R Programming Language Workshop 2012
Data Analysis with R
This workshop introduces users to R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics (R project website) in three 2 hour hands-on sessions. We encourage you to bring some of your own data.
The New York Times wrote about R three years ago in this article and R you ready for R?.
“R is … the name of a popular programming language used by a growing number of data analysts inside corporations and academia. It is becoming their lingua franca partly because data mining has entered a golden age, whether being used to set ad prices, find new drugs more quickly or fine-tune financial models. Companies as diverse as Google, Pfizer, Merck, Bank of America, the InterContinental Hotels Group and Shell use it.”
Various people estimate there are somewhere between 250,000 and 2,000,000 regular R users worldwide.
Registration is required. In-person attendance is limited to those who already have access to the ORNL campus. This training event will be also be webcast for those wishing to attend, but cannot attend in person.
[tab: Overview]The course will be given in three parts. The morning session on June 28, will cover the basics of working with R, getting data into R, manipulating data, and an overview of its add on packages. The afternoon session, on June 28, will cover graphics and in particular the Grammar of Graphics motivated ggplot2 package. The third session, in the morning of June 29, will focus on high performance computing with R including its parallel capabilities.
The class will include lecture and hands-on exercises designed to introduce class participants to R in an interactive setting. You will be required to bring your own laptop with R pre-installed. Please download and install an executable copy of R before the class.
We encourage you to bring some of your own data. The last 30 minutes of each session will be spent working with your own data. We will go around and provide pointers on how to handle it in R.
There are countless R tutorials and manuals on the web. A recent addition that we find useful is Cookbook for R.
[tab: Agenda]June 28th, Morning Session @ 10:00 a.m. – Noon ET:
Introduction to R
Basics of R
Data manipulation
Add-on packages
June 28th, Afternoon Session @ 2:30 – 4:30 pm ET:
Graphics with R
June 29th, Morning Session @ 10:00 a.m. – Noon ET:
Parallel R and High Performance Computing
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[tab: Workshop Documents]Workshop Documents
Session 1 [.zip]
Session 2 [.zip]
Session 3 [.zip]