Using Slurm on Frontier
Using Slurm on Frontier
May 18, 2023
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM (EST)
Virtual via Zoom
Contact: Tom Papatheodore ([email protected]).
This session is part of the OLCF’s Frontier Training Series. Please click this link to visit the main page to see other sessions in the series.
The Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) will host a (virtual) “Using Slurm on Frontier” tutorial via Zoom on May 18, 2023 from 1-3 PM EST. As the name suggests, this session is meant to show new Frontier users how to use Slurm on the Frontier supercomputer. The session will begin with a presentation showing the basics as well as our recommended best practices. After the presentation, existing Frontier users will be encouraged to run their own job steps to make sure their processes and threads are bound to the CPU cores and GPUs they expect. OLCF staff will be available to help during this hands-on portion of the session.
Registration for this event is closed. Please view the event presentation and recording.
[tw-toggle title=”Registration”] [/tw-toggle] [tw-toggle title=”Presentation”] (slides | recording)[/tw-toggle]