NERSC GPU Hackathon
NERSC, in conjunction with NVIDIA and OLCF, will be hosting an Open Hackathon from August 20th-22nd with an opening day on August 13th as part of the annual Open Hackathon Series.
The NERSC Open Hackathon will be hosted as a hybrid event. Days 0-1 (August 06 and 13) will be held virtually, and attendees will have the option to attend Days 2-4 (August 20 – 22) either in-person at NERSC or online only via a digital experience supported by online tools.
Hackathons combine teams of developers with mentors to either prepare their own application(s) to run on GPUs or optimize their application(s) that currently run on GPUs. This virtual event consists of a kick-off day, where hackers and mentors video-conference to meet and develop their list of hackathon goals, as well as get set up on the relevant systems. This is followed by a one-week preparation period before the 3-day intensive primary event.
Teams should consist of at least three developers who are intimately familiar with (some part of) their application, and they will work alongside two mentors with GPU programming expertise. If you want/need to get your code running/optimized on a GPU-accelerated system, these hackathons offer a unique opportunity to set aside 4 days, surround yourself with experts in the field, and push toward your development goals. During the event, teams will have access to compute resources provided by NERSC, and OLCF.
This hackathon is open to everyone looking to take their projects to the next level; however, priority acceptance will be given to NERSC collaborators. Please note the deadline to submit a proposal is 11:59 PM Pacific, May 8th 2024. So apply now! Please note acceptance is not confirmed until you have received a confirmation email.
For more information, or to submit a short proposal form, please visit the Open Hackathon’s event page.