2017 OLCF User Conference Call: OLCF Data DOI Service
The OLCF hosts monthly User Conference Call. These calls are your opportunity to speak with center personnel to get the latest updates, express any concerns you may have, etc. No registration is required for this event.
Monthly Topic: OLCF Data DOI Service.
Speaker: Raghul Gunasekaran, HPC Systems Engineer
Abstract:OLCF users can now create Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) to publish scientific data artifacts for open access. Raghul Gunasekaran will overview the process of submitting a request for DOI, uploading data and the approval process for getting a DOI. The service is currently available to all OLCF users to publish data sets resulting from OLCF’s compute resources. The DOI service can help users facilitate the sharing and open access of data to the wider scientific community.
News Slides with links to events: OLCF_news_Aug2017
DOI Slides: OLCF_DOI_Service
The recording of this call will be posted on: https://vimeo.com/channels/olcftraining