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XC30 Training

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OLCF and NICS will offer Cray XC30 Training on the afternoon of October 17th from 1:00 to 3:00. This training will cover the basics of using the NICS XC30, Darter, and OLCF  XC30 Eos.

This training is design to be delivered as a Webinar by WebEx. However, if you are already badged to get in to ORNL, there are 20 seats available for in-person attendance.

Note: The OLCF machine Eos is prioritized for INCITE users through the end of this calendar year, however any OLCF users interested in learning about the Cray XC30 are welcome to join the conference.

The NICS machine Darter is funded by The University of Tennessee, and is provided to facilitate and support compute intensive research within the scientific community.  To receive an allocation on Darter users must apply through the NICS Director’s Discretionary Allocation process. Any NICS  users interested in learning about the Cray XC30 are welcome to join the conference.

UT students attending the Seminar Series on High Performance Computing are encouraged to join the Webinar or attend if already cleared to enter ORNL.

Please register below.

Parete-Koon, Suzanne T.

[email protected]

[tab:  Agenda]
Thursday, 17-Oct-13
1:00 pm XC30-UAG Arron Vose, Cray
1:15 pm Eos_running Suzanne Parete-Koon, ORNL
1:25 pm Darter Overview Daniel Lucio Ortega, NICS
1:35 pm Eos-Filesystem Chris Fuson, ORNL
1:55 pm  Darter File System  
2:05 pm Break  
2:10 pm Affinity Suzanne Parete-Koon , ORNL
2:40 pm Early tips for Compiler Optimization Fernanda Foertter, ORNL

Link to the slides and exercises via GitHub

Please fill out the survey at Here’s the link for the survey.

The User Guide for Eos can be found at
The User Guide for Darter can be found at
[tab:  Registration] [tab:  Maps/directions]

Please click to find information regarding hotels, driving directions, and access to the lab:  Visiting ORNL


Oct 17 2013


ORNL Conference Center, Tennessee A (Room 202A), Bldg. 5200


Suzanne Parete-Koon and Daniel Lucio
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