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Using HPE Cray Programming Environment to Port and Optimize Applications to a GPU Environment Using OpenMP Offload or OpenACC,

This online training event hosted by NERSC will be presented by Senior Distinguished Technologist John Levesque from HPE and is open to NERSC, OLCF, and ALCF users. Perftools (Performance Measurement and Analysis Tools) and Reveal are available to collect CPU and GPU Performance on HPE systems, such as NERSC Perlmutter and ALCF Polaris with Nvidia A100 GPUs and OLCF Frontier with AMD M250 GPUs.

For more information, please visit the event’s main page located here.


This tutorial will consist of instructions and a demonstration of the utilization of the HPE Cray Programming environment to port to hybrid systems with GPUs using OpenMP Offload and/or OpenACC directives. This will be a three-hour tutorial with the lecture and exercises given throughout the talk. The attendees will learn about the compiler, performance analysis tools, and debuggers targeting GPU usage.

The entire tutorial will consist of the attendees either using HPE Cray Programming Environment on their own applications and/or working on assignments we will have available. Perlmutter training accounts will be made available to attendees.

It is important to understand that the best way to learn the compiler and tool capabilities is to use them on your own application, so the hands-on session is extremely important.

The tutorial will cover the process of taking an all-MPI application and first identifying the computational bottlenecks using performance analysis tools and then incrementally adding GPU directives to move the application to the GPU. Performance analysis tools will then be used to analyze the performance of the application running on the GPU to identify data motion, computational bottleneck, etc.

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Dec 07 2023


9 a.m. - 12 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time | UTC-8)
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
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