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ALCF/OLCF Joint User Meeting at SC17

ALCF and OLCF will have a Joint User meeting at SC17, Wednesday, November, 15th from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm, in the Denver convention center Room 507. Each User facility will give updates about current and coming resources. Now and future OLCF and ALCF users, please join us if you are attending SC.


1:30 Road Map to Aurora,
Katherine Riley Director of Science, ALCF
1:45 Aurora Early Science Call for Data and Machine Learning Projects
Tim Williams Deputy Director of Science, ALCF
2:00 Road map for Summit
Jack Wells, Director of Science OLCF
2:10 Summit Early Science
Tjerk Straasma, Scientific Computing Group Leader, OLCF
OLCF-5 Project, the OLCF Exascale Machine
Jack Wells , Director of Science OLCF
2:30 User Driven Changes at the LCFs
Ashley Barker User support Group Leader, OLCF
Jini Ramprakash, Deputy Division Director, ALCF
2:45 User questions and Feedback
3:00 Close


Nov 15 2017


1:30 pm - 3:00 pm


Suzanne Parete-Koon
[email protected]
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