Getting Started at OLCF
Congratulations on your allocation award! This half-day workshop will introduce to you the User Assistance team and help you get started at our center. You’ll get information on the basic workings of our resources and valuable tips and tricks to help you run successfully.
This training is design to be delivered as a Webinar by WebEx. However, if you are already badged to get in to ORNL, there are 20 seats available for in-person attendance.
Tentative Agenda
Click here to watch a recording of this event
1:00pm Welcome! OLCF Overview [PDF: Intro New User Training] 1:30pm Best Practices at OLCF [PDF: Best Practices] 2:30pm Storage and IO [PDF: Data Management] 3:00pm Debugging Tools Overview [PDF: Debugging Tools] 3:30pm GPU Tips and Tricks [Cancelled] [tab: Registration]
Registration has been reopened for those still wanting to attend via Webcast.