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CentOS Dojo

CentOS Dojo
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Building 5200, TN Rooms A,B,C
April 16, 2019
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (ET)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory will be hosting a CentOS Dojo on Tuesday, April 16, 2019. Join us for a full day of deep technical content, and rub elbows with the people that make the magic happen. We will be showcasing some of the awesome work done by ORNL researchers, members of the CentOS community, Nvidia, and more!

NOTE: This page is intended mostly for registration purposes. For more information on the event itself (e.g., schedule, lodging, and other logistics), please visit the CentOS Dojo Event Page.

If you would like to attend, please register using the form below. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Layton ([email protected])

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Thank you for your interest in the CentOS Dojo. Registration is now closed because we have reached maximum capacity.



Knoxville is served by the McGhee Tyson Airport, which is located about 20-25 minutes from West Knoxville and about 30-35 minutes from Oak Ridge (depending on traffic). You will likely want to rent (or share) a car to get around, and also because Uber/Lyft will not be able to enter the laboratory.

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Apr 16 2019


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Bldg. 5200, Tennessee A, B, & C
Oak Ridge, TN


Chris Layton
1 (865) 574-6706
[email protected]
QR Code