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Accelerated Data Analytics and Computing Institute Webinar: Tools for Moving to Exascale

Accelerated Data Analytics and Computing Institute
Applications Working Group
BlueJeans Webinar

Tuesday, September 5, 2017
9:00 AM
JICS Training Room

John Levesque
Director of Supercomputing Center of Excellence
Cray Inc.

 Tools for Moving to Exascale

 The webinar focused on desirable scientific programming environment tools for preparing applications for exascale computing. Many of the tools discussed are available today and some may be missing. In the Webinar, the speaker presented what he thinks we need to refactor applications for exascale. Feedback from other application developers listening was encouraged. If we understand the full spectrum of required tools now, we will have a good chance to have them available in time.

John Levesque is the Director of the Cray Supercomputing Center of Excellence, and is an expert in preparing a wide range of applications for next generation high performance computing architectures. He led the Cray Center of Excellence at Oak Ridge National Laboratory takes with delivering scientific applications for Titan, the hybrid accelerated system at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility. He is currently leading the Cray Center of Excellence at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

The ADAC Applications Working Group focuses on adapting important scientific and engineering applications to hybrid accelerated architectures, ensuring sustainability and portability of critical applications, and fostering collaborative scientific efforts in hybrid accelerated data analytics and computing.

The Accelerated Data Analytics and Computing Institute has been established to explore potential future collaboration among UT-Battelle, LLC (UT-Battelle), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich/ ETH Zurich), and Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech). Consistent with their respective missions, the Participants seek to collaborate and leverage their respective investments in application software readiness in order to expand the breadth of applications capable of running on accelerated architectures. All three organizations manage HPC centers that run large, GPU-accelerated supercomputers and provide key HPC capabilities to academia, government, and industry to solve many of the world’s most complex and pressing scientific problems.

You may view the presentation and the video by clicking the links below.

PowerPoint Slides from the Webinar



Sep 05 2017


9:00 am - 10:30 am


Bldg. 5100, Room 134


Tjerk Straatsma
1 (865) 241-5864
[email protected]
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