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Kokkos Release 3.6 Briefing

Kokkos 3.6 has finally made it out! It comes with a whole load of new features, the most outstanding being an implementation of most C++ standard algorithms. These work with Kokkos::View, and can execute on accelerators.

Kokkos Developers will hold a Kokkos 3.6 Release Briefing on May 24th at 11am MT / 1pm ET / 17:00 UTC covering new features as well as deprecations everyone should be aware of.

Primary topics are:

  • C++ standard algorithms
  • C++ standard numeric traits
  • KokkosKernels New Linear Algebra and Graph Feature
  • Deprecations

Joining Information will be available on this site on the day of the event.


May 24 2022


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
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