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2013 INCITE Proposal Writing Webinar

The Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) will be teaming with the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) for an “INCITE Proposal Writing Lecture/Webinar”. The session will provide both prospective and returning users the opportunity to get specific answers to questions about the proposal and review process for INCITE. Representatives from INCITE, OLCF, and ALCF will be present for the event. The webinar is scheduled to begin at 10:00 am Eastern time, 9:00 am Central time and is scheduled to last for 1.5 hours. This webinar will be held twice, so if you can’t make this March 26th event, please register for the April 24th webinar.” (link to

The 2013 INCITE Call for Proposals is for awards of compute time on the Cray XK6 (Titan) system at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility and the IBM Blue Gene/P (Intrepid) and IBM Blue Gene/Q (Mira) systems at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility.

OLCF staff are available to assist with questions by contacting [email protected]. For more information about the INCITE program, see or contact the INCITE manager at [email protected].

To register for this meeting, please click on the registration button below. You will be taken to the OLCF’s webinar registration page. Please complete all required fields and submit your registration. Once your registration is approved, instructions for joining the webinar will be emailed to you.

Register Now


Mar 26 2012




Robert Whitten
(865) 241-1196
[email protected]
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