Quantum Computing User Program Access (QCUP)
Welcome! The information below introduces how we structure projects and user accounts for access to the Quantum resources within the QCUP program. In general, OLCF QCUP resources are granted to projects, and are made available to the users associated with each project. To gain access, you must first submit a proposal to the OLCF QCUP. The Quantum Resource Utilization Council (QRUC), as well as independent referees, review and approve all QCUP proposals. Applications to QCUP are accepted year-round via the project application form found below. Once your project is approved, then all of the users associated with the project will need to apply for accounts. More details below on how to follow the process.
1) Quantum Project Application
The first step is to submit a QCUP proposal describing the nature and merits of the project, other essential information, and why it requires access to QCUP resources using the form located here: https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/for-users/documents-forms/quantum-project-proposal/. Once submitted, you will receive email notification of successful proposal submission. The proposal is then reviewed by the Quantum Resource Utilization Council (QRUC), as well as independent referees for merit and to ensure the feasibility of using the resources available to the QCUP. You will be notified of the QRUC decision via email. If approved, the OLCF will establish a QCUP project for you, and you will be notified of your 6-character OLCF QCUP Project ID and told which resources are allocated to your project.
2) Quantum Account Application
As opposed to setting up a personal account through the vendor websites, OLCF has purchased subscriptions to those vendor services and there is a process to setup new user accounts. Once you have an approved project, you and all those working on your project can apply for a QCUP account here: https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/for-users/documents-forms/quantum-account-application/. Note, you will be asked for the 6-character Project ID established in Step 1. Once your application is evaluated and approved, you will be notified via email of your account creation, and the quantum resource vendor will be contacted with instructions to grant you access.
3) Quantum Account Resource Access
After submitting the OLCF quantum account application and receiving approval, proceed to https://quantum-computing.ibm.com/ and click on ‘Create and IBMid account’. Your IBM Quantum Hub account email will be the email associated with your OLCF account. If sign-in fails, contact [email protected]. Once logged in, users will have access to the IBM Quantum Hub, IBM’s online platform for QPU access, forums for quantum computing discussion, etc. From the IBM Quantum Hub Dashboard, users can manage system reservations, view system (backend) statuses, and view the results of your past jobs. Information on using this resource is available at https://qiskit.org/learn/
Quantinuum (formerly Honeywell)
After submitting the OLCF quantum account application and receiving approval, you will receive an email invitation from Quantinuum inviting you to create your quantum account. Once logged in, users will have access to Quantinuum’s User Interface (UI), https://um.qapi.honeywell.com, Quantinuum’s online platform for managing jobs and accessing the available quantum systems, including the System Model H1, via the cloud. From the UI, users can view system status and upcoming system availability, as well as monitor batch submissions and job history. Information on using the quantum resources via Jupyter notebooks is available in the UI via the “Examples” tab. Quantinuum’s systems feature mid-circuit measurement and qubit reuse, and are compatible with a variety of software frameworks.
After submitting the OLCF quantum account application and receiving approval, you will receive an email invitation from [email protected]inviting you to create your quantum account. If you did not receive this, proceed to https://qcs.rigetti.com/sign-in and click “Sign In”. Your associated email is required to that of an affiliated subscribing institution, i.e. ORNL, ANL, etc. If sign in fails, contact [email protected]. Once logged in, users will have access to Quantum Cloud Services (QCS), Rigetti’s online platform for accessing the hybrid infrastructure of available quantum processors and classical computational framework via the cloud. From the QCS, users can view system status and availability, initiate and manage quantum infrastructure reservations (either executing programs manually or adding them to the queue). Information on using this resource is available at https://qcs.rigetti.com/.
4) QCUP Policies
For QCUP Projects, all proposed work must be open, fundamental research and no Export Control, PHI, or other controlled data can be used. QCUP Projects have a finite duration; when starting, projects get however many months are left in that allocation period and then must be renewed for subsequent 6 month intervals. Projects can be renewed by resubmitting a project proposal (see above) and additionally require filling out the following form [Quantum Renewal Form] and returning the form to [email protected]. Quarterly reports and a closeout report are required for each QCUP project, and can be found here: https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/wp-content/accounts/Closeout_Template.doc and https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/wp-content/accounts/industry_quarterly_report.doc
Also, publications using resources provided by the OLCF are requested to include the following acknowledgement statement: “This research used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported under Contract DE-AC05-00OR22725.”