep Learning for Climate AnalyticsKurth, Thorsten; Treichler, Sean; Romero, Joshua; Mudigonda, Mayur; Luehr, Nathan; Phillips, Everett; Mahesh, Ankur; Matheson, Michael; Deslippe, Jack; Fatica, Massimiliano; Prabhat, undefined; Houston, MichaelPROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE, AND ANALYSIS (SC'18)Early ScienceLRN004Mr. Prabhat2018
Exascale Deep Learning to Accelerate Cancer Research10.1109/BigData47090.2019.9006467Patton, Robert M.; Johnston, J. Travis; Young, Steven R.; Schuman, Catherine D.; Potok, Thomas E.; Rose, Derek C.; Lim, Seung-Hwan; Chae, Junghoon; Hou, Le; Abousamra, Shahira; Samaras, Dimitris; Saltz, Joel2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA (BIG DATA)INCITECSC396Patton, Robert2019
Exascale Programming Approaches for Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy10.1201/b21930Taylor, Mark; Norman, Matthew; Mametjanov, AzamatEXASCALE SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS: SCALABILITY AND PERFORMANCE PORTABILITYStaff2017
Exascale Programming Approaches for the Accelerated Model for Climate and EnergyNorman, Matthew R.; Mametjanov, Azamat ; Taylor, MarkEXASCALE SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS: PROGRAMMING APPROACHES FOR SCALABILITY, PERFORMANCE, AND PORTABILITYESPCSC190ACMEStraatsma, Tjerk2018
Exascale Scientific Applications: Scalability and Performance Portability: About the EditorsWilliams, Timothy; Antypas, Katerina; Straatsma, TjerkEXASCALE SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS: SCALABILITY AND PERFORMANCE PORTABILITY2017
Exascale Storage Systems the SIRIUS Way10.1088/1742-6596/759/1/012095Klasky, S. A.; Abbasi, H.; Ainsworth, M.; Choi, J.; Curry, M.; Kurc, T.; Liu, Q.; Lofstead, J.; Maltzahn, C.; Parashar, M.; Podhorszki, N.; Suchyta, E.; Wang, F.; Wolf, M.; Chang, C. S.; Churchill, M.; Ethier, S.XXVII IUPAP CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS (CCP2015)STAFFSTAFFSTAFF2016
Exascale applications: skin in the game10.1098/rsta.2019.0056Alexander, Francis; Almgren, Ann; Bell, John; Bhattacharjee, Amitava; Chen, Jacqueline; Colella, Phil; Daniel, David; DeSlippe, Jack; Diachin, Lori; Draeger, Erik; Dubey, Anshu; Dunning, Thom; Evans, Thomas; Foster, Ian; Francois, Marianne; Germann, Tim; Gordon, Mark; Habib, Salman; Halappanavar, Mahantesh; Hamilton, Steven; Hart, William; Huang, Zhenyu (Henry); Hungerford, Aimee; Kasen, Daniel; Kent, Paul R. C.; Kolev, Tzanio; Kothe, Douglas B.; Kronfeld, Andreas; Luo, Ye; Mackenzie, Paul; McCallen, David; Messer, Bronson; Mniszewski, Sue; Oehmen, Chris; Perazzo, Amedeo; Perez, Danny; Richards, David; Rider, William J.; Rieben, Rob; Roche, Kenneth; Siegel, Andrew; Sprague, Michael; Steefel, Carl; Stevens, Rick; Syamlal, Madhava; Taylor, Mark; Turner, John; Vay, Jean-Luc; Voter, Artur F.; Windus, Theresa L.; Yelick, KatherinePHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCESECPCHM136Windus, Theresa2020
Exascale models of stellar explosions: Quintessential multi-physics simulation10.1177/10943420211027937Harris, J. Austin; Chu, Ran; Couch, Sean M.; Dubey, Anshu; Endeve, Eirik; Georgiadou, Antigoni; Jain, Rajeev; Kasen, Daniel; Laiu, M. P.; Messer, Oe B.; O'Neal, Jared; Sandoval, Michael A.; Weide, KlausINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSECPAST136Kasen, Daniel2021
Exceptional Optoelectronic Properties of Hydrogenated Bilayer Silicene10.1103/PhysRevX.4.021029Huang, Bing; Deng, Hui-Xiong; Lee, Hoonkyung; Yoon, Mina; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Liu, Feng; Smith, Sean C.; Wei, Su-HuaiPHYSICAL REVIEW XDDMAT101Sumpter, Bobby2014
Excitation Energies of Localized Correlated Defects via Quantum Monte Carlo: A Case Study of Mn4+-Doped Phosphors10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b03015Saritas, Kayahan; Ming, Wenmei; Du, Mao-Hua; Reboredo, Fernando A.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERSINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2019
Excitation of low frequency Alfven eigenmodes in toroidal plasmas10.1088/1741-4326/aa7d14Liu, Yaqi; Lin, Zhihong; Zhang, Huasen; Zhang, WenluNUCLEAR FUSIONALCCFUS107Lin, Zhenhong2017
Excitation-energy dependence of fission in the mercury region10.1103/PhysRevC.90.021302McDonnell, J. D.; Nazarewicz, W.; Sheikh, J. A.; Staszczak, A.; Warda, M.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James2014
Excited J(--) meson resonances at the SU(3) flavor point from lattice QCD10.1103/PhysRevD.103.074502Johnson, Christopher T.; Dudek, Jozef J.PHYSICAL REVIEW DALCCLGT112Edwards, Robert2021
Excited and exotic bottomonium spectroscopy from lattice QCD10.1007/JHEP02(2021)214Ryan, Sinead M.; Wilson, David J.JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICSALCCLGT115Orginos, Konstantinos2021
Excited and exotic charmonium, D-s and D meson spectra for two light quark masses from lattice QCD10.1007/JHEP12(2016)089Cheung, Gavin K. C.; O'Hara, Cian; Moir, Graham; Peardon, Michael; Ryan, Sinead M.; Thomas, Christopher E.; Tims, DavidJOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICSALCCNPH103Robert Edwards2016
Excited bottomonia in quark-gluon plasma from lattice QCD10.1016/j.physletb.2019.135119Larsen, Rasmus; Meinel, Stefan; Mukherjee, Swagato; Petreczky, PeterPHYSICS LETTERS BINCITENPH125Mukherjee, Swagato2020
Excited meson radiative transitions from lattice QCD using variationally optimized operators10.1103/PhysRevD.91.114501Shultz, Christian J.; Dudek, Jozef J.; Edwards, Robert G.PHYSICAL REVIEW DALCCNPH103Edwards, Robert2015
Excited states in the neutron-rich nucleus F-2510.1103/PhysRevC.89.054323Vajta, Zs.; Stanoiu, M.; Sohler, D.; Jansen, G. R.; Azaiez, F.; Dombradi, Zs.; Sorlin, O.; Brown, B. A.; Belleguic, M.; Borcea, C.; Bourgeois, C.; Dlouhy, Z.; Elekes, Z.; Fueloep, Zs.; Grevy, S.; Guillemaud-Mueller, D.; Hagen, G.; Hjorth-Jensen, M.; Ibrahim, F.; Kerek, A.; Krasznahorkay, A.; Lewitowicz, M.; Lukyanov, S. M.; Mandal, S.; Mayet, P.; Mrazek, J.; Negoita, F.; Penionzhkevich, Yu. -E.; Podolyak, Zs.; Roussel-Chomaz, P.; Saint-Laurent, M. G.; Savajols, H.; Sletten, G.; Timar, J.; Timis, C.; Yamamoto, A.PHYSICAL REVIEW CinciteNPH008Dean,David2014
Exciton condensation in bilayer spin-orbit insulator10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.013224Suwa, Hidemaro; Zhang, Shang-Shun; Batista, Cristian D.PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCHDDCPH122Batista, Cristian2021
Exclusive dimuon production in ultraperipheral Pb plus Pb collisions at root S-NN=5.02 TeV with ATLAS10.1103/PhysRevC.104.024906Collaboration, ATLASPHYSICAL REVIEW CDDCSC108Pantikin, Sergey2021
Expanding manganese(iv) aqueous chemistry: unusually stable water-soluble hexahydrazide clathrochelate complexes10.1039/d1cc04870hShylin, Sergii I.; Pogrebetsky, James L.; Husak, Alina O.; Bykov, Dmytro; Mokhir, Andriy; Hampel, Frank; Shova, Sergiu; Ozarowski, Andrew; Gumienna-Kontecka, Elzbieta; Fritsky, Igor O.CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONSGeneralGEN006Roth, Philip2021
Experience with GPUs on the Titan Supercomputer from a Reliability, Performance and Power PerspectiveTiwari, Devesh; Gupta, Saurabh; Rogers, James; Maxwell, DonPROCEEDINGS OF THE CRAY USER GROUP2015
Experiences Evaluating Functionality and Performance of IBM POWER8+ Systems10.1007/978-3-319-67630-2_20ISC HIGH PERFORMANCE 2017: HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTINGStaffSTF006Straatsma,Tjerk2017
Experiences in extending parallware to support OpenACC10.1145/2832105.2832112Lobeiras, Jacobo; Arenaz, Manuel; Hernández, OscarSecond Workshop on Accelerator Programming using DirectivesSTAFFSTAFFHernández, Oscar2015
Experiences in porting mini-applications to OpenACC and OpenMP on heterogeneous systems10.1002/cpe.5780Vergara Larrea, Veronica G.; Budiardja, Reuben D.; Gayatri, Rahulkumar; Daley, Christopher; Hernandez, Oscar; Joubert, WayneCONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE2020
Experiences porting mini-applications to OpenACC and OpenMP on heterogeneous systemsBudiardja, Reuben; Daley, Christopher; Gayatri, Rahulkumar; Hernandez, Oscar; Melesse Vergara, Veronica; Joubert, WayneCRAY USER GROUP 2019 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGSStaffSTF006Hill, Judith2019
Experimental characterization and atomistic modeling of interfacial void formation and detachment in short pulse laser processing of metal surfaces covered by solid transparent overlayers10.1007/s00339-016-9944-7Karim, Eaman T.; Shugaev, Maxim V.; Wu, Chengping; Lin, Zhibin; Matsumoto, Hisashi; Conneran, Maria; Kleinert, Jan; Hainsey, Robert F.; Zhigilei, Leonid V.APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSINGDDMAT048Zhigilei, Leonid2016
Explicitly correlated second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory in a Divide-Expand-Consolidate (DEC) context10.1063/1.4951696Wang, Yang Min; Haettig, Christof; Reine, Simen; Valeev, Edward; Kjrgaard, Thomas; Kristensen, KasperJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECPH100Jorgensen, Poul2016
Exploiting Hierarchical Parallelism in an Astrophysical Equation of State Using OpenACC and OpenMP10.3233/978-1-61499-843-3-517Messer II, O.E. Bronson; Papatheodore, ThomasADVANCES IN PARALLEL COMPUTING, VOLUME 32: PARALLEL COMPUTING IS EVERYWHERE2018
Exploiting Long-Distance Interactions and Tolerating Atom Loss in Neutral Atom Quantum Architectures10.1109/ISCA52012.2021.00069Baker, Jonathan M.; Litteken, Andrew; Duckering, Casey; Hoffmann, Henry; Bernien, Hannes; Chong, Frederic T.2021 ACM/IEEE 48TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE (ISCA 2021)QuantumCSC428Chong, Frederic2021
Exploratory High-Resolution Climate Simulations using the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM)10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00387.1Bacmeister, Julio T.; Wehner, Michael F.; Neale, Richard B.; Gettelman, Andrew; Hannay, Cecile; Lauritzen, Peter H.; Caron, Julie M.; Truesdale, John E.JOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2014
Exploratory Modeling and Simulation of the Evolutionary Dynamics of Single-stranded RNA Virus Populations10.1109/IPDPSW.2017.139Yeom, Jae-Seung; Kostova-Vassilevska, Tanya; Barnes, Peter D.; Jefferson, David R.; Oppelstrup, Tomas2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOPS (IPDPSW)INCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2017
Exploring Automatic, Online Failure Recovery forScientific Applications at Extreme Scales10.1109/SC.2014.78Gamell, M.; Katz, D.; Kolla, H.; Chen, J.; Klasky, S.; Parashar, M.SC14: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2014
Exploring Flexible Communications for Streamlining DNN Ensemble Training PipelinesPittman, Randall; Guan, Hui; Shen, Xipeng; Lim, Seung-Hwan; Patton, Robert M.PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE, AND ANALYSIS (SC'18)ESP_2018CSC287Kim, Seung-Hwan2018
Exploring Hydrologic Model Process Connectivity at the Continental Scale Through an Information Theory Approach10.1029/2020WR027340Konapala, Goutam; Kao, Shih-Chieh; Addor, NansWATER RESOURCES RESEARCHDDCLI138Ashfaq, Moetasim2020
Exploring Memory Hierarchy and Network Topology for Runtime AMR Data Sharing Across Scientific ApplicationsZhang, Wenzhao; Tang, Houjun; Ranshous, Stephen; Byna, Surendra; Martin, Daniel F.; Wu, Kesheng; Dong, Bin; Klasky, Scott; Samatova, Nagiza F.2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA (BIG DATA)DDCSC143Norbert Podhorszki ,Scott A Klasky2016
Exploring Memory Hierarchy to Improve Scientific Data Read Performance10.1109/CLUSTER.2015.18Zhang, Wenzhao; Tang, Houjun; Zou, Xiaocheng; Harenberg, Steven; Liu, Qing; Klasky, Scott; Samatova, Nagiza F.2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING - CLUSTER 2015STAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
Exploring Molecular Mechanisms of Cosolvent Enhanced Biomass Deconstruction: An Overview of Recent Progress10.1021/bk-2019-1338.ch007Mostofian, Barmak; Petridis, Loukas; Cai, Charles M.UNDERSTANDING LIGNOCELLULOSE: SYNERGISTIC COMPUTATIONAL AND ANALYTIC METHODSINCITEBIF112Smith, Jeremy2019
Exploring an Ensemble-Based Approach to Atmospheric Climate Modeling and Testing at Scale10.1016/j.procs.2017.05.259Mahajan, Salil; Gaddis, Abigail L.; Evans, Katherine J.; Norman, Matthew R.INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE (ICCS 2017)ddCLI106Evans,Katherine2017
Exploring flexible communications for streamlining DNN ensemble training pipelinesPatton, Robert; Pittman, Randall; Guan, Hui; Shen, Xipeng; Lim, Seung-HwanPROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE, AND ANALYSISDDCSC160Patton, Robert2018
Exploring non-adiabaticity to CO reduction reaction through ab initio molecular dynamics simulation10.1063/5.0002318Zheng, Fan; Wang, Lin-wangAPL MATERIALSINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2020
Exploring the Optimal Platform Configuration for Power-constrained HPC WorkflowsTang, Kun; He, Xubin; Gupta, Saurabh; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.; Tiwari, Devesh2018 27TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKS (ICCCN)2018
Exploring the use of novel programming models in land surface modelsElwasif, Wael; Pillai, Himanshu; Coon, Ethan; Painter, Scott; Thornton, PeterPARALLEL APPLICATIONS WORKSHOP, ALTERNATIVES TO MPI+XDDGEO132Coon, Ethan2019
Exposing Hierarchical Parallelism in the FLASH Code for Supernova Simulation on Summit and Other ArchitecturesPapatheodore, Thomas; Messer, O.E. BronsonEXASCALE SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS: SCALABILITY AND PERFORMANCE PORTABILITYESPCSC198Straatsma, Tjerk2018
Exposing Key Vibrational Contributions to Properties of Organic Molecular Solids with High Signal, Low Frequency Neutron Spectroscopy and Ab Initro Simulations10.1021/acs.cgd.8b00648Pandey, Anup; Sedova, Ada; Daemen, Luke L.; Cheng, Yongqiang; Ramirez-Cuesta, Anibal J.CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGNDDMAT049Hoon Park, Byung2018
Extending C++ for Heterogeneous Quantum-Classical Computing10.1145/3462670McCaskey, Alexander ; Nguyen, Thien; Santana, Anthony; Claudino, Daniel; Kharazi, Tyler; Finkel, HalACM TRANSACTIONS ON QUANTUM COMPUTINGQuantumCSC409McCaskey, Alexander2021
Extending Skel to support the development and optimization of next generation I/O systems10.1109/CLUSTER.2017.30Logan, Jeremy; Choi, Jong Youl; Wolf, Matthew; Ostrouchov, George; Wan, Lipeng; Podhorszki, Norbert; Godoy, William; Klasky, Scott; Lohrmann, Erich; Eisenhauer, Greg; Wood, Chad; Huck, Kevin2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER)DDCSC143Klasky, Scott2017
Extending the LLVM/Clang Framework for OpenMP Metadirective Support10.1109/LLVMHPCHiPar51896.2020.00009Mishra, Alok; Malik, Abid M.; Chapman, BarbaraPROCEEDINGS OF SIXTH WORKSHOP ON THE LLVM COMPILER INFRASTRUCTURE IN HPC AND WORKSHOP ON HIERARCHICAL PARALLELISM FOR EXASCALE COMPUTING (LLVM-HPC2020 AND HIPAR 2020)ECPCSC372; CSC401Chapman, Barbara2020
Extending the Strided Communication Interface in OpenSHMEM10.1007/978-3-319-26428-8_1Namashivayam, Naveen; Khaldi, Dounia; Eachempati, Deepak; Chapman, BarbaraOPENSHMEM AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES: EXPERIENCES, IMPLEMENTATIONS, AND TECHNOLOGIES, OPENSHMEM 2015DDCSC040Imam, Neena2015
Extraordinary heat during the 1930s US Dust Bowl and associated large-scale conditions10.1007/s00382-015-2590-5Donat, Markus G.; King, Andrew D.; Overpeck, Jonathan T.; Alexander, Lisa V.; Durre, Imke; Karoly, David J.CLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2016
Extreme Phenotype Sampling Improves LASSO and Random Forest Marker Selection for Complex Traits10.1109/BIBM49941.2020.9313524John, Cai; Muchero, Wellington; Emrich, Scott2020 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS AND BIOMEDICINECADES2020
Extreme Rainfall Variability in Australia: Patterns, Drivers, and Predictability10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00715.1King, Andrew D.; Klingaman, Nicholas P.; Alexander, Lisa V.; Donat, Markus G.; Jourdain, Nicolas C.; Maher, PenelopeJOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2014
Extreme Scale Plasma Turbulence Simulations on Top Supercomputers WorldwideTang, William; Wang, Bei; Ethier, Stephane; Kwasniewski, Grzegorz; Hoefler, Torsten; Ibrahim, Khaled Z.; Madduri, Kamesh; Williams, Samuel; Oliker, Leonid; Rosales-Fernandez, Carlos; Williams, TimSC '16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISDDFUS100Tang, William2016
Extreme hydrological changes in the southwestern US drive reductions in water supply to Southern California by mid century10.1088/1748-9326/11/9/094026Pagan, Brianna R.; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Rastogi, Deeksha; Kendall, Donald R.; Kao, Shih-Chieh; Naz, Bibi S.; Mei, Rui; Pal, Jeremy S.ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS2016
Extreme-Scale Stochastic Particle Tracing for Uncertain Unsteady Flow Visualization and Analysis10.1109/TVCG.2018.2856772Guo, Hanqi; He, Wenbin; Seo, Sangmin; Shen, Han-Wei; Constantinescu, Emil Mihai; Liu, Chunhui; Peterka, TomIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICSDDCSC143Podhorszki, Norbert; Klasky, Scott2019
F-K/F-pi from Mobius domain-wall fermions solved on gradient-flowed HISQ ensembles10.1103/PhysRevD.102.034507Miller, Nolan; Monge-Camacho, Henry; Chang, Chia Cheng; Horz, Ben; Rinaldi, Enrico; Howarth, Dean; Berkowitz, Evan; Brantley, David A.; Gambhir, Arjun Singh; Korber, Christopher; Monahan, Christopher J.; Joo, Balint; Kurth, Thorsten; Nicholson, Amy; Orginos, Kostas; Vranas, Pavlos; Walker-Loud, AndrePHYSICAL REVIEW DINCITELGT100Walker-Loud, Andre2020
FCP: A Fast and Scalable Data Copy Tool for High Performance Parallel File SystemsOral, Hakki; Leverman, Dustin; Melesse Vergara, Veronica; Wang, FeiyiCRAY USER GROUP (CUG) CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGSStaffSTF008Oral, Sarp2016
FELIX-1.0: A finite element solver for the time dependent generator coordinate method with the Gaussian overlap approximation10.1016/j.cpc.2015.11.013Regnier, D.; Verriere, M.; Dubray, N.; Schunck, N.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITENPH008Vary, James2016
FELIX-2.0: New version of the finite element solver for the time dependent generator coordinate method with the Gaussian overlap approximation10.1016/j.cpc.2017.12.007Regnier, D.; Dubray, N.; Verriere, M.; Schunck, N.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITENPH008Vary, James2018
FFLO order in ultra-cold atoms in three-dimensional optical lattices10.1088/0953-8984/27/22/225601Rosenberg, Peter; Chiesa, Simone; Zhang, ShiweiJOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTERINCITECHM048Zhang, Shiwei2015
FLEET: Flexible Efficient Ensemble Training for Heterogeneous Deep Neural NetworksMokadam, Laxmikant KishorNC STATE UNIVERSITYDDCSC287Kim, Seung-Hwan2019
FLEET: Flexible Efficient Ensemble Training for Heterogeneous Deep Neural NetworksPatton, Robert; Kishor mokadam, Laxmikant; Shen, Xipeng; Guan, Hui; Lim, Seung-HwanPROCEEDINGS OF MACHINE LEARNING AND SYSTEMS 2020 (MLSYS 2020)2020
FTLADS: Object-Logging Based Fault-Tolerant Big Data Transfer System Using Layout Aware Data Scheduling10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2905158Kasu, Preethika; Kim, Taeuk; Um, Jung-Ho; Park, Kyongseok; Atchley, Scott; Kim, YoungjaeIEEE ACCESSSTAFFSTAFF2019
FULLY COUPLED SIMULATION OF COSMIC REIONIZATION. I. NUMERICAL METHODS AND TESTS10.1088/0067-0049/216/1/16Norman, Michael L.; Reynolds, Daniel R.; So, Geoffrey C.; Harkness, Robert P.; Wise, John H.ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIESINCITEAST025, AST033Norman, Michael2015
Facet development during platinum nanocube growth10.1126/science.1253149Liao, Hong-Gang; Zherebetskyy, Danylo; Xin, Huolin; Czarnik, Cory; Ercius, Peter; Elmlund, Hans; Pan, Ming; Wang, Lin-Wang; Zheng, HaimeiSCIENCEINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2014
Failure detection and propagation in HPC systemsBosilca, George; Bouteiller, Aurelien; Guermouche, Amina; Herault, Thomas; Robert, Yves; Sens, Pierre; Dongarra, JackSC '16 Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and AnalysisDDCSC040Imam, Neena2016
Failures in Large Scale Systems: Long-term Measurement, Analysis, and Implications10.1145/3126908.3126937Gupta, Saurabh; Patel, Tirthak; Tiwari, Devesh; ENGELMANN, CHRISTIANSC '17 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISSTAFFSTF008Vazhkudai, Sudharshan2017
Fan-In Communications On A Cray Gemini InterconnectJones, Terry; Settlemyer, BradleyPROCEEDINGS OF THE CRAY USER GROUPDDCSC115Settlemyer, Bradley2014
Fast Fault Injection and Sensitivity Analysis for Collective Communications10.1109/CLUSTER.2015.31Feng, Kun; Venkata, Manjunath Gorentla; Li, Dong; Sun, Xian-He2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING - CLUSTER 2015STAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
Fast Low-to-High Confinement Mode Bifurcation Dynamics in a Tokamak Edge Plasma Gyrokinetic Simulation10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.175001Chang, C. S.; Ku, S.; Tynan, G. R.; Hager, R.; Churchill, R. M.; Cziegler, I.; Greenwald, M.; Hubbard, A. E.; Hughes, J. W.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSALCCENV003Chang, CS2017
Fast and accurate predictions of total energy for solid solution alloys with graph convolutional neural networksLupo Pasini, M.; Burcul, M.; Reeve, S.; Eisenbach, M.; Perotto, S.MOX, DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA POLITECNICO DI MILANOINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2021
Fast and accurate quantum Monte Carlo for molecular crystals10.1073/pnas.1715434115Zen, Andrea; Brandenburg, Jan Gerit; Klimes, Jiri; Tkatchenko, Alexandre; Alfe, Dario; Michaelides, AngelosPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICADDCPH005Alfe, Dario2018
Fast and stable deep-learning predictions of material properties for solid solution alloys**10.1088/1361-648X/abcb10Lupo Pasini, Massimiliano; Li, Ying Wai; Yin, Junqi; Zhang, Jiaxin; Barros, Kipton; Eisenbach, MarkusJOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTERINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2021
Fast, Scalable and Accurate Finite-Element Based Ab Initio Calculations Using Mixed Precision Computing: 46 PFLOPS Simulation of a Metallic Dislocation System10.1145/3295500.3357157Das, Sambit; Motamarri, Phani; Gavini, Vikram; Turcksin, Bruno; Li, Ying Wai; Leback, BrentPROCEEDINGS OF SC19: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISDDMAT192Gavini, Vikram2019
FatMan vs. LittleBoy: Scaling up Linear Algebraic Operations in Scale-out Data Platforms10.1109/PDSW-DISCS.2016.8Xu, Luna; Lim, Seung-Hwan; Butt, Ali R.; Sukumar, Sreenivas R.; Kannan, RamakrishnanPROCEEDINGS OF PDSW-DISCS 2016 - 1ST JOINT INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PARALLEL DATA STORAGE AND DATA INTENSIVE SCALABLE COMPUTING SYSTEMSDDCSC209Kannan,Ramakrishnan2016
Fault Diagnosis of Hybrid Computing Systems Using Chaotic-Map Method10.5772/intechopen.79978Philip, Bobby; Rao, NageswaraFAULT DETECTION AND DIAGNOSIS2018
Fault Tolerance for OpenSHMEM10.1145/2676870.2676894Shamis, P; Chapman, B; Hao, P; Gorentla Venkata, M; Pophale, S; Welch, D.A.; Poole, S.W.PGAS '14 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Partitioned Global Address Space Programming ModelsDDCSC040Imam, Neena2014
FeO Content of Earth's Liquid Core10.1103/PhysRevX.9.041018Pozzo, Monica; Davies, Chris; Gubbins, David; Alfe, DarioPHYSICAL REVIEW XINCITECPH005Alfe, Dario2019
Feasibility of full-core pin resolved CFD simulations of small modular reactor with momentum sources10.1016/j.nucengdes.2021.111143Fang, Jun; Shaver, Dillon R.; Tomboulides, Ananias; Min, Misun; Fischer, Paul; Lan, Yu-Hsiang; Rahaman, Ronald; Romano, Paul; Benhamadouche, Sofiane; Hassan, Yassin A.; Kraus, Adam; Merzari, EliaNUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGNECP; ALCCCSC262; NFU106Kolev, Tzanio; Merzari, Elia2021
Feedback Computing in Leadership Compute SystemsGunasekaran, Raghul; Kim, Youngjae9TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON FEEDBACK COMPUTING2014
Femtoscopy with identified charged pions in proton-lead collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV with ATLAS10.1103/PhysRevC.96.064908Collaboration, ATLASPHYSICAL REVIEW CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2017
Fidelity of Precipitation Extremes in High Resolution Global Climate Simulations.10.1016/j.procs.2015.05.492Mahajan, Salil; Evans, Katherine J.; Branstetter, Marcia; Anantharaj, Valentine; Leifeld, Juliann K.INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE, ICCS 2015 COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AT THE GATES OF NATUREDDCLI049Hack, James2015
Fidelity-optimized quantum state estimation10.1088/1367-2630/17/9/093008Kalev, Amir; Hen, ItayNEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICSALCCPHY103Hen, Itay2015
Fiducial, total and differential cross-section measurements of t-channel single top-quark production in pp collisions at 8TeV using data collected by the ATLAS detector10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-5061-9Collaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2017
Filter pruning of Convolutional Neural Networks for text classification: A case study of cancer pathology report comprehension10.1109/BHI.2018.8333439Yoon, Hong-Hun; Robinson, Sarah; Christian, J. Blair; Qiu, John X.; Tourassi, Georgia D.IEEE XPLOREALCCCSC249Tourassi, Georgia T.2018
Finally, A Way to Measure Frontend I/O PerformanceZIMMER, CHRISTOPHER; LARREA, VERONICA; GUPTA, SAURABHCray User Group 2016STAFFSTAFFSTAFF2016
Finding New Cell Wall Regulatory Genes in Populus trichocarpa Using Multiple Lines of Evidence10.3389/fpls.2019.01249Furches, Anna; Kainer, David; Weighill, Deborah; Large, Annabel; Jones, Piet; Walker, Angelica M.; Romero, Jonathon; Gazolla, Joao Gabriel Felipe Machado; Joubert, Wayne; Shah, Manesh; Streich, Jared; Ranjan, Priya; Schmutz, Jeremy; Sreedasyam, Avinash; Macaya-Sanz, David; Zhao, Nan; Martin, Madhavi Z.; Rao, Xiaolan; Dixon, Richard A.; DiFazio, Stephen; Tschaplinski, Timothy J.; Chen, Jin-Gui; Tuskan, Gerald A.; Jacobson, DanielFRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCEALCCSYB105Jacobson, Daniel2019
Finding Order in the Disordered Hydration Shell of Rapidly Exchanging Water Molecules around the Heaviest Alkali Cs+ and Fr+10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b08414Roy, Santanu; Bryantsev, Vyacheslav S.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BDDCHM116Bryantsev, Vyacheslav2018
Finding Structure in Large Data Sets of Particle Distribution Functions Using Unsupervised Machine Learning10.1109/TPS.2020.2985625Churchill, R. M.; Chang, C. S.; Ku, S.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCEINCITEPHY122Chang, C.S.2020
Fine-Grained Exploitation of Mixed Precision for Faster CNN Training10.1109/MLHPC49564.2019.00007Johnston, Travis; Young, Steven R.; Schuman, Catherine D.; Chae, Junghoon; March, Don D.; Patton, Robert M.; Potok, Thomas E.PROCEEDINGS OF 2019 5TH IEEE/ACM WORKSHOP ON MACHINE LEARNING IN HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING ENVIRONMENTS (MLHPC 2019)2019
First Limit on the Direct Detection of Lightly Ionizing Particles for Electric Charge as Low as e/1000 with the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.211804Alvis, S. I.; Arnquist, I. J.; Avignone, F. T.; Barabash, A. S.; Barton, C. J.; Bertrand, F. E.; Brudanin, V.; Busch, M.; Buuck, M.; Caldwell, T. S.; Chan, Y-D.; Christofferson, C. D.; Chu, P. -H.; Cuesta, C.; Detwiler, J. A.; Dunagan, C.; Efremenko, Yu.; Ejiri, H.; Elliott, S. R.; Gilliss, T.; Giovanetti, G. K.; Green, M. P.; Gruszko, J.; Guinn, I. S.; Guiseppe, V. E.; Haufe, C. R.; Hehn, L.; Henning, R.; Hoppe, E. W.; Howe, M. A.; Konovalov, S. I.; Kouzes, R. T.; Lopez, A. M.; Martin, R. D.; Massarczyk, R.; Meijer, S. J.; Mertens, S.; Myslik, J.; O'Shaughnessy, C.; Othman, G.; Pettus, W.; Poon, A. W. P.; Radford, D. C.; Rager, J.; Reine, A. L.; Rielage, K.; Robertson, R. G. H.; Ruof, N. W.; Shanks, B.; Shirchenko, M.; Suriano, A. M.; Tedeschi, D.; Varner, R. L.; Vasilyev, S.; Vorren, K.; White, B. R.; Wilkerson, J. F.; Wiseman, C.; Xu, W.; Yakushev, E.; Yu, C. -H.; Yumatov, V.; Zhitnikov, I.; Zhu, B. X.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDDNPH016Varner, Robert2018
First Measurement of Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering on Argon10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.012002Akimov, D.; Albert, J. B.; An, P.; Awe, C.; Barbeau, P. S.; Becker, B.; Belov, undefined; Bernardi, undefined; Blackston, M. A.; Blokland, L.; Bolozdynya, A.; Cabrera-Palmer, B.; Chen, N.; Chernyak, D.; Conley, E.; Cooper, R. L.; Daughhetee, J.; Coello, M. del Valle; Detwiler, J. A.; Durand, M. R.; Efremenko, Y.; Elliott, S. R.; Fabris, L.; Febbraro, M.; Fox, W.; Galindo-Uribarri, A.; Rosso, A. Gallo; Green, M. P.; Hansen, K. S.; Heath, M. R.; Hedges, S.; Hughes, M.; Johnson, T.; Kaemingk, M.; Kaufman, L. J.; Khromov, A.; Konovalov, A.; Kozlova, E.; Kumpan, A.; Li, L.; Librande, J. T.; Link, J. M.; Liu, J.; Mann, K.; Markoff, D. M.; McGoldrick, O.; Moreno, H.; Mueller, P. E.; Newby, J.; Parno, D. S.; Penttila, S.; Pershey, D.; Radford, D.; Rapp, R.; Ray, H.; Raybern, J.; Razuvaeva, O.; Reyna, D.; Rich, G. C.; Rudik, D.; Runge, J.; Salvat, D. J.; Scholberg, K.; Shakirov, A.; Simakov, G.; Sinev, G.; Snow, W. M.; Sosnovtsev, undefined; Suh, B.; Tayloe, R.; Tellez-Giron-Flores, K.; Thornton, R. T.; Tolstukhin, undefined; Vanderwerp, J.; Varner, R. L.; Virtue, C. J.; Visser, G.; Wiseman, C.; Wongjirad, T.; Yang, J.; Yen, Y-R; Yoo, J.; Yu, C-H; Zettlemoyer, J.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDDHEP106Newby, Robert2021
First Principles Methods: A Perspective from Quantum Monte Carlo10.3390/e16010287Morales, Miguel A.; Clay, Raymond; Pierleoni, Carlo; Ceperley, David M.ENTROPYINCITEMAT038Ceperley, David2014
First Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations of High-Pressure Melting of Diamond10.1063/12.0001100Nguyen-Cong, Kien; Williams, Ashley S.; Willman, Jonathan T.; Belonoshko, Anatoly B.; Oleynik, Ivan I.SHOCK COMPRESSION OF CONDENSED MATTER - 2019ALCCMAT198Oleynik, Ivan2020
First constraint on coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering in argon10.1103/PhysRevD.100.115020Akimov, D.; Albert, J. B.; An, P.; Awe, C.; Barbeau, P. S.; Becker, B.; Belov, undefined; Blackston, M. A.; Bolozdynya, A.; Cabrera-Palmer, B.; Cervantes, M.; Collar, J.; Cooper, R. L.; Daughhetee, J.; Coello, M. del Valle; Detwiler, J. A.; D'Onofrio, M.; Efremenko, Y.; Erkela, E. M.; Elliott, S. R.; Fabris, L.; Febbraro, M.; Fox, W.; Galindo-Uribarri, A.; Green, M. P.; Hansen, K. S.; Heath, M. R.; Hedges, S.; Johnson, T.; Kaemingk, M.; Kaufman, L. J.; Khromov, A.; Konovalov, A.; Kozlova, E.; Kumpan, A.; Li, L.; Librande, J. T.; Link, J. M.; Liu, J.; Mann, K.; Markoff, D. M.; Moreno, H.; Mueller, P. E.; Newby, J.; Parno, D. S.; Penttila, S.; Pershey, D.; Radford, D.; Rapp, R.; Ray, H.; Raybern, J.; Razuvaeva, O.; Reyna, D.; Rich, G. C.; Rudik, D.; Runge, J.; Salvat, D. J.; Scholberg, K.; Shakirov, A.; Simakov, G.; Sinev, G.; Snow, W. M.; Sosnovtsev, undefined; Suh, B.; Tayloe, R.; Tellez-Giron-Flores, K.; Thornton, R. T.; Tolstukhin, undefined; Vanderwerp, J.; Varner, R. L.; Virtue, C. J.; Visser, G.; Wiseman, C.; Wongjirad, T.; Yang, J.; Yen, Y-R; Yoo, J.; Yu, C-H; Zettlemoyer, J.PHYSICAL REVIEW DDDHEP106Newby, Robert2019
First lattice QCD study of the gluonic structure of light nuclei10.1103/PhysRevD.96.094512Winter, Frank; Detmold, William; Gambhir, Arjun S.; Orginos, Kostas; Savage, Martin J.; Shanahan, Phiala E.; Wagman, Michael L.PHYSICAL REVIEW DINCITELGT003Mackenzie, Paul2017
First principle study of magnetism and vacancy energetics in a near equimolar NiFeMnCr high entropy alloy10.1063/1.5086172Li, Congyi; Yin, Junqi; Odbadrakh, Khorgolkhuu; Sales, Brian C.; Zinkle, Steven J.; Stocks, G. Malcolm; Wirth, Brian D.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICSINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2019
First principles electromagnetic responses in medium-mass nuclei Recent progress from coupled-cluster theory10.1140/epja/i2019-12825-0Simonis, Johannes; Bacca, Sonia; Hagen, GauteEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL AINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2019
First-Principles Study of Alkoxides Adsorbed on Au(111) and Au(110) Surfaces: Assessing the Roles of Noncovalent Interactions and Molecular Structures in Catalysis10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b06641Kabeer, Fairoja Cheenicode; Chen, Wei; Madix, Robert J.; Friend, Cynthia M.; Tkatchenko, AlexandreJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C2017
First-principles Green-Kubo method for thermal conductivity calculations10.1103/PhysRevB.96.020302Kang, Jun; Wang, Lin-WangPHYSICAL REVIEW BIncite, ALCC, DDNTI009Wang,Lin-Wang2017
First-principles molecular dynamics of Li transport in Li3InBr: Tools for high-throughput screeningAdelstein, Nicole; Kozinsky, Boris; Wood, BrandonInstitute of PhysicsINCITE2014
First-principles simulations of 2-D semiconductor devices: mobility, I-V characteristics, and contact resistance10.1109/IEDM.2016.7838353Luisier, M.; Szabo, A.; Stieger, C.; Klinkert, C.; Bruck, S.; Jain, A.; Novotny, L.2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL ELECTRON DEVICES MEETING (IEDM)ddNEL103Luisier,Mathieu2016
First-principles study of order-disorder transitions in multicomponent solid-solution alloys10.1088/1361-648X/ab13d8Eisenbach, Markus; Pei, Zongrui; Liu, XianglinJOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTERINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2019
First-principles study of the solute segregation in twin boundaries in Mg and possible descriptors for mechanical properties10.1016/j.matdes.2018.107574Pei, Zongrui; Li, Rui; Nie, Jian-Feng; Morris, James R.MATERIALS & DESIGNINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2019
First-principles treatment of Mott insulators: linearized QSGW+DMFT approach10.1038/npjquantmats.2016.1Choi, Sangkook; Kutepov, Andrey; Haule, Kristjan; van Schilfgaarde, Mark; Kotliar, GabrielNPJ QUANTUM MATERIALSINCITEMAT131Kotliar,Gabriel2016
Fission Fragment Intrinsic Spins and Their Correlations10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.142502Bulgac, Aurel; Abdurrahman, Ibrahim; Jin, Shi; Godbey, Kyle; Schunck, Nicolas; Stetcu, IonelPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH126Bulgac, Aurel2021
Fission dynamics of Pu-240 from saddle to scission and beyond10.1103/PhysRevC.100.034615Bulgac, Aurel; Jin, Shi; Roche, Kenneth J.; Schunck, Nicolas; Stetcu, IonelPHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH126Bulgac, Aurel2019
Fission fragment charge and mass distributions in Pu-239(n, f) in the adiabatic nuclear energy density functional theory10.1103/PhysRevC.93.054611Regnier, D.; Dubray, N.; Schunck, N.; Verriere, M.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James2016
Flame thickness and conditional scalar dissipation rate in a premixed temporal turbulent reacting jet10.1016/j.combustflame.2017.02.027Chaudhuri, Swetaprovo; Kolla, Hemanth; Dave, Himanshu L.; Hawkes, Evatt R.; Chen, Jacqueline H.; Law, Chung K.COMBUSTION AND FLAMEInciteCMB103Chen,Jacqueline H2017
Flavor Decomposition for the Proton Helicity Parton Distribution Functions10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.102003Alexandrou, Constantia; Constantinou, Martha; Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos; Jansen, Karl; Manigrasso, FlorianoPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSALCCLGT111Constantinou, Martha2021
Flavor decomposition of the nucleon unpolarized, helicity, and transversity parton distribution functions from lattice QCD simulations10.1103/PhysRevD.104.054503Alexandrou, Constantia; Constantinou, Martha; Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos; Jansen, Karl; Manigrasso, FlorianoPHYSICAL REVIEW DINCITENPH116Alexandrou, Constantia2021
Flavor diagonal tensor charges of the nucleon from (2+1+1)-flavor lattice QCD10.1103/PhysRevD.98.091501Gupta, Rajan; Yoon, Boram; Bhattacharya, Tanmoy; Cirigliano, Vincenzo; Jang, Yong-Chull; Lin, Huey-WenPHYSICAL REVIEW DDDNPH110Gupta, Rajan2018
Flexible Fitting of Small Molecules into Electron Microscopy Maps Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Neural Network Potentials10.1021/acs.jcim.9b01167Vant, John W.; Lahey, Shae-Lynn J.; Jana, Kalyanashis; Shekhar, Mrinal; Sarkar, Daipayan; Munk, Barbara H.; Kleinekathoefer, Ulrich; Mittal, Sumit; Rowley, Christopher; Singharoy, AbhishekJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELINGINCITEBIP115Singharoy, Abhishek2020
Flow Regimes During Immiscible DisplacementArmstrong, R. T.; McClure, J. E.; Berill, M. A.; Ruecker, M.; Schlueter, S.; Berg, S.PETROPHYSICSINCITEGEO106McClure, James2017
Flow-Induced Phase Separation and Crystallization in Entangled Polyethylene Solutions under Elongational Flow10.1021/acs.macromol.0c00508Sefiddashti, Mohammad Hadi Nafar; Edwards, Brian J.; Khomami, BaminMACROMOLECULESDDCFD124Khomami, Bamin2020
Fluctuations of anisotropic flow in Pb plus Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector10.1007/JHEP01(2020)051Collaboration, ATLASJOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICSDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2020
Fluid Dynamics Effects on Microstructure Prediction in Single-Laser Tracks for Additive Manufacturing of IN62510.1007/s11663-020-01808-wSabau, Adrian S.; Yuan, Lang; Raghavan, Narendran; Bement, Matthew; Simunovic, Srdjan; Turner, John A.; Gupta, Vipul K.METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS B-PROCESS METALLURGY AND MATERIALS PROCESSING SCIENCEECPMAT190Turner, John2020
Forces for structural optimizations in correlated materials within a DFT plus embedded DMFT functional approach10.1103/PhysRevB.94.195146Haule, Kristjan; Pascut, Gheorghe L.PHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITEMAT131Kotliar, Gabriel2016
Forecasting Directivity in Large Earthquakes in Terms of the Conditional Hypocenter DistributionDonovan, J.USC Digital LibraryINCITEGEO112Jordan, Thomas2015
Formation and distribution of fragments in the spontaneous fission of Pu-24010.1103/PhysRevC.96.061301Sadhukhan, Jhilam; Zhang, Chunli; Nazarewicz, Witold; Schunck, NicolasPHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James2017
Formation of Hard Power Laws in the Energetic Particle Spectra Resulting from Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.155005Guo, Fan; Li, Hui; Daughton, William; Liu, Yi-HsinPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITEFUS034Daughton, William2014
Formation of helium-bubble networks in tungsten10.1016/j.actamat.2018.07.075Sandoval, Luis; Perez, Danny; Uberuaga, Blas P.; Voter, Arthur F.ACTA MATERIALIA2018
Formation of two-dimensional transition metal oxide nanosheets with nanoparticles as intermediates10.1038/s41563-019-0415-3Yang, Juan; Zeng, Zhiyuan; Kang, Jun; Betzler, Sophia; Czarnik, Cory; Zhang, Xiaowei; Ophuss, Colin; Yu, Chang; Bustillo, Karen; Pan, Ming; Qiu, Jieshan; Wang, Lin-Wang; Zheng, HaimeiNATURE MATERIALSINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2019
Formation, migration, and clustering energies of interstitial He in alpha-quartz and beta-cristobalite10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.06.049Lin, Kan-Ju; Ding, Hepeng; Demkowicz, Michael J.JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALSDDMAT113Demkowicz,Michael J.2016
Fostering Remote Visualization: Experiences in Two Different HPC Sites10.1007/978-3-030-68035-0_2Gelvez Cortes, Sergio; Bernal, Cesar; Barrios, Carlos; Hernandez Arreguin, BenjaminHIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING: 7TH LATIN AMERICAN CONFERENCE, CARLA 2020, CUENCA, ECUADOR, SEPTEMBER 2–4, 2020, REVISED SELECTED PAPERSINCITEMAT130Zhigilei, Leonid2021
Fractal boundaries underpin the 2D melting of biomimetic rafts10.1016/j.bbamem.2020.183249Bolmatov, Dima; Zav'yalov, Dmitry; Carrillo, Jan-Michael; Katsaras, JohnBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANESDDBIP151Carrillo, Jan Michael2020
Fractal iso-level sets in high-Reynolds-number scalar turbulence10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.044501Iyer, Kartik P.; Schumacher, Joerg; Sreenivasan, Katepalli R.; Yeung, P. K.PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDSINCITETUR120Yueng, Pui-kuen2020
Fractional modeling of viscoelasticity in 3D cerebral arteries and aneurysms10.1016/, Yue; Perdikaris, Paris; Karniadakis, George EmJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSINCITEBIP118Karniadakis, George Em2016
Free Energy from Stationary Implementation of the DFT plus DMFT Functional10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.256402Haule, Kristjan; Birol, TuranPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITEMAT131Kotliar, Gabriel2015
From Describing to Prescribing Parallelism: Translating the SPEC ACCEL OpenACC Suite to OpenMP Target DirectivesJuckeland, Guido; HERNANDEZ, OSCAR; Jacob, Arpith; Neilson, Daniel; LARREA, VERONICA; Wienke, Sandra; Bobyr, Alexander; Brantley, William; Chandrasekaran, Sunita; Colgrove, Mathew; Grund, Alexander; Henschel, Robert; Muller, Mathias; Raddatz, Dave; Shelepugin, Pavel; Whitney, Brian; Wang, Bo; JOUBERT, WAYNE; Kumaran, KalyanFirst International Workshop on Performance Portable Programming Models for AcceleratorsSTAFFSTAFF2016
From NWChem to NWChemEx: Evolving with the Computational Chemistry Landscape10.1021/acs.chemrev.0c00998Kowalski, Karol; Bair, Raymond; Bauman, Nicholas P.; Boschen, Jeffery S.; Bylaska, Eric J.; Daily, Jeff; de Jong, Wibe A.; Dunning, Thom; Govind, Niranjan; Harrison, Robert J.; Keceli, Murat; Keipert, Kristopher; Krishnamoorthy, Sriram; Kumar, Suraj; Mutlu, Erdal; Palmer, Bruce; Panyala, Ajay; Peng, Bo; Richard, Ryan M.; Straatsma, T. P.; Sushko, Peter; Valeev, Edward F.; Valiev, Marat; van Dam, Hubertus J. J.; Waldrop, Jonathan M.; Williams-Young, David B.; Yang, Chao; Zalewski, Marcin; Windus, Theresa L.CHEMICAL REVIEWSECPCHM136Windus, Theresa2021
From QCD to Physical Resonances10.1063/1.4949394Bolton, Daniel R.; Briceno, Raul A.; Wilson, David J.XVITH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HADRON SPECTROSCOPY (HADRON2015)ALCCNPH103Edwards, Robert2016
From land use to land cover: restoring the afforestation signal in a coupled integrated assessment-earth system model and the implications for CMIP5 RCP simulations10.5194/bg-11-6435-2014Di Vittorio, A. V.; Chini, L. P.; Bond-Lamberty, B.; Mao, J.; Shi, X.; Truesdale, J.; Craig, A.; Calvin, K.; Jones, A.; Collins, W. D.; Edmonds, J.; Hurtt, G. C.; Thornton, P.; Thomson, A.BIOGEOSCIENCESALCCCLI112Thornton, Peter2014
Front propagation formulation for large eddy simulation of turbulent premixed flames10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.07.009Kim, Seung Hyun; Su, YundeCOMBUSTION AND FLAMEDDCMB133Kim, Seung Hyun2020
Full structural ensembles of intrinsically disordered proteins from unbiased molecular dynamics simulations10.1038/s42003-021-01759-1Shrestha, Utsab R.; Smith, Jeremy C.; Petridis, LoukasCOMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGYALCCBIF`189Petridis, Loukas2021
Fully converged plane-wave-based self-consistent GW calculations of periodic solids10.1103/PhysRevB.95.035139Cao, Huawei; Yu, Zhongyuan; Lu, Pengfei; Wang, Lin-WangPHYSICAL REVIEW BALCCNTI009Wang, Lin Wang2017
Fully self-consistent solution of the Dyson equation using a plane-wave basis set10.1103/PhysRevB.91.125135Wang, Lin-WangPHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2015
Fully-relativistic full-potential multiple scattering theory: A pathology-free scheme10.1016/j.cpc.2017.10.011Liu, Xianglin; Wang, Yang; Eisenbach, Markus; Stocks, G. MalcolmCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2018
Functional mechanisms of neurotransmitter transporters regulated by lipid-protein interactions of their terminal loops10.1016/j.bbamem.2015.03.025Khelashvili, George; Weinstein, HarelBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANESALCCBIP109Weinstein, Harel2015
Functional phylogenomics analysis of bacteria and archaea using consistent genome annotation with UniFam10.1186/s12862-014-0207-yChai, Juanjuan; Kora, Guruprasad; Ahn, Tae-Hyuk; Hyatt, Doug; Pan, ChongleBMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGYALCCBIP108Pan, Chongle2014
Fundamental Limitations to the Scalability of Quantum Annealing Optimizers10.3233/APC190009Albash, Tameem; Martin-Mayor, Victor; Hen, ItayFUTURE TRENDS OF HPC IN A DISRUPTIVE SCENARIO2019
Fundamentals of ultrafast laser-material interaction10.1557/mrs.2016.274Shugaev, Maxim V.; Wu, Chengping; Armbruster, Oskar; Naghilou, Aida; Brouwer, Nils; Ivanov, Dmitry S.; Derrien, Thibault J. -Y.; Bulgakova, Nadezhda M.; Kautek, Wolfgang; Rethfeld, Baerbel; Zhigilei, Leonid V.MRS BULLETININCITENPH008Vary,James2016
Further Insights on the Influence of the Indian Ocean Dipole on the Following Year's ENSO from Observations and CMIP5 Models10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0481.1Jourdain, Nicolas C.; Lengaigne, Matthieu; Vialard, Jerome; Izumo, Takeshi; Sen Gupta, AlexanderJOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2016
Future Directions of High-Fidelity CFD for Aero-Thermal Turbomachinery Research, Analysis and Design10.2514/6.2016-3322Laskowski, Gregory M.; Kopriva, Jim; Michelassi, Vittorio; Shankaran, Sriram; Paliath, Umesh; Bhaskaran, Rathakrishnan; Wang, Qiqi; Talnikar, Chaitanya; Wang, ZJ; Jia, Feilin46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference2016
Future changes in regional precipitation simulated by a half-degree coupled climate model: Sensitivity to horizontal resolution10.1002/2015MS000584Shields, Christine A.; Kiehl, Jeffrey T.; Meehl, Gerald A.JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMSINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2016
Future projections in the climatology of global low-level jets from CORDEX-CORE simulations10.1007/s00382-021-05671-6Torres-Alavez, Jose Abraham; Das, Sushant; Corrales-Suastegui, Arturo; Coppola, Erika; Giorgi, Filippo; Raffaele, Francesca; Bukovsky, Melissa S.; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Salinas, Jose Antonio; Sines, TaleenaCLIMATE DYNAMICSDDCLI138Ashfaq, Moetasim2021
Future projections in tropical cyclone activity over multiple CORDEX domains from RegCM4 CORDEX-CORE simulations10.1007/s00382-021-05728-6Torres-Alavez, Jose Abraham; Glazer, Russell; Giorgi, Filippo; Coppola, Erika; Gao, Xuejie; Hodges, Kevin I.; Das, Sushant; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Reale, Marco; Sines, TaleenaCLIMATE DYNAMICSDDCLI138Ashfaq, Moetasim2021
GALARIO: a GPU accelerated library for analysing radio interferometer observations10.1093/mnras/sty409Tazzari, Marco; Beaujean, Frederik; Testi, LeonardoMONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY2018
GASNet-EX: A High-Performance, Portable Communication Library for Exascale10.1007/978-3-030-34627-0_11Bonachea, Dan; Hargrove, Paul H.LANGUAGES AND COMPILERS FOR PARALLEL COMPUTING (LCPC 2018)2019
GE Research Industrial Applications Journey to SupercomputingAuthur, R.; Yamada, M.Industrial Applications of High-Performance Computing: Best Global PracticesALCCMAT033Yamada, Masako2015
GENASIS Basics: Object-oriented utilitarian functionality for large-scale physics simulations (Version 3)10.1016/j.cpc.2019.05.014Budiardja, Reuben D.; Cardall, Christian Y.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSDDAST139Cardall, Christian2019
GENASIS Mathematics: Object-oriented manifolds, operations, and solvers for large-scale physics simulations10.1016/j.cpc.2017.10.004Cardall, Christian Y.; Budiardja, Reuben D.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITEAST005Lentz, Eric2018
GFCCLib: Scalable and efficient coupled-cluster Green's function library for accurately tackling many-body electronic structure problems10.1016/j.cpc.2021.108000Peng, Bo; Panyala, Ajay; Kowalski, Karol; Krishnamoorthy, SriramCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITECHP112Sotiris, Xantheas2021
GITR: An accelerated global scale particle tracking code for wall material erosion and redistribution in fusion relevant plasma-material interactions10.1016/j.cpc.2021.107885Younkin, T. R.; Green, D. L.; Simpson, A. B.; Wirth, B. D.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSDDFUS120Green, David2021
GPU Acceleration of Communication Avoiding Chebyshev Basis Conjugate Gradient Solver for Multiphase CFD Simulations10.1109/ScalA49573.2019.00006Ali, Yussuf; Onodera, Naoyuki; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Ina, Takuya; Imamura, ToshiyukiPROCEEDINGS OF SCALA 2019: 2019 IEEE/ACM 10TH WORKSHOP ON LATEST ADVANCES IN SCALABLE ALGORITHMS FOR LARGE-SCALE SYSTEMS (SCALA)2019
GPU Acceleration of the Locally Selfconsistent Multiple Scattering Code for First Principles Calculation of the Ground State and Statistical Physics of Materials10.1007/978-981-10-0457-5_24Eisenbach, Markus; Larkin, Jeff; Lutjens, Justin; Rennich, Steven; Rogers, James H.BIG DATA TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONSINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2016
GPU Age-Aware Scheduling to Improve the Reliability of Leadership Jobs on TitanZimmer, Christopher; Maxwell, Don; McNally, Stephen; Atchley, Scott; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE, AND ANALYSIS (SC'18)2018
GPU Data Access on Complex Geometries for D3Q19 Lattice Boltzmann Method10.1109/IPDPS.2018.00092Herschlag, Gregory; Lee, Seyong; Vetter, Jeffrey S.; Randles, Amanda2018 32ND IEEE INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM (IPDPS)2018
GPU Lifetimes on Titan Supercomputer: Survival Analysis and Reliability10.1109/SC41405.2020.00045Ostrouchov, George; Maxwell, Don; Ashraf, Rizwan A.; Engelmann, Christian; Shankar, Mallikarjun; Rogers, James H.PROCEEDINGS OF SC20: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSIS (SC20)2020
GPU acceleration and performance of the particle-beam-dynamics code Elegant10.1016/j.cpc.2018.09.022King, J. R.; Pogorelov, I. V.; Amyx, K. M.; Borland, M.; Soliday, R.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSDDAPH102Pogorelov, Ilya2019
GPU acceleration of a petascale application for turbulent mixing at high Schmidt number using OpenMP 4.510.1016/j.cpc.2018.02.020Clay, M. P.; Buaria, D.; Yeung, P. K.; Gotoh, T.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITETUR120Pui-kuen Yeung2018
GPU acceleration of all-electron electronic structure theory using localized numeric atom-centered basis functions10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107314Huhn, William P.; Lange, Bjorn; Yu, Victor Wen-zhe; Yoon, Mina; Blum, VolkerCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2020
GPU acceleration of extreme scale pseudo-spectral simulations of turbulence using asynchronism10.1145/3295500.3356209Ravikumar, Kiran; Appelhans, David; Yeung, P. K.PROCEEDINGS OF SC19: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISINCITETUR120Yeung, P.K.2019
GPU acceleration of the FINE/FR CFD solver in a heterogeneous environment with OpenACC directivesZhai, X.M. Shine; Gutzwiller, David; Puri, Kunal; Hirsch, CharlesSEVENTH WORKSHOP ON ACCELERATOR PROGRAMMING USING DIRECTIVES (WACCPD) @SC20INCITEENG113Hirsch, Charles2020
GPU acceleration of the Locally Selfconsistent Multiple Scattering code for first principles calculation of the ground state and statistical physics of materials10.1016/j.cpc.2016.07.013Eisenbach, Markus; Larkin, Jeff; Lutjens, Justin; Rennich, Steven; Rogers, James H.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITEEisenbach, Markus2017
GPU algorithms for Efficient Exascale Discretizations10.1016/j.parco.2021.102841Abdelfattah, Ahmad; Barra, Valeria; Beams, Natalie; Bleile, Ryan; Brown, Jed; Camier, Jean-Sylvain; Carson, Robert; Chalmers, Noel; Dobrev, Veselin; Dudouit, Yohann; Fischer, Paul; Karakus, Ali; Kerkemeier, Stefan; Kolev, Tzanio; Lan, Yu-Hsiang; Merzari, Elia; Min, Misun; Phillips, Malachi; Rathnayake, Thilina; Rieben, Robert; Stitt, Thomas; Tomboulides, Ananias; Tomov, Stanimire; Tomov, Vladimir; Vargas, Arturo; Warburton, Tim; Weiss, KennethPARALLEL COMPUTINGECPCSC262Kolev, Tzanio2021
GPU implementation of a sophisticated implicit low-order finite element solver with FP21-32-64 computation using OpenACCYamaguchi, Takuma; Fujita, Kohei; Ichimura, Tsuyoshi; Naruse, Akira; Lalith, Maddegedara; Hori, MuneoWACCPD 2019ALCCGEO135Fujita, Kohei2019
GPU implementation of the linear scaling three dimensional fragment method for large scale electronic structure calculations10.1016/j.cpc.2016.07.003Jia, Weile; Wang, Jue; Chi, Xuebin; Wang, Lin-WangCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSddNTI009Wang,Lin-Wang2017
GPU parallelization of a hybrid pseudospectral fluid turbulence framework using CUDA10.3390/atmos11020178Rosenberg, Duane; Mininni, Pablo D.; Reddy, Raghu; Pouquet, AnnickATMOSPHEREDDTUR127Rosenberg, Duane2020
GPU-Accelerated Drug Discovery with Docking on the Summit Supercomputer: Porting, Optimization, and Application to COVID-19 Research10.1145/3388440.3412472Vermaas, Joshua; Smith, Jeremy; Agarwal, Rupesh; LeGrand, Scott; Tillack, Andreas; Santos-Martins, Diogo; Forli, Stefano; Solis-Vasquez, Leonardo; Koch, Andreas; Scheinberg, Aaron; Larkin, Jeff; Poole, Duncan; Hernandez, Oscar; Sedova, Ada; Thavappiragasam, MathialakanACM CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS, COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, AND HEALTH INFORMATICS (ACM-BCB)ALCCBIF128Smith, Jeremy2020
GPU-accelerated Tersoff potentials for massively parallel Molecular Dynamics simulations10.1016/j.cpc.2016.10.020Trung Dac Nguyen, undefinedCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSDDMAT123Nguyen, Trung Dac2017
GPU-accelerated red blood cells simulations with transport dissipative particle dynamics10.1016/j.cpc.2017.03.016Blumers, Ansel L.; Tang, Yu-Hang; Li, Zhen; Li, Xuejin; Karniadakis, George E.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITEBIP118Karniadakis, George2017
GPU-acceleration of the ELPA2 distributed eigensolver for dense symmetric and hermitian eigenproblems10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107808Yu, Victor Wen-zhe; Moussa, Jonathan; Kus, Pavel; Marek, Andreas; Messmer, Peter; Yoon, Mina; Lederer, Hermann; Blum, VolkerCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSALCCCHP107Jakowski, Jacek2021
GPU-aware Communication with UCX in Parallel Programming Models: Charm plus plus , MPI, and Python10.1109/IPDPSW52791.2021.00079Choi, Jaemin; Fink, Zane; White, Sam; Bhat, Nitin; Richards, David F.; Kale, Laxmikant2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOPS (IPDPSW)DDCSC357Kale, Laxmikant2021
GPU-based Image Compression for Efficient Compositing in Distributed Rendering Applications10.1109/LDAV53230.2021.00012Lipinski, Riley; Moreland, Kenneth; Papka, Michael E.; Marrinan, Thomas2021 IEEE 11TH SYMPOSIUM ON LARGE DATA ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION (LDAV)DDCSC143Podhorszki, Norbert; Klasky, Scott2021
GPUAPI: Multi-level Chapel Runtime API for GPUs10.1145/1122445.1122456Hayashi, Akihiro; Paul, Sri Raj; Sarkar, VivekCHIUWGeneralGEN010Bernholdt, David2021
GUIDE: A Scalable Information Directory Service to Collect, Federate, and Analyze Logs for Operational Insights into a Leadership HPC Facility10.1145/3126908.3126946Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.; Miller, Ross; Tiwari, Devesh; Zimmer, Christopher; Wang, Feiyi; Oral, Sarp; Gunasekaran, Raghul; Steinert, DerylSC'17: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2017
GVPRoF: A Value Profiler for GPU-Based Clusters10.1109/SC41405.2020.00093Zhou, Keren; Hao, Yueming; Mellor-Crummey, John; Meng, Xiaozhu; Liu, XuPROCEEDINGS OF SC20: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSIS (SC20)ECPCSC322Crummey, John2020
Galactic ionizing photon budget during the epoch of reionization in the Cosmic Dawn II simulation10.1093/mnras/staa1748Lewis, Joseph S. W.; Ocvirk, Pierre; Aubert, Dominique; Sorce, Jenny G.; Shapiro, Paul R.; Deparis, Nicolas; Dawoodbhoy, Taha; Teyssier, Romain; Yepes, Gustavo; Gottloeber, Stefan; Ahn, Kyungjin; Iliev, Ilian T.; Chardin, JonathanMONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETYINCITEAST031Ocvirk, Pierre2020
Galilean invariance restoration on the lattice10.1103/PhysRevC.99.064001Li, Ning; Elhatisari, Serdar; Epelbaum, Evgeny; Lee, Dean; Lu, Bingnan; Meissner, Ulf-GPHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2019
Gamow shell model description of proton scattering on Ne-1810.1103/PhysRevC.89.034624Jaganathen, Y.; Michel, N.; Ploszajczak, M.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James2014
Gas Phase Uranyl Activation: Formation of a Uranium Nitrosyl Complex from Uranyl Azide10.1021/jacs.5b02420Gong, Yu; de Jong, Wibe A.; Gibson, John K.JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETYINCITECHP101Dixon, David2015
Gating mechanism of the extracellular entry to the lipid pathway in a TMEM16 scramblase10.1038/s41467-018-05724-1Lee, Byoung-Cheol; Khelashvili, George; Falzone, Maria; Menon, Anant K.; Weinstein, Harel; Accardi, AlessioNATURE COMMUNICATIONSINCITEBIP109Weinstein, Harel2018
Gaussian process based optimization of molecular geometries using statistically sampled energy surfaces from quantum Monte Carlo10.1063/1.5040584Archibald, R.; Krogel, J. T.; Kent, P. R. C.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2018
General Effect of van der Waals Interactions on the Stability of Alkoxy Intermediates on Metal Surfaces10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b04952Xu, Yunfei; Chen, Wei; Kaxiras, Efthimios; Friend, Cynthia M.; Madix, Robert J.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BDDEES0022018
General relativistic MHD simulations of non-thermal flaring in Sagittarius A*10.1093/mnras/stab2466Chatterjee, K.; Markoff, S.; Neilsen, J.; Younsi, Z.; Witzel, G.; Tchekhovskoy, A.; Yoon, D.; Ingram, A.; van der Klis, M.; Boyce, H.; Do, T.; Haggard, D.; Nowak, M. A.MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETYINCITEPHY129Tchekhovskoy, Alexander2021
Generalized Ensemble Sampling of Enzyme Reaction Free Energy Pathways10.1016/bs.mie.2016.05.012Wu, D.; Fajer, M. I.; Cao, L.; Cheng, X.; Yang, W.COMPUTATIONAL APPROACHES FOR STUDYING ENZYME MECHANISM, PT ADDBIP023Cheng,Xiaolin2016
Generalized Protein-Repellent Properties of Ultrathin Homopolymer Films10.1021/acs.macromol.0c01010Salatto, Daniel; Koga, Yuto T.; Bajaj, Yashasvi; Huang, Zhixing; Yavitt, Benjamin M.; Meng, Yizhi; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Nykypanchuk, Dmytro; Taniguchi, Takashi; Endoh, Maya K.; Koga, TadanoriMACROMOLECULESDDMAT201Sumpter, Bobby2020
Generation and Evolution of High-Mach-Number Laser-Driven Magnetized Collisionless Shocks in the Laboratory10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.025001Schaeffer, D. B.; Fox, W.; Haberberger, D.; Fiksel, G.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Barnak, D. H.; Hu, S. X.; Germaschewski, K.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITEFUS109Bhattacharjee, Amitava2017
Generation and characterization of carbon fiber microstructures by atomistic simulations10.1016/j.carbon.2019.06.014Joshi, Kaushik; Arefev, Mikhail; Zhigilei, LeonidCARBONINCITEMAT130Zhigilei, Leonid2019
Generation of Subsurface Voids, Incubation Effect, and Formation of Nanoparticles in Short Pulse Laser Interactions with Bulk Metal Targets in Liquid: Molecular Dynamics Study10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b02301Shih, Cheng-Yu; Shugaev, Maxim V.; Wu, Chengping; Zhigilei, Leonid V.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CInciteMAT130Zhigilei, Leonid2017
Generation of nanocrystalline surface layer in short pulse laser processing of metal targets under conditions of spatial confinement by solid or liquid overlayer10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.02.030Shugaev, Maxim V.; Shih, Cheng-Yu; Karim, Eaman T.; Wu, Chengping; Zhigilei, Leonid V.APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCEINCITEMAT130Zhigilei, Leonid V2017
Generation of secondary microseism Love waves: effects of bathymetry, 3-D structure and source seasonality10.1093/gji/ggab095Gualtieri, Lucia; Bachmann, Etienne; Simons, Frederik J.; Tromp, JeroenGEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONALINCITEGEO111Tromp, Jereon2021
Generation of subsurface voids and a nanocrystalline surface layer in femtosecond laser irradiation of a single-crystal Ag target10.1103/PhysRevB.91.035413Wu, Chengping; Christensen, Martin S.; Savolainen, Juha-Matti; Balling, Peter; Zhigilei, Leonid V.PHYSICAL REVIEW BDDMAT048Zhigilei, Leonid2015
Generation of the configurational ensemble of an intrinsically disordered protein from unbiased molecular dynamics simulation10.1073/pnas.1907251116Shrestha, Utsab R.; Juneja, Puneet; Zhang, Qiu; Gurumoorthy, Viswanathan; Borreguero, Jose M.; Urban, Volker; Cheng, Xiaolin; Pingali, Sai Venkatesh; Smith, Jeremy C.; O'Neill, Hugh M.; Petridis, LoukasPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICADD, ALCCBIP161, BIP189Petridis, Loukas2019
Generative model benchmarks for superconducting qubits10.1103/PhysRevA.99.062323Hamilton, Kathleen E.; Dumitrescu, Eugene F.; Pooser, Raphael C.PHYSICAL REVIEW AQuantumQuantumHumble, Travis2019
Generic Library Interception for Improved Performance Measurement and Insight10.1007/978-3-030-17872-7_2Brendel, Ronny; Wesarg, Bert; Tschueter, Ronny; Weber, Matthias; Ilsche, Thomas; Oeste, SebastianPROGRAMMING AND PERFORMANCE VISUALIZATION TOOLSStaffSTF010Bernholdt, David2019
Generic matrix multiplication for multi-GPU accelerated distributed-memory platforms over PARSEC10.1109/ScalA49573.2019.00010Herault, Thomas; Robert, Yves; Bosilca, George; Dongarra, JackPROCEEDINGS OF SCALA 2019: 2019 IEEE/ACM 10TH WORKSHOP ON LATEST ADVANCES IN SCALABLE ALGORITHMS FOR LARGE-SCALE SYSTEMS (SCALA)2019
Genetic algorithm based task reordering to improve the performance of batch scheduled massively parallel scientific applications10.1002/cpe.3457Sankaran, Ramanan; Angel, Jordan; Brown, W. MichaelCONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCESTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
Genome-Resolved Proteomic Stable Isotope Probing of Soil Microbial Communities Using 13CO2 and 13C-Methanol10.3389/fmicb.2019.02706Hurst, Gregory; Hettich, Robert; Crits christoph, Alexander; lebeis, Sarah; Banfield, Jillian; Mayes, Melanie; Li, Zhou; Yao, Qiuming; Guo, Xuan; Pan, Chongle; Biswas, Abhishek; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , ; ,FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGYDDSYB103Pan, Chongle2019
Genome-Wide Association Study of Wood Anatomical and Morphological Traits inPopulus trichocarpa10.3389/fpls.2020.545748Chhetri, Hari B.; Furches, Anna; Macaya-Sanz, David; Walker, Alejandro R.; Kainer, David; Jones, Piet; Harman-Ware, Anne E.; Tschaplinski, Timothy J.; Jacobson, Daniel; Tuskan, Gerald A.; DiFazio, Stephen P.FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCEINCITEBIF102Jacobson, Daniel2020
Genomic Diversity Evaluation of Populus trichocarpa Germplasm for Rare Variant Genetic Association Studies10.3389/fgene.2019.01384Piot, Anthony; Prunier, Julien; Isabel, Nathalie; Klapste, Jaroslav; El-Kassaby, Yousry A.; Aguilar, Juan Carlos Villarreal; Porth, IlgaFRONTIERS IN GENETICSDDCLI120Prakash,, Giri; Gustafson, William2020
Genus-Wide Assessment of Lignocellulose Utilization in the Extremely Thermophilic Genus Caldicellulosiruptor by Genomic, Pangenomic, and Metagenomic Analyses10.1128/AEM.02694-17Lee, Laura L.; Blumer-Schuette, Sara E.; Izquierdo, Javier A.; Zurawski, Jeffrey V.; Loder, Andrew J.; Conway, Jonathan M.; Elkins, James G.; Podar, Mircea; Clum, Alicia; Jones, Piet C.; Piatek, Marek J.; Weighill, Deborah A.; Jacobson, Daniel A.; Adams, Michael W. W.; Kelly, Robert M.APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGYINCITEBIF102Jacobson, Daniel2018
Geometric state function for two-fluid flow in porous media10.1103/PhysRevFluids.3.084306McClure, James E.; Armstrong, Ryan T.; Berrill, Mark A.; Schlueter, Steffen; Berg, Steffen; Gray, William G.; Miller, Cass T.PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDSINCITEGEO106McClure, James2018
Geometry dependence of the fluctuation intensity in gyrokinetic turbulence10.1088/1361-6587/abc861Staebler, G. M.; Candy, J.; Belli, E. A.; Kinsey, J. E.; Bonanomi, N.; Patel, B.PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSIONALCCFUS129Candy, Jeff2021
Geometry induced sequence of nanoscale Frank-Kasper and quasicrystal mesophases in giant surfactants10.1073/pnas.1609422113Yue, Kan; Huang, Mingjun; Marson, Ryan L.; He, Jinlin; Huang, Jiahao; Zhou, Zhe; Wang, Jing; Liu, Chang; Yan, Xuesheng; Wu, Kan; Guo, Zaihong; Liu, Hao; Zhang, Wei; Ni, Peihong; Wesdemiotis, Chrys; Zhang, Wen-Bin; Glotzer, Sharon C.; Cheng, Stephen Z. D.PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAINCITEMAT110Glotzer, Sharon2016
Giant and pigmy dipole resonances in He-4, O-16,O-22, and Ca-40 from chiral nucleon-nucleon interactions10.1103/PhysRevC.90.064619Bacca, S.; Barnea, N.; Hagen, G.; Miorelli, M.; Orlandini, G.; Papenbrock, T.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James2014
Glass-like energy and property landscape of Pt nanoclusters10.1007/s12274-017-1475-9Chen, Zhanghui; Li, Jingbo; Li, Shushen; Wang, Lin-WangNANO RESEARCHALCCNTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2017
Global Experiences with HPC Operational Data Measurement, Collection and Analysis10.1109/CLUSTER49012.2020.00071Ott, Michael; Shin, Woong; Bourassa, Norman; Wilde, Torsten; Ceballos, Stefan; Romanus, Melissa; Bates, Natalie2020 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER 2020)StaffSTF008Oral, Sarp2020
Global Partitioning Elevation Normalization Applied to Building Footprint Prediction10.1109/JSTARS.2020.3002502Fafard, Alexander; van Aardt, Jan; Coletti, Mark; Page, David L.IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSINGDDCSC342Coletti, Mark2020
Global Sensitivity Analysis of Bulk Properties of an Atomic Nucleus10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.252501Ekstrom, Andreas; Hagen, GautePHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2019
Global Ten-Moment Multifluid Simulations of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mercury: From the Planetary Conducting Core to the Dynamic Magnetosphere10.1029/2019GL083180Dong, Chuanfei; Wang, Liang; Hakim, Ammar; Bhattacharjee, Amitava; Slavin, James A.; DiBraccio, Gina A.; Germaschewski, KaiGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSINCITEFUS109Bhattacharjee, Amitava2019
Global adjoint tomography-model GLAD-M2510.1093/gji/ggaa253Lei, Wenjie; Ruan, Youyi; Bozdag, Ebru; Peter, Daniel; Lefebvre, Matthieu; Komatitsch, Dimitri; Tromp, Jeroen; Hill, Judith; Podhorszki, Norbert; Pugmire, DavidGEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONALINCITE, DDGEO111, CSC143Tromp, Jeroen2020
Global adjoint tomography: first-generation model10.1093/gji/ggw356Bozdag, Ebru; Peter, Daniel; Lefebvre, Matthieu; Komatitsch, Dimitri; Tromp, Jeroen; Hill, Judith; Podhorszki, Norbert; Pugmire, DavidGEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONALINCITEGEO111Tromp,Jeroen2016
Global assessment of trends in wetting and drying over land10.1038/NGEO2247Greve, Peter; Orlowsky, Boris; Mueller, Brigitte; Sheffield, Justin; Reichstein, Markus; Seneviratne, Sonia I.NATURE GEOSCIENCEINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2014
Global gyrokinetic particle simulations of microturbulence in W7-X and LHD stellarators10.1063/5.0014198Wang, H. Y.; Holod, undefined; Lin, Z.; Bao, J.; Fu, J. Y.; Liu, P. F.; Nicolau, J. H.; Spong, D.; Xiao, Y.PHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITEPHY130Lin, Zhihong2020
Global gyrokinetic simulation of microturbulence with kinetic electrons in the presence of magnetic island in tokamak10.1063/1.5096962Fang, K. S.; Lin, Z.PHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITEPHY130Lin, Zhihong2019
Global gyrokinetic simulation of neoclassical ambipolar electric field and its effects on microturbulence in W7-X stellarator10.1063/5.0047291Fu, J. Y.; Nicolau, J. H.; Liu, P. F.; Wei, X. S.; Xiao, Y.; Lin, Z.PHYSICS OF PLASMASDDPHY130Lin, Zhihong2021
Global gyrokinetic simulation with kinetic electron for collisionless damping of zonal flow in stellarators10.1088/1741-4326/ac31daNicolau, Javier H.; Choi, Gyungjin; Fu, Jingyuan; Liu, Pengfei; Wei, Xishuo; Lin, ZhihongNUCLEAR FUSIONINCITEPHY130Lin, Zhihong2021
Global linear gyrokinetic simulation of energetic particle-driven instabilities in the LHD stellarator10.1088/1741-4326/aa7601Spong, D. A.; Holod, I.; Todo, Y.; Osakabe, M.NUCLEAR FUSIONDDFUS107Lin, Zhihong2017
Global reconstructed daily surge levels from the 20th Century Reanalysis (1871-2010)10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.11.006Cid, Alba; Camus, Paula; Castanedo, Sonia; Mendez, Fernando J.; Medina, RaulGLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGEINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2017
Global simulation of ion temperature gradient instabilities in a field-reversed configuration10.1063/1.5087079Bao, J.; Lau, C. K.; Lin, Z.; Wang, H. Y.; Fulton, D. P.; Dettrick, S.; Tajima, T.PHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITEPHY130Lin, Zhihong2019
Global temperature response to the major volcanic eruptions in multiple reanalysis data sets10.5194/acp-15-13507-2015Fujiwara, M.; Hibino, T.; Mehta, S. K.; Gray, L.; Mitchell, D.; Anstey, J.ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
Global-scale multidecadal variability missing in state-of-the-art climate models10.1038/s41612-018-0044-6Kravtsov, S.; Grimm, C.; Gu, S.NPJ CLIMATE AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCEINCITE2018
Globally Suppressed Dynamics in Ion-Doped Polymers10.1021/acsmacrolett.8b00237Webb, Michael A.; Yamamoto, Umi; Savoie, Brett M.; Wang, Zhen-Gang; Miller, Thomas F.ACS MACRO LETTERS2018
Glue Spin and Helicity in the Proton from Lattice QCD10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.102001Yang, Yi-Bo; Sufian, Raza Sabbir; Alexandru, Andrei; Draper, Terrence; Glatzmaier, Michael J.; Liu, Keh-Fei; Zhao, YongPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSALCC, INCITENPH102, LGT003ALCC: Liu,Keh-Fei INCITE:Mackenzie,Paul2017
Gradient-free MCMC methods for dynamic causal modelling10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.03.008Sengupta, Biswa; Friston, Karl J.; Penny, Will D.NEUROIMAGEDDMED003Sengupta, Biswa2015
Granularity and the cost of error recovery in resilient AMR scientific applicationsDubey, Anshu; Fujita, Hajime; Graves, Daniel; Chien, Andrew; Tiwari, DeveshSC '16 Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and AnalysisSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2016
Graph 500 in OpenSHMEM10.1007/978-3-319-26428-8_10D'Azevedo, Eduardo F.; Imam, NeenaOPENSHMEM AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES: EXPERIENCES, IMPLEMENTATIONS, AND TECHNOLOGIES, OPENSHMEM 2015DDCSC040Imam, Neena2015
Graph isomorphism and Gaussian boson sampling10.1515/spma-2020-0132Bradler, Kamil; Friedland, Shmuel; Izaac, Josh; Killoran, Nathan; Su, DaiqinSPECIAL MATRICESDDPHY123Gupt, Brajesh2021
Gravitational wave signatures of ab initio two-dimensional core collapse supernova explosion models for 12-25 M-circle dot stars10.1103/PhysRevD.92.084040Yakunin, Konstantin N.; Mezzacappa, Anthony; Marronetti, Pedro; Yoshida, Shin'ichirou; Bruenn, Stephen W.; Hix, W. Raphael; Lentz, Eric J.; Messer, O. E. Bronson; Harris, J. Austin; Endeve, Eirik; Blondin, John M.; Lingerfelt, Eric J.PHYSICAL REVIEW DINCITEAST005Lentz, Eric2015
Gravitational-wave signal of a core-collapse supernova explosion of a 15 M-circle dot star10.1103/PhysRevD.102.023027Mezzacappa, Anthony; Marronetti, Pedro; Landfield, Ryan E.; Lentz, Eric J.; Yakunin, Konstantin N.; Bruenn, Stephen W.; Hix, W. Raphael; Messer, O. E. Bronson; Endeve, Eirik; Blondin, John M.; Harris, J. AustinPHYSICAL REVIEW DINCITEAST137Hix, Raphael2020
Greenland Surface Mass Balance as Simulated by the Community Earth System Model. Part II: Twenty-First-Century Changes10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00588.1Vizcaino, Miren; Lipscomb, William H.; Sacks, William J.; van den Broeke, MichielJOURNAL OF CLIMATE2014
Greenland temperature response to climate forcing during the last deglaciation10.1126/science.1254961Buizert, Christo; Gkinis, Vasileios; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; He, Feng; Lecavalier, Benoit S.; Kindler, Philippe; Leuenberger, Markus; Carlson, Anders E.; Vinther, Bo; Masson-Delmotte, Valerie; White, James W. C.; Liu, Zhengyu; Otto-Bliesner, Bette; Brook, Edward J.SCIENCEINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2014
Greenland-Wide Seasonal Temperatures During the Last Deglaciation10.1002/2017GL075601Buizert, C.; Keisling, B. A.; Box, J. E.; He, F.; Carlson, A. E.; Sinclair, G.; DeConto, R. M.GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSINCITE, DDCLI017Washington, Warren2018
GronOR Nonorthogonal Configuration Interaction Calculations at Exascale10.1016/bs.arcc.2018.06.003Straatsma, Tjerk P.; Broer, Ria; Faraji, Shirin; Havenith, Remco W.A.ANNUAL REPORTS IN COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRYDDCHM120Havenith, Remco2018
GronOR: Massively parallel and GPU-accelerated non-orthogonal configuration interaction for large molecular systems10.1063/1.5141358Straatsma, T. P.; Broer, R.; Faraji, S.; Havenith, R. W. A.; Suarez, L. E. Aguilar; Kathir, R. K.; Wibowo, M.; de Graaf, C.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSDDCHM120Havenith, Remco2020
Ground Motion and Intraevent Variability from 3D Deterministic Broad-band (0-7.5 Hz) Simulations along a Nonplanar Strike-Slip Fault10.1785/0120180006Withers, Kyle B.; Olsen, Kim B.; Day, Steven M.; Shi, ZheqiangBULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICAINCITEGEO112Goulet, Christine2019
Ground-state properties of strongly interacting Fermi gases in two dimensions10.1103/PhysRevA.92.033603Shi, Hao; Chiesa, Simone; Zhang, ShiweiPHYSICAL REVIEW ADD (and INCITE)CPH107 (and CHM048)Zhang, Shiwei2015
Growth Rate Effects on the Formation of Dislocation Loops Around Deep Helium Bubbles in Tungsten10.13182/FST16-116Sandoval, Luis; Perez, Danny; Uberuaga, Blas P.; Voter, Arthur F.FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYALCCFUS049Wirth, Brian2017
Gyroaveraging operations using adaptive matrix operators10.1063/1.5026767Dominski, Julien; Ku, Seung-Hoe; Chang, Choong-SeockPHYSICS OF PLASMASALCCENV003Chang, Choong-Seock2018
Gyrokinetic particle simulation of a field reversed configuration10.1063/1.4930289Fulton, D. P.; Lau, C. K.; Holod, I.; Lin, Z.; Dettrick, S.PHYSICS OF PLASMASALCCFUS041Lin, Zhihong2016
Gyrokinetic particle simulation of beta-induced Alfven-acoustic eigenmode10.1063/1.4947205Zhang, H. S.; Liu, Y. Q.; Lin, Z.; Zhang, W. L.PHYSICS OF PLASMASDirector's DiscretionaryFUS107Lin, Zhihong2016
Gyrokinetic particle simulation of fast-electron driven beta-induced Aflven eigenmode10.1063/1.4948487Cheng, Junyi; Zhang, Wenlu; Lin, Zhihong; Holod, Ihor; Li, Ding; Chen, Yang; Cao, JintaoPHYSICS OF PLASMASALCCFUS041Lin, Zhihong2016
Gyrokinetic particle simulation of microturbulence for general magnetic geometry and experimental profiles10.1063/1.4908275Xiao, Yong; Holod, Ihor; Wang, Zhixuan; Lin, Zhihong; Zhang, TaigePHYSICS OF PLASMASALCCFUS041Lin, Zhihong2015
Gyrokinetic particle simulations of interactions between energetic particles and magnetic islands induced by neoclassical tearing modes10.1063/1.5126681Tang, X.; Lin, Z.; Heidbrink, W. W.; Bao, J.; Xiao, C.; Li, Z.; Li, J.; Bardoczi, L.PHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITEPHY130Lin, Zhihong2020
Gyrokinetic particle simulations of the effects of compressional magnetic perturbations on drift-Alfvenic instabilities in tokamaks10.1063/1.4997788Dong, Ge; Bao, Jian; Bhattacharjee, Amitava; Brizard, Alain; Lin, Zhihong; Porazik, PeterPHYSICS OF PLASMASALCC/DD, INCITESDF002Bhattacharjee, Amitava and Lin, Zhihong2017
Gyrokinetic projection of the divertor heat-flux width from present tokamaks to ITER10.1088/1741-4326/aa7efbChang, C. S.; Ku, S.; Loarte, A.; Parail, V.; Koechl, F.; Romanelli, M.; Maingi, R.; Ahn, J. -W.; Gray, T.; Hughes, J.; LaBombard, B.; Leonard, T.; Makowski, M.; Terry, J.NUCLEAR FUSIONALCCENV003Chang,Choong-Seock2017
Gyrokinetic simulation of driftwave instability in field-reversed configuration10.1063/1.4948285Fulton, D.P.; Lau, C.K.; Schmitz, L.; Holod, L.; Lin, Z.; Tajima, T.; Binderbauer, M.W.; Team, TAEPHYSICS OF PLASMASalccFUS041Lau,Calvin2016
Gyrokinetic simulation of low-frequency Alfvenic modes in DIII-D tokamak10.1088/1741-4326/abf0ddChoi, G. J.; Liu, P.; Wei, X. S.; Nicolau, J. H.; Dong, G.; Zhang, W. L.; Lin, Z.; Heidbrink, W. W.; Hahm, T. S.NUCLEAR FUSIONINCITEPHY130Lin, Zhihong2021
Gyrokinetic simulations of nonlinear interactions between magnetic islands and microturbulence10.1088/2058-6272/ab3c83Fang, Kaisheng; Bao, Jian; Lin, ZhihongPLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYINCITEPHY130Lin, Zhihong2019
Gyrokinetic simulations of toroidal Alfven eigenmodes excited by energetic ions and external antennas on the Joint European Torus10.1088/1741-4326/aaf430Aslanyan, undefined; Taimourzadeh, S.; Shi, L.; Lin, Z.; Dong, G.; puglia, P.; Porklab, M.; Dumont, R.; Sharapov, S. E.; Mailloux, J.; Tsalas, M.; Maslov, M.; Whitehead, A.; Scannell, R.; Gerasimov, S.; Dorling, S.; Dowson, S.; Sheikh, H. K.; Blackman, T.; Jones, G.; Goodyear, A.; Kirov, K. K.; Blanchard, P.; Fasoli, A.; Testa, D.; Abduallev, S.; Abhangi, M.; Abreu, P.; Afzal, M.; Aggarwal, K. M.; Ahlgren, T.; Ahn, J. H.; Aho-Mantila, L.; Aiba, N.; Airila, M.; Albanese, R.; Aldred, V.; Alegre, D.; Alessi, E.; Aleynikov, P.; Alfier, A.; Alkseev, A.; Allinson, M.; Alper, B.; Alves, E.; Ambrosino, G.; Ambrosino, R.; Amicucci, L.; Amosov, V.; Sunden, E. 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J.; Kiptily, V.; Kirk, A.; Kirov, K.; Kirschner, A.; Kizane, G.; Klepper, C.; Klix, A.; Knight, P.; Knipe, S. J.; Knott, S.; Kobuchi, T.; Koechl, F.; Kocsis, G.; Kodeli, I.; Kogan, L.; Kogut, D.; Koivuranta, S.; Kominis, Y.; Koeppen, M.; Kos, B.; Koskela, T.; Koslowski, H. R.; Koubiti, M.; Kovari, M.; Kowalska-Strzeciwilk, E.; Krasilnikov, A.; Krasilnikov, V.; Krawczyk, N.; Kresina, M.; Krieger, K.; Krivska, A.; Kruezi, U.; Ksiazek, I.; Kukushkin, A.; Kundu, A.; Kurki-Suonio, T.; Kwak, S.; Kwiatkowski, R.; Kwon, O. J.; Laguardia, L.; Lahtinen, A.; Laing, A.; Lam, N.; Lambertz, H. T.; Lane, C.; Lang, P. T.; Lanthaler, S.; Lapins, J.; Lasa, A.; Last, J. R.; Laszynska, E.; Lawless, R.; Lawson, A.; Lawson, K. D.; Lazaros, A.; Lazzaro, E.; Leddy, J.; Lee, S.; Lefebvre, X.; Leggate, H. J.; Lehmann, J.; Lehnen, M.; Leichtle, D.; Leichuer, P.; Leipold, F.; Lengar, I.; Lennholm, M.; Lerche, E.; Lescinskis, A.; Lesnoj, S.; Letellier, E.; Leyland, M.; Leysen, W.; Li, L.; Liang, Y.; Likonen, J.; Linke, J.; Linsmeier, Ch.; Lipschultz, B.; Liu, G.; Liu, Y.; Lo Schiavo, V. P.; Loarer, T.; Loarte, A.; Lobel, R. C.; Lomanowski, B.; Lomas, P. J.; Lonnroth, J.; Lopez, J. M.; Lopez-Razola, J.; Lorenzini, R.; Losada, U.; Lovell, J. J.; Loving, A. B.; Lowry, C.; Luce, T.; Lucock, R. M. A.; Lukin, A.; Luna, C.; Lungaroni, M.; Lungu, C. P.; Lungu, M.; Lunniss, A.; Lupelli, I.; Lyssoivan, A.; Macdonald, N.; Macheta, P.; Maczewa, K.; Magesh, B.; Maget, P.; Maggi, C.; Maier, H.; Mailloux, J.; Makkonen, T.; Makwana, R.; Malaquias, A.; Malizia, A.; Manas, P.; Manning, A.; Manso, M. E.; Mantica, P.; Mantsinen, M.; Manzanares, A.; Maquet, Ph.; Marandet, Y.; Marcenko, N.; Marchetto, C.; Marchuk, O.; Marinelli, M.; Marinucci, M.; Markovic, T.; Marocco, D.; Marot, L.; Marren, C. A.; Marshal, R.; Martin, A.; Martin, Y.; Martin de Aguilera, A.; Martinez, F. J.; Martin-Solis, J. R.; Martynova, Y.; Maruyama, S.; Masiello, A.; Maslov, M.; Matejcik, S.; Mattei, M.; Matthews, G. F.; Maviglia, F.; Mayer, M.; Mayoral, M. L.; May-Smith, T.; Mazon, D.; Mazzotta, C.; McAdams, R.; McCarthy, P. J.; McClements, K. G.; McCormack, O.; McCullen, P. A.; McDonald, D.; McIntosh, S.; McKean, R.; McKehon, J.; Meadows, R. C.; Meakins, A.; Medina, F.; Medland, M.; Medley, S.; Meigh, S.; Meigs, A. G.; Meisl, G.; Meitner, S.; Meneses, L.; Menmuir, S.; Mergia, K.; Merrigan, I. R.; Mertens, Ph.; Meshchaninov, S.; Messiaen, A.; Meyer, H.; Mianowski, S.; Michling, R.; Middleton-Gear, D.; Miettunen, J.; Militello, F.; Militello-Asp, E.; Miloshevsky, G.; Mink, F.; Minucci, S.; Miyoshi, Y.; Mlynar, J.; Molina, D.; Monakhov, I.; Moneti, M.; Mooney, R.; Moradi, S.; Mordijck, S.; Moreira, L.; Moreno, R.; Moro, F.; Morris, A. 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HERCULES/PL: The Pattern Language of HERCULES10.1145/2717124.2717127KARTSAKLIS, CHRISTOS; HERNANDEZ, OSCARWorkshop on Programming Language Evolution 2014 (PLE14)STAFFSTAFFSTAFF2014
HERCULES: Strong Patterns Towards More Intelligent Predictive Modeling10.1109/ICPP.2014.26Park, Eunjung; Kartsaklis, Christos; Cavazos, John2014 43RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING (ICPP)StaffSTF008Staff2014
HIGH FIDELITY MODELING OF PELLET-CLAD INTERACTION USING THE CASL VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT FOR REACTOR APPLICATIONSClarno, Kevin; Evans, Thomas; Collins, Benjamin; Pawlowski, Roger; Montgomery, Roger; Kochunas, Brendan; Gaston, DerekANS MC2015 - Joint International Conference on Mathematics and ComputationALCCNFI011, NFI012, NFI013Turner, John2015
HIGHLY RESOLVED LES OF A LINEAR HPT VANE CASCADE USING STRUCTURED AND UNSTRUCTURED CODESPichler, Richard; Kopriva, James; Laskowski, Gregory; Michelassi, Vittorio; Sandberg, RichardProceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016INCITETUR105Michelassi, Vittorio2016
HOOMD-blue: A Python package for high-performance molecular dynamics and hard particle Monte Carlo simulations10.1016/j.commatsci.2019.109363Anderson, Joshua A.; Glaser, Jens; Glotzer, Sharon C.COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCEINCITEMAT110Glotzer, Sharon2020
HPC infrastructure to support the next-generation ARM facility data operations10.1109/BigData.2016.7841098Prakash, Giri; Kumar, Jitendra; Rush, Everett; Records, Robert ; Clodfelter, Anthony2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATADDCLI120Prakash, Giri2017
HPC’s Pivot to DataParete-Koon, S.; Caldwell, B.; Canon, S.; Dart, E.; Hick, J.; Hill, J.; Layton, C.; Pelfrey, D.; Shipman, G.; Skinner, D.; Nam, H.; Wells, J.; Zurawski, J.PROCEEDINGS OF THE CRAY USER GROUP2014
HPX - The C++ Standard Library for Parallelism andConcurrency10.21105/joss.02352Kaiser, Hartmut; Diehl, Patrick; Lemoine, Adrian S.; Lelbach, Bryce Adelstein; Amini, Parsa; Berge, AgustínJOURNAL OF OPEN SOURCE SOFTWAREINCITECPH102Maier, Thomas2020
HSLOT: The HERCULES Scriptable LoopTransformations Engine10.1109/WOLFHPC.2014.10Kartsaklis, Christos (ORNL); Park, Eun Jung (ORNL); Cavazos, John (University of Delaware)SC14 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSIS2014
HadISDH land surface multi-variable humidity and temperature record for climate monitoring10.5194/cp-10-1983-2014Willett, K. M.; Dunn, R. J. H.; Thorne, P. W.; Bell, S.; de Podesta, M.; Parker, D. E.; Jones, P. D.; Williams, C. N.CLIMATE OF THE PASTINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2014
Hamiltonian assignment for open quantum systems10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033251Dumitrescu, Eugene F.; Lougovski, PavelPHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCHQuantumPHY141Dumitrescu, Eugene2020
Hard Numbers for Large Molecules: Toward Exact Energetics for Supramolecular Systems10.1021/jz402663kAmbrosetti, Alberto; Alfe, Dario; DiStasio, Robert A.; Tkatchenko, AlexandreJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERSINCITECPH005Alfe, Dario2014
Harmony: A Harness Monitoring System for the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility10.1145/3332186.3332254Budiardja, Reuben; Kuchta, Cameron; Melesse Vergara, VeronicaPEARC19 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGSStaffSTF006Hill, Judith2019
Harnessing Structure-Property Relationships for Poly(alkyl thiophene)-Fullerene Derivative Thin Films to Optimize Performance in Photovoltaic Devices10.1002/adfm.201502653Deb, Nabankur; Li, Bohao; Skoda, Maximilian; Rogers, Sarah; Sun, Yan; Gong, Xiong; Karim, Alamgir; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Bucknall, David G.ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALSDDNTI015Sumpter, Bobby2016
Harnessing the Power of Many: Extensible Toolkit for Scalable Ensemble Applications10.1109/IPDPS.2018.00063Balasubramanian, Vivek; Turilli, Matteo; Hu, Weiming; Lefebvre, Matthieu; Lei, Wenjie; Modrak, Ryan; Cervone, Guido; Tromp, Jeroen; Jha, Shantenu2018 32ND IEEE INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM (IPDPS)INCITEGEO111Tromp, Jeroen2018
Harnessing the power of supercomputers using the PanDA Pilot 2 in the ATLAS Experiment10.1051/epjconf/202024503025Nilsson, Paul; Anisenkov, Alexey; Benjamin, Doug; Guan, Wen; Javurek, Tomas; Oleynik, Danila24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING IN HIGH ENERGY AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS (CHEP 2019)DDCSC343Panitkin, Sergey2020
Harvester : an edge service harvesting heterogeneous resources for ATLAS10.1051/epjconf/201921403030Collaboration, ATLAS23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING IN HIGH ENERGY AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS (CHEP 2018)2019
He-3(alpha, gamma)Be-7 and H-3(alpha, gamma)Li-7 astrophysical S factors from the no-core shell model with continuum10.1016/j.physletb.2016.04.021Dohet-Eraly, Jeremy; Navratil, Petr; Quaglioni, Sofia; Horiuchi, Wataru; Hupin, Guillaume; Raimondi, FrancescoPHYSICS LETTERS BINCITENPH008Vary, James2016
He-4 + n plus n Continuum within an Ab initio Framework10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.032503Romero-Redondo, Carolina; Quaglioni, Sofia; Navratil, Petr; Hupin, GuillaumePHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH008Vary, James2014
Heavy Physics Contributions to Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay from QCD10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.172501Nicholson, A.; Berkowitz, E.; Monge-Camacho, H.; Brantley, D.; Garron, N.; Chang, C. C.; Rinaldi, E.; Clark, M. A.; Joo, B.; Kurth, T.; Tiburzi, B. C.; Vranas, P.; Walker-Loud, A.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITELGT100Walker-Loud, Andre2018
Helical core reconstruction of a DIII-D hybrid scenario tokamak discharge10.1088/1741-4326/aa6f82Cianciosa, M.; Wingen, A.; Hirshman, S. P.; Seal, S. K.; Unterberg, E. A.; Wilcox, R. S.; Piovesan, P.; Lao, L.; Turco, F.NUCLEAR FUSIONDDFUS102Hill, Judith2017
Hello ADIOS: the challenges and lessons of developing leadership class I/O frameworks10.1002/cpe.3125Liu, Qing; Logan, Jeremy; Tian, Yuan; Abbasi, Hasan; Podhorszki, Norbert; Choi, Jong Youl; Klasky, Scott; Tchoua, Roselyne; Lofstead, Jay; Oldfield, Ron; Parashar, Manish; Samatova, Nagiza; Schwan, Karsten; Shoshani, Arie; Wolf, Matthew; Wu, Kesheng; Yu, WeikuanCONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCEddCSC143Klasky, Scott Podhorszki,Norbert2014
Heptavalent Actinide Tetroxides NpO4- and PuO4-: Oxidation of Pu(V) to Pu(VII) by Adding an Electron to PuO410.1021/acs.jpca.7b09721Gibson, John K.; de Jong, Wibe A.; Dau, Phuong D.; Gong, YuJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A2017
Hermite WENO limiting for multi-moment finite-volume methods using the ADER-DT time discretization for 1-D systems of conservation laws10.1016/, Matthew R.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
Heterointerface Effects on Lithium-Induced Phase Transitions in Intercalated MoS210.1021/acsami.0c21495Yazdani, Sajad; Pondick, Joshua; Kumar, Aakash; Yarali, Milad; Woods, John M.; Hynek, David J.; Qiu, Diana Y.; Cha, Judy J.ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACESINCITEMAT209Deslippe, Jack2021
Hidden Mn magnetic-moment disorder and its influence on the physical properties of medium-entropy NiCoMn solid solution alloys10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.014411Mu, Sai; Yin, J.; Samolyuk, G. D.; Wimmer, S.; Pei, Z.; Eisenbach, M.; Mankovsky, S.; Ebert, H.; Stocks, G. M.PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALSINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2019
Hidden Spin-Isospin Exchange Symmetry10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.062501Lee, Dean; Bogner, Scott; Brown, B. Alex; Elhatisari, Serdar; Epelbaum, Evgeny; Hergert, Heiko; Hjorth-Jensen, Morten; Krebs, Hermann; Li, Ning; Lu, Bing-Nan; Meissner, Ulf-GPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2021
Hierarchical Clock Synchronization in MPI10.1109/CLUSTER.2018.00050Hunold, Sascha; Carpen-Amarie, Alexandra2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER)2018
Hierarchical Convolutional Attention Networks for Text ClassificationGao, Shang; Ramanathan, Arvind; Tourassi, GeorgiaREPRESENTATION LEARNING FOR NLP2018
Hierarchical Krylov and nested Krylov methods for extreme-scale computing10.1016/j.parco.2013.10.001McInnes, Lois Curfman; Smith, Barry; Zhang, Hong; Mills, Richard TranPARALLEL COMPUTINGDDCSC095Mills, Richard2014
Hierarchical Model Reduction Driven by a Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for Parametrized Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Problems10.1553/etna_vol55s187Perotto, Simona; Lupo Pasini, MassimilianoELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS ON NUMERICAL ANALYSISDDCSC457Lupo Pasini, Massimiliano Lupo2022
Hierarchical TiO2:Cu2O Nanostructures for Gas/Vapor Sensing and CO2 Sequestration10.1021/acsami.9b18824Muckley, Eric S.; Aytug, Tolga; Mayes, Richard; Lupini, Andrew R.; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Goswami, Monojoy; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Ivanov, Ilia N.ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACESDDMAT201Sumpter, Bobby2019
Hierarchical attention networks for information extraction from cancer pathology reports10.1093/jamia/ocx131Gao, Shang; Young, Michael T.; Qiu, John X.; Yoon, Hong-Jun; Christian, James B.; Fearn, Paul A.; Tourassi, Georgia D.; Ramanthan, ArvindJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATIONALCCCSC264Tourassi, Georgia2018
Hierarchical model reduction driven by a Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for parametrized advection-diffusion-reaction problemsLupo Pasini, M.; Perotto, S.MOX-REPORT NO. 60/2020StaffSTF006Hill, Judith2020
High Accuracy Transition Metal Effective Cores for the Many-Body Diffusion Monte Carlo Method10.1021/acs.jctc.1c00992Reboredo, Fernando; Krogel, Jaron; Mitas, Lubos; Bennett, MichaelJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATIONCADES2022
High Fidelity Large Eddy Simulation of Reactive Supercritial Fuel Jet-in-Cross-Flow using GPU Acceleration10.2514/6.2016-4791GOTTIPARTHI, KALYANA; SANKARAN, RAMANAN; OEFELEIN, JOSEPHAIAA Propulsion and Energy 20162016
High Fidelity Simulations of a Non-Premixed Rotating Detonation Engine10.2514/6.2016-0125Cocks, P.A.T.; Holley, A.T.; Rankin, B.A.54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTechALCCCMB105Cocks,Peter2016
High Order Anchoring and Reinitialization of Level Set Function for Simulating Interface Motion10.1007/s10915-019-01076-0Ramanuj, Vimal; Sankaran, RamananJOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTINGALCCCMB132Sankaran, Ramanan2019
High Performance Computing Facility Operational Assessment 2015 Oak Ridge Leadership Computing FacilityBarker, Ashley D.; Bernholdt, David E.; Bland, Arthur S.; Gary, Jeff D.; Hack, James J.; McNally, Stephen T.; Rogers, James H.; Smith, Brian; Straatsma, T.P.; Sukumar, Sreenivan R.; Thach, Kevin G.; Tichenor, Suzy; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.; Wells, Jack C.ORNL TECHNICAL REPORTStaffStaffStaff2016
High Performance Computing in hydraulics: the new era of flood forecastingKao, Shih-Chieh; Kalyanapu, Alfred; Dullo, Tigstu; Ghafoor, Sheikh; Gangrade, Sudershan; Evans, Katherine; Sharif, Md Bulbul; Morales Hernandez, MarioPROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MODELING HYDRODYNAMICS FOR WATER RESOURCESDDATM112Evans, Katherine2019
High Performance Geocomputation for Assessing Human Dynamics at Planet ScaleBhaduri, Budhu; Lunga, Dalton D.; Yang, Lexie ; McKee, Jacob ; Laverdiere, Melanie; Kurte, Kuldeep R.; Sanyal, JibonandaGEOCOMPUTATION 2019 - QUEENSTOWN, NEW ZEALANDALCC, DDGEO121Coletti, Mark2019
High Resolution RANS NLH Study of Stage 67 Tip Injection Physics10.1115/GT2014-27219Allan D. Grosvenor, Gregory S. Rixon; Logan M. Sailer, Michael A. Matheson; David P. Gutzwiller, Alain DemeulenaereASME TURBO EXPO 2014: TURBINE TECHNICAL CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITIONDDARD101Srinivasan, Ravichandra2014
High Resolution RANS Nonlinear Harmonic Study of Stage 67 Tip Injection Physics10.1115/1.4028550Grosvenor, Allan D.; Rixon, Gregory S.; Sailer, Logan M.; Matheson, Michael A.; Gutzwiller, David P.; Demeulenaere, Alain; Gontier, Mathieu; Strazisar, Anthony J.JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASMEDDARD102Srinivasan, Ravichandra2015
High Throughput Screening Technologies in Biomass Characterization10.3389/fenrg.2018.00120Decker, Stephen R.; Harman-Ware, Anne E.; Happs, Renee M.; Wolfrum, Edward J.; Tuskan, Gerald A.FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCHINCITEBIF102Jacobson, Daniel2018
High fidelity simulation and analysis of liquid jet atomization in a gaseous crossflow at intermediate Weber numbers10.1063/1.4959290Li, Xiaoyi; Soteriou, Marios C.PHYSICS OF FLUIDSDDCMB102LI,Xiaoyi2016
High frequency accuracy and loss data of random neural networks trained on image datasets10.1016/j.dib.2021.107780Rorabaugh, Ariel Keller; Caino-Lores, Silvina ; Johnston, Travis; Taufer, MichelaDATA IN BRIEF2022
High performance Data Driven Agent-based Modeling Framework for Simulation of Commute Mode Choices in Metropolitan Area10.1109/ITSC.2018.8569232Park, Byung H.; Aziz, H. M. Abdul; Morton, April; Stewart, Robert2018 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS (ITSC)2018
High resolution (1 km) positive degree-day modelling of Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance, 1870-2012 using reanalysis data10.1017/jog.2016.133Wilton, David J.; Jowett, Amy; Hanna, Edward; Bigg, Grant R.; van den Broeke, Michiel R.; Fettweis, Xavier; Huybrechts, PhilippeJOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2017
High voltage testing for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR10.1016/j.nima.2016.04.006Abgrall, N.; Arnquist, I. J.; Avignone, F. T.; Barabash, A. S.; Bertrand, F. E.; Bradley, A. W.; Brudanin, V.; Busch, M.; Buuck, M.; Byram, D.; Caldwell, A. S.; Chan, Y-D.; Christofferson, C. D.; Chu, P. -H.; Cuesta, C.; Detwiler, J. A.; Doe, P. J.; Dunagan, C.; Efremenko, Yu.; Ejiri, H.; Elliott, S. R.; Fu, Z.; Galindo-Uribarri, A.; Giovanetti, G. K.; Goett, J.; Green, M. P.; Gruszko, J.; Guinn, I. S.; Guiseppe, V. E.; Henning, R.; Hoppe, E. W.; Howard, S.; Howe, M. A.; Jasinski, B. R.; Keeter, K. J.; Kidd, M. F.; Konovalov, S. I.; Kouzes, R. T.; LaFerriere, B. D.; Leon, J.; Li, A.; MacMullin, J.; Martin, R. D.; Massarczyk, R.; Meijer, S. J.; Mertens, S.; Orrell, J. L.; O'Shaughnessy, C.; Poon, A. W. P.; Radford, D. C.; Rager, J.; Rielage, K.; Robertson, R. G. H.; Romero-Romero, E.; Shanks, B.; Shirchenko, M.; Snyder, N.; Suriano, A. M.; Tedeschi, D.; Thompson, A.; Ton, K. T.; Trimble, J. E.; Varner, R. L.; Vasilyev, S.; Vetter, K.; Vorren, K.; White, B. R.; Wilkerson, J. F.; Wiseman, C.; Xu, W.; Yakushev, E.; Yu, C. -H.; Yumatov, V.NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENTDDNPH016Varner, Robert2016
High-E-T isolated-photon plus jets production in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2017.03.006Collaboration, ATLASNUCLEAR PHYSICS BDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2017
High-Fidelity Simulations of a High-Pressure Turbine Vane Subject to Large Disturbances: Effect of Exit Mach Number on Losses10.1115/1.4050453Zhao, Yaomin; Sandberg, Richard D.JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASMEINCITEENG112Sandberg, Richard2021
High-Frequency Nonlinear Earthquake Simulations on Petascale Heterogeneous SupercomputersRoten, Daniel; Cui, Yifeng; Olsen, Kim B.; Day, Steven M.; Withers, Kyle; Savran, William H.; Wang, Peng; Mu, DaweiSC '16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISINCITEGEO112Jordan, Thomas2016
High-Level Analytics with R and pbdR on Cray SystemsPatel, Pragneshkumar; Schmidt, Drew; Wei-Chen, Chen; Ostrouchov, GeorgePROCEEDINGS OF THE CRAY USER GROUPDDCSC094Pugmire, David2014
High-Mach number, laser-driven magnetized collisionless shocks10.1063/1.4989562Schaeffer, D. B.; Fox, W.; Haberberger, D.; Fiksel, G.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Barnak, D. H.; Hu, S. X.; Germaschewski, K.; Follett, R. K.PHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITEFUS109Bhattacharjee, Amitava2017
High-Performance Analysis of Biomolecular Containers to Measure Small-Molecule Transport, Transbilayer Lipid Diffusion, and Protein Cavities10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00324Bryer, Alexander J.; Hadden-Perilla, Jodi A.; Stone, John E.; Perilla, Juan R.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELINGINCITEBIO024Shulten, Klaus2019
High-Performance Computing Framework for Predictive Simulation of Healthcare Delivery Innovations10.1109/BHI.2016.7455948PARK, BYUNG; OZMEN, OZGUR; WEIGAND, GILBERT; SHANKAR, MALLIKARJUNThe IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informaics (BHI)2016
High-Performance Computing for Earth System Modeling10.1007/978-3-030-47998-5_10Wang, Dali; Yuan, FengmingHIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING FOR GEOSPATIAL APPLICATIONS. GEOTECHNOLOGIES AND THE ENVIRONMENTDDCSC395Wang,2020
High-Performance Deep Learning Toolbox for Genome-Scale Prediction of Protein Structure and Function10.1109/MLHPC54614.2021.00010Elwasif, Wael; Gao, Mu; Lund-Andersen, Peik; Morehead, Alex; Mahmud, Sajid; Chen, Chen; Chen, Xiao; Giri, Nabin; Roy, Raj; Quadir, Farhan; Skolnick, Jeffrey; Cheng, Jianlin; Abraham, Subil; Haas, Nicholas; Prout, Ryan; Sedova, Ada; Effler, Timothy2021 IEEE/ACM WORKSHOP ON MACHINE LEARNING IN HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING ENVIRONMENTS (MLHPC)ALCCBIF135Skolnick, Jeffrey2021
High-Performance Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulations of C-Mod and ITER RF Antennas10.1063/1.4936468Jenkins, Thomas G.; Smithe, David N.RADIOFREQUENCY POWER IN PLASMAS2015
High-Performance Inverse Modeling with Reverse Monte Carlo Simulations10.1109/ICPP.2014.29Sarje, Abhinav; Li, Xiaoye S.; Hexemer, Alexander2014 43RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING (ICPP)2014
High-Performance Key-Value Store On OpenSHMEM10.1109/CCGRID.2017.49Fu, Huansong; Venkata, Manjunath Gorentla; Choudhury, Ahana Roy; Imam, Neena; Yu, Weikuan2017 17TH IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CLUSTER, CLOUD AND GRID COMPUTING (CCGRID)INCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2017
High-Performance Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Biological and Materials Sciences: Challenges of Performance Portability10.1109/P3HPC.2018.00004Sedova, Ada; Eblen, John D.; Budiardja, Reuben; Tharrington, Arnold; Smith, Jeremy C.PROCEEDINGS OF 2018 IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PERFORMANCE, PORTABILITY AND PRODUCTIVITY IN HPC (P3HPC 2018)INCITEBIF112Smith, Jeremy C.2018
High-Performance Zonal Histogramming on Large-Scale Geospatial Rasters Using GPUs and GPU-Accelerated Clusters10.1109/IPDPSW.2014.113Zhang, Jianting; Wang, DaliPROCEEDINGS OF 2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL & DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOPS (IPDPSW)2014
High-Throughput Computing on High-Performance Platforms: A Case Study10.1109/eScience.2017.43Oleynik, Danila; Panitkin, Sergey; Turilli, Matteo; Angius, Alessio; Oral, Sarp; De, Kaushik; Klimentov, Alexei; Wells, Jack C.; Jha, Shantenu2017 IEEE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-SCIENCE (E-SCIENCE)DDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2017
High-Throughput Virtual Screening and Validation of a SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Noncovalent Inhibitor10.1021/acs.jcim.1c00851Clyde, Austin; Galanie, Stephanie; Kneller, Daniel W.; Ma, Heng; Babuji, Yadu; Blaiszik, Ben; Brace, Alexander; Brettin, Thomas; Chard, Kyle; Chard, Ryan; Coates, Leighton; Foster, Ian; Hauner, Darin; Kertesz, Vilmos; Kumar, Neeraj; Lee, Hyungro; Li, Zhuozhao; Merzky, Andre; Schmidt, Jurgen G.; Tan, Li; Titov, Mikhail; Trifan, Anda; Turilli, Matteo; Van Dam, Hubertus; Chennubhotla, Srinivas C.; Jha, Shantenu; Kovalevsky, Andrey; Ramanathan, Arvind; Head, Martha S.; Stevens, RickJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING2021
High-bypass Learning: Automated Detection of Tumor Cells That Significantly Impact Drug Response10.1109/MLHPCAI4S51975.2020.00012Wozniak, Justin M.; Yoo, Hyunseung; Mohd-Yusof, Jamaludin; Nicolae, Bogdan; Collier, Nicholson; Ozik, Jonathan; Brettin, Thomas; Stevens, Rick2020 IEEE/ACM WORKSHOP ON MACHINE LEARNING IN HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING ENVIRONMENTS (MLHPC 2020) AND WORKSHOP ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING FOR SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS (AI4S 2020)ECPMED106Stevens, Rick2020
High-entropy polymer produces a giant electrocaloric effect at low fields10.1038/s41586-021-04189-5Qian, Xiaoshi; Han, Donglin; Zheng, Lirong; Chen, Jie; Tyagi, Madhusudan; Li, Qiang; Du, Feihong; Zheng, Shanyu; Huang, Xingyi; Zhang, Shihai; Shi, Junye; Huang, Houbing; Shi, Xiaoming; Chen, Jiangping; Qin, Hancheng; Bernholc, Jerzy; Chen, Xin; Chen, Long-Qing; Hong, Liang; Zhang, Q. M.NATUREINCITEMAT151Kent, Paul2021
High-fidelity Simulation of High Density-Ratio Liquid Jet Atomization in Crossflow with Experimental ValidationLi, X.; Soteriou, M.Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems2014
High-fidelity scaling relationships for determining dissipative particle dynamics parameters from atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of polymeric liquids10.1038/s41598-020-61374-8Sefiddashti, M. H. Nafar; Boudaghi-Khajehnobar, M.; Edwards, B. J.; Khomami, B.SCIENTIFIC REPORTSDDCFD124Khomami, Bamin2020
High-order accurate direct numerical simulation of flow over a MTU-T161 low pressure turbine blade10.1016/j.compfluid.2021.104989Iyer, A. S.; Abe, Y.; Vermeire, B. C.; Bechlars, P.; Baier, R. D.; Jameson, A.; Witherden, F. D.; Vincent, P. E.COMPUTERS & FLUIDSINCITEARD121Vincent, Peter2021
High-performance conjugate-gradient benchmark: A new metric for ranking high-performance computing systems10.1177/1094342015593158Dongarra, Jack; Heroux, Michael A.; Luszczek, PiotrINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSINCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2016
High-resolution ensemble projections of near-term regional climate over the continental United States10.1002/2016JD025285Ashfaq, Moetasim; Rastogi, Deeksha; Mei, Rui; Kao, Shih-Chieh; Gangrade, Sudershan; Naz, Bibi S.; Touma, DanielleJOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERESDDCLI106Evans, Katherine2016
High-temperature polymers with record-high breakdown strength enabled by rationally designed chain-packing behavior in blends10.1016/j.matt.2021.04.026Zhang, Qiyan; Chen, Xin; Zhang, Bing; Zhang, Tian; Lu, Wengchang; Chen, Zhe; Liu, Ziyu; Kim, Seong H.; Donovan, Brian; Warzoha, Ronald J.; Gomez, Enrique D.; Bernholc, J.; Zhang, Q. M.MATTERALCCCHP107Jakowski, Jacek2021
High-throughput virtual laboratory for drug discovery using massive datasets10.1177/10943420211001565Glaser, Jens; Vermaas, Josh V.; Rogers, David M.; Larkin, Jeff; LeGrand, Scott; Boehm, Swen; Baker, Matthew B.; Scheinberg, Aaron; Tillack, Andreas F.; Thavappiragasam, Mathialakan; Sedova, Ada; Hernandez, OscarINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONSALCCBIF128Smith, Jeremy2021
Highly Interactive, Steered Scientific Workflows on HPC Systems: Optimizing Design Solutions10.1007/978-3-030-34356-9_39Ossyra, John R.; Sedova, Ada; Baker, Matthew B.; Smith, Jeremy C.HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING: ISC HIGH PERFORMANCE 2019 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPSINCITEBIF112Smith, Jeremy2020
Highly stable two-dimensional silicon phosphides: Different stoichiometries and exotic electronic properties10.1103/PhysRevB.91.121401Huang, Bing; Zhuang, Houlong L.; Yoon, Mina; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Wei, Su-HuaiPHYSICAL REVIEW BDDMAT101Sumpter, Bobby2015
Highly-scalable, physics-informed GANs for learning solutions of stochastic PDEs10.1109/DLS49591.2019.00006Yang, Liu; Treichler, Sean; Kurth, Thorsten; Fischer, Keno; Barajas-Solano, David; Romero, Josh; Churavy, Valentin; Tartakovsky, Alexandre; Houston, Michael; Prabhat, undefined; Karniadakis, GeorgePROCEEDINGS OF 2019 IEEE/ACM THIRD WORKSHOP ON DEEP LEARNING ON SUPERCOMPUTERS (DLS)ESLRN004Prabhat2019
Histogram-free multicanonical Monte Carlo sampling to calculate the density of states10.1016/j.cpc.2018.09.025Farris, Alfred C. K.; Li, Ying Wai; Eisenbach, MarkusCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITENTI009Eisenbach, Markus2019
Historical and Future Roles of Internal Atmospheric Variability in Modulating Summertime Greenland Ice Sheet Melt10.1029/2019GL086913Sherman, Peter; Tziperman, Eli; Deser, Clara; McElroy, MichaelGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSINCITECLI028Campo, Gilbert2020
Hole Transfer Dynamics from a CdSe/CdS Quantum Rod to a Tethered Ferrocene Derivative10.1021/ja500936nTarafder, Kartick; Surendranath, Yogesh; Olshansky, Jacob H.; Alivisatos, A. Paul; Wang, Lin-WangJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETYINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2014
Homogenization of time series from Portugal and its former colonies for the period from the late 19th to the early 21st century10.1002/joc.4151Bliznak, Vojtech; Valente, Maria Antonia; Bethke, JuliaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
Horizontal transfer of a pathway for coumarate catabolism unexpectedly inhibits purine nucleotide biosynthesis10.1111/mmi.14393Close, Dan M.; Cooper, Connor J.; Wang, Xingyou; Chirania, Payal; Gupta, Madhulika; Ossyra, John R.; Giannone, Richard J.; Engle, Nancy; Tschaplinski, Timothy J.; Smith, Jeremy C.; Hedstrom, Lizbeth; Parks, Jerry M.; Michener, Joshua K.MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGYINCITEBIF102Jacobson, Daniel2019
Hosing Instability Suppression in Self-Modulated Plasma Wakefields10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.205001Vieira, J.; Mori, W. B.; Muggli, P.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITE2014
Hot Air, Hot Lakes, or Both? Exploring Mid-Holocene African Temperatures Using Proxy System Modeling10.1029/2020JD033269Dee, Sylvia G.; Morrill, Carrie; Kim, Seung Hye; Russell, James M.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERESINCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2021
Hot zero power reactor calculations using the Insilico code10.1016/, Steven P.; Evans, Thomas M.; Davidson, Gregory G.; Johnson, Seth R.; Pandya, Tara M.; Godfrey, Andrew T.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSALCCNFI011,12,13Turner, John2016
Hot-Carrier Degradation in GaN HEMTs Due to Substitutional Iron and Its Complexes10.1109/TED.2016.2532806Mukherjee, Shubhajit; Puzyrev, Yevgeniy; Chen, Jin; Fleetwood, Daniel M.; Schrimpf, Ronald D.; Pantelides, Sokrates T.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICESDirector's DiscretionaryCPH106Puzyrev, Yevgeniy2016
How Distinct Structural Flexibility within SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Reveals Potential Therapeutic Targets10.1109/BigData52589.2021.9671323Stanley, Christopher; Todd young, M; Gounley, John; Chen, Szu Hua; Bhowmik, DebsindhuIEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATAALCCMED111Bhowmik, Debsindhu; Gounley, John2022
How Does Nanoporous Gold Dissociate Molecular Oxygen?10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b03371Montemore, Matthew M.; Madix, Robert J.; Kaxiras, EfthimiosJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CDDMAT128Kaxiras,Efthimios2016
How GPCR Phosphorylation Patterns Orchestrate Arrestin-Mediated Signaling10.1016/j.cell.2020.11.014Latorraca, Naomi R.; Masureel, Matthieu; Hollingsworth, Scott A.; Heydenreich, Franziska M.; Suomivuori, Carl-Mikael; Brinton, Connor; Townshend, Raphael J. L.; Bouvier, Michel; Kobilka, Brian K.; Dror, Ron O.CELLINCITEBIP152Dror, Ron2020
How Many-Body Correlations and alpha Clustering Shape He-610.1103/PhysRevLett.117.222501Romero-Redondo, Carolina; Quaglioni, Sofia; Navratil, Petr; Hupin, GuillaumePHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSinciteNPH008Vary,James2016
How Robust is the N=34 Subshell Closure? First Spectroscopy of Ar-5210.1103/PhysRevLett.122.072502Liu, H. N.; Obertelli, A.; Doornenbal, P.; Bertulani, C. A.; Hagen, G.; Holt, J. D.; Jansen, G. R.; Morris, T. D.; Schwenk, A.; Stroberg, R.; Achouri, N.; Baba, H.; Browne, F.; Calvet, D.; Chateau, F.; Chen, S.; Chiga, N.; Corsi, A.; Cortes, M. L.; Delbart, A.; Gheller, J. -M.; Giganon, A.; Gillibert, A.; Hilaire, C.; Isobe, T.; Kobayashi, T.; Kubota, Y.; Lapoux, V.; Motobayashi, T.; Murray, I.; Otsu, H.; Panin, V.; Paul, N.; Rodriguez, W.; Sakurai, H.; Sasano, M.; Steppenbeck, D.; Stuhl, L.; Sun, Y. L.; Togano, Y.; Uesaka, T.; Wimmer, K.; Yoneda, K.; Aktas, O.; Aumann, T.; Chung, L. X.; Flavigny, F.; Franchoo, S.; Gasparic, I.; Gerst, R. -B.; Gibelin, J.; Hahn, K. I.; Kim, D.; Koiwai, T.; Kondo, Y.; Koseoglou, P.; Lee, J.; Lehr, C.; Linh, B. D.; Lokotko, T.; MacCormick, M.; Moschner, K.; Nakamura, T.; Park, S. Y.; Rossi, D.; Sahin, E.; Sohler, D.; Soderstrom, P. -A.; Takeuchi, S.; Toernqvist, H.; Vaquero, V.; Wagner, V.; Wang, S.; Werner, V.; Xu, X.; Yamada, H.; Yan, D.; Yang, Z.; Yasuda, M.; Zanetti, L.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2019
How large are nonadiabatic effects in atomic and diatomic systems?10.1063/1.4931667Yang, Yubo; Kylanpaa, Ilkka; Tubman, Norm M.; Krogel, Jaron T.; Hammes-Schiffer, Sharon; Ceperley, David M.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECPH103Ceperley, David2015
How strongly do hydrogen and water molecules stick to carbon nanomaterials?10.1063/1.4977180Al-Hamdani, Yasmine S.; Alfe, Dario; Michaelides, AngelosJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2017
How structural elements evolving from bacterial to human SLC6 transporters enabled new functional properties10.1186/s12915-018-0495-6Razavi, Asghar M.; Khelashvili, George; Weinstein, HarelBMC BIOLOGYALCCBIP109Weinstein, Harel2018
How we are leading a 3-XORSAT challenge: From the energy landscape to the algorithm and its efficient implementation on GPUs10.1209/0295-5075/133/60005Bernaschi, M.; Bisson, M.; Fatica, M.; Marinari, E.; Martin-Mayor, undefined; Parisi, G.; Ricci-Tersenghi, F.EPLVendorVEN201Fatica, Massimiliano2021
Human-induced greening of the northern extratropical land surface10.1038/NCLIMATE3056Mao, Jiafu; Ribes, Aurelien; Yan, Binyan; Shi, Xiaoying; Thornton, Peter E.; Seferian, Roland; Ciais, Philippe; Myneni, Ranga B.; Douville, Herve; Piao, Shilong; Zhu, Zaichun; Dickinson, Robert E.; Dai, Yongjiu; Ricciuto, Daniel M.; Jin, Mingzhou; Hoffman, Forrest M.; Wang, Bin; Huang, Mengtian; Lian, XuNATURE CLIMATE CHANGEddCLI016Evans,Katherine2016
Hurricane Harvey Highlights: Need to Assess the Adequacy of Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation Methods10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001768Kao, Shih-Chieh; DeNeale, Scott T.; Watson, David B.JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERINGALCCCLI112Thorton, Peter2019
Hybrid Approach to HPC Cluster Telemetry and Hardware Log AnalyticsThaler, Justin; Shin, Woong; Roberts, Steven; Rogers, James H.; Rosedahl, Todd2020 IEEE HIGH PERFORMANCE EXTREME COMPUTING CONFERENCE (HPEC)2020
Hybrid Electro-Optics and Chipscale Integration of Electronics and Photonics10.1117/12.2278795Dalton, L. R.; Robinson, B. H.; Elder, D. L.; Tillack, A. F.; Johnson, L. E.ORGANIC SENSORS AND BIOELECTRONICS X2017
HybridPlan: a capacity planning technique for projecting storage requirements in hybrid storage systems10.1007/s11227-013-0999-3Kim, Youngjae; Gupta, Aayush; Urgaonkar, Bhuvan; Berman, Piotr; Sivasubramaniam, AnandJOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTINGstaffSTF008Vazhkudai,Sudharshan2014
Hydration structure and water exchange kinetics at xenotime-water interfaces: implications for rare earth minerals separation10.1039/d0cp00087fRoy, Santanu; Wu, Lili; Srinivasan, Sriram Goverapet; Stack, Andrew G.; Navrotsky, Alexandra; Bryantsev, Vyacheslav S.PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICSDDCHM116Bryantsev, Vyacheslav2020
Hydro-deoxygenation of CO on functionalized carbon nanotubes for liquid fuels production10.1016/j.carbon.2017.05.094Sims, Adam; Jeffers, Matthew; Talapatra, Saikat; Mondal, Kanchan; Pokhrel, Sewa; Liang, Liangbo; Zhang, Xianfeng; Elias, Ana L.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Meunier, Vincent; Terrones, MauricioCARBONddNTI015Sumpter,Bobby2017
Hydrogen Bonds Significantly Enhance Out-of-Plane Thermal and Electrical Transport in 2D Graphamid: Implications for Energy Conversion and Storage10.1021/acsanm.0c02261Ma, Hao; Li, Chen; Tian, ZhitingACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALSDDMAT203Tian, Zhiting2020
Hydrogen and methoxy coadsorption in the computation of the catalytic conversion of methanol on the ceria (111) surface10.1016/j.susc.2015.12.002Beste, Ariana; Overbury, Steven H.SURFACE SCIENCEDDCHM110Beste, Ariana2016
Hydrogen bond network analysis reveals the pathway for the proton transfer in the E-channel of T. thermophilus Complex I10.1016/j.bbabio.2020.148240Khaniya, Umesh; Gupta, Chitrak; Cai, Xiuhong; Mao, Junjun; Kaur, Divya; Zhang, Yingying; Singharoy, Abhishek; Gunner, M. R.BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICSINCITEBIP115Singharoy, Abhishek2020
Hydrogen enhances the radiation resistance of amorphous silicon oxycarbides10.1016/j.actamat.2017.07.017Ding, Hepeng; Demkowicz, Michael J.ACTA MATERIALIADDMAT113Demkowicz, Michael J.2017
Hydrogen reverses the clustering tendency of carbon in amorphous silicon oxycarbide10.1038/srep13051Ding, Hepeng; Demkowicz, Michael J.SCIENTIFIC REPORTSDDMAT113Demkowicz, Michael2015
Hydrological projections over the Upper Indus Basin at 1.5 degrees C and 2.0 degrees C temperature increase10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147759Kiani, Rida Sehar; Ali, Shaukat; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Khan, Firdos; Muhammad, Sher; Reboita, Michelle S.; Farooqi, AbidaSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENTDDCLI138Ashfaq, Moetasim2021
Hydroxylation of the surface of PbS nanocrystals passivated with oleic acid10.1126/science.1252727Zherebetskyy, Danylo; Scheele, Marcus; Zhang, Yingjie; Bronstein, Noah; Thompson, Christopher; Britt, David; Salmeron, Miquel; Alivisatos, Paul; Wang, Lin-WangSCIENCEINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2014
HyperSpace: Distributed Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization10.1109/SBAC-PAD.2018.00061Young, M. Todd; Hinkle, Jacob; Ramanathan, Arvind; Kannan, Ramakrishnan2018 30TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (SBAC-PAD 2018)2018
I/O Load Balancing for Big Data HPC Applications10.1109/BigData.2017.8257931Paul, Arnab K.; Goyal, Arpit; Wang, Feiyi; Oral, Sarp; Butt, Ali R.; Brim, Michael J.; Srinivasa, Sangeetha B.2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA (BIG DATA)2017
I/O Router Placement and Fine-Grained Routing on Titan to Support Spider IIEzell, Matt; Dillow, David; Oral, Sarp; Wang, Feiyi; Tiwari, Devesh; Maxwell, Don; Leverman, Dustin; Hill, JasonPROCEEDINGS OF THE CRAY USER GROUPSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2014
I=1/2 S-wave and P-wave K pi scattering and the kappa and K* resonances from lattice QCD10.1103/PhysRevD.102.114520Rendon, Gumaro; Leskovec, Luka; Meinel, Stefan; Negele, John; Paul, Srijit; Petschlies, Marcus; Pochinsky, Andrew; Silvi, Giorgio; Syritsyn, SergeyPHYSICAL REVIEW DINCITENPH122Orginos, Kostas2020
IDENTIFYING TURBULENT STRUCTURES THROUGH TOPOLOGICAL SEGMENTATION10.2140/camcos.2016.11.37Bremer, Peer-Timo; Gruber, Andrea; Bennett, Janine C.; Gyulassy, Attila; Kolla, Hemanth; Chen, Jacqueline H.; Grout, Ray W.COMMUNICATIONS IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCEINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2016
IMPACC: A Tightly Integrated MPI+OpenACC Framework Exploiting Shared Memory Parallelism10.1145/2907294.2907302KIM, JUNGWON; LEE, SEYONG; VETTER, JEFFREYACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed ComputinginciteCSC103Oliker,Leonid2016
INDUSTRY USE OF CASL TOOLSRay, S.; Kucukboyaci, V.; Sung, Y.; Kersting, P.; Brewster, R.TOPFUEL 2018, PROCEEDINGS OFALCCNFI007Turner, John2018
Identification and rejection of pile-up jets at high pseudorapidity with the ATLAS detector10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-5081-5Collaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2017
Identification of major moisture sources across the Mediterranean Basin10.1007/s00382-020-05224-3Batibeniz, Fulden; Ashfaq, Moetasim; Onol, Baris; Turuncoglu, Ufuk Utku; Mehmood, Shahid; Evans, Katherine J.CLIMATE DYNAMICSDDCLI138Ashfaq, Moetasim2020
Identification of new turbulence contributions to plasma transport and confinement in spherical tokamak regime10.1063/1.4933216Wang, W. X.; Ethier, S.; Ren, Y.; Kaye, S.; Chen, J.; Startsev, E.; Lu, Z.; Li, Z. Q.PHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITEFUS031Wang, Weixing2015
Identifying Active Functionalities on Few-Layered Graphene Catalysts for Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Isobutane10.1002/cssc.201301006Dathar, Gopi Krishna Phani; Tsai, Yu-Tung; Gierszal, Kamil; Xu, Ye; Liang, Chengdu; Rondinone, Adam J.; Overbury, Steven H.; Schwartz, VivianeCHEMSUSCHEMinciteMAT019Wells,Jack2014
Identifying Atomic Scale Structure in Undoped/Doped Semicrystalline P3HT Using Inelastic Neutron Scattering10.1021/acs.macromol.6b02410Harrelson, Thomas F.; Cheng, Yongqiang Q.; Li, Jun; Jacobs, Ian E.; Ramirez-Cuesta, Anibal J.; Faller, Roland; Moule, Adam J.MACROMOLECULESDDMAT049Park, Byung Hoon2017
Identifying Latent Reduced Models to Precondition Lossy Compression10.1109/IPDPS.2019.00039Luo, Huizhang; Huang, Dan; Liu, Qing; Qiao, Zhenbo; Jiang, Hong; Bi, Jing; Yuan, Haitao; Zhou, Mengchu; Wang, Jinzhen; Qin, Zhenlu2019 IEEE 33RD INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM (IPDPS 2019)2019
Identifying Optimization Opportunities Using Memory Access Tracing in OpenSHMEM Runtimes with the TAU Performance System10.1109/IPDPSW50202.2020.00130Chaimov, Nicholas; Shende, Sarneer; Malony, Allen D.; Imam, Neen A.2020 IEEE 34TH INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOPS (IPDPSW 2020)ECPCSC439Shende, Sameer2020
Identifying structural changes with unsupervised machine learning methods10.1103/PhysRevE.98.053305Walker, Nicholas; Tam, Ka-Ming; Novak, Brian; Jarrell, M.PHYSICAL REVIEW E2018
Identifying the linear phase of the relativistic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and measuring its growth rate via radiation10.1103/PhysRevE.96.013316Pausch, R.; Bussmann, M.; Huebl, A.; Schramm, U.; Steiniger, K.; Widera, R.; Debus, A.PHYSICAL REVIEW EDDAPH005Bussmann, Michael2017
Illuminating the Universe's Ignition10.1109/MCSE.2016.79Gedenk, EricCOMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERINGSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2016
Imaging via complete cantilever dynamic detection: general dynamic mode imaging and spectroscopy in scanning probe microscopy10.1088/0957-4484/27/41/414003Somnath, Suhas; Collins, Liam; Matheson, Michael A.; Sukumar, Sreenivas R.; Kalinin, Sergei V.; Jesse, StephenNANOTECHNOLOGYDDMAT134Archibald,Rick2016
Immersive Visual Analytics for Transformative Neutron Scattering ScienceSteed, Chad A.; Daniel, Jamison; Drouhard, Margaret; Hahn, Steven; Proffen, Thomas2016 WORKSHOP ON IMMERSIVE ANALYTICS (IA)2016
Immersive visualization for materials science data analysis using the Oculus Rift10.1109/BigData.2015.7364040Drouhard, Margaret ; Steed, Chad; Hahn, Steven; Proffen, Thomas; Daniel, Jamison; Matheson, Michael2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)STAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
Immortal rays: Rethinking random ray neutron transport on GPU architectures10.1016/j.parco.2021.102832Tramm, John R.; Siegel, Andrew R.PARALLEL COMPUTINGECPCSC404Hamilton, Steven2021
Impact of Burst Buffer Architectures on Application PortabilityHarms, Kevin; ORAL, HAKKI; ATCHLEY, EDWARD; VAZHKUDAI, SUDHARSHANORNL/TM - 2016 / 415STAFFSTAFFSTAFF2016
Impact of I/O and Data Management in Ensemble Large Scale Climate Forecasting Using EC-Earth310.1016/j.procs.2014.05.221Asif, Muhammad; Cencerrado, Andres; Mula-Valls, Oriol; Manubens, Domingo; Doblas-Reyes, Francisco; Cortes, Ana2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCEDDCLI055Doblas-Reyes, Francisco2014
Impact of Nuclear Mass Uncertainties on the r Process10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.121101Martin, D.; Arcones, A.; Nazarewicz, W.; Olsen, E.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH008Vary, James2016
Impact of Short-Range Forces on Defect Production from High Energy Collisions10.1021/acs.jctc.5b01194Stoller, R. E.; Tamm, A.; Beland, L. K.; Samolyuk, G. D.; Stocks, G. M.; Caro, A.; Slipchenko, L. V.; Osetsky, Yu N.; Aabloo, A.; Klintenberg, M.; Wang, Y.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATIONddMAT016Radhakrishnan,Balasubramaniam2016
Impact of global atmospheric reanalyses on statistical precipitation downscaling10.1007/s00382-018-4442-6Horton, Pascal; Bronnimann, StefanCLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2019
Impact of multi-component diffusion in turbulent combustion using direct numerical simulations10.1016/j.combustflame.2015.07.013Bruno, Claudio; Sankaran, Vaidyanathan; Kolla, Hemanth; Chen, Jacqueline H.COMBUSTION AND FLAMEINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2015
Impact of numerical choices on water conservation in the E3SM Atmosphere Model version 1 (EAMv1)10.5194/gmd-11-1971-2018Zhang, Kai; Rasch, Philip J.; Taylor, Mark A.; Wan, Hui; Leung, Ruby; Ma, Po-Lun; Golaz, Jean-Christophe; Wolfe, Jon; Lin, Wuyin; Singh, Balwinder; Burrows, Susannah; Yoon, Jin-Ho; Wang, Hailong; Qian, Yun; Tang, Qi; Caldwell, Peter; Xie, ShaochengGEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT2018
Impact of numerics on the predictive capabilities of reacting flow LES10.1016/j.combustflame.2015.04.016Cocks, Peter A. T.; Soteriou, Marios C.; Sankaran, VaidyanathanCOMBUSTION AND FLAMEDDCMB101Sankaran, Vaidyanathan2015
Impact of solar panels on global climate10.1038/NCLIMATE2843Hu, Aixue; Levis, Samuel; Meehl, Gerald A.; Han, Weiqing; Washington, Warren M.; Oleson, Keith W.; van Ruijven, Bas J.; He, Mingqiong; Strand, Warren G.NATURE CLIMATE CHANGEINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2016
Impact of three-body forces on elastic nucleon-nucleus scattering observables10.1103/PhysRevC.103.024604Vorabbi, Matteo; Gennari, Michael; Finelli, Paolo; Giusti, Carlotta; Navratil, Petr; Machleidt, RuprechtPHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2021
Impacts of Ice-Shelf Melting on Water-Mass Transformation in the Southern Ocean from E3SM Simulations10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0683.1Jeong, Hyein; Asay-Davis, Xylar S.; Turner, Adrian K.; Comeau, Darin S.; Price, Stephen F.; Abernathey, Ryan P.; Veneziani, Milena; Petersen, Mark R.; Hoffman, Matthew J.; Mazloff, Matthew R.; Ringler, Todd D.JOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2020
Impacts of climate change on sub-regional electricity demand and distribution in the southern United States10.1038/nenergy.2016.103Allen, Melissa; Fernandez, Steven; Fu, Joshua; Obama, MohammedNATURE ENERGYINCITECLI017Warren Washington2016
Impacts of cloud superparameterization on projected daily rainfall intensity climate changes in multiple versions of the Community Earth System Model10.1002/2016MS000715Kooperman, Gabriel J.; Pritchard, Michael S.; Burt, Melissa A.; Branson, Mark D.; Randall, David A.JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMSCCCLI107Hoffman, Forrest M2016
Impacts of microtopographic snow redistribution and lateral subsurface processes on hydrologic and thermal states in an Arctic polygonal ground ecosystem: a case study using ELM-3D v1.010.5194/gmd-11-61-2018Bisht, Gautam; Riley, William J.; Wainwright, Haruko M.; Dafflon, Baptiste; Yuan Fengming, undefined; Romanovsky, Vladimir E.GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT2018
Impacts of the Pacific-Japan and Circumglobal Teleconnection Patterns on the Interdecadal Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0105.1Wu, Bo; Zhou, Tianjun; Li, TimJOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2016
Impacts of the morphology of new neighborhoods on microclimate and building energy10.1016/j.rser.2020.110030Allen-Dumas, Melissa R.; Rose, Amy N.; New, Joshua R.; Omitaomu, Olufemi A.; Yuan, Jiangye; Branstetter, Marcia L.; Sylvester, Linda M.; Seals, Matthew B.; Carvalhaes, Thomaz M.; Adams, Mark B.; Bhandari, Mahabir S.; Shrestha, Som S.; Sanyal, Jibonananda; Berres, Anne S.; Kolosna, Carl P.; Fu, Katherine S.; Kahl, Alexandra C.RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWSDDCLI106Ashfaq, Moetasim2020
Implementation and Tuning of Batched Cholesky Factorization and Solve for NVIDIA GPUs10.1109/TPDS.2015.2481890Kurzak, Jakub; Anzt, Hartwig; Gates, Mark; Dongarra, JackIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMSDDCSC150Kurzak, Jakub2016
Implementation of Relativistic Coupled Cluster Theory for Massively Parallel GPU-Accelerated Computing Architectures10.1021/acs.jctc.1c00260Pototschnig, Johann; Papadopoulos, Anastasios; Lyakh, Dmitry; Repisky, Michal; Halbert, Loic; Gomes, Andre Severo Pereira; Jensen, Hans Jorgen Aa; Visscher, LucasJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATIONDDCHM160Gomes, Andre2021
Implementation of a Particle Accelerator Beam Dynamics Code on Multi-Node GPUs10.4236/jsea.2019.129020Liu, Zhicong; Qiang, JiJOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND APPLICATIONSDDAPH110Qiang, Ji2019
Implementation of a Spacer Grid Rod Thermal-Hydraulic Reconstruction (ROTHCON) Capability into the Thermal-Hydraulic Subchannel Code CTF10.1080/00295450.2019.1585734Salko, Robert K.; Pointer, William D.; Delchini, Marc-Oliver; Gurecky, William L.; Clarno, Kevin T.; Salttery, Stuart R.; Petrov, Victor; Manera, AnnalisaNUCLEAR TECHNOLOGYDDCFD118Delchini, Marc-Oliver2019
Implementation of efficient quantum search algorithms on NISQ computers10.1007/s11128-021-03165-2Zhang, Kun; Rao, Pooja; Yu, Kwangmin; Lim, Hyunkyung; Korepin, VladimirQUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSINGQuantumCSC438Yu, Kwangmin2021
Implementation of the Windowed Multipole Method in ShiftBiondo, Elliott D.ORNL/TM-2021/2056ECPCSC254Hamilton, Steve2021
Implementation, capabilities, and benchmarking of Shift, a massively parallel Monte Carlo radiation transport code10.1016/, Tara M.; Johnson, Seth R.; Evans, Thomas M.; Davidson, GregoryG.; Hamilton, Steven P.; Godfrey, Andrew T.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSALCCNFI102Davidson, Gregory2016
Implementing Arbitrary/Common Concurrent Writes of CRCW PRAM10.1145/3458744.3474041Ghanim, Fady; ElWasif, Wael R.; Bernholdt, David E.50TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING WORKSHOPStaffSTF010Bernholdt, David2021
Implementing an Adaptive Sparse Grid Discretization (ASGarD) for High Dimensional Advection-Diffusion Problems on Exascale ArchitecturesLopez, M. Graham; Green, David L.; Mu, Lin; D'Azevedo, Ed; Elwasif, Wael; McDaniel, Tyler; Younkin, Timothy; McDaniel, Adam; Del-Castillo-Negrete, Deigo ; Lu, HaoPROCEEDINGS OF ACM CONFERENCE '17StaffStaff2019
Implications for Post-processing Nucleosynthesis of Core-collapse Supernova Models with Lagrangian Particles10.3847/1538-4357/aa76deHarris, J. Austin; Hix, W. Raphael; Chertkow, Merek A.; Lee, C. T.; Lentz, Eric J.; Messer, O. E. BronsonASTROPHYSICAL JOURNALINCITEAST005Mezzacappa,Tony2017
Implicit Thermochemical Nonequilibrium Flow Simulations on Unstructured Grids using GPUsNastac, Gabriel; Walden, Aaron; Nielsen, Eric ; Frendi, AbdelkaderAIAA SCITECH 2021 FORUMINCITEARD141Nielsen, Eric2021
Implicit large Eddy simulation of the NASA CRM high-lift configuration near stall10.1016/j.compfluid.2021.104887Wang, Z. J.; Rahmani, SalmanCOMPUTERS & FLUIDSDDARD139Wang, Zhi Jian2021
Improved Accuracy for Automated Communication Pattern Characterization Using Communication Graphs and Aggressive Search Space PruningRoth, Philip C.6 TH WORKSHOP ON EXTREME-SCALE PROGRAMMING TOOLS (ESPT’17)INCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2017
Improved Accuracy for Automated Communication Pattern Characterization Using Communication Graphs and Aggressive Search Space Pruning10.1007/978-3-030-17872-7_3Roth, Philip C.PROGRAMMING AND PERFORMANCE VISUALIZATION TOOLSStaffStaff2019
Improved Single-Ion Conductivity of Polymer Electrolyte via Accelerated Segmental Dynamics10.1021/acsaem.0c02079Zhao, Sheng; Zhang, Yiman; Pham, Hoang; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Nanda, Jagjit; Dudney, Nancy J.; Saito, Tomonori; Sokolov, Alexei P.; Cao, Peng-FeiACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALSDD (Both)MAT201; BIP151Ganesh, P.; Carrillo, J.M.2020
Improvement of the prediction of surface ozone concentration over conterminous US by a computationally efficient second-order Rosenbrock solver in CAM4-Chem10.1002/2016MS000863Sun, Jian; Fu, Joshua S.; Drake, John; Lamarque, Jean-Francois; Tilmes, Simone; Vitt, FrancisJOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMSDDCLI017Washington, Warren2017
Improvement of transport-corrected scattering stability and performance using a Jacobi inscatter algorithm for 2D-MOC10.1016/j.anucene.2017.02.024Stimpson, Shane; Collins, Benjamin; Kochunas, BrendanANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGYALCCNFI011Clarno, Kevin2017
Improving All-to-Many Personalized Communication in Two-Phase I/O10.1109/SC41405.2020.00014Kang, Qiao; Ross, Robert; Latham, Robert; Lee, Sunwoo; Agrawal, Ankit; Choudhary, Alok; Liao, Wei-kengPROCEEDINGS OF SC20: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSIS (SC20)ECPCSC332Latham, Robert2020
Improving Communication Performance of Sparse Linear Algebra for an Atomistic Simulation Application10.3233/978-1-61499-381-0-405Pousa, Christiane; Hutter, Jurg; Vandevondele, JoostPARALLEL COMPUTING: ACCELERATING COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (CSE)2014
Improving Communication by Optimizing On-Node Data Movement with Data Layout10.1145/3437801.3441598Zhao, Tuowen; Johansen, Hans; Hall, Mary; Williams, SamuelPROCEEDINGS OF THE 26TH ACM SIGPLAN SYMPOSIUM ON PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF PARALLEL PROGRAMMINGECPCSC383Vetter, Jeffrey2021
Improving Estimates of Sulfur, Nitrogen, and Ozone Total Deposition through Multi-Model and Measurement-Model Fusion Approaches10.1021/acs.est.1c05929Fu, Joshua S.; Carmichael, Gregory R.; Dentener, Frank; Aas, Wenche; Andersson, Camilla; Barrie, Leonard A.ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY2022
Improving I/O Performance for Exascale Applications Through Online Data Layout Reorganization10.1109/TPDS.2021.3100784Wan, Lipeng; Huebl, Axel; Gu, Junmin; Poeschel, Franz; Gainaru, Ana; Wang, Ruonan; Chen, Jieyang; Liang, Xin; Ganyushin, Dmitry; Munson, Todd; Foster, Ian; Vay, Jean-Luc; Podhorszki, Norbert; Wu, Kesheng; Klasky, ScottIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMSECPAPH114Vay, Jean-Luc2022
Improving deep learning-based protein distance prediction in CASP1410.1093/bioinformatics/btab355Guo, Zhiye; Wu, Tianqi; Liu, Jian; Hou, Jie; Cheng, JianlinBIOINFORMATICSDDBIF132Chang, Jianlin2021
Improving large-scale storage system performance via topology-aware and balanced data placement10.1109/PADSW.2014.7097866Wang, Feiyi (ORNL); Oral, H Sarp (ORNL); Gupta, Saurabh (ORNL); Tiwari, Devesh (ORNL); Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S. (ORNL)20TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, HSINCHU, TAIWANSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF2014
Improving resilience of scientific software through a domain-specific approach10.1016/j.jpdc.2019.01.015Reguly, I. Z.; Mudalige, G. R.; Giles, M. B.; Maheswaran, S.JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTINGINCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2019
Improving the Performance and Scalability of Algebraic Multigrid Solvers Through Applied Performance ModelingGahvari, H.University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignINCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2014
Improving the accuracy and efficiency of quantum connected moments expansions10.1088/2058-9565/ac0292Claudino, Daniel; Peng, Bo; Bauman, Nicholas P.; Kowalski, Karol; Humble, Travis S.QUANTUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYQuantumCHM172Humble, Travis2021
In Situ Al-27 NMR Spectroscopy of Aluminate in Sodium Hydroxide Solutions above and below Saturation with Respect to Gibbsite10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b00617Graham, Trent R.; Dembowski, Mateusz; Martinez-Baez, Ernesto; Zhang, Xin; Jaegers, Nicholas R.; Hu, Jianzhi; Gruszkiewicz, Miroslaw S.; Wang, Hsiu-Wen; Stack, Andrew G.; Bowden, Mark E.; Delegard, Calvin H.; Schenter, Gregory K.; Clark, Aurora E.; Clark, Sue B.; Felmy, Andrew R.; Rosso, Kevin M.; Pearce, Carolyn I.INORGANIC CHEMISTRY2018
In Situ Analysis and Visualization of Fusion Simulations: Lessons Learned10.1007/978-3-030-02465-9_16Kim, Mark; Kress, James; Choi, Jong; Podhorszki, Norbert; Klasky, ScottHIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING. ISC HIGH PERFORMANCE 2018. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCEDDCSC143Klasky, Scott2019
In Situ Data Infrastructure for Scientific Unit Testing Platform10.1016/j.procs.2016.05.344Yao, Zhuo; Jia, Yulu; Wang, Dali; Steed, Chad; Atchley, ScottINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE 2016 (ICCS 2016)ALCCCLI112Thornton, Peter2016
In Situ Generated Probability Distribution Functions for Interactive Post Hoc Visualization and AnalysisYe, Yucong (Chris); Neuroth, Tyson; Sauer, Franz; Ma, Kwan-Liu; Borghesi, Giulio; Konduri, Aditya; Kolla, Hemanth; Chen, Jacqueline2016 IEEE 6TH SYMPOSIUM ON LARGE DATA ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION (LDAV)InciteCMB103Jacqueline H Chen2016
In Situ Methods, Infrastructures, and Applications on High Performance Computing Platforms10.1111/cgf.12930Bauer, A. C.; Abbasi, H.; Ahrens, J.; Childs, H.; Geveci, B.; Klasky, S.; Moreland, K.; O'Leary, P.; Vishwanath, V.; Whitlock, B.; Bethel, E. W.COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUMDDCSC143Klasky, Scott A.2016
In Situ Techniques for Visualizing Large-Scale Scientific SimulationsYe, Yucong (Chris)UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVISDDCSC075Ahern, Sean David2018
In Situ Visualization and Production of Extract Databases10.14529/jsfi160402Whitlock, Brad J.; Duque, Earl P. N.Supercomputing Frontiers and InnovationsDDCSC194Wolf,Matthew Dearing2016
In silico prediction of annihilators for triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion via auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo10.1039/d0sc03381bWeber, John L.; Churchill, Emily M.; Jockusch, Steffen; Arthur, Evan J.; Pun, Andrew B.; Zhang, Shiwei; Friesner, Richard A.; Campos, Luis M.; Reichman, David R.; Shee, JamesCHEMICAL SCIENCEINCITECHM131Zhang, Shiwei2021
In situ compression artifact removal in scientific data using deep transfer learning and experience replay10.1088/2632-2153/abc326Madireddy, Sandeep; Hwan Park, Ji; Lee, Sunwoo; Balaprakash, Prasanna; Yoo, Shinjae; Liao, Wei-keng; Hauck, Cory D.; Paul Laiu, M.; Archibald, RichardMACHINE LEARNING-SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYDDMAT134Archibald, Richard2021
In-Gap States in Electronic Structure of Nonpolar Surfaces of Insulating Metal Oxides10.1002/admi.201300131Zherebetskyy, Danylo; Wang, Lin-WangADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACESINCITENTI008Lin-Wang Wang2014
In-Situ Feature Extraction of Large Scale Combustion Simulations Using Segmented Merge Trees10.1109/SC.2014.88Landge, Aaditya G.; Pascucci, Valerio; Gyulassy, Attila; Bennett, Janine C.; Kolla, Hemanth; Chen, Jacqueline; Bremer, Peer-TimoSC14: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISINCITECHM043Oefelein, Joseph2014
In-Staging Data Placement for Asynchronous Coupling of Task-Based Scientific Workflows10.1109/ESPM2.2016.12Sun, Qian; Romanus, Melissa; Jin, Tong; Yu, Hongfeng; Bremer, Peer-Timo; Petruzza, Steve; Klasky, Scott; Parashar, ManishPROCEEDINGS OF SECOND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON EXTREME SCALE PROGRAMMING MODELS AND MIDDLEWARE (ESPM2 2016)DDCSC143Klasky, Scott2016
InMAP: A model for air pollution interventions10.1371/journal.pone.0176131Tessum, Christopher W.; Hill, Jason D.; Marshall, Julian D.PLOS ONEDDATM007,ATM003Hill,Jason2017
Inchworm movement of two rings switching onto a thread by biased Brownian diffusion represent a three-body problem10.1073/pnas.1719539115Benson, Christopher R.; Maffeo, Christopher; Fatila, Elisabeth M.; Liu, Yun; Sheetz, Edward G.; Aksimentiev, Aleksei; Singharoy, Abhishek; Flood, Amar H.PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAINCITEBIP115Singharoy, Abhishek2018
Incorporation of memory effects in coarse-grained modeling via the Mori-Zwanzig formalism10.1063/1.4935490Li, Zhen; Bian, Xin; Li, Xiantao; Karniadakis, George EmJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITEBIP118Karniadakis, George2015
Increasing water cycle extremes in California and in relation to ENSO cycle under global warming10.1038/ncomms9657Yoon, Jin-Ho; Wang, S-Y Simon; Gillies, Robert R.; Kravitz, Ben; Hipps, Lawrence; Rasch, Philip J.NATURE COMMUNICATIONSALCCCLI063Rasch, Philip2015
Induced Fission of Pu-240 within a Real-Time Microscopic Framework10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.122504Bulgac, Aurel; Magierski, Piotr; Roche, Kenneth J.; Stetcu, IonelPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDDNPH105Bulgac, Aurel2016
Inelastic Neutron Spectra of Uranium Tetrafluoride Hydrate, UF4(H2O)2.510.1021/acs.jpcc.1c05747Miskowiec, Andrew; Pastoor, K.J.; Christian, Jonathan H.; Niedziela, J. L.; Foley, Bryan J.; Isbill, Sara; Shields, A. E.THE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CALCCCHM161Shields, Ashley2021
Inelastic neutron scattering evidence for anomalous H-H distances in metal hydrides10.1073/pnas.1912900117Borgschulte, Andreas; Terreni, Jasmin; Billeter, Emanuel; Daemen, Luke; Cheng, Yongqiang; Pandey, Anup; Lodziana, Zbigniew; Hemley, Russell J.; Ramirez-Cuesta, Anibal J.PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICADDMAT049Park, Byung Park2020
Inferring Convolutional Neural Networks' Accuracies from Their Architectural Characterizations10.1109/ICMLA.2019.00226Young, Steven; Perdue, Gabriel; Hoang, Duc; Ghosh, Anushree; Hamer, Jesse; Miller, Jonathan2019 18TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING AND APPLICATIONS (ICMLA)DDHEP105Gabriel, Perdue2019
Influence of Clay Wettability Alteration on Relative Permeability10.1029/2020GL088545Fan, Ming; McClure, James E.; Armstrong, Ryan T.; Shabaninejad, Mehdi; Dalton, Laura E.; Crandall, Dustin; Chen, ChengGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERSESBIP176McClure, James2020
Influence of Indian Ocean Dipole and Pacific recharge on following year's El Nio: interdecadal robustness10.1007/s00382-012-1628-1Izumo, Takeshi; Lengaigne, Matthieu; Vialard, Jerome; Luo, Jing-Jia; Yamagata, Toshio; Madec, GurvanCLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2014
Influence of Nonstoichiometry on Proton Conductivity in Thin-Film Yttrium-Doped Barium Zirconate10.1021/acsami.7b16900Ding, Jilai; Balachandran, Janakiraman; Sang, Xiahan; Guo, Wei; Veith, Gabriel M.; Bridges, Craig A.; Rouleau, Christopher M.; Poplawsky, Jonathan D.; Bassiri-Gharb, Nazanin; Ganesh, Panchapakesan; Unocic, Raymond R.ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACESDDCPH108Ganesh, Panchapakesan2018
Influence of a Heterocyclic Nitrogen-Donor Group on the Coordination of Trivalent Actinides and Lanthanides by Aminopolycarboxylate Complexants10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b02792Grimes, Travis S.; Heathman, Colt R.; Jansone-Popova, Santa; Ivanov, Alexander S.; Roy, Santanu; Bryantsev, Vyacheslav S.; Zalupski, Peter R.INORGANIC CHEMISTRYDDCHM116Bryantsev, Vyacheslav2018
Influence of a Pre-organized N-Donor Group on the Coordination of Trivalent Actinides and Lanthanides by an Aminopolycarboxylate Complexant10.1002/chem.201804723Heathman, Colt R.; Grimes, Travis S.; Jansone-Popova, Santa; Roy, Santanu; Bryantsev, Vyacheslav S.; Zalupski, Peter R.CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNALDDCHM116Bryantsev, Vyacheslav2019
Influence of aqueous ionic strength upon liquid:liquid interfacial structure and microsolvation10.1016/j.fluid.2015.07.013Ghadar, Yasaman; Christensen, Shauna L.; Clark, Aurora E.FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIAINCITECHP101Dixon, David2016
Influence of local lattice distortions on electrical transport of refractory high entropy alloys10.1016/j.scriptamat.2019.05.032Mu, Sai; Wimmer, S.; Mankovsky, S.; Ebert, H.; Stocks, G. M.SCRIPTA MATERIALIAINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2019
Influence of phase connectivity on the relationship among capillary pressure, fluid saturation, and interfacial area in two-fluid-phase porous medium systems10.1103/PhysRevE.94.033102McClure, James E.; Berrill, Mark A.; Gray, William G.; Miller, Cass T.PHYSICAL REVIEW EINCITEGEO106McClure, James E.2016
Influence of solar forcing, climate variability and modes of low-frequency atmospheric variability on summer floods in Switzerland10.5194/hess-19-3807-2015Pena, J. C.; Schulte, L.; Badoux, A.; Barriendos, M.; Barrera-Escoda, A.HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCESINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
Influence of substrate pattern on the adsorption of HP lattice proteins10.1080/08927022.2018.1471691Wilson, Matthew S.; Shi, Guangjie; Wuest, Thomas; Li, Ying Wai; Landau, David P.MOLECULAR SIMULATION2018
Influence of synoptic atmospheric conditions on movement of individual sea-ice floes in Fram Strait, late summer 201010.3189/2015AoG69A655King, Jennifer A.; Bigg, Grant R.; Hall, RichardANNALS OF GLACIOLOGYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
Influence of the Eastern Pacific and Central Pacific Types of ENSO on the South Asian Summer Monsoon10.1007/s00376-020-0055-1Fan, Fangxing; Lin, Renping; Fang, Xianghui; Xue, Feng; Zheng, Fei; Zhu, JiangADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCESINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2021
Influence of the North Atlantic SST Variability on the Atmospheric Circulation during the Twentieth Century10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00424.1Gastineau, Guillaume; Frankignoul, ClaudeJOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
Influence of the crystal packing in singlet fission: one step beyond the gas phase approximation10.1039/d1cp00298hAguilar Suarez, Luis Enrique; de Graaf, Coen; Faraji, ShirinPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICSDDCHM154Graaf, Coen de2021
Influence of wettability on phase connectivity and electrical resistivity10.1103/PhysRevE.98.043102Liu, Zhishang; McClure, James E.; Armstrong, Ryan T.PHYSICAL REVIEW EINCITEGEO106McClure, James2018
InfoCGAN classification of 2D square Ising configurations10.1088/2632-2153/abcc45Walker, Nicholas; Tam, Ka-MingMACHINE LEARNING-SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2021
Information Extraction from Cancer Pathology Reports with Graph Convolution Networks for Natural Language TextsTourassi, Georgia; Young, Michael; Yoon, Hong Jun; Gounley, John2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATAECP, ALCCCSC264, MED106, MED107Rick Stevens, Georgia Tourassi2019
Informing climate models with rapid chamber measurements of forest carbon uptake10.1111/gcb.13451Metcalfe, Daniel B.; Ricciuto, Daniel; Palmroth, Sari; Campbell, Catherine; Hurry, Vaughan; Mao, Jiafu; Keel, Sonja G.; Linder, Sune; Shi, Xiaoying; Nsholm, Torgny; Ohlsson, Klas E. A.; Blackburn, M.; Thornton, Peter E.; Oren, RamGLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGYALCCCLI112Thornton,Peter2017
Infrared extrapolations for atomic nuclei10.1088/0954-3899/42/3/034032Furnstahl, R. J.; Hagen, G.; Papenbrock, T.; Wendt, K. A.JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICSINCITENPH008Vary, James P.2015
Inhibitor binding influences the protonation states of histidines in SARS-CoV-2 main protease10.1039/d0sc04942ePavlova, Anna; Lynch, Diane L.; Daidone, Isabella; Zanetti-Polzi, Laura; Smith, Micholas Dean; Chipot, Chris; Kneller, Daniel W.; Kovalevsky, Andrey; Coates, Leighton; Golosov, Andrei A.; Dickson, Callum J.; Velez-Vega, Camilo; Duca, Jose S.; Vermaas, Josh V.; Pang, Yui Tik; Acharya, Atanu; Parks, Jerry M.; Smith, Jeremy C.; Gumbart, James C.CHEMICAL SCIENCEALCCBIP208Gumbart, James2021
Initial Results From the Super-Parameterized E3SM10.1029/2019MS001863Hannah, W. M.; Jones, C. R.; Hillman, B. R.; Norman, M. R.; Bader, D. C.; Taylor, M. A.; Leung, L. R.; Pritchard, M. S.; Branson, M. D.; Lin, G.; Pressel, K. G.; Lee, J. M.JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMSECP, INCITECLI133, CLI115Taylor, Mark (Both)2020
Initial Results from the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR10.1088/1742-6596/888/1/012035Elliott, S. R.; Abgrall, N.; Arnquist, I. J.; Avignone, F. T.; Barabash, A. S.; Bertrand, F. E.; Bradley, A. W.; Brudanin, V.; Busch, M.; Buuck, M.; Caldwell, T. S.; Chan, Y-D.; Christofferson, C. D.; Chu, P. -H.; Cuesta, C.; Detwiler, J. A.; Dunagan, C.; Efremenko, Yu.; Ejiri, H.; Fullmer, A.; Galindo-Uribarri, A.; Gilliss, T.; Giovanetti, G. K.; Green, M. P.; Gruszko, J.; Guinn, I. S.; Guiseppe, V. E.; Henning, R.; Hoppe, E. W.; Howe, M. A.; Jasinski, B. R.; Keeter, K. J.; Kidd, M. F.; Konovalov, S. I.; Kouzes, R. T.; Leon, J.; Lopez, A. M.; MacMullin, J.; Martin, R. D.; Massarczyk, R.; Meijer, S. J.; Mertens, S.; Orrell, J. L.; O'Shaughnessy, C.; Poon, A. W. P.; Radford, D. C.; Rager, J.; Rielage, K.; Robertson, R. G. H.; Romero-Romero, E.; Shanks, B.; Shirchenko, M.; Suriano, A. M.; Tedeschi, D.; Trimble, J. E.; Varner, R. L.; Vasilyev, S.; Vetter, K.; Vorren, K.; White, B. R.; Wilkerson, J. F.; Wiseman, C.; Xu, W.; Yakushev, E.; Yu, C. -H.; Yumatov, V.; Zhitnikov, I.XXVII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEUTRINO PHYSICS AND ASTROPHYSICS (NEUTRINO2016)DDNPH016Varner, Robert2017
Initialization Shock in CCSM4 Decadal Prediction Experiments10.22498/pages.25.1.41Teng, Haiyan; Meehl, Gerald A.; Branstator, Grant; Yeager, Stephen; Karspeck, AliciaPAST GLOBAL CHANGES MAGAZINE2017
Initialized decadal prediction for transition to positive phase of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation10.1038/ncomms11718Meehl, Gerald A.; Hu, Aixue; Teng, HaiyanNATURE COMMUNICATIONSINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2016
Insight into induced charges at metal surfaces and biointerfaces using a polarizable Lennard-Jones potential10.1038/s41467-018-03137-8Geada, Isidro Lorenzo; Ramezani-Dakhel, Hadi; Jamil, Tariq; Sulpizi, Marialore; Heinz, HendrikNATURE COMMUNICATIONSDDMAT135Henz, Hendrik2018
Insights and challenges of applying the GW method to transition metal oxides10.1088/0953-8984/26/47/475501Samsonidze, Georgy; Park, Cheol-Hwan; Kozinsky, BorisJOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTERINCITEMAT045Kozinsky, Boris2014
Insights into Laser-Materials Interaction Through Modeling on Atomic and Macroscopic Scales10.1007/978-3-319-96845-2_5Shugaev, Maxim V.; He, Miao ; Lizonov, Sergey A.; Levy, Yoann; Derrien, Thibault J.-Y.ADVANCES IN THE APPLICATION OF LASERS IN MATERIALS SCIENCEINCITEMAT1302018
Insights obtained from modeling of organic photovoltaics: morphology, interfaces and coupling with charge transport10.1201/b18072-8KUMAR, RAJEEV; GOSWAMI, MONOJOY; CARRILLO, JAN-MICHAEL; SUMPTER, BOBBYOrganic Solar Cells: Materials, Devices, Interfaces, and ModelingES (Early Science)MAT054Brown, Michael2015
Instruction Roofline: An insightful visual performance model for GPUs10.1002/cpe.6591Ding, Nan; Awan, Muaaz; Williams, SamuelCONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCEECPBIF115Yelick, Katherine2021
Integrated proteomics and metabolomics suggests symbiotic metabolism and multimodal regulation in a fungal-endobacterial system10.1111/1462-2920.13605Li, Zhou; Yao, Qiuming; Dearth, Stephen P.; Entler, Matthew R.; Castro Gonzalez, Hector F.; Uehling, Jessie K.; Vilgalys, Rytas J.; Hurst, Gregory B.; Campagna, Shawn R.; Labbe, Jessy L.; Pan, ChongleENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGYALCC, DDBIP108Pan,Chongle2017
Integrating Asynchronous Task Parallelism with OpenSHMEM10.1007/978-3-319-50995-2_1Grossman, Max; Kumar, Vivek; Budimlic, Zoran; Sarkar, VivekOPENSHMEM AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES. ENHANCING OPENSHMEM FOR HYBRID ENVIRONMENTSDDCSC040Imam, Neena2016
Integrating External Resources with a Task-Based Programming Model10.1109/HiPC.2017.00043Jia, Zhihao; Treichler, Sean; Shipman, Galen; Bauer, Michael; Watkins, Noah; Maltzahn, Carlos; McCormick, Patrick; Aiken, Alex2017 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (HIPC)ALCCCSC250STPM10McCormick, Patrick2017
Integrating Overhead Camera Imagery with Reinforcement Learning to Improve Fuel Economy Through Adaptive Traffic ControlKarnowski, Thomas; Gee, Tim; Price, Jeff; Tokola, Ryan; Oesch, TimothyINTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS WORLD CONGRESSALCCCSC282Karnowski, Thomas2020
Integrating a reservoir regulation scheme into a spatially distributed hydrological model10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.10.014Zhao, Gang; Gao, Huilin; Naz, Bibi S.; Kao, Shih-Chieh; Voisin, NathalieADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCESddATM005Ashfaq,Moetasim2016
Integration Of PanDA Workload Management System With Supercomputers for ATLAS and Data Intensive Science10.1088/1742-6596/762/1/012021Klimentov, A.; De, K.; Jha, S.; Maeno, T.; Nilsson, P.; Oleynik, D.; Panitkin, S.; wells, J.; Wenaus, T.17TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ADVANCED COMPUTING AND ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES IN PHYSICS RESEARCH (ACAT2016)DDCSC108Pantikin, Sergey2016
Integration of 3D large-scale earthquake simulations into the assessment of the seismic risk of Bogota, Colombia10.1002/eqe.3373Riano, Andrea C.; Reyes, Juan C.; Yamin, Luis E.; Bielak, Jacobo; Taborda, Ricardo; Restrepo, DoriamEARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICSINCITEGEO112Goulet, Christine2021
Integration of PanDA workload management system with Titan supercomputer at OLCF10.1088/1742-6596/664/9/092020Collaboration, ATLAS21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING IN HIGH ENERGY AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS (CHEP2015), PARTS 1-9DDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2015
Integration of Panda Workload Management System with Supercomputers10.1134/S1547477116050150De, K.; Jha, S.; Klimentov, A.; Maeno, T.; Mashinistov, R.; Nilsson, P.; Novikov, A.; Oleynik, D.; Panitkin, S.; Poyda, A.; Read, K. F.; Ryabinkin, E.; Teslyuk, A.; Velikhov, V.; Wells, J. C.; Wenaus, T.PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI LETTERSDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2016
Integration of Russian Tier-1 Grid Center with High Performance Computers at NRC-KI for LHC experiments and beyond HENP10.1088/1742-6596/664/9/092018Belyaev, A.; Berezhnaya, A.; Betev, L.; Buncic, P.; De, K.; Drizhuk, D.; Klimentov, A.; Lazin, Y.; Lyalin, I.; Mashinistov, R.; Novikov, A.; Oleynik, D.; Polyakov, A.; Poyda, A.; Ryabinkin, E.; Teslyuk, A.; Tkachenko, I.; Yasnopolskiy, L.21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING IN HIGH ENERGY AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS (CHEP2015), PARTS 1-9DDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2015
Integration of Titan supercomputer at OLCF with ATLAS Production System10.1088/1742-6596/898/9/092002Megino, F. Barreiro; De, K.; Jha, S.; Klimentov, A.; Maeno, T.JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIESDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2018
Inter-Subunit Dynamics Controls Tunnel Formation During the Oxygenation Process in Hemocyanin Hexamers10.3389/fmolb.2021.710623Bux, Khair; Shen, Xiayu; Tariq, Muhammad; Yin, Junqi; Moin, Syed Tarique; Bhowmik, Debsindhu; Haider, ShozebFRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCESALCCMED111Bhowmik, Debsindhu; Gounley, John2021
Interaction Between Proppant Compaction and Single-/Multiphase Flows in a Hydraulic Fracture10.2118/189985-PAFan, Ming; McClure, James; Han, Yanhui; Li, Zhe; Chen, ChengSPE JOURNALINCITEGEO106McClure, James2018
Interaction between water and carbon nanostructures: How good are current density functional approximations?10.1063/1.5121370Brandenburg, Jan Gerit; Zen, Andrea; Alfe, Dario; Michaelides, AngelosJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECPH005Alfe, Dario2019
Interannual and interdecadal variations in typhoon tracks around Japan10.1002/joc.4156Grossman, Michael J.; Zaiki, Masumi; Nagata, RenaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
Interannual and intra-annual variability of rainfall in Haiti (1905-2005)10.1007/s00382-014-2326-yMoron, Vincent; Frelat, Romain; Jean-Jeune, Pierre Karly; Gaucherel, CedricCLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2015
Interannual variability of the South Indian Countercurrent10.1002/2015JC011417Menezes, Viviane V.; Phillips, Helen E.; Vianna, Marcio L.; Bindoff, Nathaniel L.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2016
Interface Structure Prediction from First-Principles10.1021/jp5010852Zhao, Xin; Shu, Qiang; Manh Cuong Nguyen, undefined; Wang, Yangang; Ji, Min; Xiang, Hongjun; Ho, Kai-Ming; Gong, Xingao; Wang, Cai-ZhuangJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CINCITEMAT046Harmon, Bruce2014
Interface capturing simulations of droplet interaction with spacer grids under DFFB conditionsSaini, Nadish; Bolotnov, Igor A.NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGNALCCNFI007Christon, Mark2020
Interface tracking simulations of bubbly flows in PWR relevant geometries10.1016/j.nucengdes.2016.07.002Fang, Jun; Rasquin, Michel; Bolotnov, Igor A.NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGNALCCNFI011Turner, John2017
Interface-induced magnetic polar metal phase in complex oxides10.1038/s41467-019-13270-7Meng, Meng; Wang, Zhen; Fathima, Aafreen; Ghosh, Saurabh; Saghayezhian, Mohammad; Taylor, Joel; Jin, Rongying; Zhu, Yimei; Pantelides, Sokrates T.; Zhang, Jiandi; Plummer, E. W.; Guo, HangwenNATURE COMMUNICATIONSDDMAT136Ghosh, Saurabh2019
Interface-induced multiferroism by design in complex oxide superlattices10.1073/pnas.1706814114Guo, Hangwen; Wang, Zhen; Dong, Shuai; Ghosh, Saurabh; Saghayezhian, Mohammad; Chen, Lina; Weng, Yakui; Herklotz, Andreas; Ward, Thomas Z.; Jin, Rongying; Pantelides, Sokrates T.; Zhu, Yimei; Zhang, Jiandi; Plummer, E. W.PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICADDMAT136Ghosh, Saurabh2017
Interfacial Properties and Design of Functional Energy Materials10.1021/ar500180hSumpter, Bobby G.; Liang, Liangbo; Nicolai, Adrien; Meunier, VincentACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCHddNTI015Sumpter,Bobby2014
Interfacial two-dimensional oxide enhances photocatalytic activity of graphene/titania via electronic structure modification10.1016/j.carbon.2019.10.053De Angelis, Dario; Presel, Francesco; Jabeen, Naila; Bignardi, Luca; Lizzit, Daniel; Lacovig, Paolo; Lizzit, Silvano; Montini, Tiziano; Fornasiero, Paolo; Alfe, Dario; Baraldi, AlessandroCARBONINCITECPH005Alfe, Dario2020
Interlaced coarse-graining for the dynamic cluster approximation10.1103/PhysRevB.93.165144Staar, P.; Jiang, M.; Hahner, R.; Schulthess, T. C.; Maier, T. A.PHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITECPH102Maier, Thomas2016
Intermediate frequency atmospheric disturbances: A dynamical bridge connecting western US extreme precipitation with East Asian cold surges10.1002/2013JD021209Jiang, Tianyu; Evans, Katherine J.; Deng, Yi; Dong, XiquanJOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERESALCCCLI062Price, Stephen2014
Internal variability and external forcings in the ocean-atmosphere multidecadal oscillator over the North Atlantic10.1007/s00382-020-05300-8Ribera, Pedro; Ordonez, Paulina; Gallego, David; Pena-Ortiz, CristinaCLIMATE DYNAMICSINCITECLI028Campo, Gilbert2020
Interphase Structures and Dynamics near Nanofiller Surfaces in Polymer Solutions10.1021/acs.macromol.8b01615Koga, Tadanori; Barkley, Deborah; Nagao, Michihiro; Taniguchi, Takashi; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Masui, Tomomi; Kishimoto, Hiroyuki; Koga, Maho; Rudick, Jonathan G.; Endoh, Maya K.MACROMOLECULESDDMAT168Sumpter, Bobby2018
Interplay between plasmon and single-particle excitations in a metal nanocluster10.1038/ncomms10107Ma, Jie; Wang, Zhi; Wang, Lin-WangNATURE COMMUNICATIONSINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2015
Interplay of waves and eddies in rotating stratified turbulence and the link with kinetic-potential energy partition10.1209/0295-5075/112/49001Marino, Raffaele; Rosenberg, Duane; Herbert, Corentin; Pouquet, AnnickEPLINCITEENP008Kurien, Susan2015
Interpolated Wave Functions for Nonadiabatic Simulations with the Fixed-Node Quantum Monte Carlo Method10.1021/bk-2016-1234.ch003Tubman, Norm M.; Yang, Yubo; Hammes-Schiffer, Sharon; Ceperley, David M.RECENT PROGRESS IN QUANTUM MONTE CARLOINCITECPH103Ceperley, David2016
Interpretable AI forecasting for numerical relativity waveforms of quasicircular, spinning, nonprecessing binary black hole mergers10.1103/PhysRevD.105.024024Khan, Asad; Huerta, E. A.; Zheng, HuihuoPHYSICAL REVIEW DINCITEAST168Huerta, Eliu2022
Interpretation of electromagnetic modes in the sub-TAE frequency range in JET plasmas with elevated monotonic q-profiles10.1063/5.0057844Fil, N.; Sharapov, S. E.; Fitzgerald, M.; Choi, G. J.; Lin, Z.; Tinguely, R. A.; Oliver, H. J. C.; McClements, K. G.; Puglia, P. G.; Dumont, R. J.; Porkolab, M.; Mailloux, J.; Joffrin, E.PHYSICS OF PLASMASDDPHY130Lin, Zhihong2021
Interpreting Neutron Reflectivity Profiles of Diblock Copolymer Nanocomposite Thin Films Using Hybrid Particle-Field Simulations10.1021/acs.macromol.8b00180Mahalik, Jyoti P.; Dugger, Jason W.; Sides, Scott W.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Lauter, Valeria; Kumar, RajeevMACROMOLECULESDDMAT168Bobby G. Sumpter2018
Interpreting Write Performance of Supercomputer I/O Systems with Regression Models10.1109/IPDPS49936.2021.00064Xie, Bing; Tan, Zilong; Carns, Philip; Chase, Jeff; Harms, Kevin; Lofstead, Jay; Oral, Sarp; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.; Wang, Feiyi2021 IEEE 35TH INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM (IPDPS)StaffStaff2021
Intrinsic momentum generation by a combined neoclassical and turbulence mechanism in diverted DIII-D plasma edge10.1063/1.4894242Seo, Janghoon; Chang, C. S.; Ku, S.; Kwon, J. M.; Choe, W.; Mueller, Stefan H.PHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITEENV003Chang, Choong-Seock2014
Introducing CGOLS: The Cholla Galactic Outflow Simulation Suite10.3847/1538-4357/aac329Schneider, Evan E.; Robertson, Brant E.ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNALINCITEAST125Robertson, Brant2018
Introduction to Exascale Scientific Applications: Programming Approaches for Scalability, Performance, and PortabilityWilliams, Timothy; Antypas, Katerina; Straatsma, TjerkEXASCALE SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS: SCALABILITY AND PERFORMANCE PORTABILITYStaff2017
Introduction to the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) and overview of the reanalysis systems10.5194/acp-17-1417-2017Fujiwara, Masatomo; Wright, Jonathon S.; Manney, Gloria L.; Gray, Lesley J.; Anstey, James; Birner, Thomas; Davis, Sean; Gerber, Edwin P.; Harvey, V. Lynn; Hegglin, Michaela I.; Homeyer, Cameron R.; Knox, John A.; Kruger, Kirstin; Lambert, Alyn; Long, Craig S.; Martineau, Patrick; Molod, Andrea; Monge-Sanz, Beatriz M.; Santee, Michelle L.; Tegtmeier, Susann; Chabrillat, Simon; Tan, David G. H.; Jackson, David R.; Polavarapu, Saroja; Compo, Gilbert P.; Dragani, Rossana; Ebisuzaki, Wesley; Harada, Yayoi; Kobayashi, Chiaki; McCarty, Will; Onogi, Kazutoshi; Pawson, Steven; Simmons, Adrian; Wargan, Krzysztof; Whitaker, Jeffrey S.; Zou, Cheng-ZhiATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICSINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2017
Investigating In Situ Reduction via Lagrangian Representations for Cosmology and Seismology Applications10.1007/978-3-030-77961-0_36Sane, Sudhanshu; Johnson, Chris R.; Childs, HankICCS 2021ECPCSC331Moreland, Kenneth2021
Investigating Sociodemographic Disparities in Cancer Risk Using Web-Based Informatics10.7771/2327-2937.1087Yoon, Jon-Jun; Tourassi, GeorgiaJOURNAL OF HUMAN PERFORMANCE IN EXTREME ENVIRONMENTSDDMED103Tourassi, Georgia2018
Investigating the impact of land-use land-cover change on Indian summer monsoon daily rainfall and temperature during 1951-2005 using a regional climate model10.5194/hess-20-1765-2016Halder, Subhadeep; Saha, Subodh K.; Dirmeyer, Paul A.; Chase, Thomas N.; Goswami, Bhupendra NathHYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCESINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2016
Investigation and mitigation of degradation mechanisms in Cu2O photoelectrodes for CO2 reduction to ethylene10.1038/s41560-021-00927-1Liu, Guiji; Zheng, Fan; Li, Junrui; Zeng, Guosong; Ye, Yifan; Larson, David M.; Yano, Junko; Crumlin, Ethan J.; Ager, Joel W.; Wang, Lin-wang; Toma, Francesca M.NATURE ENERGYINCITEMAT110Wang, Lin-wang2021
Investigation of a Quantum Monte Carlo Protocol To Achieve High Accuracy and High-Throughput Materials Formation Energies10.1021/acs.jctc.6b01179Saritas, Kayahan; Mueller, Tim; Wagner, Lucas; Grossmant, Jeffrey C.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATIONINCITEMAT141Grossman, Jeffrey C.2017
Investigation of the ground-state spin inversion in the neutron-rich Cl-47,Cl-49 isotopes10.1103/PhysRevC.104.044331Linh, B. D.; Corsi, A.; Gillibert, A.; Obertelli, A.; Doornenbal, P.; Barbieri, C.; Chen, S.; Chung, L. X.; Duguet, T.; Gomez-Ramos, M.; Holt, J. D.; Moro, A.; Navratil, P.; Ogata, K.; Phuc, N. T. T.; Shimizu, N.; Soma, undefined; Utsuno, Y.; Achouri, N. L.; Baba, H.; Browne, F.; Calvet, D.; Chateau, F.; Chiga, N.; Cortes, M. L.; Delbart, A.; Gheller, J-M; Giganon, A.; Hilaire, C.; Isobe, T.; Kobayashi, T.; Kubota, Y.; Lapoux, undefined; Liu, H. N.; Motobayashi, T.; Murray, undefined; Otsu, H.; Panin, undefined; Paul, N.; Rodriguez, W.; Sakurai, H.; Sasano, M.; Steppenbeck, D.; Stuhl, L.; Sun, Y. L.; Togano, Y.; Uesaka, T.; Wimmer, K.; Yoneda, K.; Aktas, O.; Aumann, T.; Flavigny, F.; Franchoo, S.; Gasparic, undefined; Gerst, R-B; Gibelin, J.; Hahn, K.; Khai, N. T.; Kim, D.; Koiwai, T.; Kondo, Y.; Koseoglou, P.; Lee, J.; Lehr, C.; Lokotko, T.; MacCormick, M.; Moschner, K.; Nakamura, T.; Park, S. Y.; Rossi, D.; Sahin, E.; Sohler, D.; Soderstrom, P-A; Takeuchi, S.; Ton, N. D.; Tornqvist, H.; Vaquero, V.; Wagner, undefined; Wang, H.; Werner, undefined; Xu, X.; Yamada, Y.; Yan, D.; Yang, Z.; Yasuda, M.; Zanetti, L.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2021
Invisible Anchors Trap Particles in Branching Junctions10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.054502Oettinger, David; Ault, Jesse T.; Stone, Howard A.; Haller, GeorgePHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2018
Ion Acceleration in Driven Magnetic Reconnection during High-energy-Density Plasma Interaction10.3847/1538-4357/abccd3Pongkitiwanichakul, Peera; Fox, William; Ruffolo, David; Malakit, Kittipat; Lezhnin, Kirill; Matteucci, Jack; Bhattacharjee, AmitavaASTROPHYSICAL JOURNALINCITEFUS109Bhattacharjee, Amitava2021
Ion Pairing Mediates Molecular Organization Across Liquid/Liquid Interfaces10.1021/acsami.1c09763Lin, Lu; Chowdhury, Azhad U.; Ma, Ying-Zhong; Sacci, Robert L.; Katsaras, John; Hong, Kunlun; Collier, C. Patrick; Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Doughty, BenjaminACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACESDDMAT201Ganesh, Panchapakesan2021
Ion motion in the wake driven by long particle bunches in plasmas10.1063/1.4876620Vieira, J.; Fonseca, R. A.; Mori, W. B.; Silva, L. O.PHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITEPetascale Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Plasma Based AcceleratorsMori,Warren2014
Ion transport and softening in a polymerized ionic liquid10.1039/c4nr05491aKumar, Rajeev; Bocharova, Vera; Strelcov, Evgheni; Tselev, Alexander; Kravchenko, Ivan I.; Berdzinski, Stefan; Strehmel, Veronika; Ovchinnikova, Olga S.; Minutolo, Joseph A.; Sangoro, Joshua R.; Agapov, Alexander L.; Sokolov, Alexei P.; Kalinin, Sergei V.; Sumpter, Bobby G.NANOSCALEDD & STAFFMAT101 & STAFFSumpter, Bobby2015
Ion transport through single-walled carbon nanotubes: Effects of electric field and fixed surface charge10.1016/j.cplett.2018.09.072Aranha, Michelle P.; Edwards, Brian J.CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERSNTI107Edwards, Brian2018
Ion-channel laser growth rate and beam quality requirements10.1017/S0022377818000429Davoine, X.; Fiuza, F.; Fonseca, R. A.; Mori, W. B.; Silva, L. O.JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICSINCITEAPH003Mori, Warren2018
Is AMOC More Predictable than North Atlantic Heat Content?10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00274.1Branstator, Grant; Teng, HaiyanJOURNAL OF CLIMATEINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2014
Island Model for Parallel Evolutionary Optimization of Spiking Neuromorphic Computing10.1145/3319619.3322016Schuman, Catherine D.; Plank, James S.; Patton, Robert M.; Potok, Thomas E.PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2019 GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE COMPANION (GECCCO'19 COMPANION)ALCCCSC292Patton, Robert2019
Isolated proton bunch acceleration by a petawatt laser pulse10.1038/s41467-017-02663-1Hilz, P.; Ostermayr, T. M.; Huebl, A.; Bagnoud, V.; Borm, B.; Bussmann, M.; Gallei, M.; Gebhard, J.; Haffa, D.; Hartmann, J.; Kluge, T.; Lindner, F. H.; Neumayr, P.; Schaefer, C. G.; Schramm, U.; Thirolf, P. G.; Roesch, T. F.; Wagner, F.; Zielbauer, B.; Schreiber, J.NATURE COMMUNICATIONSINCITEAPH101Bussmann, Michael2018
Isolation and Whole‐Genome Sequencing of Environmental Campylobacter10.1002/cpmc.64Kelley, Brittni R.; Ellis, J. Christopher; Hyatt, Doug; Jacobson, Dan; Johnson, JeremiahCURRENT PROTOCOLS IN MICROBIOLOGYDDBIF102Jacobson, Daniel2018
Isomeric effects on the self-assembly of a plausible prebiotic nucleoside analogue: A theoretical study10.1002/qua.25314Vallejo, E.; Sanchez-Castillo, Ariadna; FUENTES-CABRERA, MIGUEL; SUMPTER, BOBBY; Rangel, E.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRYDDMAT101Sumpter,Bobby2016
Isopycnal Eddy Diffusivities and Critical Layers in the Kuroshio Extension from an Eddying Ocean Model10.1175/JPO-D-13-0258.1Chen, Ru; McClean, Julie L.; Gille, Sarah T.; Griesel, AlexaJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHYINCITECLI017Washington, Warren2014
Isopycnal eddy mixing across the Kuroshio Extension: Stable versus unstable states in an eddying model10.1002/2016JC012164Chen, Ru; Gille, Sarah T.; McClean, Julie L.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANScourtesyTMP0052017
Isoscalar pi pi Scattering and the sigma Meson Resonance from QCD10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.022002Briceno, Raul A.; Dudek, Jozef J.; Edwards, Robert G.; Wilson, David J.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSALCCNPH103, LGT003Edwards,Robert , Mackenzie,Paul2017
Isoscalar pi pi, K(K)over-bar, eta eta scattering and the sigma, f(0),f(2) mesons from QCD10.1103/PhysRevD.97.054513Briceno, Raul A.; Dudek, Jozef J.; Edwards, Robert G.; Wilson, David J.PHYSICAL REVIEW DALCCNPH103Edwards, Robert2018
Isospin effects in N approximate to Z nuclei in extended density functional theory10.1088/0031-8949/91/2/023013Satula, Wojciech; Nazarewicz, WitoldPHYSICA SCRIPTAINCITENPH008Vary, James2016
Isospin-1/2 D pi scattering and the lightest D-0* resonance from lattice QCD10.1007/JHEP07(2021)123Gayer, Luke; Lang, Nicolas; Ryan, Sinead M.; Tims, David; Thomas, Christopher E.; Wilson, David J.JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICSALCCNPH102Liu, Keh-Fei2021
Isospin-invariant Skyrme energy-density-functional approach with axial symmetry10.1103/PhysRevC.89.054317Sheikh, J. A.; Hinohara, N.; Dobaczewski, J.; Nakatsukasa, T.; Nazarewicz, W.; Sato, K.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James2014
Isotensor Axial Polarizability and Lattice QCD Input for Nuclear Double-beta Decay Phenomenology10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.062003Shanahan, Phiala E.; Tiburzi, Brian C.; Wagman, Michael L.; Winter, Frank; Chang, Emmanuel; Davoudi, Zohreh; Detmold, William; Orginos, Kostas; Savage, Martin J.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSALCC, INCITENPH115, LGT003Detmold, William2017
Isovector charges of the nucleon from 2+1+1-flavor lattice QCD10.1103/PhysRevD.98.034503Gupta, Rajan; Ling, Yong-Chull; Yoon, Boram; Lin, Huey-Wen; Cirigliano, Vincenzo; Bhattacharya, TanmoyPHYSICAL REVIEW DDD, INCITENPH110, NPH122Gupta, Rajan2018
Isovector charges of the nucleon from 2+1-flavor QCD with clover fermions10.1103/PhysRevD.95.074508Yoon, Boram; Jang, Yong-Chull; Gupta, Rajan; Bhattacharya, Tanmoy; Green, Jeremy; Joo, Balint; Lin, Huey-Wen; Orginos, Kostas; Richards, David; Syritsyn, Sergey; Winter, FrankPHYSICAL REVIEW DALCCNPH110Gupta, Rajan2017
Isovector parton distribution functions of the proton on a superfine lattice10.1103/PhysRevD.102.074504Fan, Zhouyou; Gao, Xiang; Li, Ruizi; Lin, Huey-Wen; Karthik, Nikhil; Mukherjee, Swagato; Petreczky, Peter; Syritsyn, Sergey; Yang, Yi-Bo; Zhang, RuiPHYSICAL REVIEW DINCITENPH125Mukherjee, Swagato2020
Issues and Opportunities in Exotic Hadrons10.1088/1674-1137/40/4/042001Briceno, R. A.; Cohen, T. D.; Coito, S.; Dudek, J. J.; Eichten, E.; Fischer, C. S.; Fritsch, M.; Gradl, W.; Jackura, A.; Kornicer, M.; Krein, G.; Lebed, R. F.; Machado, F. A.; Mitchell, R. E.; Morningstar, C. J.; Peardon, M.; Pennington, M. R.; Peters, K.; Richard, J. M.; Shen, C. P.; Shepherd, M. R.; Skwarnicki, T.; Swanson, E. S.; Szczepaniak, A. P.; Yuan, C. Z.CHINESE PHYSICS CALCCNPH103Edwards, Robert2016
Iterative addition of parallel temperature effects to finite-difference simulation of radio-frequency wave propagation in plasmas10.1016/j.cpc.2013.10.032Green, D. L.; Berry, L. A.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITEFUS016Berry, Lee2014
Jet energy scale and resolution measured in proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09402-3Collaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2021
Jet energy scale measurements and their systematic uncertainties in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector10.1103/PhysRevD.96.072002Collaboration, ATLASPHYSICAL REVIEW DDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2017
Jet reconstruction and performance using particle flow with the ATLAS Detector10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-5031-2Collaboration, ATLASEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL CDDCSC108Panitkin, Sergey2017
Job Management and Task Bundling10.1051/epjconf/201817509007Berkowitz, Evan; Jansen, Gustav R.; McElvain, Kenneth; Walker-loud, AndreEPJ WEB OF CONFERENCES2018
Job Management with mpi_jm10.1007/978-3-030-02465-9_30Berkowitz, Evan; Jansen, Gustav; McElvain, Kenneth; Walker-Loud, AndreISC HIGH PERFORMANCE 2018: HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTINGINCITELGT100Walker-Loud, Andre2019
K-ATHENA: A Performance Portable Structured Grid Finite Volume Magnetohydrodynamics Code10.1109/TPDS.2020.3010016Grete, Philipp; Glines, Forrest W.; O'Shea, Brian W.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMSDDAST146O'Shea, Brian2021
K-shell photoionization of B-like oxygen (O3+) ions: experiment and theory10.1088/0953-4075/47/11/115201McLaughlin, B. M.; Bizau, J. M.; Cubaynes, D.; Al Shorman, M. M.; Guilbaud, S.; Sakho, I.; Blancard, C.; Gharaibeh, M. F.JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICSALCCCLI062Price, Stephen2014
K-shell photoionization of O+ and O2+ ions: Experiment and theory10.1103/PhysRevA.92.023401Bizau, J. M.; Cubaynes, D.; Guilbaud, S.; Al Shorman, M. M.; Gharaibeh, M. F.; Ababneh, I. Q.; Blancard, C.; McLaughlin, B. M.PHYSICAL REVIEW AINCITECHM052Pindzola, Michael2015
KINETIC-J: A computational kernel for solving the linearized Vlasov equation applied to calculations of the kinetic, configuration space plasma current for time harmonic wave electric fields10.1016/j.cpc.2018.01.002Green, David L.; Berry, Lee A.; Simpson, Adam B.; Younkin, Timothy R.COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSDDFUS048Green, David2018
Keeping It Real: Why HPC Data Services Don't Achieve I/O Microbenchmark Performance10.1109/PDSW51947.2020.00006Carns, Philip; Harms, Kevin; Settlemyer, Bradley W.; Atkinson, Brian; Ross, Robert B.PROCEEDINGS OF 2020 IEEE/ACM FIFTH INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL DATA SYSTEMS WORKSHOP (PDSW 2020)ECPCSC332Ross, Robert2020
Kernel-Based and Total Performance Analysis of CGYRO on 4 Leadership SystemsSfiligoi, Igor; Candy, Jeff; Belli, EmilySC 18ESP_Summit2018
Kernels for Scalable Data Analysis in Science: Towards an Architecture-Portable Future10.1109/BigData.2016.7840703Sukumar, Sreenivas R.; Kannan, Ramakrishnan; Lim, Seung-Hwan; Matheson, Michael A.2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA (BIG DATA)DDCSC209Kannnan, Ramakrishnan2016
Kinetic Simulations of Electron Pre-energization by Magnetized Collisionless Shocks in Expanding Laboratory Plasmas10.3847/2041-8213/abe407Lezhnin, K. V.; Fox, W.; Schaeffer, D. B.; Spitkovsky, A.; Matteucci, J.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Germaschewski, K.ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERSALCCFUS137Fox, William2021
Kinetic energy classification and smoothing for compact B-spline basis sets in quantum Monte Carlo10.1063/1.4994817Krogel, Jaron T.; Reboredo, Fernando A.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITEMAT044Rebred, Fernando2018
Kinetic simulation of magnetic field generation and collisionless shock formation in expanding laboratory plasmas10.1063/1.5050813Fox, W.; Matteucci, J.; Moissard, C.; Schaeffer, D. B.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Germaschewski, K.; Hu, S. X.PHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITEFUS109Bhattacharjee, Amitava2018
Kinetic simulations of piston-driven collisionless shock formation in magnetized laboratory plasmas10.1063/1.5123229Schaeffer, D. B.; Fox, W.; Matteucci, J.; Lezhnin, K. V.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Germaschewski, K.PHYSICS OF PLASMASDDPHY101Bhattacharjee, Amitava2020
Kinetically constrained ring-polymer molecular dynamics for non-adiabatic chemical reactions10.1063/1.4863919Menzeleev, Artur R.; Bell, Franziska; Miller, Thomas F.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSALCCCHP006Miller, Thomas2014
LADS: Optimizing Data Transfers Using Layout-Aware Data SchedulingKim, Youngjae; Atchley, Scott; Vallee, Geoffroy; Shipman, GalenPROCEEDINGS OF THE 13TH USENIX CONFERENCE ON FILE AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES (FAST 2015)STAFFSTAFFSTAFF2015
LIVVkit 2.1: automated and extensible ice sheet model validation10.5194/gmd-12-1067-2019Evans, Katherine J.; Kennedy, Joseph H.; Lu, Dan; Forrester, Mary M.; Price, Stephen; Fyke, Jeremy; Bennett, Andrew R.; Hoffman, Matthew J.; Tezaur, Irina; Zender, Charles S.; Vizcaino, MirenGEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENTINCITECLI115Taylor, Mark2019
LIVVkit: An extensible, python-based, land ice verification and validation toolkit for ice sheet models10.1002/2017MS000916Kennedy, Joseph H.; Bennett, Andrew R.; Evans, Katherine J.; Price, Stephen; Hoffman, Matthew; Lipscomb, William H.; Fyke, Jeremy; Vargo, Lauren; Boghozian, Adrianna; Norman, Matthew; Worley, Patrick H.JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMSddCLI106Evans,Kathrine2017
LOGAN: High-Performance GPU-Based X-Drop Long-Read Alignment10.1109/IPDPS47924.2020.00055Zeni, Alberto; Guidi, Giulia; Ellis, Marquita; Ding, Nan; Santambrogio, Marco D.; Hofmeyr, Steven; Buluc, Aydin; Oliker, Leonid; Yelick, Katherine2020 IEEE 34TH INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM IPDPS 2020ECPBIF115Yelick, Katherine2020
LPSE: A 3-D wave-based model of cross-beam energy transfer in laser-irradiated plasmas10.1016/, Jason F.; Shaw, John G.; Follett, Russell K.; Edgell, Dana H.; Froula, Dustin H.; Palastro, John R.; Goncharov, Valeri N.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSDDFUS113Shaw, John2019
Lagrangian simulations of spray interaction with a surface using a stochastic multi-regime impingement model10.2514/6.2020-0910Ge, Wenjun; Ramanuj, Vimal; Sankaran, RamananAIAA SCITECH FORUMINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2020
Landrush : Rethinking in-situ analysis for GPGPU workflows10.1109/CCGrid.2016.58Goswami, Anshuman; Tian, Yuan; Schwan, Karsten; Zheng, Fang; Young, Jeffrey; Wolf, Matthew; Eisenhauer, Greg; Klasky, Scott2016 16TH IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CLUSTER, CLOUD AND GRID COMPUTING (CCGRID)DDCSC143Klasky,Scott2016
Large Colloids in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals10.1007/s10955-015-1411-xStratford, K.; Gray, A.; Lintuvuori, J. S.JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICSINCITECSC102Smith, Lorna2015
Large Eddy Simulation of Autoignition Transients in a Model Diesel Injector Configuration10.4271/2016-01-0872Hakim, Layal; Lacaze, Guilhem; Oefelein, JosephSAE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUELS AND LUBRICANTS2016
Large Eddy Simulation of Reacting Flow Physics and CombustionOefelein, Joseph C.; Sankaran, RamananEXASCALE SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS: SCALABILITY AND PERFORMANCE PORTABILITYESPCSC190RAPTORStraatsma, Tjerk2018
Large Eddy Simulation of a 5 x 5 rod bundle: Impacts of a central control rod thimble tube10.1016/j.nucengdes.2021.111337Kraus, Adam; Merzari, Elia; Norddine, Thomas; Marin, Oana; Benhamadouche, SofianeNUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGNALCCNFU106Merzari, Elia2021
Large Eddy Simulation of a Supercritical Fuel Jet in Cross Flow using GPU-Acceleration10.2514/6.2016-1939Gottiparthi, Kalyana; Sankaran, Ramanan; Oefelein, Joseph54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTechALCCCMB108Oefelein, Joe2016
Large Scale GPU Accelerated PPMLR-MHD Simulations for Space Weather Forecast10.1109/CCGrid.2016.68Guo, Xiangyu; Tang, Binbin; Tao, Jian; Huang, Zhaohui; Du, Zhihui2016 16TH IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CLUSTER, CLOUD AND GRID COMPUTING (CCGRID)DDAST111Du,Zhihui2016
Large eddy simulation of aircraft at affordable cost: a milestone in computational fluid dynamics10.1017/flo.2021.17Goc, Konrad A.; Lehmkuhl, Oriol; Park, George Ilhwan; Bose, Sanjeeb T.; Moin, ParvizFLOWALCCCFD152Moin, Parviz2021
Large polaron formation and its effect on electron transport in hybrid perovskites10.1039/c8ee03369bZheng, Fan; Wang, Lin-wangENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCEINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2019
Large thermal conductivity of boron suboxides despite complex structures10.1063/5.0034906Dai, Jinghang; Tian, ZhitingAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERSDDMAT203Tian, Zhiting2021
Large-Eddy Simulation of Corner Separation in a Compressor CascadeMin, Byung-Young; Joo, Jongwook; Mendoza, Jomar; Lee, Jin; Xia, Guoping; Medic, GorazdPROCEEDINGS OF THE ASME TURBO EXPO: TURBOMACHINERY TECHNICAL CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, 2018, VOL 2C2018
Large-Eddy Simulation of Liquid Injection and Combustion Processes in High-Pressure SystemsOefelein, Joseph C.; Lacaze, GuilhemPROGRESS IN ASTRONAUTICS AND AERONAUTICS: HIGH PRESSURE FLOWS FOR PROPULSION APPLICATIONSINCITECHM139Oefelein, Joseph C.2020
Large-Scale Calculations for Material Sciences Using Accelerators to Improve Time- and Energy-to-Solution10.1109/MCSE.2017.2Eisenbach, MarkusCOMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERINGINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2017
Large-Scale Compressible-Flow Direct Numerical Simulations10.1007/978-3-319-63212-4_3Sandberg, RichardDIRECT AND LARGE-EDDY SIMULATION X, ERCOFTACDDARD106Michelassi, Vittorio2018
Large-Scale Compute-Intensive Analysis via a Combined In-Situ and Co-Scheduling Workflow Approach10.1145/2807591.2807663Sewell, Christopher; Heitmann, Katrin; Finkel, Hal; Zagaris, George; Parete-Koon, Suzanne T.; Fasel, Patricia K.; Pope, Adrian; Frontiere, Nicholas; Lo, Li-ta; Messer, Bronson; Habib, Salman; Ahrens, JamesPROCEEDINGS OF SC15: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISINCITEHEP100Habib, Salman2015
Large-Scale Distributed Training Applied to Generative Adversarial Networks for Calorimeter Simulation10.1051/epjconf/201921406025Vlimant, Jean-Roch; Pantaleo, Felice; Pierini, Maurizio; Loncar, Vladimir; Vallecorsa, Sofia; Anderson, Dustin; Thong Nguyen, undefined; Zlokapa, Alexander23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING IN HIGH ENERGY AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS (CHEP 2018)DDCSC291Vlimant, Jean-Roch2019
Large-Scale Simulations of Complex Turbulent Flows: Modulation of Turbulent Boundary Layer Separation and Optimization of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Next-Generation HPC PlatformsTandon, SuyashTHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANDDCFD125Johnsen, Eric2020
Large-Scale Simulations of Sky Surveys10.1109/MCSE.2014.49Heitmann, Katrin; Habib, Salman; Finkel, Hal; Frontiere, Nicholas; Pope, Adrian; Morozov, Vitali; Rangel, Steve; Kovacs, Eve; Kwan, Juliana; Li, Nan; Rizzi, Silvio; Insley, Joe; Vishwanath, Venkatram; Peterka, Tom; Daniel, David; Fasel, Patricia; Zagaris, GeorgeCOMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERINGINCITEHEP100Habib, Salman2014
Large-Scale System Monitoring Experiences and Recommendations Workshop paper: HPCMASPA 201810.1109/CLUSTER.2018.00069Ahlgren, Ville; Andersson, Stefan; Brandt, Jim; Cardo, Nicholas P.; Chunduri, Sudheer; Enos, Jeremy; Fields, Parks; Gentile, Ann; Gerber, Richard; Gienger, Michael; Greenseid, Joe; Greiner, Annette; Hadri, Bilel; He, Yun (Helen); Hoppe, Dennis; Kaila, Urpo; Kelly, Kaki; Klein, Mark; Kristiansen, Alex; Leak, Steve; Mason, Mike; Pedretti, Kevin; Piccinali, Jean-Guillaume; Repik, Jason; Rogers, Jim; Salminen, Susanna; Showerman, Mike; Whitney, Cary; Williams, Jim2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER)2018
Large-scale 21 cm signal predictions at cosmic dawn with calibrated subgrid galaxy formation10.1093/mnras/stab2010Gillet, N. J. F.; Aubert, D.; Mertens, F. G.; Ocvirk, P.MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETYINCITEAST031Ocvirk, Pierre2021
Large-scale ab initio quantum transport simulation of nanosized copper interconnects: the effects of defects and quantum interferences10.1109/IEDM19573.2019.8993549Ye, Meng; Jiang, Xiangwei; Li, Shu-Shen; Wang, Lin-Wang2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL ELECTRON DEVICES MEETING (IEDM)INCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2020
Large-scale anisotropy in stably stratified rotating flows10.1103/PhysRevE.90.023018Marino, R.; Mininni, P. D.; Rosenberg, D. L.; Pouquet, A.PHYSICAL REVIEW E2014
Large-scale drivers of Australian East Coast Cyclones since 1851Browning, Stuart A.; Goodwin, Ian D.JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE EARTH SYSTEMS SCIENCEINCITECLI028Compo, Gil2016
Large-scale fire suppression modeling of corrugated cardboard boxes on wood pallets in rack-storage configurations10.1016/j.firesaf.2017.04.008Ren, Ning; de Vries, Jaap; Zhou, Xiangyang; Chaos, Marcos; Meredith, Karl V.; Wang, YiFIRE SAFETY JOURNALWang, Yi2017
Large-scale first-principles quantum transport simulations using plane wave basis set on high performance computing platforms10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107737Ye, Meng; Jiang, Xiangwei; Li, Shu-Shen; Wang, Lin-WangCOMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONSINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2021
Large-scale performance of a DSL-based multi-block structured-mesh application for Direct Numerical Simulation10.1016/j.jpdc.2019.04.019Mudalige, G. R.; Reguly, I. Z.; Jammy, S. P.; Jacobs, C. T.; Giles, M. B.; Sandham, N. D.JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTINGINCITECSC103Oliker, Leonid2019
Large-scale structure formation with massive neutrinos and dynamical dark energy10.1103/PhysRevD.89.103515Upadhye, Amol; Biswas, Rahul; Pope, Adrian; Heitmann, Katrin; Habib, Salman; Finkel, Hal; Frontiere, NicholasPHYSICAL REVIEW DINCITEHEP100Habib, Salman2014
Lateral organization, bilayer asymmetry, and inter-leaflet coupling of biological membranes10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2015.07.012Nickels, Jonathan D.; Smith, Jeremy C.; Cheng, XiaolinCHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF LIPIDSALCCBIP107Smith, Jeremy2015
Lattice Boltzmann Simulations at Petascale on Multi-GPU Systems with Asynchronous Data Transfer and Strictly Enforced Memory Read AlignmentRobertsen, Fredrik; Westerholm, Jan; Mattila, Keio2015 23RD EUROMICRO INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL, DISTRIBUTED, AND NETWORK-BASED PROCESSING2015
Lattice QCD Calculations of Transverse-Momentum-Dependent Soft Function through Large-Momentum Effective Theory10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.192001Zhang, Qi-An; Hua, Jun; Huo, Yikai; Ji, Xiangdong; Liu, Yizhuang; Liu, Yu-Sheng; Schlemmer, Maximilian; Schafer, Andreas; Sun, Peng; Wang, Wei; Yang, Yi-BoPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH122Orginos, Konstantinos2020
Lattice QCD Constraints on the Parton Distribution Functions of He-310.1103/PhysRevLett.126.202001Detmold, William; Illa, Marc; Murphy, David J.; Oare, Patrick; Orginos, Kostas; Shanahan, Phiala E.; Wagman, Michael L.; Winter, FrankPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSALCCLGT110Shanahan, Phiala2021
Lattice QCD Equation of State at Finite Chemical Potential from an Alternative Expansion Scheme10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.232001Borsanyi, S.; Fodor, Z.; Guenther, J. N.; Kara, R.; Katz, S. D.; Parotto, P.; Pasztor, A.; Ratti, C.; Szabo, K. K.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITELGT108Ratti, Claudia2021
Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics and ChromaJoo, Balint; Edwards, Robert G.; Winter, Frank T.EXASCALE SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS: SCALABILITY AND PERFORMANCE PORTABILITYECPLGT104Kronfeld, Andreas S.2018
Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics with Overlap Fermions on GPUs10.1109/MCSE.2014.114Alexandru, A.COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERINGALCCNPH102Liu, Keh-Fei2015
Lattice Simulations with Chiral Effective Field Theory for Light and Medium-Mass Nuclei10.1007/978-3-030-32357-8_94Elhatisari, SerdarRECENT PROGRESS IN FEW-BODY PHYSICSINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2020
Lattice calculation of nucleon isovector axial charge with improved currents10.1103/PhysRevD.96.034519Liang, Jian; Yang, Yi-Bo; Liu, Keh-Fei; Alexandru, Andrei; Draper, Terrence; Sufian, Raza SabbirPHYSICAL REVIEW DALCC, INCITENPH102, LGT003ALCC: Keh-Fei Liu, INCITE:Mackenzie, Paul2017
Lattice calculation of pion form factors with overlap fermions10.1103/PhysRevD.104.074502Wang, Gen; Liang, Jian; Draper, Terrence; Liu, Keh-Fei; Yang, Yi-BoPHYSICAL REVIEW DDDNPH145Liu, Keh-Fei2021
Lazy Checkpointing : Exploiting Temporal Locality in Failures to Mitigate Checkpointing Overheads on Extreme-Scale Systems10.1109/DSN.2014.101Tiwari, Devesh; Gupta, Saurabh; Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S.2014 44TH ANNUAL IEEE/IFIP INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEPENDABLE SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS (DSN)STAFFSTAFFSTAFF2014
Learning from Five-year Resource-Utilization Data of Titan System10.1109/CLUSTER.2019.8891001Wang, Feiyi; Oral, Sarp; Sen, Satyabrata; Imam, Neena2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER)StaffStaff2019
Least Squares Solvers for Distributed-Memory Machines with GPU Accelerators10.1145/3330345.3330356Kurzak, Jakub; Gates, Mark; Charara, Ali; Yarkhan, Asim; Dongarra, JackINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUPERCOMPUTING (ICS 2019)2019
Legion-based Scientific Data Analytics on Heterogeneous ProcessorsYu, Lina; Yu, Hongfeng2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA (BIG DATA)INCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2016
Lessons from combined experimental and theoretical examination of the FTIR and 2D-IR spectroelectrochemistry of the amide I region of cytochrome c10.1063/5.0039969El Khoury, Youssef; Le Breton, Guillaume; Cunha, Ana. V.; Jansen, Thomas L. C.; van Wilderen, Luuk J. G. W.; Bredenbeck, JensJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSALCCCSC190Straatsma, Tjerk2021
Level-set Modeling Simulations of Chemical Vapor Infiltration for Ceramic Matrix Composites ManufacturingSankaran, Ramanan; Liliedahl, David; Cha, Chong; Ramanuj, VimalORNL/TM-2019/1206ALCCCMB132Sankaran, Ramanan2019
Li-7(d,p)Li-8 transfer reaction in the NCSM/RGM approach10.1088/1742-6596/981/1/012006Raimondi, F.; Hupin, G.; Navratil, P.; Quaglioni, S.TNPI2016 - XV CONFERENCE ON THEORETICAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN ITALYINCITENPH123Hagen, Gaute2018
Library for Evolutionary Algorithms in Python (LEAP)10.1145/3377929.3398147Coletti, Mark A.; Scott, Eric O.; Bassett, Jeffrey K.GECCO '20: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2020 GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE COMPANIONDDCSC342Coletti, Mark2020
Life cycle air quality impacts of conventional and alternative light-duty transportation in the United States10.1073/pnas.1406853111Tessum, Christopher W.; Hill, Jason D.; Marshall, Julian D.PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICADDATM007Hill, Jason2014
Life cycle of superfluid vortices and quantum turbulence in the unitary Fermi gas10.1103/PhysRevA.91.031602Wlazlowski, Gabriel; Bulgac, Aurel; Forbes, Michael McNeil; Roche, Kenneth J.PHYSICAL REVIEW AALCCNPH014Bulgac, Aurel2015
Lifetime measurements of C-17 excited states and three-body and continuum effects10.1103/PhysRevC.92.064314Smalley, D.; Iwasaki, H.; Navratil, P.; Roth, R.; Langhammer, J.; Bader, V. M.; Bazin, D.; Berryman, J. S.; Campbell, C. M.; Dohet-Eraly, J.; Fallon, P.; Gade, A.; Langer, C.; Lemasson, A.; Loelius, C.; Macchiavelli, A. O.; Morse, C.; Parker, J.; Quaglioni, S.; Recchia, F.; Stroberg, S. R.; Weisshaar, D.; Whitmore, K.; Wimmer, K.PHYSICAL REVIEW CINCITENPH008Vary, James P.2015
Ligand Binding Enhances Millisecond Conformational Exchange in Xylanase B2 from Streptomyces lividans10.1021/acs.biochem.6b00130Gagne, Donald; Narayanan, Chitra; Nhung Nguyen-Thi, undefined; Roux, Louise D.; Bernard, David N.; Brunzelle, Joseph S.; Couture, Jean-Francois; Agarwal, Pratul K.; Doucet, NicolasBIOCHEMISTRYALCCBIP130Agarwal,Pratul K.2016
Ligand-Dependent Conformational Transitions in Molecular Dynamics Trajectories of GPCRs Revealed by a New Machine Learning Rare Event Detection Protocol10.3390/molecules26103059Plante, Ambrose; Weinstein, HarelMOLECULESINCITEBIP109Weinstein, Harel2021
Light Harvesting by Lamellar Chromatophores in Rhodospirillum photometricum10.1016/j.bpj.2014.04.030Chandler, Danielle E.; Struempfer, Johan; Sener, Melih; Scheuring, Simon; Schulten, KlausBIOPHYSICAL JOURNALINCITEBIO024Schulten, Klaus2014
Light-Cone Parton Distribution Functions from Lattice QCD10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.112001Alexandrou, Constantia; Cichy, Krzysztof; Constantinou, Martha; Jansen, Karl; Scapellato, Aurora; Steffens, FernandaPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSINCITENPH116Alexandrou, Constantia2018
Light-cone PDFs from Lattice QCDAlexandrou, Constantia; Cichy, Krzysztof; Constantinou, Martha; Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos; Jansen, KarlTHE 36TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LATTICE FIELD THEORY - LATTICE2018INCITENPH116Alexandrou, Constantia2018
Light-responsive expression atlas reveals the effects of light quality and intensity in Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi, a plant with crassulacean acid metabolism10.1093/gigascience/giaa018Zhang, Jin; Hu, Rongbin; Sreedasyam, Avinash; Garcia, Travis M.; Lipzen, Anna; Wang, Mei; Yerramsetty, Pradeep; Liu, Degao; Ng, Vivian; Schmutz, Jeremy; Cushman, John C.; Borland, Anne M.; Pasha, Asher; Provart, Nicholas J.; Chen, Jin-Gui; Muchero, Wellington; Tuskan, Gerald A.; Yang, XiaohanGIGASCIENCECADES2020
Limitations of Transformers on Clinical Text Classification10.1109/JBHI.2021.3062322Gao, Shang; Alawad, Mohammed; Young, M. Todd; Gounley, John; Schaefferkoetter, Noah; Yoon, Hong Jun; Wu, Xiao-Cheng; Durbin, Eric B.; Doherty, Jennifer; Stroup, Antoinette; Coyle, Linda; Tourassi, GeorgiaIEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICSECPMED106Brettin, Thomas; Stevens, Rick2021
Line Tension Controls Liquid-Disordered plus Liquid-Ordered Domain Size Transition in Lipid Bilayers10.1016/j.bpj.2017.02.033Usery, Rebecca D.; Enoki, Thais A.; Wickramasinghe, Sanjula P.; Weiner, Michael D.; Tsai, Wen-Chyan; Kim, Mary B.; Wang, Shu; Torng, Thomas L.; Ackerman, David G.; Heberle, Frederick A.; Katsaras, John; Feigenson, Gerald W.BIOPHYSICAL JOURNALDDBIP125Feigenson, Gerald W.2017
Linear gyrokinetic simulations of reversed shear Alfven eigenmodes and ion temperature gradient modes in DIII-D tokamak10.1088/2058-6272/abc871WANG, Hongyu; LIU, Pengfei; LIN, Zhihong; ZHANG, WenluPLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYINCITEPHY130Lin, Zhihong2021
Linear simulation of kinetic electromagnetic instabilities in a tokamak plasma with weak magnetic shear10.1063/5.0021362Zhao, Yunchuan; Wang, Jiaqi; Liu, Dongjian; Chen, Wei; Dong, Ge; Lin, ZhihongPHYSICS OF PLASMASINCITEPHY130Lin, Zhihong2021
Linear-Scaling Coupled Cluster with Perturbative Triple Excitations: The Divide-Expand-Consolidate CCSD(T) Model10.1021/acs.jctc.5b00086Eriksen, Janus J.; Baudin, Pablo; Ettenhuber, Patrick; Kristensen, Kasper; Kjaergaard, Thomas; Jorgensen, PoulJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATIONINCITECHP100Jorgensen, Poul2015
Linking Silica Support Morphology to the Dynamics of Aminopolymers in Composites10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b00283Carrillo, Jan-Michael Y.; Potter, Matthew E.; Sakwa-Novak, Miles A.; Pang, Simon H.; Jones, Christopher W.; Sumpter, Bobby G.LANGMUIRDDMAT132Wang, Yangyang2017
Linking continuum-scale state of wetting to pore-scale contact angles in porous media10.1016/j.jcis.2019.11.105Sun, Chenhao; McClure, James E.; Mostaghimi, Peyman; Herring, Anna L.; Shabaninejad, Mehdi; Berg, Steffen; Armstrong, Ryan T.JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCEESBIP176McClure, James2020
Lipid Rafts: Buffers of Cell Membrane Physical Properties10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b12126Nickels, Jonathan D.; Smith, Micholas Dean; Alsop, Richard J.; Himbert, Sebastian; Yahya, Ahmad; Cordner, Destini; Zolnierczuk, Piotr; Stanley, Christopher B.; Katsaras, John; Cheng, Xiaolin; Rheinstadter, Maikel C.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BALCCBIP148Cheng, Xiaolin2019
Liquid crystalline networks based on photo-initiated thiol-ene click chemistry10.1039/c9sm01818bLi, Yuzhan; Zhang, Yuehong; Goswami, Monojoy; Vincent, Dan; Wang, Liwei; Liu, Tuan; Li, Kai; Keum, Jong K.; Gao, Zhenhua; Ozcan, Soydan; Gluesenkamp, Kyle R.; Rios, Orlando; Kessler, Michael R.SOFT MATTERDDCHM174Goswami, Monojoy2020
Liquid li structure and dynamics: A comparison between OFDFT and second nearest-neighbor embedded-atom method10.1002/aic.14795Chen, Mohan; Vella, Joseph R.; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z.; Debenedetti, Pablo G.; Stillinger, Frank H.; Carter, Emily A.AICHE JOURNALINCITENTI009Wang, Lin-Wang2015
Liquid phase reforming of woody biomass to hydrogen10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.09.041Emerson, Sean C.; Zhu, Tianli; Davis, Timothy D.; Peles, Amra; She, Ying; Willigan, Rhonda R.; Vanderspurt, Thomas H.; Swanson, Michael; Laudal, Daniel A.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGYDDCHP001Peles, Amra2014
LoFEx - A local framework for calculating excitation energies: Illustrations using RI-CC2 linear response theory10.1063/1.4953360Baudin, Pablo; Kristensen, KasperJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSINCITECHP100Jørgensen, Poul2016
Load-aware Elastic Data Reduction and Re-computation for Adaptive Mesh Refinement10.1109/NAS.2019.8834727Wang, Mengxiao; Luo, Huizhang; Liu, Qing; Jiang, Hong2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NETWORKING, ARCHITECTURE AND STORAGE (NAS)DDCSC143Klasky, Scott2019
Local Electronic Effects and Irradiation Resistance in High-Entropy Alloys10.1007/s11837-015-1579-1Egami, T.; Ojha, M.; Khorgolkhuu, O.; Nicholson, D. M.; Stocks, G. M.JOMINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2015
Local Phase Separation of Co-solvents Enhances Pretreatment of Biomass for Bioenergy Applications10.1021/jacs.6b03285Mostofian, Barmak; Cai, Charles M.; Smith, Micholas Dean; Petridis, Loukas; Cheng, Xiaolin; Wyman, Charles E.; Smith, Jeremy C.JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETYALCCBIP107Smith,Jeremy2016
Local Recovery and Failure Masking for Stencil-based Applications at Extreme Scales10.1145/2807591.2807672Gamell, Marc; Teranishi, Keita; Heroux, Michael A.; Mayo, Jackson; Kolla, Hemanth; Chen, Jacqueline; Parashar, ManishPROCEEDINGS OF SC15: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, NETWORKING, STORAGE AND ANALYSISINCITECMB103Chen, Jacqueline2015
Local manifestations of thickness-dependent topology and edge states in the topological magnet MnBi2Te410.1103/PhysRevB.105.035423Lupke, Felix; Pham, Anh D.; Zhao, Yi-Fan; Zhou, Ling-Jie; Lu, Wenchang; Briggs, Emil; Bernholc, Jerzy; Kolmer, Marek; Teeter, Jacob; Ko, Wonhee; Chang, Cui-Zu; Ganesh, Panchapakesan; Li, An-PingPHYSICAL REVIEW BECP2022
Localization atomic force microscopy10.1038/s41586-021-03551-xHeath, George R.; Kots, Ekaterina; Robertson, Janice L.; Lansky, Shifra; Khelashvili, George; Weinstein, Harel; Scheuring, SimonNATUREINCITEBIP109Weinstein, Harel2021
Locally self-consistent embedding approach for disordered electronic systems10.1103/PhysRevB.100.054205Zhang, Yi; Terletska, Hanna; Tam, Ka-Ming; Wang, Yang; Eisenbach, Markus; Chioncel, Liviu; Jarrell, MarkPHYSICAL REVIEW BINCITEMAT020Eisenbach, Markus2019
Lonely Atoms with Special Gifts: Breaking Linear Scaling Relationships in Heterogeneous Catalysis with Single-Atom Alloys10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b01888Darby, Matthew T.; Stamatakis, Michail; Michaelides, Angelos; Sykes, E. Charles H.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS2018
Long-Range Hierarchical Nanocrystal Assembly Driven by Molecular Structural Transformation10.1021/jacs.8b08023Zhu, Enbo; Wang, Shiyi; Yan, Xucheng; Sobani, Masoud; Ruan, Lingyan; Wang, Chen; Liu, Yuan; Duan, Xiangfeng; Heinz, Hendrik; Huang, YuJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETYDDMAT135Heinz, Hendrik2019
Long-range transport impacts on surface aerosol concentrations and the contributions to haze events in China: an HTAP2 multi-model study10.5194/acp-18-15581-2018Dong, Xinyi; Fu, Joshua S.; Zhu, Qingzhao; Sun, Jian; Tan, Jiani; Keating, Terry; Sekiya, Takashi; Sudo, Kengo; Emmons, Louisa; Tilmes, Simone; Jonson, Jan Eiof; Schulz, Michael; Bian, Huisheng; Chin, Mian; Davila, Yanko; Henze, Daven; Takemura, Toshihiko; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; Huang, KanATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICSDDCLI106Evans, Katherine2018
Long-term baseline ozone changes in the Western US: A synthesis of analyses10.1080/10962247.2021.1945706Parrish, David D.; Derwent, Richard G.; Faloona, Ian C.JOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATIONINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2021
Long-term changes in the seasonality of Baltic sea level10.3402/tellusa.v68.30540Barbosa, Susana M.; Donner, Reik V.TELLUS SERIES A-DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHYINCITECLI028Compo, Gilbert2016
Longitudinal Flow Decorrelations in Xe plus Xe Collisions at root s(NN )=5.44 TeV with the ATLAS Detector10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.122301Collaboration, ATLASPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSDDCSC108Pantikin, Sergey2021
Longitudinal hydrodynamics from event-by-event Landau initial conditions10.1103/PhysRevC.91.024901Sen, Abhisek; Gerhard, Jochen; Torrieri, Giorgio; Read, Kenneth; Wong, Cheuk-YinPHYSICAL REVIEW CDDNPH015Read, Kenneth2015
Loosely Coupled In Situ Visualization: A Perspective on Why It's Here to Stay10.1145/2828612.2828623Klasky, Scott; Podhorszki, Norbert; Choi, Jong Youl; Kress, James; Childs, Hank; Pugmire, DavidPROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST WORKSHOP ON IN SITU INFRASTRUCTURES FOR ENABLING EXTREME-SCALE ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION2015
Low Energy Implantation into Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers to Form Janus Structures10.1021/acsnano.9b10196Lin, Yu-Chuan; Liu, Chenze; Yu, Yiling; Zarkadoula, Eva; Yoon, Mina; Puretzky, Alexander A.; Liang, Liangbo; Kong, Xiangru; Gu, Yiyi; Strasser, Alex; Meyer, Harry M.; Lorenz, Matthias; Chisholm, Matthew F.; Ivanov, Ilia N.; Rouleau, Christopher M.; Duscher, Gerd; Xiao, Kai; Geohegan, David B.ACS NANOALCCCHP107Jakowski, Jacek2020
Low Mach Number Modeling of Stratified Flows10.1007/978-3-319-05684-5_1Almgren, A.; Bell, J.; Nonaka, A.; Zingale, M.FINITE VOLUMES FOR COMPLEX APPLICATIONS VII - METHODS AND THEORETICAL ASPECTSINCITEAST006Woosley, Stan2014
Low-Overhead In Situ Visualization Using Halo ReplayAmes, Jeff; Rizzi, Silvio; Insley, Joseph; Patel, Saumil; Hernandez, Benjamin; Draeger, Erik W.; Randles, Amanda2019 IEEE 9TH SYMPOSIUM ON LARGE DATA ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION (LDAV)2019
Low-loss electron energy loss spectroscopy: An atomic-resolution complement to optical spectroscopies and application to graphene10.1103/PhysRevB.92.125147Kapetanakis, Myron D.; Zhou, Wu; Oxley, Mark P.; Lee, Jaekwang; Prange, Micah P.; Pennycook, Stephen J.; Idrobo, Juan Carlos; Pantelides, Sokrates T.PHYSICAL REVIEW BDDCPH017Oxley, Mark2015